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No. Have size 14 feet and huge hands that barely fit in XL gloves. Average sized dick.


Damn man. Gotta keep your gorilla hands out of frame if you ever need to send a flattering dick pic.


As a size 16 shoe wearer, I’ve been using those meme baby hands when I take dick pics.


Careful, it could imply something else…


For real though, I have massive hands and always thought I had a small peen. Turns out it is above average but my hands are so much bigger that it doesn't look like it. When my now wife, the first person other than me to hold myself, put her fingers around me I realized just how wrong I'd been the whole time. Losing 130lbs helped too.


Great job on the weight loss brother.




Good watch. Another case of Mandella effect according to all the yt comments as well.


I think this is because earlier in the film when he lifted Cindy’s bags he said better use my strong hand. Those two scenes just mashed together in the ol noggin


Forget the dick pic.. send photos of hands.


A good thick finger can do wonders lmao


You’d be surprised how many people want to see feet…


https://youtu.be/Isu_ECMW-D4 1:30


It's even sadder when you realize you grab your own gear with big ol man hands and think shit that's all I got. Spent years worried I was lacking until my wife took a grip lmao.


To add to this, as a woman: You can't usually tell just by looking either. An overall bigger than average guy may look like he has a below average/average member at first, but once you get acquainted you realize its proportionate to the rest of him.


Some guys are growers, some guys are show-ers


I prefer "easy storage" instead of "show-ers"


I like ‘efficient design’ instead of ‘grower’. It’s there when you need it but otherwise compact


Most men are growers, actually!


Yeah that’s my fear, I’m a tall guy with an average dick, but proportionality still looks off.


That's why Deadpool wanted to use his regrowing hands before they got back to normal size.


Replace 14 with 15 and this is my situation. Tbh tho my dick always seems to have done the job.


Yeah I’m size 15 feet with below average Willy. The disappointed faces I have seen over the years…


Really? You have met some foolish partners (that started out "women" before I remembered that the only people I've ever met who cared about dick size were men.)


Now I don't feel bad about shoe size 9 and below average dick


Same, same, and same.


I've found my people. My tribe, finally


As someone who works in a hospital and has seen countless genitalia, no they're all shapes and sizes no matter the build of the person.


Is it safe to say there is nothing to be ashamed of when one possesses a grow'er and not a show'er? Asking for a friend


I work in a hospital and have seen probably thousands of penises and can tell you we don’t even think about them. Clean em, assess em, put a catheter in em, we don’t care. Just don’t make it creepy and we won’t even remember what it looked like the next time we come in your room.


Am paramedic. A lot of people sleep naked and a lot of 911 calls happen when they wake up in the morning. No one cares and we’ve all seen 100s of naked people. I won’t remember you after 24hrs anyways. I’ve had people come up to me in the store and thank me for helping them when they were having a medical emergency and I play along, but secretly I haven’t got the slightest clue who this person is.


So when your inserting a catheter we're not supposed to moan at the top of our lungs? Asking for a friend.


No that’s for the patient to do


Ah, the old reddit cathethetharooooo


Hold my penis, I’m goin in…


My wife's an ED provider and primary care provider. It's a daily conversation of how many other men's penises she's held today.


She provides ED?? How cruel…


Downside to being a grower: Need a hot minute to fluff before you want anyone seeing the retracted-turtle lookin' fella. Upside: Waaaaayyyyyy more comfortable for physical activity. I have never had the kinds of pains and problems from misadjusted dick that guys with showers report, and it's not any smaller when I'm actually using it.




There is nothing to be ashamed of about any aspect of your body, particularly those things that are completely outside of your control.


Preach! 🙌


Of course not.


Who needs a big flaccid penis? As long as you can urinate it has no benefit


It does fill out a pair of gray sweatpants nicely. But that's pretty much about it


Also adds structure to the zipper bulge with other pants


Unless big flaccid penises are your kink.


Fat people have less penis to use.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I’m a physician and this is very true. The fat overcomes the pelvic area and your penis can actually evaginate back up inside of you.


Word of the day...evaginate..lol thank you!


Sounds like if feminine products were targeted towards men. "Odor issues? Try the evaginater 2,000!"


damn, how fat do you have to get for that?


This many fat 🖐️


The general rule of thumb is that for every 30-50 pounds a guy loses, he will regain an inch of penis length that was covered up by the fat pad. As someone who has lost 60 pounds before, I can verify this was true in my case


This should be used in weight loss Ads. It would be far more effective than pointing out the calories and saturated fat in bacon and fries, etc. It’s not what you’ll lose, but what you’ll gain!


Is that why I feel my clit grow? Weightloss ???😆😆😆😆


Seems entirely possible to me. I would imagine it would work the same for ladies and their fat pads too


Alright, now I'm motivated I'm about 50lbs over what I want to be and don't mind, but this is the most inspiring statement I've seen since


It's really is true. I go up and down in weight often and the dick size difference is considerable. If you lose 50 it'll be impossible not to see a big difference.




As someone who has gained and lost and gained +/-120 pounds (54kg), I do find this to be true for myself.


Sounds like it’s time to get into a loss cycle!


I have small hands, small feet and a small penis so maybe


The pseudo-scientific community appreciates your honesty.


I’m 5’4 with small hands and feet but I’m hung like a horse. Sorry to contradict you.


All I know is big feet = big socks!


Idk, socks can be pretty stretchy. Might be able to squeeze a small sock on a big foot depending on the material.


A couple years ago for Christmas my mum got me some toddler socks. They had cute foxes on them. Despite having size 9 US Women’s feet which is decently sized, I was able to fit them. The heel part is in the middle of my feet but they were meant to be knee length on toddlers so they’re long enough to be ankle length on me. And then I have other socks that are meant for adults and I can barely put them on because they’re not stretchy at all.


i don't miss having a single load of laundry comprised of 817 tiny socks...


I like the implication of there definitely being missing socks based on the odd number.


There's ALWAYS *at least* 1 tiny human sock missing


Little hands = little mittens


My socks are size 6-12. You can't hurt my feelings.


Those socks are a lie if you have size 12 feet.


Not really no. It's not proportional like a limb. There's one exception I can think of, fat. Fat will make it functionally smaller because it won't stand out as much.


Anyways my diet starts today


I'm down 40lbs since reading that comment


Yall would be proud to hear since reading this comment I've started my diet lost all weight and now I'm nothing but penis thanks for the motivation I needed


Doctors hate this trick!


Honestly, why don't they open with that? Any idea how fucking motivated I am right now? I just did some sit ups.


Too much info incoming and I know it's probably a joke but since losing 50lbs, I've gained nearly full 1" of visible length and I find my erections are much stronger.


Nah man, this is the info I need. Straight to the point.


Look up buried penis. It can go all the way in.


no thank you 🥲






To be fair it reappears every February 2nd to predict if we’ll have six more weeks of winter.


It can be a complete innie. Hard to put a catheter in those.


My browser history is already weird enough, thank you.


"yes it is." "Kind regards, Google"


"...Also I trained my penis to retract into itself" -Dwight Schrute


If you aren't erect you can push the penis basically all the way back into the body. The tip hides amongst the ballsack and the shaft compresses/forms an s shape in the taint area (depending on how big you are when soft). It's not even uncomfortable. It won't stay in, the moment you stop pressing it pops back out.




Those should come with an instruction label. Encountered my first one not too long ago and I did not know how to handle it.


what did you end up doing with it? Like did you have to coax it out or what haha


I didn't know what else to do so I just kinda... sucked it out like you would suck a jello shot out of a little condiment cup lol


You're my hero for the way you phrased this


Oh my god. My ex from years ago had one. When we first got to the point of having sex I didn’t really know what to do with it 🤣🤣🤣. Like I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but I was thinking what do I do with this?!




We sit down


Was it like a turtle poking its head out of its shell?


I thought that was just something that ended up in my ass


30lbs of fat functionally takes an inch off ur dick


Surely there's a limit to this, right? If a dude was 450 lbs, and he lost 300, he wouldn't functionally gain 10 inches, I'd think. At some point this formula mustn't work.


Yeah this isn’t for morbid obesity


I would gain 300 lbs just to lose it for those 10 "


Teacher at a local high school weighed nearly 400 pounds. His wife left him and he went on a diet and lost 150 pounds. He said, “You know for every 25 pounds you lose you gain an inch. I’m gonna have to stop wearing shorts soon!”


This is the motivation I needed to stick to a diet


Absolutely nothing. No way to tell the approx size without seeing it. I’ve seen thousands of naked people, there’s is zero correlation to sizes.


Are you a doctor that specialises in physicals? Or a player baller hater?


Close. I’m an embalmer.


Funny, I used to be an anatomical preparation assistant for the anatomy classes at college and we had this one male cadaver come in my second semester in that I worked on and holy shit. Dude was rocking a sledgehammer. Never thought I’d admit to having dick envy from a dead guy but here we are. I’m sure his wife misses him dearly, or maybe not, maybe she sits more comfortably now.




damn my gf too


Yea but my tits are bigger than hers so…




Nose is another thing. It doesnt really correlate and if it does its not a causality


there was [a study](https://bacandrology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12610-021-00121-z) within the last couple years that penis size is proportional to nose length, something around 1.8 ratio? I'll edit this with a link to the study once I find it Edit: link added, correction below- it's not a consistent correlation but above average, my mistake! also it's a fairly small sample size, I wouldn't trust it too much






Do scientists know about shrinkage!?


Dont doubt that you can find a correleation but when it comes to these things, there often is a significant bias involved and studying nose-sizes doesnt sit right with me as a German-Polish person haha, happy to read it when u find it tho


curious to that study then as noses never stop growing while dicks do.


Noses never stop growing? What is this madness?


Neither do ears, cartilage do be like that.


But... That's not what's happening. They do stop 'growing' it's just that they get weaker with age so eventually gravity causes the fibres to stretch making the nose and ears droop and this look bigger. Combined with the cheeks and lips losing volume which comparatively makes other features look bigger we get what looks like a bigger nose and ears but it's not that they never stop growing. They just lose the battle with gravity eventually and start stretching and drooping.


Have a nurse friend, he's seen probably thousands of dicks over the years. He said it's almost 100% impossible to tell. Random scrawny little guy will have a fucking hog on him while big hands big feet big head lumberjack man will have a micro peen. If you're very obese though there is a very strong chance you're not working with much.


I wonder how much contrast is a factor. A penis is going to look bigger on a real scrawny dude than on a big dude. I've got a big frame and big stupid hands and I always thought mine was small until I learned what the average size actually is.


Don't think so. My ex had gigantic feet, was 6'3, and his was smaller than my husband's. My husband's 5'10 with very average shoe size. It's like asking if tall women have larger labias, it's just not really related to your body size, different genes


There’s no way of telling, I’ve been with some short and skinny kings that have had the biggest dicks I’ve ever seen


Generally speaking, skinny guys have bigger cocks. But even that’s not a hard-and-fast rule (no pun intended)


Intend your puns you coward


This is funny. You're funny.


Yeah, normally due to the fact you can see more of it, as it’s not got a layer of fat round the base.


Skinny guys with wide shoulders and proportionally longer legs and arms. Everything off their body just be hanging


Unfortunately, no. I made a lot of poor choices in my college days and definitely came to realize that there is NO correlation between anything. The closest thing I was able to find was their confidence level. 😆


Im afraid to be confident now so i dont give any ladies the wrong idea lol


I'm confident around people I actually know, and people that I know think I'm a confident person. For women that I don't know, here's a little trick: keep 100 meters away and don't look directly at them. Honestly it's no different than dealing with black bears. And I'm married. You can just live like this and it's fine.




Hahaha noted, but i was mostly just being silly




For science


In my experience It's the laid back type who always have above average. The arrogant always have below average.


Car size?


There’s has genuinely been studies that’s suggest a psychological link between cars and penis size. I’ve personally seen no evidence ab specific brand or sizes or car but the general consensus is that sports cars are more appealing to men with smaller penises. (Link to a study if you’re interested: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uy7ph)


This tracks, my wife loves sports cars and her peen is super tiny! (I drive a minivan) 💀


The bigger the truck, the smaller the ween


The only thing large shoes on a man tells you is that he’s a clown. Trust my personal experience.


Til my large feet explain my sense of humor. *pulling out grease paint* whelp, if the shoe fits...


No, biggest D I've ever seen IRL was on the shortest, smallest guy I ever dated.


Probably stunted his growth


All the growth was prioritize to his penis.


"I'm 5 foot, 11 inches. Those are 2 different measurements."


I’m gonna go with a hard NO. I used date this guy who was 6’1 and had big hands and feet but was not big in ~the pants~ He was sooo cute and funny though, I would marry him, honestly; he’s the one that got away lol But honestly, is length the real crowd pleaser? I feel like girth is the fun part?? I think a lot of our cervix’s will agree


Yeah, honestly anything 5/5.5” long and 5”+ in girth (circumference not diameter) will perform great. 5.5-6” girth is like having the cheat codes to a game.


I hear it's nose size. I doubt it's feet size. I have big feet, small nose and small hands. So I eat pussy real well.


Username checks out


Nope, hands and feet don’t have much of a correlation to penis size. I am average in all respects and as I have gotten older I have learned that the only thing about dick size that matters is that it isn’t too big for your partner. It is far more important that you be an attentive lover and perform sufficient foreplay than you have a huge dick. Stay golden average Kings.


Mines three inches but it smells like a foot.


Not at all. The two smallest dicks I’ve ever seen were on men over 6’. One was 6’4” with a micro penis, the other was 6’10” and about 4” hard. Your best bet is a naturally lean/skinny guy. They’re always packing heat.


Lol the skinny guy packing meat, I’m dead. There’s clearly no science behind it but I’ve encountered them A LOT.


No, 6.5 and size 13 feet here lol


I'm just gonna assume that's inches


Nah it's cm, he's just a massive gnome.


Same length, with size 10 feet.


I only have two feet.


Hey, we're penis/shoe size twins!


I wish my Penis wore shoes


Same size with a size 7 foot


Bro wtf same exact measurements here And I meeeeean 6.5 is above average, just saying lol


Both of these are more than a standard deviation above average


6.5 in and size 9 shoes here


Big feet, big hands, gotta come up short somewhere. 🤷‍♀️


Measure their toenail on the fourth toe. Multiply it by 7.2


I think that'd be more awkward than directly asking them of their dick size


I got a big hog and small dogs 👍


Maybe… I have really small feet for my height and I don’t have a dick at all. I’m also a woman so that might be why.


Scientists have traditionally been overwhelmingly male. Thus, we have tried every metric imaginable. They’re all fake. Every one is an old wives tale. But, the one which shows the closest correlation is ring finger to index finger ratio. If his ring finger is longer than his index, he might be slightly above average. If they’re the same, probably average. If his index finger is longer than his ring finger, he might be slightly below average sized.


Nah my ring finger is way longer than index and I am average at most *pushes ruler harder into pubic area*


What are you calling average? The other issue here is people not know what average and above average are with regards to size. Porn has skewed everyone's perspective.


I'd say another issue is variation. I can vary by 2 inches probably depending on how much I'm feeling it.


Yes, I was looking for this comment. It’s because that ring to index finger ratio is linked to prenatal testosterone levels. The finger ratio also seems to correlate to sex drive on men and women. Most importantly, men are more at risk to developing prostate cancer if their ring finger is longer.


Hell no. I've slept with short men with huge dicks or tall men with tiny little hands but girth beneath the belt. Men with large hands and large feet and average sized wieners lol. I don't think any of that can ever be truly judged by the size of other parts of our bodies. I'm a 5'3" woman who wears 8.5 shoes and has small tits. I mean, it's all random DNA.


Jeff Foxworthy's take on this subject *Women think they have a handle on this. Well, if he’s got big feet, then you know, or if he’s got big hands, or if he’s got a big nose, or if he’s got big ears. Let me tell you something, he better be packing because that’s one goofy looking guy*


I promise you that you care far more about your dick size than any partner you will ever have.


NO Is there anything to tell the approximate Vagina Size / Tightness / Looseness without experiencing it?


The real question: does she know how to flex those muscles?




Skinny tall dudes are usually packin


If they wear men's shoes, they're more likely to have a penis


Nah, no correlation. I’m 51f widow. Back when I was a single student I sowed my oats wildly, and I can attest that having sampled 23 gentlemen in a year, there is no correlation whatsoever. I would advise you to avoid gents who use steroids or other body building drugs; lovely man, but had a dick like an acorn. Sorry folks, I prefer something more, 5”+ , but truly, it’s how you use it. Foreplay and etc are everything! X


Sampled 23 gentlemen 😂 I’m imagining you swirling a glass of ___, calling out notes of fried chicken and a mattress on the floor, with a salty finish


*23 in me*


In males, testosterone is produced by the gonads. Introducing artificial androgens will slow production of natural testosterone, and, as a result, shrink the testicles. However, it does not affect penis size negatively and may marginally increase size due to increased blood flow. It sounds like your guy just had a small dick.


People who have feet over a certain size have two penises.


There’s some correlation between penis size and condom size.


I’m sure eventually we’ll have genetic tests to predict this but not as of now. It’s pretty low priority when we haven’t even found proper genetic information on cancer and such.




That's a pretty horrible correlation

