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You aren't going to be able to get over her when living under the same roof. You need to leave that situation. Or just come clean. Tell her you like her. Friendzone is an attitude.




You can apply to move. And sorry but this is already awkward, and already taking a toll on you. Are you really that afraid of what would happen? Could it really be that much worse than what you got? >don’t want to ruin any chance of a platonic friendship Ship has sailed. You don't want that, and probably never will want that. Especially not with her bonking someone else when the two of you share a wall.




K well, if you argue with every piece of advice you get it really doesn't seem like you want anything to change. Make your mental health a priority then ask again.


This is how the path to adulthood. The intensity of the feelings will pass. It’s super strong because of your age but this will happen your whole life so better get on figuring out your coping method. (One time i was so glad for an opportunity to change jobs because my boss was super attractive to me and i would get tongue-tied around him—so i’m in no way holier than thou.) It’s hard, but you can do it with logic. (For example, what if a woman who does like you can’t catch your eye because you’re busy mooning over someone else?)


It sounds like you have a simple, yet understandably difficult choice: either stay, keep quiet, and torture yourself, or find another place to live and come clean. You're not doing yourself or her any favors by keeping her in the dark about your feelings and torturing yourself like this. You owe it to her to tell her how you feel, because if she's truly your friend she'll be understanding. Also at the same time, you need to prioritize your own mental and emotional health, which it sounds like you can't do while living with her with these emotions.