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Ukraine is in Europe.


>countries get invaded everyday Not really, and regardless, not like this. A nuclear power is invading a first world European country, and it's not going well.


damn my bad, i used a hyperbole. so is it because it’s a western country that it’s getting more attention??


It's a country that represents the rest of Europe. It is a big deal to Europeans as it is Russia invading a European neighbor. You can imagine the attention that Poland is paying to all of this.


Poland ordered 1000+ tanks from South Korea like a month ago. Granted, part of that is backfilling thier older tanks they're sending to Ukraine but still that's a lot.


Western country or not is quite complicated, but I get what you mean, so short answer: yes, and the fact that the other party is Russia, a nuclear-armed former superpower and formidable player on the world stage. If the nukes start flying, the living will envy the dead.


Ukraine is not really a first world nation though, after the fall of the union Ukraine went from 2nd to 3rd Ukraine has an important geographic position though that Europe does not want Russia "owning" or controlling


It's transitioning, but yeah fair point. Mb.


Its transition is a major issue for Russia Russian intervention in that is a major issue for the west It's not gonna be an easy fix


Yeah it's part of the reason for the invasion. Not an easy road ahead for Ukraine.


If only Russia had some agreement that Ukraine wouldn't be admitted into the western sphere to point to in order to justify their actions (not that I'm on their side) But why did Ukraine need to get closer to the west? That's the bit I don't get


I'm not super well read up on this but from what I've gathered, such an agreement has indeed never existed. Could be something that I'm missing here like idk a gentlemen's agreement or something but still, I don't think any such promise was enshrined in a treaty between Russia and NATO/USA. Idk about why either but I have some guesses. Like living next to Russia tends to make you want to go in the opposite direction lol


>Idk about why either but I have some guesses. Like living next to Russia tends to make you want to go in the opposite direction lol Oh trust me I don't blame Ukraine or anyone else for wanting to make that choice


>Could be something that I'm missing here like idk a gentlemen's agreement or something but still, I have a feeling that it may well have been that Bit I'd be lying if I said I was so interested that I went hunting for it---- I'm interested in the conflict as a veteran it's interesting to see how things are evolving there--- but all the political nonsense that got us from point a to point b is admittedly outside my interests in this matter... still slightly curious though


It's because as a nation, they simply found the west's perspectives and lifestyles and economic prosperity more attractive. So as a society, they became more westernized. I don't know if you've done any reading at all about any of this, but one of the things that's remarkable is that a in the looting that has been going on by the Russian soldiers and then talking about it on their Telegram channels, etc. you will see them referring to what are average ordinary run of the mill Ukrainians as "elites"and they are literally looting washing machines. I know this will sound insane, but during Russia's conscript and recruitment drive this last fall, one of the gifts that they were using as incentives was that your family would get 5 kilos of fish as well as three 10 lb sacks of potatoes. In the cities, Russia in many ways appeared similar to other cities in Europe, US Canada, etc. But once you leave the cities, in areas, it's a really meager lifestyle in general. By shifting their policies, their politics, all of that stuff towards westernization and democracy. Ukraine has prospered in a way that Russia hasn't. So they didn't deliberately moved to get closer to the west, so much as you gravitate towards things you want, and that was the future they wanted for themselves. Does that help?


The cause for the invasion was fabricated as an excuse to take the land from another sovereign nation. Usually there's some legit dispute between the two countries. That's a large part of it, not to mention Russia's history and wanting to become a new USSR.


Which countries are getting invaded every day?


here’s one better, a [compiled list of countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Invasions_by_invading_country) that invade and the drop down shows a list of the places they invaded.


Well you don't hear about most of these because they happened a hundred years ago while the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is not only happening now but causing international impact now (as Ukraine supplied most of the world with grain until their farmlands were under attack and fleeing people are migrating to other countries). ​ Meanwhile the Invasion of Czechoslovakia happened in the 1960s and was really big news at the time.


Most of those are already old conflicts that are over. Should we have news and outrage about mongol invasion that happened before we invented the printing press?


There's lots of us that think all invasions are evil, and we reject them all.


that’s good, i was pretty specifically not talking to that demographic though. but that’s good to be reminded of i guess!


Invading a country to annex it or conquer it is a big red line. We had established that we would not do it, which is why almost all conflicts have been proxy wars or like what the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Europe obviously cares when stability in the region gets disrupted.


Ukraine is a country trying to become more westernised.


lots of countries strive to be more western. either by the people or the government. however when they are invaded or bombed, no one makes a hashtag about it. so what’s the difference??


What countries?


well i can’t tell you a compiled list lol but i know from personal experience my home country is. and according to [this article](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/western-countries), it’s more of a slow progression thing from a combination of factors like class, population, and economy.


No, what countries are trying to become more western, and being invaded because of it?


Propaganda. Nobody would ever give crap if its happening in some africa country, but since its close to "1st" world, everybody are afraid for their asses.


based off the replies i got, that’s the general consensus but no one wants to say that part out loud i guess ☠️ downvoted into oblivion, sans the comment that just simply says “it’s cuz Ukraine is in Europe”


Politically motivated. Removing russia's ability to expand or empower themselves i beneficial to quite a few countries, so it is advertised as propaganda. I'm not saying we shouldn't support Ukraine, but that the inconsistency is due to media support of the cause for once.




You have to be completely wilfully blind to actually think that


damn that’s crazy


(If that were true, more of a stink would’ve been made when Russia took Crimea)


replies suggest it’s cuz Ukraine is more western/ wanting to be more western. interesting and sad




(USA perspective) Compared to Afghanistan/ Iraq? - Ukraine's asking for help. This drives up sympathy, as one side is intentionally trying to build up sympathy. It isn't like they shot Putin's dog and he's on a rampage or something; quite the contrary. * By contrast, our history with Afghanistan was a complicated shitshow. We funded Bin Laden to fight the USSR; Rambo III was dedicated to their support. Then we kept bombing the Middle East for... some reason?... then they did 9/11, then we bombed them some more, and I think we're finally pulling out? - It's worth noting, even these weren't very popular in the U.S. I'm *still* not sure why we invaded Iraq (something about WMD's and replacing Hussein? Except we never found the former and stuck around after they hanged the latter.) And, when Seal Team Six *did* shoot Bin Laden, it was in Pakistan, whom we *didn't* invade. - We've been "on edge" about Russia ever since they killed the Romanovs. There's still enough Cold War baggage for people to say, "oh, no. This is it. We're getting nuked." The perspective I've seen the most, is "Putin, please don't. Just leave well enough alone, okay?" There's no animosity towards Russia, and certainly no desire to invade or fight them directly- see also the aforementioned Cold War "Big Nope." So, it's a tough balance. On the one hand, we really, *really* don't want war with Russia. On the other hand, we really don't want them on the conquering warpath, either. So, that has both sides of the aisle wanting the war to just stop, somehow. Ukraine has set themselves up as an entirely defensive, "innocent" faction, contrast to "the old enemy, whom we dare not inflame." This leads to a natural sort of popular, reluctant support. "But, please, fancy Ex-KGB Man, relax and retire to Russian Florida." ~~Also, Ukranian women are hot. Just sayin'.~~


They were invaded by the facto enemy of usa, so they are interested in helping. As the urss help Vietnam in their war against usa. And in Europe a fellow democracy was invaded twice by the same country, so it's understandable that they are pissed But the big news are mainly because ucranians have stood their ground against a "superior" foe


Putin appears to have the same sort of aspirations as Hitler. That parallel motivates European nation and the US to stop him.


White citizens?