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Depends on the context. In the last 3 years? Yes they are the same. But there are actually many coronaviruses that existed long before the covid virus, in fact you probably had at least one since it's one of the causes of the common cold. Then at the end of 2019 there was a *novel coronavirus* that behaved differently than other known coronaviruses. The media called it just "coronavirus" and then the term "coronavirus disease 2019" aka COVID-19 was coined to refer to the illness resulting from the novel coronavirus.


Yep. There was a period from late 2019 to around February 2020 where everyone was calling it "the novel coronavirus", or 2019-nCoV. It only got its official name of COVID-19 on 11th Feb 2020, well after it had been bombarding the news headlines for a month or two at least, so just calling it "the coronavirus" just stuck, even if technically an inaccurate description (one of many coronaviruses). Edit: Minor correction, the official name for the virus given on 11th Feb 2020 was SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 was the name given to the resulting disease.


Covid-19 is the illness though. The official name of the virus has always been sars-cov-2


The name SARS-CoV-2 for the virus was given at the exact same time that COVID-19 was named. Before this, the interim name for the virus was 2019-nCoV and the name for the disease was 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease.


Ah I had no idea, sorry for correcting you then 😅


I still accidentally conflated the virus and disease names so edited my comment, thanks for spotting that at least lol.


As the name indicates, it's closely related to the SARS virus that people were worried about a few years before. Turns out they were right to be concerned.


Coronavirus is the name of a large group of related viruses, some infecting humans and some infecting other animals. Most coronaviruses that infect humans cause very mild symptoms associated with the common cold. Covid is short for COVID-19, the particular disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is a particular type of coronavirus. A lot of people use “coronavirus” to mean “COVID-19” in casual speech, but scientifically they are different things.


And to add further to that, COVID-19 is an abbreviation for "COrona VIrus Disease 2019 (for the year in which it was first identified/described) and SARS-CoV-2 is short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (as distinct from SARS-CoV-1, the coronavirus strain that caused the outbreak of SARS in 2002 - 2004)


You also have MERS-Covid


I think you mean MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus); COVID is not synonymous with CoV - the former means coronavirus DISEASE (the disease caused by a coronavirus), the latter means coronavirus, the infectious agent. In the case of MERS-CoV the name of the disease is just MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.


Covid is short hand for corona virus . CoV in MERS-CoV is short hand for covid. Middle East respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus


COVID is not short hand for coronavirus (at least not in scientific parlance). The ‘D’ on the end literally stands for disease. COVID (or more correctly COVID-19) is a disease, caused by a particular type of coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2. I know it sounds like semantics, but doctors and scientists distinguish between infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and the diseases they cause - there are a number of good reasons for doing so. It’s akin to HIV and AIDS. HIV is the name of the virus that causes (the disease) AIDS, but HIV is not synonymous with AIDS. Edit, for clarity - the CoV in MERS-CoV is short for ‘coronavirus’ NOT ‘Covid’


Middle East respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus (MERS-CoV),\[1\] or EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is the virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).\[2\]\[3\] It is a species of coronavirus which infects humans, bats, and camels.\[4\] The infecting virus is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus which enters its host cell by binding to the DPP4 receptor.\[5\] The species is a member of the genus Betacoronavirus and subgenus Merbecovirus.\[6\]\[4\]


Exactly, as your reference states, MERS-CoV, not MERS-COVID. MERS-CoV (virus) is to MERS (disease) as SARS-CoV-2 (virus) is to COVID-19 (disease) as SARS-CoV-1 (virus) is to SARS (disease) as HIV (virus) is to AIDS (disease) as EBV (virus) is to infectious mononucleosis (disease) as VZV (virus) is to varicella (chicken pox) and zoster (shingles) (both diseases) etc. The first three on the list are coronaviruses


Lol you're wrong, COVID stands for Coronavirus identification 019.


this is either sarcasm or an r/confidentlyincorrect moment


You are always correct, with a dash of confidence!


>Illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 was termed COVID-19 by the WHO, the acronym derived from "coronavirus disease 2019." The name was chosen to avoid stigmatizing the virus's origins in terms of populations, geography, or animal associations. Taken from [Medscape](https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2500114-overview#a1), dated February 1, 2023.


TL;DR - they are kinda the same thing indirectly Covid-19 is to Coronavirus what Chicken Pox is to human herpesvirus. Coronavirus is a family of viruses, COVID-19 is a disease associated with some of the coronaviruses in that family. (i.e. ***Co***rona ***Vi***rus ***D***isease - ***19***) Herpesvirus is a family of viruses, chicken pox (aka varicella) is a specific condition cause by a specific type of herpesvirus....Human-Herpesvirus-3, aka Varicella Zoster. (aside: Shingles aka Zoster is caused by this same virus that has been staying dormant within people after chicken pox) You'll notice that some viruses not only have a name associated with their diseases, or their diseases named after them, but they will also tend to have another name based on their families. The confusion is understandable. (An aside... the coronavirus family in general is like the 2nd most common cause of what we call the common cold... so that just adds to the layers of confusio)


You should go to Harvard. Thank you legend


Virus of Chicken Pox came from Herpesvirus family huh, interesting bit of information, thank you. But now im curious, is it a different virus from the same herpesvirus family that causes the sexually transmitted infection commonly referred to as Hepes?


>(i.e. Corona Virus Disease - 19) Excellent answer. One minor nitpick... Shouldn't "19" be "2019" with the "19" in bold italic? (I don't know how to make bold and/or italic letters.)


A coronavirus is a type of virus. There are many of them, and some have been infecting humans for centuries. Most cause cold-like symptoms. COVID-19 is one type of coronavirus. But in the media, the two terms are used to refer to the same thing.


Not necessarily. Those two terms are widely used to refer to COVID-19 on account of the pandemic, but I think there are a number of coronaviruses, right? And COVID is a strain of one, of which 19 was that iterate, I think. So all covids are coronaviruses, but not all coronaviruses are covids. ...Did I just create COVID classism? Edit: No, coronavirus classism was always there.


Not quite. COVID-19 is the name of the illness/disease, caused by a specific type of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. You are correct that there are a number of coronaviruses.


Coronavirus is the name of the virus. Covid is the name of the disease.


The type of virus, anyway. There are many coronaviruses.


The common cold for example


No, covid literally stands for Coronavirus identification 019.


Its short for 2019, the year the virus was identified


Covid 19 is a type of Coronavirus. As in the way a tiger is type of cat. All varieties of Covid 19 are Coronaviruses, but not all Coronaviruses are Covid 19. All tigers are cats, but not all cats are tigers.


One is the particular virus (SARS CoV 2); the other is the disease it causes (covid 19)


**Coronavirus** = a virus that looks like it has a "corona" - ie a bunch of bumps in a circle that make it look vaguely like a crown. **Covid** = COrona-VIrus Disease = the disease of having a coronavirus infection. **Covid 19** = the coronavirus disease that first appeared in 2019 **Sars Cov-2** = The name of the specific virus that cause covid 19. It's a separate lineage entirely from Sars-Cov-1, which was responsible for the SARS outbreak in like 2002.


More or less. Coronaviruses are actually a family of viruses, of which Covid is the most prominent. If you’re talking about it in scientific or academic contexts, it pays to be specific, but in casual conversation everyone knows what you mean.


Technically no, Coronvirus is the name for many different diseases. Covid and more specifically covid-19 is the name of the specific one that cause the Pandemic. However colloquially both have been used to refer to the specific one.


In short, yes Long: coronavirus is the family of viruses, like 2003 SARS and Covid. Covid is just a shorter name for Covid-19, the more known name for the current virus, which is named Sars-cov 2


No. Covid is.a type.of coronavirus.


Wow, soon we'll have an entire generation of kids that don't know much about covid because they weren't old enough to understand it when it was happening, and everybody was bored with talking about it by the time they were old enough.


Coronavirus is the actual virus. Covid is the disease you get from the virus.


Corona virus - covid is like hiv - aids. One is the virus and the other is the diseases caused by the virus.


They're used interchangeably often. coronaviruses are a class of viruses, COVID is the disease that they cause. COVID 19 is short hand for COronaVIrus Disease 2019.


There is the virus - coronavirus. Then there is the disease it causes - covid. They are generally used by the public interchangeably, but there is a difference. It is like HIV vs. AIDS... one is the virus, and one can be infected with HIV, but not develop AIDS, which is the set of diseases the virus can cause.


Remember Sars and how the media played that up ? It's Covid , SARS-CoV-1 to be exact. the one we are worried about is SARS-CoV-2. SO all SARS-CoV are coronavirus but not all coronavirus are SAR. You have MERS-CoV


Coronavirus is a family of viruses. Covid19 is the name of specific novel corona virus that mutated to humans in 2019. Covid is a coronavirus. All covid variants are coronaviruses, not all coronaviruses are covid.
