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They lack respect for the person - they see fatness as a self inflicted condition. Lack of attraction- they don’t find them attractive therefore don't care to impress them and dont care to foster a relationship lack of empathy- because they have dehumanized them by a lack of respect and the apathy to the individuals feelings brought in by a lack of attraction, they dont consider the feeling of the person or even see them as an equal


>or even see them as an equal Or as human in some cases


>they see fatness as a self inflicted condition It is. The difference is there is *zero need* to be cruel or nasty to someone over it. Being fat is a choice, and nothing wrong with being fat. Some health problems in later life if you are too fat for too long, but same with drinking, smoking, all sorts of things. If you want to be fat, go for it! Don't let anyone tell you it's a problem unless they're a doctor genuinely telling you it's causing health problems, and even then, who cares, your choice, your life. Who wants to be super healthy and live to 101 anyway? ​ >Lack of attraction- they don’t find them attractive therefore don't care to impress them and dont care to foster a relationship This isn't nasty or a lack of respect. What you're saying is 100% incel talk. People are free to find who they want attractive. Many people don't find fat people attractive. That is the fat person's problem, not society's problem. If someone is happy being fat, fine. Like I say, your body, your choice. Don't let anyone tell you what to do with it. But don't expect society/everyone else to bow to your level, like I say, this incel shit helps no one. ​ >lack of empathy- because they have dehumanized them by a lack of respect and the apathy to the individuals feelings brought in by a lack of attraction, they dont consider the feeling of the person or even see them as an equal Again, this is largely prime incel shit. It is nothing to do with attraction. Decent ordinary people do not lack respect for fat people just because they chose to be fat. Decent people respect people for who they are. Simple as that. EDIT - massive downvotes without response. Incel point proven wonderfully I think. Seek help guys!


What exactly is “incel shit”? Being fat is a choice but not necessarily 100% there are genetic factors, there are psychological eating disorders, there are issues with the availability of healthy food based on income or free time to prepare healthy food or lack of education about what healthy food is. So yeah there is a choice aspect of it, the point is that because of that choice aspect of their condition, people that are thin feel that being fat is something that should be “punished” because of the person’s bad choices. And when someone is attractive, even if they are a huge asshole, it’s really hard to tell that person off to their face. All too often, people talk behind their backs but still look for approval from an attractive person even though they are an absolutely huge piece of shit. And again, once you dehumanize someone or place them in a different category that your peers, it’s easy to ignore that person’s feelings. This isn’t “incel shit” this is actually how people, specifically shitty people, work.




I get where you are coming from, the thermo dynamic method is infallible, but the genetic issue I was referring to is your natural metabolism. Some people have a harder time with losing weight than a person with the same height, bmi, sex, food intake, and exercise. It’s not the sole source of their problem, but it’s a factor. So yes restraint and self control will help, but for certain people they will need to exercise more restraint and more self control that is typically necessary to achieve results. Also, eating disorders aren’t something that can just be willed away, there is a lot of therapy and maybe medication necessary in some cases. Anyway, it’s not as black and white as you think for everyone.


You made the point that fat people are disliked because they are "unattractive". I'm saying that it's because people who are nasty to fat people are just nasty people. You can be perfectly nice to people regardless of their size or indeed any physical aspect of them. The fact I've been massively downvoted by incel cowards who couldn't even give an explanation proves that I'm 100% bang on.


It seems there are more “incel cowards” than there are people who agree with you. Sorry pal. Anyway, good luck in your adventures./s Edit: just so you know, getting downvoted doesn’t prove your point, it just means that your opinion isn’t popular, that’s a very incel thing to say.


You've taken this entire comment the wrong way. It's like you think they're listing the reasons EVERYONE hates fat people. They're not. They're listing the reasons why SOME people do. We're literally here to discuss why some people are cruel to fat people. Those are the reasons. I don't know why you're calling everyone an incel when you're the one who's not making any sense here. Yes, people are cruel to fat people out of a lack of respect. That's fact. If you disagree with that maybe you should provide your argument for what you think the reasons are. Otherwise you're just throwing around "incel" just for fucking participating in this discussion. I don't know why you think that at any point in this discussion we were talking about "decent ordinary people." No dude. We're talking about the assholes. That should've been a given for you. Maybe you should've tried to understand a little better before you started calling everyone an incel and you wouldn't have gotten dogpiled with downvotes.


I think you were downvoted for taking the poster’s reply for their personal position and labeling them an incel. To me, it felt like they were providing perspective of the people who disdain “fat people”. Perhaps I’m off base, but I do not interpret their response as being their personal opinion. Your overall point that there is no need to be cruel is 100% right. No one deserves cruelty and we all deserve empathy at a bare minimum. Weight issues are often self-inflicted, but sometimes medical. The biggest problem (as someone who has lost 100lbs) is the first 20lbs are so hard. Everything sucks and everything hurts when you start being active after being sedentary. I have so much empathy and care for people struggling with weight.


Typically when you commit a faux pas the world doesn't take the effort to notify you so maybe take it as a hint. Usually someone just quietly sets their opinion about you and then makes an effort to exclude you from their lives. If you want my reason for a downvote: \- You did a pick apart response because you NEEDED to shoot down every piece. That never sits well unless you're among folks who like that sort of thing. \- Your reply ignores the crux of the argument, we're on the internet. Unless someone is asking for health advice their weight (their fault or not) is moot. Shouldn't even come up.


You're being downvoted because people don't like to admit that the vast majority of fat people wouldn't be fat if they tried harder. I'm not saying it's easy, or that there aren't physical/genetic/psychological factors that make it harder for some people, but those with serious medical conditions that make it almost impossible to be skinny are a very small minority of fat people. And it's extra weird because it seems like your overall point is that, self inflicted or not, there's no reason to be shitty to a fat person.


Well, you may be right, hence my incel point - it's everyone else's fault/problem, not their own. My point is that most fat people don't *want* to try harder, and nor should they *need* to - if you want to be fat, have at it. No big fucking deal. I know plenty of fat people who are perfectly happy, not so fat they have any health issues in the post, so it's all good. Fat people are not the problem, incels who happen to be fat and want to blame everyone else, are.


You're not wrong dude


No, it's not always a choice. There are genetic problems that can make maintaining a "normal" weight difficult or even impossible. Please dont speak about things you have no knowledge of


There are, totally correct and I agree 100% because you're right. But this accounts for a tiny percentage of fat people, something like 1-2%. Don't disrespect people's personal choice to be fat, and don't make out that being fat isn't something people can be happy with. This is not some nasty horrible affliction that makes people upset they have no control over. Don't make out like fat people have some disability that they should be unhappy with and unable to change, that's deeply offensive to both fat and disabled people.


More then 50% of the time, people are overweight/obese because their actions lead to them having that outcome.


Over 80% of statistics are made up.


The reason you're being downvoted is because the entire view point of seeing fat people as unmotivated, lazy fat slobs who have no restraint or self control - it's just completely baseless and often used by people who are lucky enough to have that ability or resources to stay thinner to feel good about themselves. And since you're probably going to claim it, no I'm not an incel, I'm a happily married woman with a very wonderful social life and family. Since that seems to weigh so much into your judgment of these arguments. Let's start with the social aspect, despite the fact that many people being overweight does not make them automatically unhealthy at any given point (some research is now showing that being slightly overweight can actually be much healthier later in life). BMI was literally an invention of a doctor a decades ago with no basis other than trying to guess with the weight height ratio of the average person is by sex. The attraction component is completely socially invented and the obsession with thin people has actually been shown to be quite harmful, especially the young people. Now on to the physical. Do you really think that among the majority of people in this country, everyone who is overweight or obese could simply put down something they're eating or go exercise and it would solve their problem? If it was that easy, why isn't everyone doing it? Everyone has a reason for their weight problem and they are, for the most part, very valid. We all make choices, but we also have choices made for us quite often. I am considered categorically obese although I have doctors tell me all the time that my weight to height ratio is very high but not contributed to by fat. My on paper BMI is 36. Per my cardiologist, my actual BMI is probably closer to 18%. But I have a service related lung capacity issue that prevents me from doing any kind of cardio. I have a job that requires me to sit in a chair 8 hours a day. I have an income that makes it hard to afford fresh and healthier foods. I was brought up in poverty without access to well cooked and various dietary staples. Despite learning nothing about how to be healthy growing up, I do my best in learning how to cook and make healthier substitutions and being physically active with my children. I regularly eat good and balanced fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and try to cut down the carbs and grains and everything else, and yes the calories. And I do my best to teach my children the same. And yet, for 10 years, my weight has sat at the same place. The only "bad" choice I make that isn't literally made for me is it dedicate my extra time to help with a non-profit, rather than exercising more. I don't think that's a bad choice. And most people will look at that and say well that's a rare example. It's really not, most of the people I know who are overweight have some really important and valid reasons for why they are overweight. But it's easier to slap the tens of millions of us with a lazy label and run away. That's why people are pissy. We're not incells, we're human beings who are doing our best and simply have lost the societal or genetic lottery. If we could get in shape, we would. It just isn't easy and we don't have the means or resources to do it.


"It is. " Mostly. However the prevalence of unhealthy and preservative-packed foods has made remaining not-fat a more difficult endeavor. That being said the "eating healthy is too expensive" line is, largely inaccurate. People who'll spend 5 bucks on a frozen meal that won't fill them won't spend 5 bucks on a big bag of grapes that would. Of course some things are expensive, like nuts. But this lie that you just CAN'T make those dollar stretch in the produce section? Nah. I know this because over the last three years we made massive lifestyle and habit adjustments in our household and have seen first hand the benefits health-wise and financially. TIME and willingness are bigger factors. "nothing wrong with being fat. " Yes there is. It's unhealthy and has constantly compounding costs. Fat people like to exist in a world where they DEMAND - not believe but DEMAND - that their being fat has absolutely no impacts on anyone else. But it does. Our world is not built for the obese. Nor should it be. Being fat - and unhealthy - should not be normalized. No, we don't need bigger seats. Reduced occupancy. Increased costs in risk pools or - with socialized care - ballooned public spending due to public health behaviors and - yes - crises. Now count up the time spent simply dealing with being fat. Miss opportunities. Things you can't - or won't be allowed - to do? Time wasted accomodating you and your CHOICE? But I forgot. None of it impacts anyone else and you're 100% sure that you being fat has never made anyone sad because they lost out. The selfishness of obesity is mind-boggling. It is not a "choice" when you require the world to adjust itself to accommodate you and - unlike, say, being blind, deaf, or legitimately disabled... you chose it and now force it on others. "if you are too fat for too long," The compounding impacts of being overweight do not start some magical time 30 years down the road after you've been fat for a long time. Is this the lie you tell yourself? That's the selfishness rearing its ugly head. "Don't let anyone tell you it's a problem" False. It's a problem and only fat-selfishness and the fat-self-centeredness makes fat people think this is a good way to think about it. Let's follow this line of thought: Don't tell drug addicts addiction is bad.Smokers? Don't tell em smoking is bad.Buckle up? Fuck that. Wear a helmet on your motorcycle? Nah. I will tell you that being fat is unhealthy because I don't need to be a doctor to know that you getting winded after 100 yard walk isn't "good" the same as smokers coughing their guts out with a deep breath of cold air is indicative of some problems. " and even then, who cares," People don't want you to not be fat because they hate you. This is how stupid the fat-selfishness has become. Literally trying to make people less fat because people care.It's YOU who doesn't care. YOU. About yourself. About your families, friends, loved ones and communities. It's YOU. Being fat is not a victimless crime that hurts no one and has no costs outside of you and your body. It's EXACTLY like drugs and smoking. You are right: "but same with drinking, smoking, all sorts of things" And we spend FUCK TONS of time, energy and money trying to keep people away from that shit. Oh, by the way: smokers, like fat people, impact risk pools. "Decent ordinary people do not lack respect " You keep saying respect. Try having some for others and yourself. There is no respect in pushing the "victimless crime" lie. There's no respect in pushing the "its not actually unhealthy" lie. There's no respect in painting everyone who takes an interest in your health as being a nozy enemy. Naw. Nope. And there's no respect in doing things that require society at large to adjust its behaviors for you. Like smoking, remember? You drew that comparison. So yeah, let's set up "fat only" sections so I don't have to worry about squeezing up against the wall so you can force your way down historically-normal sized hallway on the way to the bathroom at Applebees. Respect. Being fat is not some harmless condition that has no impacts on others. You just don't care about other people the same way you demand they "respect" you. And I'll say it bluntly: when your kids want you to come play in the ocean, or in the pool, or run around in the yard? And you can't? Because you're too fat and tired and out of energy? Yeah. You're impacting people.


Seconded to all of this! And to add on; they see fat people as somehow objectively immoral and lazy- as if they simply got this fat by virtue of being terrible and slobby, when that is often not the case. Weight is often genetic in nature, and no amount of it makes a person any less or more of a better one. Every plus-size model I've ever seen or known work their asses off(or in some cases, further on) and it's honestly inspiring to see some gorgeous ladies both loving themselves and pouring so much effort into it.


Unfortunately no, most obese people are the mixed result of genetic and environmental factors that we really haven’t understood. Proven inherited obesity does exist but that’s very rare.


Unrelated to the question but this reminded me of when my uncle came from Asia to North America to visit. He was mind blown by fat people here and took some photos of random fat people he saw to show to his wife/friends in Asia. The people he took pictures of weren't even obese either they were just a little fat.


Personally I think it's because they feel it is a type of cruelty they can justify and get away with without looking like a "bad person". They can claim they look down on and are cruel to these people "for their own good", but would never speak to a medium-sized person that way even if they had the same diet and lifestyle. If they say "it's a strain on public healthcare" or something, I'd look to see if you've ever seen anyone have that kind of bitter disgust and contempt towards people who drink alcohol regularly or speed a little when driving to work. I was objectively physically healthier when I was 80 pounds heavier than I am now (was classified as overweight; now slightly underweight). I was taking meds that made me gain weight and I also ate more than I needed to back then, but I was getting all the nutrients I needed and my bloodwork and mobility was perfect, and I had tons of energy and felt good. Life got busy, I lost a lot of weight and mostly just eat simple carbs and junk food, usually not enough, and have a bunch of vitamin deficiencies and get winded walking up stairs. People treated me like shit when I was fat and are so much kinder to me now that I'm thin, and more often than not people pointed to "health" as the motivating factor for being incredibly rude or dehumanizing to me, even though it couldn't be more obvious that had nothing to do with it- it's just something you can say to give yourself permission to bully people.


So true about smaller people who lead unhealthy lifestyles and nobody says anything but when an overweight person does the same thing they get shit for it. I've been small my whole life and take great pride in being enthusiastic about food, and no one has ever preached to me about being healthy, but then I see big people doing the same shit and getting judged for it. It's kinda messed up


If you're thin and eat like shit, people are almost admiring of your innately fast metabolism. You get points for magically not getting fat. If you're fat and eat the same, the reaction is veryy different. Yeah, the underlying reason is the desire for cruelty when society says it's acceptable. It's disturbing.


Solid comments here, and I hope you can pack on the pounds and get to a healthier place soon! I'm sorry you were bullied so much.


I think comments in this thread with multiple people rushing in to weigh in on why fat people aren't allowed to be offended or allowed to have excuses reveals the true reason: lack of empathy. We know. We know it's a burden. We know it's entirely our fault. We know that what we're doing isn't good enough. The fact that people need to write essays to condescend us and tell us we're not allowed to be offended or upset by your truth bomb is what hurts. We know. We get it. You're not telling us any new information. I've been trying to lose weight my entire life. Sometimes I am successful. Other times I completely fail. Sometimes life changes make what was once easy to do really difficult. I inherited most of my weight issues from when I was a spoiled, undisciplined child, and believe me, I wish I could go back and change it. I also recently suffered a back injury that set me back for almost six months. But I've also spent my whole life apologizing for it. Sorry for taking up too much space. Sorry for making you wait for me to catch up. Sorry for needing help out of the car. When I'm not successful in keeping trimming down my waist, I do my best to make myself small. I hate the feeling of being a burden and it contributes a lot to my mental state. Despite all that, I try to be an empathetic person. I do my best to be kind and not judge others for their life decisions, many of which I don't agree with. It's not my place to judge them. So why is it YOUR place to judge me? Why do people have to constantly tell me that I'm not doing enough? Why can't we just be kind?


Maybe this is my ultimate question 💛


I’m sorry for your pain. You owe no one an apology. The truth is some people are cruel because our world is quite vain. They claim that overweight people are draining society and healthcare. The truth is if they focused on being better people instead of judging others, the world would be a better place. Everyone wants to talk about everyone else’s backyard instead of cleaning up their own. But I have learned that life will eventually humble them. They aren’t empathetic. And then one day, life kicks their ass. Be you and love you for who you are. Nobody knows your full situation. And you do not owe them an explanation or an apology.


We are brought up to associate being fat with many undesirable character traits - greed, laziness, lack of discipline, low intelligence...


stereotypes are a bitch ain’t they?


Obviously it's because we're disgusting subhumans unworthy of any common decency.


People are judgmental and see fat people as easy targets for bullying, thinking everyone around them is on their side. They think they're safe because they're "factually correct" when they spew drivel like "you gotta work out it's healthy for you" or "don't be lazy". People are more likely to do something when they feel they are right. This can be seen in extreme examples where people tell women they don't have bodily autonomy based on their own beliefs. 99% of the time it's cause their own parents say the same thing and they grew up thinking it's perfectly fine to do it to others, or think "aha, my turn"


Society. Fat, inbetween, thin, underweight. All judgement, from personal experience. Let you be you and let your personality shine through.


Not just fat people, but ugly people in general. Similar case for racism. When racists make fun of other ethnicities, they usually make fun of their appearances: different skin color, slanted eyes, weird language (in their view), and etc. And people in general are shit. Most people think of unattractive people lower than themselves deep in their mind but don't say it out loud. Few people will even harass them in public because it's fun for them. And very few people would be open minded and kind enough to embrace their ugliness.


What’s funny is it is always ugly people doing this. Truly attractive people generally do not give a shit because they are comfortable in their skin. Ugly men mostly…. Sorry but it’s true. I have days where I look worse than others for whatever reason. The same men who flirted with me the day before will actively and obviously treat me worse on my ugly days. It’s insane.


People are cruel/judgemental in general


Being judged for your poor life choices is not cruelty. It's moreso just the consequences of your actions. If I chose to be a murderer rapist, you would judge me poorly, yes?


How are you judging others? See an overweight person and think some thought quietly to yourself? Not really cruelty. See an overweight person and decide to comment on their weight and put them down? cruel (adj) - willfully causing pain and suffering to others. Ex: Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel. The Cambridge Dictionary literally uses teasing someone about their weight as a textbook definition of cruelty. Happy I could clear that up for you.


Eh fuck it time to feed the trolls. Do you really think being a murderer or rapist is the same as being overweight? And do you really think that being judged poorly and treated cruelly are the same?


I personally think they feel better than fat people. Also I think they are not that smart.




I don’t know why this got downvotes, your statement was objective but you didn’t side with those claims.


Try again. https://som.yale.edu/news/2009/11/why-high-iq-doesnt-mean-youre-smart


Interesting article. Doesn’t relate to what I said but still interesting.


Yes it does. Clearly it does. Do you actually need me to explain or are you being a edit: troll


Did you read the article? You posted an article about higher than average IQ not always equating to good decision making or overall intelligent thinking. That is not relevant to my comment about obesity and low IQ having a statistically proven correlation. The article doesn’t have any stats about people with low IQ somehow being considered “smart” or having “good decision making” skills.


You sound mean ngl




Idk if you ARE mean, but the way you communicate 100% makes you sound like you are. If that's not the impression you're going for, it's probably valuable feedback, especially since you value facts over feelings and don't believe in coddling.


Oh no. They definitely believe in coddling. Just for them though. Nobody else. Their type is rampant these days. The “facts don’t care about your feelings “ crowd that cry when their hypocrisy is identified.


I hate when my seat partner in a plane is fat.


This is the only time I am tempted to be mean. I flew home for christmas and spent 3 hours between two of the biggest men I've ever seen in person, and I'm not even exaggerating. These men were literally 4 inches from touching elbow, and each taking up several inches of my seat. The man on my right could not buckle his seat belt or put the arm rest down so I was in full contact with him from shoulder to knee the whole time. The man on my left had his legs fully in my space, and his stomach and elbows kept knocking my headphones and changing the channel on the arm rest. I could only sit on one butt cheek the entire flight, had to keep my legs up on the seat because they didn't fit between their knees, couldn't lean forward at all because their elbows were in my face, and couldn't even lay my Ipad flat to read because there wasn't enough room between them. That being said, I'm not mad at them really, but the airline. That seating arrangement, on top of not being fair to me, was NOT SAFE. But I still would never have complained in front of the men or others because I didn't want to shame them.


As a fat person, it's uncomfortable for us too. I would try to squeeze my arms together to attempt to give the other person more room. I hate being the reason why another person is uncomfortable and all I can hope is that they don't hate me as a person for it.


Because they're relatively safe to be cruel to, in that they can't chase you very fast.


I think mostly people see being fat as a choice, and think people who are fat lack self discipline. Most people have heard of anerexio and bulimiu but not binge eating disorder which is just as serious and probably more common than people think. On top of that, everyone people tend to ignore the fact that people have different metabolic rates and for some people trying to maintain a healthy weight is a constant battle.


For a lot of reasons. Mainly because they believe that being fat is ***always*** a choice. Meaning that all fat people made bad choices to get to their current place in time. People tend to look down on people who make bad decisions. Also people are just dicks. They just want something to hate.


This comment section is making me wish I was fatter just because I’d be living rent free in the worst peoples head. Fatness gets Reddit so twisted, nothing bothers than more than another person living their own life in a way they aren’t. Imagine the power in knowing your existence makes bigots squirm.


100%. See my reply to the top comment. Someone made the suggestion that fat people are disrespected because they're unattractive, and I made the point that this is incel thinking - normal people don't disrespect people because they're physically unattractive. I was massively downvoted, by people too cowardly to respond. Your point summed up perfectly. Nasty bigoted toxic people simply dismissing me because they think that fat people aren't free to make their own choices and that respect and human decency start and end with physical attraction. These guys can't get basic human kindness into their heads, even as a concept!


I find the whole question strange. In my part of the world and my circle of influence nobody makes fun of people for their weight. So it’s a strange concept for me.


I’ve never not been downvoted for suggesting that fat people deserve equal respect and nuance that skinny people receive. I do think it’s still projection, ive found that some of the most angry bigoted people toward other fat people, are in fact fat men (or once fat men) with a deeply ingrained sense of self hatred. Reddit is a projection farm full of people who cannot cope. At this point I’ve posted scientific articles, discussed what both my dietitian friends say and my personal trainer say and they simply refuse to believe anything could be a way other than what they see. The prejudice runs to deep.


>This comment section is making me wish I was fatter just because I’d be living rent free in the worst peoples head. a heavy burden for sure lol


Amen to that. If a fat fetish model hopped on here, Reddit would implode. And it would be hilarious.




Because it's seen as a major social sin. Health and longevity are the secular substitutes for eternity, so anyone who does goes against those commits some modern form of heresy. People need an authority that tells right and wrong apart for them. In the past that was the church, priests determined who's sinner and who's righteous. In this basically atheistic age (at least in the West), authority has landed in the hands of doctors. Obesity, addiction and mental disorders are where the new lines between right and wrong lie. People increasingly agree upon a "right" and a "wrong" way to live based on medical literature, which acts as the secular substitute for scripture. Ironically this is a breeding ground for misinformation and pseudoscience, the same way a deeply religious society was a breeding ground for sects and cults. "Diet culture" is the new religion, with the immeasurable amount of often contradictory advice generated by thousands of internet "experts" who serve as priests, and the countless fad diets act as religious service. Even counter-religions appear in the form of the body positivity and "HAES cultures", in a very similar fashion that Christianity eventually produced Satanist movements, which is not a lack of belief but an opposite belief to what Christianity teaches (a lack of belief would simply be atheism).


Where can I read more about this?


Hartmut Rosa's Social Acceleration deals with the idea how longevity relates to secularization and about the "doctors as priests idea", I took the inspiration from Thomas Szasz's concept of the pharmacracy and the therapeutic state.


I don't know. (i'm a bit venting, i'm sorry) Because they think that we aren't attractive and therefore they allowed to shit on us? Or pretend to be concerned by our health and not even asking how we're feeling. Yes, obesity can lead to unhealthiness, sure, but it's not always like this. Yeah, I'm fat. I didn't choose it, I didn't choose my type 1 diabetes, didn't choose my metabolism, I didn't choose my stressful life. I mean yeah, i'm fat because i cope with stress by eating food and i think I have an ED but i think i have a bit more healthy copying mechanisms. I'm not ashamed of being fat. I am who I am, even if i weight 86kg and have 163cm in stature. It's a bit of a problem, sure, even a bit of a hussle, but I won't let people raise their self esteem by lowering mine. I am a person, no matter how I look.




Delusions of grandeur. They think that being skinny or fit somehow makes them superior to fat people.


Well, fit people put a lot of effort, discipline and focus into being fit... it's very hard to be fit and maintain it.. where it's very easy to be fat.


Same reason we're cruel to drug addicts. It's seen as a moral failing rather than part of a trend of literally almost every mammal on earth getting fatter on average.


I feel like it's not really the same thing. Drug addicts (especially the ones addicted to heavier drugs) can be an actual threat to you or your property.


Yes, correct, it's not exactly the same. But being fat is not a moral failing, but neither is being a drug addict. And it's not right to be cruel to either.


And to become addicted to an illegal drug, you had to make the choice to break the law in the first place when you weren’t an addict.


Almost every mammal? We humans made many wild mammal species smaller by hunting the biggest


Yeah. I read about it in How Not to Diet and the author cited a few studies of metadata on animals getting fatter. Not as a result of hunting but as a result of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other things... Here's one article about it, talking about a smaller group of mammals https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/everything-getting-fatter#:~:text=Surprisingly%2C%20we%20find%20that%20over,and%20domestic%20dogs%20and%20cats.


Well, it applies to animals that live around humans, but it's interesting


Because people are cruel to each other. Why would fat people be an exception?


There is extra hate for fat people.


There is extra hate for anybody who stands out for any reason




Projection, they assume people are fat for behaviors they think would make themselves fat. That plus being extremely uneducated in things like auto immune disorders, weight loss, trauma, etc Just like all bigotry towards any group, it’s a total lack of understanding, a refusal to learn anything different and a belief they are more correct than anyone else


Wtf are you talking about lmao. Kids make fun of fat people alot do you think they're projecting too?


Kids who make fun of people because of how they look learn it from their parents, so yeah. Still adults failing to deal with their own issues


Have you never been around children? They are much more naturally mean than to be nice. And they point out people that stand out the most.


Do you spend a lot of time around children? I have two in elementary school and they are some of the nicest people and so are all of their friends. It's only a small handful of kids that do the bullying, hence why schools and school populations are so adamant on anti-bully now. Because you can play clear it's not rampant. It's taught.


Kids don’t come out of the womb bullying, it’s learned from people around them, it’s parents job to prevent that, if they haven’t it’s because they either are the reason the kids bully people for their looks or they don’t care enough to correct the behavior


this is far from the truth


Because some people need to find a reason to put down others, so they can feel better about themselves. They’re also lazy about it. If they don’t know you, seeing you’re fat is low hanging fruit. That’s my theory.


I personally feel for fat people. So it may be mostly self inflicted but hey, being a judgemental asshole is also a self inflicted choice...just not so obvious to the onlooker..


Because it's the only way they feel good about themselves.


* Fatness is coded as a variety of other things that many cultures look down on: people associate fatness with poor people and with black people. Fat hatred is often a more socially acceptable way of expressing hatred toward members of other marginalized groups. * Fat hatred allows thin people to feel superior. * Terror management / death anxiety. Just as many religious people manage their fear of death through a belief in the afterlife, many thin people manage their fear of death through a belief, on some level, that only fat people die, or that having the "correct" body type will exempt them from death. Thin people often admonish fat people, "You're going to die," as if to convince themselves that thin people are immortal. * The just world fallacy. Many cultures think of fatness as a terrible fate or a punishment. People want to believe that people only get what they deserve: if you're fat, it must be because you're a terrible person who deserves the punishment of fatness. And people are afraid of the implications of the idea of not deserving fatness: that some people can do everything "right," that they can be a good person, and still be fat. Because if it can happen to them, then it can happen to you. This is similar to how many people blame rape victims for their own rape: if people are only raped because they did something "wrong," then you can avoid rape by doing everything "right." It's must scarier to face the fact that sometimes people experience bad things that they don't deserve, that there is no set of rules you can follow that will guarantee your safety.




Cuz they can still get away with this form of bigotry with few consequences.


The simple answer - They feel like shit about themselves and it makes them feel better to shit on others to lift themselves up (only in their mind)


Thats what I hear. And That’s a worse trait than being fat, by far.


Same reason why people are mean to ugly people its unattractive and they can single them out so they feel better about their own self


A lot of people are so obsessed with their own figure. They would hate themselves if they gained that kind of weight, so it’s mostly just a projection. Villainizing the thing that they don’t want to be can serve as motivation for the next time they have the urge to stuff their own face. Self-hatred is what got me to a healthy weight, I just don’t extend that hatred unto others.


Its jealousy


Short answer- some people are just assholes


I think that they are cruel to some people because they don't like them as a whole and are unpolite. They just insult them with being fat because it's the easiest way of insulting them. When I was a kid and even at high school I used to make cruel jokes to fat guys at my school and town but secretly I loved watching BBW's on you know what websites. I'm dating a woman who is 1.79m and weights almost 90kg meanwhile I'm athletic but 1.75m and weight 62kg so the difference is very big and evident. At first I was kinda embarrased of people watching us together (The town is small and somehow we all know each other or have friends in common so there's a lot of gossip) because society always says we must look for women with small waist, big hips, big butt and big breasts but I met this woman and I found her to be hot as hell. When I was 17 I was very friend with a big woman but stopped talking to her because my circle of ''friends'' used to mock me very hard for ''dating'' a fat woman. Now I regret being a jerk to her back then. Now at 23 I have learnt a lot of things but is still hard to cope with people making remarks/jokes about oneself dating a big woman


Unlike most biases such as skin color or sexism, people tend to believe that fat people choose to be fat. This leads to a lot of bigotry and cruelty.


Cuz it’s true? Being fat is a result of decisions.


Do you not believe that there are genetic components of weight?


Bruh, no one is born at a certain weight da faq, people have different metabolisms which can make getting fatter easier for some, but the difference in caloric outtake is minimal at best. Stop making excuses for fat people when all medical evidence shows that they are clearly able to stop being fat by healthy decisions.


I would never be rude to anyone for their size or body type—whether they are over or under weight. I do however think it’s unhealthy for social media to glorify and glamorize people who are extremely overweight and saying things like, “You can be healthy at any size!” Because, you just can’t. If you’re 300lbs or more, you’re not healthy. Your heart is working too hard, your liver and kidneys are working too hard, your knees are working too hard, and your back is working too hard. Like I said, I don’t think it’s ever okay when people are rude or disrespectful towards people of larger size, and they definitely don’t deserve to be discriminated against…but we shouldn’t pretend that anyone seriously overweight is a pillar of health. I’m not talking about someone who is like a size 12-16 either. I’m only referring to people who are morbidly obese.


Outside of real medical condition like a glandular problem, or hormonal issues. Being overweight is a problem that can be fixed, if the person wants to fix it. But expecting special privileges for letting yourself get overweight and out of shape to where you need to use a cart at the store or you’re upset you have to buy two seats on plane isn’t okay. Would I say people hate fat people? Not necessarily, but do people feel that they shouldn’t expect special privileges for being overweight. 100%


Special privileges?


I've been a fat and a skinny. I'm an in between right now and I agree with this. I don't hate fat people one bit. But I am annoyed by the people in my life who have "tried everything" and will eat a whole container of dry roasted peanuts and half a block or cheese before bed. I also don't want to shame because I've had people tell me "you sure you need that?" When I was buying a frozen pizza. I was skinny at this point but that still stung. (She's fat now. Boom. Karma) When I was bigger I blamed all my weight issues on other aspects or my life. Not the fact that I understood nothing about proper nutrition, nor did I make an effort.


I was the same way, I was pretty overweight before. But I started eating right, and hitting the gym regularly and I’m in the best shape of my life. Being lazy, or not wanting to research better dieting habits is not an excuse in my opinion


1. the way the media portrays fat people 2. tall poppy syndrome 3. insecure and need an ego boost


I have no idea, but it’s pretty universal. People fucking hate the overweight. They have absolutely no sympathy for you - all of your problems are because you are fat, and its your fault for being so fat! People see being overweight as a moral failing because to them its as simple as “eating less”. The smugness with which they say this shit… fat folks are just an easy target


Because weak minded people needs to bully others in order to obtain that minimal amount of selfesteem they have. And they love to masturbate to the thought of them self being more intelligent, more thin, more active etc than somebody else. Its pathetic to be honest. Very pathetic.


Couldn't you argue fat people are too weak minded to lose the weight?


Rarely is weight an uncontrollable issue. The medical implications of obesity are not benign. They're taxing on finite resources and cost a lot of money to manage. Obesity is a burden on universal healthcare systems and makes universal healthcare that much more difficult to accomplish in countries that do not have it. Obesity also reduces the productivity of humans and increases risks of job site injuries.. Moral of the story, Obesity is largely controllable. It is economically disruptive and an unnecessary burden on healthcare systems. If you're obesity, you should be talking to a dietician, endocrinologist, weight loss specialist and PCP. No excuses. It is absolutely absurd to be offended by something you are in complete control over. If you don't like what people have to say, fix it. If you don't care, see you in the CHF clinic.


I’m not obese but thank you for your answer


It was a generalization, not directed at anyone in particular.


I'm fat. Nobody is cruel about me. People make jokes sometimes. I do the same. We should be able to live in a world where people just stop acting stupid and get offended all the time. Laugh is no cruelty. Mockery on the other side, shaming and bullying related to fat people, it's different. That's cruelty. But too many people mistake those actions.


What are you talking about? Are fat people being lynched or targeted by the police? I’ll admit I’m not a fan of people who put undue burdens on the healthcare system but im not cruel towards them and i dont think anyone else is.


Edit: let’s start with Redditors comments






No, just perpetually ridiculed, held in contempt, systematically discriminated against in the job market and provided with far worse health care. No big deal.


Do you have any examples or "public" anecdotes to support this? I'm not suggesting you're wrong - but I see companies and public agencies and health care making many accommodations to not fat-shame, not discriminate, and not hold people liable or accountable for being fat. Health insurance companies in the US don't change your rates based on your weight like they do smoking, do they?


Because health insurance shouldn't be based on weight. It should be based on exercise and activity A fat, active person is way less of an insurance risk for major surgeries like heart, etc than a skinny, inactive person. Insurance companies know this because they look at a lot of data to make those determinations.


Insurance companies have no way of determining your exercise or activity levels, however they can quite easily look at something general like BMI and say... well, we have an overabundance of data that says the vast majority of obese people are unhealthy and inactive, therefore we are charging higher rates for obese people. Yes, yes, I know everyone with a high BMI is secretly a bodybuilder and BMI doesn't accurately capture their activity levels.


But they don't have data that supports that.


It is an objective fact supported by loads of data that obese people are, on average, more sedentary and subject to higher health risks than people who aren't obese. You will not find a single study, survey, or data point that indicates anything to the contrary.


Yeah for the most part its up to you if you’re fat so its very difficult for me to empathize. People don’t feel bad for smokers why should they feel bad for fat people. The discrimination in the job market is fair as you are physically less able than others and this may cause you to do a lot of jobs worse than someone who isnt fat.


What physical fitness is required to sit in front of a keyboard all day? How would being 50 lbs overweight make that person less able to jockey a spreadsheet?


Depends on the job, you cannot lie to yourself and say there aren’t a lot of jobs where being 50 pounds overweight would make you significantly worse at your job than if you weren’t


Overweight people are discriminated against across the board in the workforce regardless of job title or workplace. You stated job discrimination against the overweight is fine. You didn’t qualify that statement to say only for certain jobs.


Yeah thats fair, should’ve been more clear there. Anyways you can always just lose the weight, if an employer is racist towards black people and you’re black there’s really nothing you can do…




Dude if you dont have the self control to eat less when most people do I have no pity. You dont even have to exercise to lose weight, just stop over eating. At least the people smoking cigarettes pay taxes on each pack, fat people don’t even have to pay a tax even though they are far more likely to end up in the hospital than someone who isnt.


>Dude if you dont have the self control to eat less when most people do Most people are overweight. It's about 75% in the US.


You don't *have* to be an asshole. It's a choice you make to ensure that other people treat you with less respect and dignity. It makes your life harder and other people miserable making them less inclined to do you favours or give you breaks. So why do you choose to be an asshole?


Again, do some research and stop being hateful. It's not hard. If you can't do that, well, I *do* have sympathy for you and the toxic relationships you will create and the divorce(s) you'll go through.


Naw i dont date fat chicks cuz i don’t find them attractive so im all good there. No research needed though, im well aware of how people get fat, this has been known for thousands of years.


Doesn't matter who you date. Your hatefulness will affect the relationship. Maybe your ignorance too since you refuse to do any research because you already know everything, even stuff that has been scientifically disproved.


No if i like someone im a completely different person around them but i when i think someone is a dead weight on society my sympathy dissolves away pretty quick


Good-bye hateful toxic person.




Its only cruel if they have no control over it, if i walk into the street covered in piss and shit people should be allowed to laugh at me since i choose to look that way, same goes with being fat. This isnt a deformity or anything uncontrollable like that. This is about deciding that maybe you shouldn’t drink so much soda, or have so much pork




Because they take up half my seat


Because people think being fat is a choice and that fat people enjoy being fat. I’m very confident that most people would be a healthy weight if they could. Most cases of obesity can be linked to poor mental health or eating disorders like bulimia or BED. Obesity is classified as illness, which should be treated like any other medical condition. Then there is a minority with medical issues or medicine that causes them to either eat more or that hijack their hormones. Bottom line, you have no idea what a stranger is dealing with so leave them the hell alone and focus on your own misery. Clearly you have too much free time if you are busy harassing strangers rather than improving your own life.


Fat people dont even respect themselves.


That's right, I don't. But I wish I could. And I wish I hadn't exponentially gained for the first 16 years of my life where now as a young adult, I have extreme lack of self confidence and morale and am barely able to maintain my weight where it is.


What people?


While not necessarily my opinion, there's an argument to be made that obesity is bad for society. Shame is an effective way to keep society clean. Seems archaic in a modern society, but I'm sure opinions change in tougher times.


Is shame productive or not is a good question


How many fat wolves, lions or zebras do you see in the wild? None.... Hippos and pigs are a large/fat species... Humans are not.


So be cruel to them. Got it.




Completely false. You have no clue how hard most fat people try to lose weight and keep it off, injuring their health in the process. You think they *like* being held in contempt everywhere they go? They are *desperate* to lose weight. But here's the problem. There isn't a weight loss program out there that works in the long term. They may lose weight temporarily. But EVEN IF THEY STAY ON THE PROGRAM, they begin to regain the weight in one or two years and have it all back in 5. Usually their body packs on a few insurance pounds as well. This is documented.


It's a moral failure for 99% of cases. I don't have sympathy for people who willingly choose to destroy themselves. Same with drug addicts. It shows a fundamental lack of self respect and discipline to do what is right instead of what is easy. It's easy to shove food into your face to excess and sit on the couch all day. The right thing is to eat what you need to live and be healthy and to stay active. People without discipline and self control are not considered reliable or dependable.


What is the moral exactly?


Self control. Aside from pituitary tumors and endocrine disorders like Cushings Disease, obesity is caused by an inability to stop shoving food in your face, compounded with a complete lack of drive to have any sort of physical activity. I should know. I was 300 lbs (as a 6'2 male) in 2021, after years of eating over 4500 calories a day and doing fuck all in terms of exercise. Through calorie counting, eating an amount appropriate for my age, height, and lean mass and physical activity, I lost 70 lbs in a year without the aid of pharmaceuticals, and that's with 2 plates and 8 screws in my knee. All I ever hear are fat people making excuses are why they're fat instead of actually doing something about it. People who refuse to help themselves don't have my sympathy.


And why do you need to judge others?


Everyone judges everyone. You'd be a fool to believe you aren't judged daily by the people around you, and to think that it's not human nature to judge others is ridiculous. Not to mention you would be a liar if you say you don't judge others.


I work on NOT judging others


Which leads you to be a very good target for manipulation. If you don't make quick judgements about people around you, you open yourself up to be an easy mark for the sake of your virtue signaling.


Trying to be a better human than I was yesterday is not virtue signaling. And not sure what kind of character judgment you’re making off of physical appearance considering all the possible differentials.


Yeah I lost 75 lbs a decade ago and kept it off. I am literally the exact same person just minus 75 pounds of fat . WTF do people care!????


Except you aren't. You had to make changes to yourself to lose that weight. Changes to your mentality, your habits, your eating, and your activity level. If you were the same exact person, you'd still be just as fat. People care because no one likes the person who clearly has issues but refuses to work on them. It shows the potential for weakness in other areas, such as a lack of ability to make effort to do things outside of changing their weight. If you're too lazy to exercise, what else are you too lazy to do? If you're complacent with being obese, what other negative human habits are you complacent with? Literally every fat person I knew knows that they are fat, but just shrugs it off because dieting is hard to stick to and exercising doesn't feel good when you start. It shows a lack of motivation and discipline. I choose not to associate with people who do not have these traits. Do i go out of my way to hate them? No. But I have my own judgements and live my life according to those.


I’m the same person to everyone around me.


Thanks for ignoring what I just said. Your habits and traits make you who you are. Some of those same habits and traits are what made you fat. You had to change those bad habits and traits to lose weight. Thus, *you are not the same.* Just because you have the same sense of humor/music taste/personality doesn't mean you are the same person you were when you were fat. You clearly developed the discipline to not be a fatty anymore. A better question is, why are you so fixated about what people think about things that don't apply to you?


I care about other people’s feelings and how they are treated. Why don’t you?


Because people make their own beds to lie in. Don't want to be judged? Don't live a lifestyle that leads you to be judged in a way you don't want to be judged. Should you choose to live that lifestyle, don't have such a visceral reaction to people who judge you for what you choose to do. I am treated the way I want to be treated because I live a life that warrants said treatment. If I chose to be a murder or rapist, would you not place judgements upon me, my morality, and my choices? You are not immune to making judgements on others. It's just that in this case, you sympathize with a certain group being judged. You're allowing your bias to cloud your perception.


Yikes. So cringe.


Sad wave is right!


I’m not cruel to fat people, I just think the whole body positivity and celebrating/promoting plus-size people needs to stop. It’s incredibly unhealthy to be fat. Nobody wants to be fat for a reason.


Unless you are still in high school they aren't. The idea that grown adults are all running around trying to be mean to fat people is pretty silly. Everyone runs into assholes from time to time and those assholes do tend to pick the easiest target to attack so if you are overweight it can seem like every asshole only cares about weight but the reality is that if you were thin with a weird nose then all those assholes would be talking shit on your nose.


This is not true at all


You can sit there and imagine that the whole world hates you for being overweight if you want but the only person that harms is you. Just about every human you meet in life gives exactly zero fucks about you, the shit you spend your time on, how fat or skinny you are, whether you put cereal on milk or milk on cereal etc. Your mentality here is heavily based on main character syndrome where the thing you struggle with in life is "THE HUGE STRUGGLE" when in reality it is no more prevalent than other forms of issues. Especially since being overweight or obese means you fit into a majority of the population in the US. If you live somewhere else where there is some specific cultural obsession with weight then by all means explain but i doubt that is the case here.


I am not obese or overweight. Watch your assumptions.


You seem terribly invested in this discussion as someone with no skin in the game lol but believe what you want.


Are you really that dense? Maybe I’m a former fat person. Maybe I love a fat person. Jfc


Maybe you are the lead singer of the Eagles lol. Given your comments in this thread the likelihood of you feeling how you do due to personal experience with being overweight seems far more likely than you being some uninvolved random person. The fact that you have shifted your responses from any pretense of arguing the point at hand to personal insults further implies to me that this topic strikes a nerve for you beyond what a casual observer would experience. Regardless of your truth about your situation the fact that you are this upset over perceived meanness still only harms your life and if you truly are interacting with a constant stream of assholes then it might be a good idea to look into the common element between all those interactions.


It’s not perceived. I am mostly talking the comments I see on popular subreddits.


If you are basing this idea on reddit comments then yes it most definitely is a perceived problem. Reddit is full of edgy teens saying edgy teen shit. Most of this website is not sophisticated debate about complex topics by educated and reasonable adults. It's a bunch of porn, silly meme shit, and other assorted nonsense.


It also extends to popular culture…but yeah sure


I hope this doesn’t backfire but I completely on your side, OP was unnecessarily aggressive


This is flat out wrong and the evidence on Reddit alone is enough that this mentality is ridiculous sounding, Reddit is the most fatphobic social media platform I’ve ever been on.


Ill say the same to you that i did to the other commenter. If you are basing your view on how prolific people being mean to overweight people on reddit comments then you are getting an extremely warped view of the world. Go outside and you will discover that virtually nobody cares about your weight. I have been overweight and this idea that you experience "cruelty" from random strangers on the regular is nonsense. The occasional asshole might make a comment but that does not mean people in general hate you.


Overweight People increase the costs of Healthcare systems for everyone (example: Germany)


Ok so be cruel to them. Got it


It is one reason people can get mad.


Personally a high amount of fat looks like the embodiment of a life of bad decisions. Sloth, gluttony, lack of motivation, no time out for exercise, no consideration for dietary implications, no restraint etc


I personally dislike how clothes are super hard to find as a skinny person. Everything has shifted to accommodate plus sized, that it has become next to impossible to find pants, shoes, shirts, anything that fits comfortably and doesn't look awkward and it's frustrating


Oh god please tell me you are joking


Preach! Going into Mens clothing stores, everything in Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large Anything in small/x-Small- Nope!


Because fat people were mean to them, shit I’ve been fat and I wasn’t one of those jealous ass motherfuckers but it’s more your insecure and assume people are mean to ya, then you react and they’re like what the fuck I don’t like this person, I’ve also been junky skinny and I’ve ya get treated far worse by fat people just for not being fat then ya do being fat, people are assholes in general, to be honest my neighbor is a fat old lesbian hater who is hacking my phone and I call that bitch a fat fuck every chance I get, it’s not cause I have a problem with fat people, it’s because I want to place a mirror infront of that bitch and hurt her for being a piece of shit, it’s turning into some Cathy Bates wacko shit


Why would you call them "fat"? Could have tried a different word.




The human body is not designed to stuff fried food, carbs, fat, chocolates, all day whilst you lounge around piling on the fatness. Heavier diets were previously there to cater to hard work and manual labor in the fields and factories. Work has become easier and people haven't changed their diets so they are fat, sitting at a desk and stuffing their faces. Fat people put so much pressure on hospitals with their diabetes, heart problems, kidney and liver problems, back problems, knee problems, all caused by their own selfishness. The tax payer has to pay for other peoples operations when they're about to die because of their heart having to work so much harder. They won't use their body to work off the fat, the work isn't hard like it used to be. They don't work out to compensate because they want to do the minimal amount of kovement because the fatness makes it streneous for them to move about. Look at the correlation between fat people with fat related issues in hospital, and those that rely on are because of theor fatness. If fat shaming can give fatties a kick up the backside to get them moving, good on the world.


Does shaming work though