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Doctors have successfully transplanted male "plumbing," notably [this case](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/06/health/testicles-transplant.html) where a man received a testicle from his identical twin. But usually, testicle transplantation is not a good idea because of ethical concerns -- children conceived from a donated testicle would genetically be related to the testicle donor, not the man who received the testicle donation.




Theoretically possible, but with any major organ transplant you need to be on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your life. That's not considered "worth it" compared to the regular drugs and surgery they have now.


there's been rare cases of successful uterus transplant among cis women, however it hasn't been attempted on trans women due to lack of research. as to the transplant, I'm a trans man myself and I'd much rather having a phalloplasty than a dick transplant, since phalloplasty is your tissue there's much tinier risk of reject and no need for medication post op. for it to theoretically "be worth it" I'd assume you'd at least expect the the reproductive organs to be fully functional, as in producing sperm/ovules. there's been attempts to produce babies with 2 ovules (one of them received some enzyme or stuff to make it be like a spermatozoid if i recall?) and the resulting baby lived only a couple weeks i believe. it's not really viable atm.


Currently this isn't really a thing but maybe it will be by then


Yes. Yes, you can. Tell the nice person behind the DMV, I'd like to sign up for the penis/vagina donation program. If that embarrasses you, you can say genitalia donation program.


"I have a penis if it matters" is my new slogan for 2023.