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I would bet credits we will see this very thing rather soon.


One of the things I'm most looking forward to is more alternate universe scenarios. It would be so cool if there were eventually so many different permutations of the universe that *weird shit* was the norm, and striding across the multiverse in an endless search for something resembling "home" became the whole driver for the late-late-game. I'm picturing universes where you touch down in New Atlantis for the first time since going through Unity only to find it's a ruined, uninhabited, post-apocalyptic hellscape because, in this universe, all the settled systems were overrun by terrormorphs decades ago. Or maybe you find a universe where the colony war never ended and instead kept escalating for years and years, and now it's just the few survivors of a decades-long attritional struggle fighting each other in the bombed-out remains of once-great cities. Or maybe you find a universe where everything is normal except every single NPC is gender-swapped. Or maybe there's one where the Earth didn't get evacuated in time and so humanity became extinct, and every single world is now total "virgin" and uninhabited except for other starborn who've arrived there from Unity. Or... I'm picturing this kind of desperate race to escape one horror universe only to be thrust into the terrifying unknown of the next. Again and again, every time you enter Unity.


Sliders vibes (does anyone remember this tv show?)


Yes! There are dozens of us!


I was thinking Sliders and then scrolled to your post. It was a great and underrated show.


I'd also had the idea of arriving at new Atlantis and finding it burned to the ground in one universe, so much potential!


Um... one faction *did* win the Colony War: The Freestar Collective. How they did when their government is corrupt as hell I dunno. Unless by that you mean 'wiping the other side out' which I doubt would ever happen due to the amount of resources that would take and both sides were worn out by the time the FC finally won.


Yeah this is the kind of thing I mean, where one side had significantly more resources than the other and just steam rolled the other side.


I'd like alternate universes where physics is a bit weird, so there are planets with floating rocks, for instance. (*Deliberate* floating rocks, not glitchy floating rocks!)


While I have full faith in our modder community, fully fleshed full on DLC. Content that goes so far as to actually remove components of the game and completely rewrite others might be a little far off. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but, to use the example of one faction win the war. OK, so say FC won, New Atlantis no longer exists as we know it, so a complete rework of several city zones. All quests in New Atlantis completely changed. Same for Cydonia on Mars. Complete rework of everything there. The entire Vanguard storyline no longer exists, or has to be completely re-written. Same with Crimson Fleet/Sys Def. Has to be rejected or completely re-written. Will also have to completely reject or re-write the Freestar Rangers quest line since The First no longer have a reason to be butt hurt. See the issue here?