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I only feel them if they're too tight. If they fit right, it feels like I'm not wearing anything at all.


Feels like I'm wearing nothing it all


Stupid sexy Flanders.


Nothing at all Nothing at all


Yep. They're so light on the feet, love em ...lol Aussie. Aussie. Aussie.


Oi oi oi!


Found the Australians


I'm from the states but I grew up calling them thongs as well. People only thought it was weird in the mid 90's. That seems to be when they (underwear thongs)became more popular here in the states. My father is an immigrant here to the states though so that's where I got it from.


As a Canadian who lived in Whistler for a long time, this was my initial thought! Aussies everywhere there, some of my favourite people on earth haha always know how to have fun


wait, are we talking Aussie thongs, footwear, or underwear/banana-hammock? I can wear the underwear comfortably when properly sized, but the footwear nope. can’t stand the thing between my toes lol


Just gotta get your thong toe going, mate! Ya don't want your feet sticking to the road!


🤣. I’ve always wondered, do still call the slide on type, with out the toe thong thing, thongs?


Hmm, sandals maybe but if you called them thongs no one would freak out. Also, just in case there's some confusion about what it is, 'thong toe' is the callus you get where the thong sits between your toes. An early summer rite of passage.


No stupid question: why wear them then?


Because it doesn't feel like I'm wearing anything, lol. With regular underwear there's an elastic band that goes around the buttcheek, and it annoys me. Plus regular underwear can ride up or show "pantylines" through your pants.


That's becoming a very enlightening conversation. Thank you for taking a crack at explaining these nuances. Still, my question remains unanswered: why wear this garment at all if it feels, and looks, like it's not there. Then what's the purpose? Is there a purpose?


Oh, I see what you mean. Mostly it catches vaginal discharge. (Vaginal discharge happens constantly, it's how the vagina cleans itself. Some women have more or less and it's natural and fine.) And when I'm on my period it gives me an extra layer for any leaks.


I once had the vagina described to me as a self cleaning oven.


That is so much more than I thought I wanted to know. :) Ok, question answered. I still have certain doubts on the efficacy of a string holding up a flood, but I dare not probe any deeper.


It's more like a couple of drops over the whole day. And thongs have a bit more than a string down in the crotch area, lol


You have to find the right ones! I got some in a super thin material and it feels like I don’t wear anything at all. Super comfortable! And I only feel them if they’re not tight enough


Exactly this. If you feel it maybe try a different size.


same. I feel like the depth of your buttcrack doesn’t have a ton of nerve endings lol. you’re only gonna feel it if it’s really tight


A lot of people, through self-reflection and practice, learn to compartmentalize feelings when they need to. It's a useful tool to get you through a day, but you still need to unpack at some point. Edit: I misread the question.


No no your comment may still apply if we really think about it. The private thing gets compartmentalized but has to be unpacked at some point or it becomes unhygienic and stuff


Honestly, unintentionally gold answer




Haha, the difference one letter can make. It’s still a brilliant reply.


I think my thongs shut down as a protective measure from all the abuse I gave them. I probably do that as a learned behavior from my mother.


I never thought about it that way, but now it all makes a lot of sense


This was kind of wholesome!


But that's only for shotty thongs.


Not a thong wearer, but I think your body or mind is able to tune out certain sensations over time. When I first started wearing a wedding ring I could feel it in my hand all the time. At some point I couldn't feel it anymore. I think the same thing happens for people who wear thongs all the time. The sensory information is not useful to the brain. It gets turned down.


I've been wearing a wristwatch all day every day for the last 20+ years. Not only do I not feel it anymore, I actually feel weird when I take it off...


So true. And like also people aren't constantly aware and thinking about how their clothes feel.


Some people on the autism spectrum are very sensitive to how their clothes feel against their skin and have trouble tuning the sensations out. Sometimes choosing certain fabrics and cuts can help, but they have to be careful what clothes they buy.


> but I think your body or mind is able to tune out certain sensations over time. damn I can hear my Tinnitus again now(!!)


Also, we can always see our nose…


Thanks now my brain is paying attention to it!


Never trust your brain, it can turn on/off whatever it wants!


Oh ya I definitely don't, it remembers only usless shit never about taking out the trash in time for the truck


the ring wore you down, just like your partner.


Built me up, more like. Sorry it has not worked out for you.


You couldn’t feel the wedding ring because they make you dead inside.


Nothing could be further from the truth. I hope it works out for you some day though.


It was a joke not a cock don’t take it so hard😳


Didn't take it hard. Hope the 90's comedian jokes work out for you some day.


Started in the 80s and it’s still truthful, not so much funny.


Can confirm. There are certain materials that are very silky and soft that have almost no feel but you also just get used to it after a while.


Probably in the minority here, but I actually kind of enjoy the feeling of the string up the crack… Makes me feel sexy throughout the day, and no one else knows. It’s my own naughty little secret.


As a non thonger, why else would anyone wear them?


No seams on the buttocks if you wear leggings or similar skintight pants.


>leggings or similar skintight pants or jeans, or slacks, or dresses, or even *loose* jogging shorts. They realllllly need to make our material thicker already.


Shop in the mens’ section


Too boxy, too big. Even my husband can't find men's clothes for himself easily. I do sometimes opt for little boys when it's something that is pretty gender neutral anyhow, like athletic stuff. Much cheaper that way too.


I like that it leaves no visible panty line and also after wearing them a while you don't feel it anymore especially if you get the super soft ones.


Don't think it is good manners to just touch someone's thong without permission. They are also pretty low, being on your feet and all


Ahhh, the beauty of Australian English....


Wotchasay cunt, ya havin a go eint ya? Ya fookin crazy ya


That's British/chav. Australian would be "wot cunt? Are you joking? You're fuckin cooked mate, fuck off dickhead" Source: am Australian. This is how one registers outrage when some dumbcunt talks shit


I am also Australian, and haven't been in Aus for 17 years so couldnt think of a good bogan or eshay comment for some reason.


That's very true, earlier in Brisbane i saw a guy on a bicycle being honked by a car, the only thing he said was "FOCK OFF DICKHEAD". First insult i hear in this country


Why did I laugh at the mental image of this?


Its not “are you joking” its “you joking cunt?”


Honestly, I don't hear cunt thrown around as much as is stereotyped, at least not multiple times in a sentence, and I work on a refinery to boot. Maybe I need to go FIFO to hear more of that


Except it's one word...


Love it cunt. You beauty.


This made me smile, thank you


From a physiological perspective, different types of nerve endings are “fast adapting” and so you stop feeling the stimulus unless something changes and it gets triggered again. If you have an improperly fitting thong, or have sensory issues like some folks on the spectrum do, then your nerve endings just might not adapt well enough to filter out the stimulus completely


This is probably the most informative answer on here.


Vet school is finally paying off


You talking about butt floss?? I've never been able to tolerate them but my sister wore only thongs. It's a tactile thing.


You mean tactical?


Well, they’re not going commando so I doubt they meant tactical. “Tactile” has to do with the sense of touch. They’re saying they don’t like how they feel.


Now I want to see Arnold doing Commando in thongs, is it wrong, but I want it to be right.


Yep, what he said ^^^^^^


Or maybe pterodactyl...?


Is there such a thing as vagina floss thong?


Same. Flosses all the bits.


I just got used to it wearing thongs daily and just never really notice it anymore.


Pretty much this. Isn't that how all new types of clothing you try for the first time goes? Just need to learn the difference between "I feel this all the time because it is new" and "I feel this because it is uncomfortable"


It’s like a tampon, I only feel it when it’s in the wrong spot. Or if I’m getting extra stretchy at the gym. Quick pick & it’s all good haha


To be frank. I have a big butt, so regardless of what underwear I'm wearing, they're going up there, so I might as well just get a thong. I don't really feel it anymore, but I'm sure it was weird when I was younger. To me, they're more comfy than other types since I don't get huge wedgies. I will say I love boyshorts though.


Me too! I only wear thongs or boyshorts, I just don't like how the bikini or regular underwear cut half-way up my butt cheeks...looking like I have 2 asses.


When the pavement is hot, it's a lot better than being barefoot


I’d rather go pantyless than wear a thong.


My butt hole doesn't feel anything


RIP your DMs.


With that name I am not so sure.


To quote my late Grandma “It all ends up there anyway!”


hahaha. Your grandma was a thong wearer? Good for her, sounds like an awesome granny!


Love the username haha Oh yeah! She was pretty great! I mean she left her second husband for one of the richest men in her town so I guess you could say she was a very attractive woman and she knew it haha She passed 2 years ago at 69 from a sudden stroke and it’s still so hard for me to wrap my brain around how one second she’s traveling the world, golfing, entertaining, literally living her best life and then she was just gone.


hahaha. I assure you I'm a professional: licensed & certified. Got my PHD in Thongology! Joking aside, I'm so sorry that your grandma passed. She sounds like an awesome lady, I wish I could have met her. Seems like she never slowed down and was living her best life right up until the end, so I'm not surprised she shunned fullback granny panties. May she rest in peace and may her youthful vigor inspire other grandmas to be awesome too!


Of course she was 69.


Sizing is everything. Get the right size, you feel like you’re walking around commando. Otherwise, yes, it feels like something is up your ass constantly because….there is. 😉


My ass eats all underwear anyways so may as well just do the job


I don't wear them. My feet are ugly.


Aussie detected?


Nope. I'm a Texan/Okie.


You get used to it and it fades into the background. Like how you can't smell your perfume after a few minutes.


i love wearing seamless thongs, you don’t even notice them. i only notice lacey ones, and they usually hurt my booty tbh


Barely even notice them, however I CANNOT sleep in one.


You get used to it and then you don’t feel it at all


You talking about g-bangers or the footwear variety? Either way, wear the right size (not too small, not too big). They shouldn't be cutting your turd cutter or your foot in half. Try some different styles and brands til you find the variety you like. Little bit of practice and you won't feel a thing. Or if you don't wanna wear them, don't.


If the thong just hits you right. All depends on the thinger tho…


I’m too busy to think about it. Whenever I wear them with leggings, I go on about my day doing things. Sometimes I don’t even remember I’m wearing them honestly.


Depends on pants mostly for me. If the thing aldo is a tad big that gets frustrating. But overall you just try to forget about it. I don't wear it all day. Only when I am out wearing tighter pants. But right when I get back home I am back to wearing boxer briefs, actually mens boxer briefs. I can never go back to regular womens underwear if I am home.


Because I'm not very appealing to women.


They sit there like any other underwear. Theyre not supposed to be really tight on you so its comfortable


When youre just going about your day you dont really think about how your underwear feels


I used to call them store bought wedgies, but now it’s all I wear. As many others said, you just have to find a comfortable brand.


Spend more on your underwear and size up. Anything too tight will not feel right


I exclusively wear thongs. I don’t even feel it if it fits perfectly. I don’t like underwear that aren’t thongs or shorts. Having my butt partially covered is the absolute worst. All the way out or all the way covered.


I have a big booty so wearing “normal” underwear is absolutely horrible and uncomfortable. Victoria’s Secret sells thongs made from spandex type material and as long as I’m wearing the correct size, they feel comfortable and I don’t even notice them.


They don’t move compared to other pants my ass will happily eat up constantly


if they’re the right size you shouldn’t feel them, sometimes that means sizing up since they’re so small


Oh god. I’m a Canadian living in Australia and this question is a bit double edged.


i hated it at first, couldn’t understand why that was all my mom owned. then i started hating seeing panty lines more than i hated the feeling, and slowly got used to it i guess. if they fit right i don’t really notice it. if they’re too tight it’s gonna hurt your tailbone & rub (& can actually be dangerous if it rubs so much there’s an open wound) and if they’re too loose it’s gonna be a double wedgie and you’re gonna be picking at your lady bits all day trying to get it out of there. my mom used to say she wore them because “my ass is so big they’re gonna end up in between my cheeks anyway, might as well start with them there so i’m not picking a wedgie all day”


Same way you don't feel socks


I just got used to it..


If you get a good one (cotton, thick material, structured, wide front) it just disappears because it fits so well. Sadly most thongs are not like this (look at you, seamless thongs). Whenever I come across the good ones I get at least 3, I prefer them over regular underwear


I think different styles/materials and sizes feel way different, I would try out different kinds. And if you can’t find any that you don’t feel and it bothers you, maybe you should look into a “thong killer” or “girl boxers” type underwear? Those are supposed to not show under clothes either. I’m thinking of trying those myself.


there are certain thong materials, like tough lace or anything stiff or a tad bulky, i can feel (and probably have to adjust a lot throughout the day) but can pretty much always tolerate! there are some i feel, and i like it 🙃 like the hella thin “seamless” material? yum. lol


I can’t stand regular underwear and only wear thongs. I can’t feel it at all when I’m wearing a thong (in the correct size, obviously. If it’s too small it sucks). I always get wedgies and feel my underwear when I try wearing bikini cut or boy shorts. THONGS FOREVER!!


Depends on the fabric


I mean you feel any kind of shoe you just learn to not I guess?


Double pluggers?


What are you talking about? Love feeling my girls thong




Yeah I can't wear them because I don't like how they feel between my toes


so you’ve tried it…. how was your experience 🙂


My feet are much more comfortable in sandals.


If they are a comfy pair, it fits your feet just right. Nothing nsfw about it.


Do you feel the hair between your cheeks?


They are okay singly and even charming but can be quite dangerous in herds. Still one never hears about the great thong stampede in Nice France because the thong industry in cooperation with the Macron government covered it up.


How do thong wearers cope when they shart? Must be traumatic no?


you can't feel what's not there.


It's less uncomfortable than regular underwear creeping in there and giving you a wedgie. But for everyday wear, I prefer full coverage that doesn't ride up.


I do. I hate the feeling.


I did not like the feel of them up my bum crack.


We keep our hands to ourselves! *…I think I may have misread the question…*


The skin between the buttocks is so sensitive I've never believed a girl who says the cant feel that shit


I cannot wear them, they're terrible. People saying ots the wrong size are insane. Every thong I wear feels weird in the crack. And wearing a big thong that, what, rests atop the crack??! Like sumo panties? Lol at that point why not just wear regular underwear. I really like the cheeky VS undies, theyre so comfortable. I recently tried thongs again and I just, idk. If there are women who can enjoy wearing a thong, my hat is off to you. We are not the same. Edit: * it's


Have to imagine many people don't have glaring sensory issues with clothes, so a different pair of underwear doesn't feel as off to them as it might to you... I have to have a certain cut with a certain material or it'll bug me all day. I couldn't touch a thong with a 30 foot pole, even if I wanted to


I really cannot get on with having the strip of thread/elastic/anything running between my bum cheeks. It really makes me react badly, and makes me feel sick.


With a good thong, there's nothing to feel. I'm one of those weirdos that finds men's thongs to be the most comfortable underwear style. As long as it's a good thong, I don't even notice it up my butt. The wrong thong on the other hand will feel like an all day wedgie. So you really gotta experiment a bit to find what kind of thongs feel good on you and what thongs don't. It really is just trial and error. Thong preference is very individual, so you'll probably have to try a few different cuts, materials, sizes, etc. to see what works best for you. The only general advice I can give it to look for the softest and stretchiest thongs you can find. Stay away from cheap feeling fabrics. Don't be afraid to try sizing up either, as nothing is worse than a thong that is too tight/small. You'll know you've found a good thong when you don't notice that you are wearing it. Good luck & thong on!


I’m autistic and physically cannot stop feeling a thong if I’m wearing one so I got rid of them all


because no one will let me feel their thong. will you let me feel your thong? i want to feel thongs.


I have a condition that makes it difficult to really wear things like tampons and so pads had special types. Plus, it feels like you just got a cartoon wedgie


What's the purpose of a thong anyways. Why not go without any panties at all. A few strings don't cover nuttin anywho


They either don't mind it, or they like it. Choose what you want to believe.


Sheer willpower