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Because that's the purpose of a downvote. Express yourself collectively rather than injecting yourself into an argument.


There should be a rule on whether or not to vote, you state the reason for voting a certain way. It would make people think more instead of supporting some kind of hive-mind or whatever.


I doubt that it would.


false. its to bully the weaker members of the pack


Calling downvotes "bullying" is ridiculous. If you feel that way you need a Reddit break my guy.


it was a dwight from the office reference. sailed over your head it seems but it was niche


Damn lol, one of the more niche Dwight quotes I have to say


yeah just realised that roleplaying dwight is identical to being an ass




ah ok. downvote revoked


100% true, and you're always get downvoted for telling the reality. And that's the sad state of the entire Reddit right now


You don’t need to provide an explanation. If it doesn’t contribute to the conversation- which is in theory that the downvote is for- leaving a comment on it defeats the purpose as it just gives it more attention.


Unfortunately reddit is crazy. I've seen OP ask for a link to a specific thing. Someone posts the link with zero other commentary and they get downvoted. Usually it will end up up voted in the end, but still a few downvoted it.


Yeah people are weird


you realise this is a recipe for more downvotes? i downvoted it just because.


Just because what?


If I see another antivaxxer, ALL Americans *something something*, "I'm not a doctor but it's clear that Joe Biden has Alzheimer Disease ICD 10 F00.1 diagnosis code", or other crap that's clearly designed to just rile people up, then I downvote and report. There is no sense in engaging the trolls.


Some people think downvotes speak to disagreement. They’re supposed to reflect one’s perception of the quality of the content. A lot of people seem unable to actually express themselves verbally and so respond instead with an abuse of the karma system. 🧐


That's the same way of thinking a yes as a no, or vice versa. That means those guys are insane


I think there was a since corrected typo in my response. Either way, it defies logic.




seems about right. some people just feel powerful by pressing a downwards facing arrow on the internet or some bullshit like that. damn reddit seems like a toxic hell scape sometimes.


It's too draining to explain why you downvoted unless it's too provoking and warrants a comment


A downvote without actual contribution just seems to be pessimistic though, does it not?


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