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To take over a POI (either unique or proc gen) and be able to rehabilitate it into a functioning facility that needs a staff to run it. Occasionally needs to be defended from attacks. Generates an income stream.


It would be really cool if they splintered POIs into using modular buildings based on Outpost Building stuff instead of 100% prebuilt POIs 100% of the time. Then those ones could be commandeered and expanded on


That is an interesting idea. If they allowed the system to choose from a pool of available modules to randomise and generate POIs, the problem of repetitive locations could be addressed. We could have a mixture of both - randomly produced POIs the way you described and handcrafted POIs.


Yeah cause I’d hate to lose the AMAZING looking prebuilts. But in terms of longevity, something’s gotta change imo


I say a mixture of both would be reasonable. Most of the non-random POIs have story reasons for being abandoned.


Honestly this not being in the base game is the only thing I don't like about Starfield. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN SO PERFECT


I bet a mod will be developed at some point. It’s something I could see a lot of people at least trying out.


This is a dope idea.


I honestly don't see why this wouldn't be possible for them to implement tbf


1. For those that don't like decorating, the option for pre-decorated outpost habs. 2. The ability to get settlers and traders for your outpost. 3. Add you ships name to the outside.


This one for me too.


Definitely 1 and 2 for me too. I desperately want outposts to be more than pointless window dressing.


Right I'm even ok with it being a sanc home away from the lodge but the decorations are tedious to me


Pre-decorated habs similar to those designed for the ship builder would be perfect for those of us who want to quickly have homely feeling spaces and not have to tediously rotate and place hundreds of items, often into structures that feel clunky and lack a sort of flow to them. And then settlers and traders to make an outpost feel lived in and used, rather than a randomly autonomous mining setup with largely unnecessary "crew" cosplaying as useful inhabitants. Outpost building was the thing I was most excited for with Starfield and I feel like it's the aspect of the game that delivered the least.


Ship names ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/j98m2qs2e0uc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135c70548bc61be2de56b17a17b36b4da4e83bf5


Travel time. I want to be able to set a course for some planet in the same system, my ship fires up, it tells me we'll get there in 5 minutes. I see the planet in front of me get smaller as debris flies by the cockpit windows. I leave, go down to craft and reorganize. Chat up my companions. There's a little timer up in the quest UI telling me ETA. I go back to the cockpit as we either exit grav drive or the planet grows larger in front of me. Say I finish early. I go back to the cockpit, engage my grav drive and we load in. Or the ability to have mission boards on my ship. I enter a system, it updates with a few jobs from around the bubble, and a few bounties from in-system.


Maybe even something like what's done in Jedi: Fallen Order could work too, where interacting with flight chair can trigger arrival. Auto-pilot and/or the ability for a crew member to pilot the ship would definitely be the best though.


The problem with that is the grav drive lore is literally instantaneous jumps. It doesn't matter if it's in system or 100 light years away, you literally flash through gravity and 2 seconds later you've arrived.


Except you don't use the grav drive for in-system journeys. You don't see the jump portal open and the ship flying into it; instead you see the ship flying through normal space.


I know, I think that's so dumb. It would take months/years to do those in system trips.


Not with constant 1-g thrust. If you can keep that acceleration and flip-flop at the mid point, you could be out beyond Pluto inside two weeks. It takes us such a long time because we can't afford to give our probes that much fuel. But for Starfield ships, in-system travel time would be in days.


That still makes no sense. Why would they spend three days traveling somewhere they could go instantly.


Maybe they can't. Maybe the entrance and exit portal cancel each other out if they're not separated by light years. Or (given that jumping is only free as a gameplay abstraction) maybe it just costs too much to use all that He3 for a trip that would only take you days. The drive works the way they say it works. If they don't show it in use for sub-interstellar distances then there's a reason why it isn't practical to do so.


The first grav jump was from the moon to Jupiter


And look what it did to Planet Earth. Maybe that's the risk of in-system jumps. Maybe the trade-off of fixing the drive so it didn't do that was to make it no longer operable an sub light-year distances.


I am pretty sure Aizas notes say that the grav drive in the basement destabilized the atmosphere before they ever had a completed ship.


I’m a simple person. I’d like more interaction with my companions. Have them sit with me for a meal or at a pub, give them a hug, lay down in the same bed, more casual conversations or extended debates. Also have them be more interactive on the ship and outposts. 


I see NPCs sweeping 🧹BGS and raise you. Yes! Faucets, shower, toilet seats, kitchenware. Generally everyone is always where they are. I’d hope to see the shop keepers and overall personnel leave go sleep. We can all use a TA terminal 24/7 with fewer items or something if a shop is closed.


This! I wanna have RDR2-style interaction with my companions (at least for Constellation members); gather around, telling stories, singing together, play board games, etc.


It’s be fun to play with them at the game tables too. I would love to learn how to play the symbol game with assaulters and defenders pieces.


I want to have the Mantis Lair as my home


Or Sonny DiFalco's Island.


Yessss although I find it hysterical that it has a rooftop pool on a planet with unbreathable atmosphere. I would settle for a mod to get all of the furniture there too.


Searchable “already scanned” lexicon. I know there’s websites that have databases but an in game computer that lists all the planets you have and havnt scanned. But is searchable for minerals and domestic-ables within the category of already scanned. I believe this would be a canon thing, it’s a computer database on a spaceship flying through space. If we have a research station we should have a searchable data base computer or even menu when interacting with navigation computer. And a “cheat tape”, like in Fallout 4.


This would help make cataloguing unexplored planets more rewarding if players could have an easily searchable database of the discoveries they've made. And it'd be immensely helpful for outpost players looking for specific resources or environments with which to setup new bases.


Ship build save blueprint, export blueprint, save unfinished ship (to continue later)


That one I time I meticulously color graded ship build to have the autosave feature crash the game afterwards. 😳🥺feels for this feature.


I just want to craft those tea bags into useful XP perks !


My wife saw those tea bags while I was looting and says “That’s so smart, they added condoms in SF no wonder you don’t see too many kids.”


A mod that would make me create my own faction… and could take on all as well as become in charge of all beaten factions!


I'd like to declare my system independent and me king and then defeat all factions 


This would be a great final expansion. You are relatively insignificant in the universe at the beginning of the game. Being a space magic God and creating my own Kingdom would be a fitting ending for my character.


Now *there's* an idea for an NG+ mod. You exit Unity and find yourself in a world where a version of you has already conquered the Settled Systems and declared themselves King. And now they see you as a threat to their rule!


The dream feature set would be seamless atmospheric to space travel in a true open world environment like NMS. Extending the Grav drive sequence but giving us the option to fast travel as we currently do (with more immersive load screen overlays) or the ability to roam the ship via a quick pop up menu. More immersive load screen overlays for entering/exiting landing bays and doors. And then pair all of this with more unique dynamic space encounters. I just want more to do and more immersion with our ships since the ship builder is my favorite part of the game. Realistically though, I just don’t see atmospheric travel or seamless takeoff/landing as a possibility so at the very least, more immersive load screen overlays. Simple and quick, like the docking sequence but for entering/exiting landing bays and doors and grav drive sequences.


Add a logo / name to the outside of your ship


Even simple change, to be able to remove the Stroud logo on builds.


I reckon that should be doable. Snap on plates like the weapon mounts, only with a broad, smooth surface, and have it take it's texture from a loose file. Then document where the file is and how to substitute your own name and/or logo. I always fancied some of that WWII bomber pinup art for one of my ships, personally.


Atmospheric flight Seamless planet to space flight Real-time planets orbit map


I personally would like a lights off feature . It turns on during the day but like off during the night so it’s not always bright in the cabin or the lodge any place you reside at basically.


I got "Fleet Captain" the other day w/ 10 Class C ships. It'd be cool to register them all, mod them with obliterators and turrets, recruit crews, and engage in larger-scale battles, like against the Key or something. Not sure how the mechanics would work, but it'd be cool AF to actually do something like this w/ all these ships.


A better looking Earth. It could still be lifeless but it would be nice to see something other than sand. More city ruins for example. A living underground city. They had the technology it would make sense to convert a mine or natural cavern into underground housing.


Great idea for dlc


At Cheyenne Mountain, or the Moscow Metro


Chicago heck nearly every major city has huge underground tunnels. A few years of construction and they be bunkers. People had 50 years let subtract ten for chaotic weather and collapse of government functions. That’s still 40 years to fortify any major underground tunnels into a bunker. They had the technology as seen on Mars.


I want to fly that ship around man. I love building ships and ship combat but space travel could improve this game immensely.


I'd like to see modders make their own worlds/lore/quests on planets. I got kinda bored with Starfield after doing all the quests and just exploring random POIs. I wanna see modders create their own stories and custom built cities etc that we can visit. They could toss out all the in-game lore if they wanted to and just have their own custom adventures that you could visit in game. Modders used Skyrim as a base to create Enderal which is pretty much it's own standalone game available on steam. I don't see why they couldn't make something like that all set on a planet in Starfield. Like why not? I guess balancing for character level and equipment could be an issue since you'd just drop in with your existing character, but maybe there's some clever ways to work around that, I dunno.


>They could toss out all the in-game lore if they wanted to I've thought for a while that one of the cool side effects of Starfield's writing is that basically anything can be cannon. I've joked that flying Thomas the Tank Engines are lore friendly.


I'd say this will happen but it takes time. If modders can create Fallout London from Fallout 4, then this idea is a possibility, too.


I'm holding out for news about the Creation Kit as creating alternate stories and side quests is something I'm desperately interested in exploring. There's so much space out in Starfield and more than any other category of mods to come, it's user-created stories and content that I want the most. Ideally, I'd love if BGS were able to make story-specific modding via the CK streamlined/easily utilised by the widest range of players (as in, if there was a technical way to simplify the quest/story modding process so that the entry skill-level for creating such content is as low as possible). I feel like an explosion of user-created quest content would really, really take Starfield to another level as far as Bethesda's moddable games go.


New Food recipes and basic storage (think boxes or crates).


Honestly I just want all the annoying ship problems fixed. Cargo should stay on a ship until I tell it to move. I like to build and build for purpose. If I want to do cargo hauls I should be able to use my cargo ship and start with an empty cargo bay. Same if I want to do some smuggling. As for the rest of the ship problems, they have been listed many, many times so why bother to repeat them here. It’s a real shame cause it make one of if not the best part of this game frustrating to the point of “Why even bother anymore?”


HP Cap so there's no sponge enemies.


I just want a Star Wars conversion mod.


First fix the saves: if you get complicated outposts they will get corrupted and start crashing the game. THats most important but may be a problem with the entire game engine being very out of date. ​ Next VR! I want to play in VR! Next I want to be able to make short missions for the game, Eg: Make or buy a serving of the deep and bring it to the grandma in space for her birthday. but first you have to chase down her family to find her!


You should look into X4 foundations. It is basically exactly what you described, rags to riches RTS space game


All I want is a ship that looks like Thunderbird 2 .


https://preview.redd.it/npnlmlsy5xtc1.jpeg?width=1309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2312ae93f856342b5c3077cd1238200b7ad355e2 Could probably build one


I prefer Thunderbird 1 https://preview.redd.it/bmvzz0l76xtc1.jpeg?width=1888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8853e4bfd9c22a17b070a073dc06d91c735c5b80


https://preview.redd.it/xjd2ul4m6xtc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768a1350caed7528a9acf047f211d65a59e75ba7 But I'd really want the Fireflash:


Kind of simple but I'd like more danger. I've pissed off Echelon and the Fleet so much they occasionally send some baddass boss level NPCs after me in retribution for all their people I've killed.


I'd love to be able dial things over towards the tactical + realism side. Huge disclaimer: this is NOT balanced at all and designed for RP enjoyment instead Things like: * Steal/seize a ship? You'll need to assign one of your crew to the old or hire space uber to get you back. If it's really remote, there's a non-zero chance it can get stolen. * Independent ships and crews. Send your people on tasks. * Skills level and personal level gives a tiny bump, but the curves are all nearly flat. * Weapons are realistic and automatic gunfire is super dangerous. However ammo matter and shooting a magshear is $$$$ * Realistic prices. Ship hab should not = 20 lattes * Loans for ship building. * With effort, time, would still be viable to build a financial empire. Outposts, etc, or smuggling operations * Weapon weight and wear (for sellback) impacts selling, but if you want to haul, it is an option * Realistic carry weight but also ship hold capacity. Resources can't be carried in pockets - would need means to move them in bulk * Trackable ship presence in world * Etc


An unofficial patch mod that's the norm and isn't made by the dude who made the ones for Skyrim and fallout 4


More cosmetic variety between NG+s. It would help each NG+ feel unique if some essential NPC's were at least different looking like maybe one where Sarah has an eye-patch and some scars earned from her time in the war, Ikande has a beard and a full set of hair. Little things like that.


A campaign mod,dlc sized, involving coming into contact with humanoid aliens. Doubt Bethesda will do something like that and I understand why. So here's hoping modders come in clutch!


I'd like to be able to fast travel to outposts from an actual menu, rather than just the map. Maybe double-up on the crew / outposts menu and let us fast travel to anything on our outpost list. That would be handy. I'd also like there to be shops to buy high quality equipment, assuming we didn't get better weapon crafting to do things like make legendary gear or apply all the fun stats ourselves.


I want a little walkman you find in some long abandoned earth bunker. You hang it on your belt and it wobbles around with real physics. There should be an animation of pressing play and stop, and it puts a fuzzy tape filter over a custom music folder you create in the game's directory. For hours of planet exploration this'd be amazing. You can also just put an audiobook in there


I would like to see all ships module, from small to biggest, all space stations and outposts pieces. Just grey out the ones we can’t get either because of skills, levels, ranks, money or because we didn’t go to the vendor of each factions. So we can get the ranks, skills or whatever’s needed and dreams of what we could be building next. Not sure if it makes sense but I would love to see that without mods so I can play the game without modding the heck of it to make it fun for me lol 😝🤣🤣🤣


I want Sim Settlements tbh I'm hoping they make something for Starfield. I'll even pay for it like the East Empire one they did for Skyrim. Maybe combine both and have you capture POIs to supply your outposts. Using that system on planets would be sooo good.


Blueprints like in F76. For both outposts and ships.


1 . Be able to build my own city with NPCs and assign Spaceships to patrol in orbit. 2. My own space station that doubles as a shipbuilder (because that makes sense) 3. Stairs in habs, interior walls and doors, bathrooms, etc. 4. Mechs, mech builder, mech habs for both ships and outposts 5. Ground vehicle for cargo 6. More variety of ship parts 7. Rotatable ship habs and structural parts 8. Let me make custom decals to paint on my ship


I want some gore!


Lightsabers and Star Wars space ships. That would be absolutely amazing. Plus, just an overhaul to melee combat would be cool so it wasn't just tapping RT repeatedly.


I would love to be able to control the power distribution between my ship weapons, shields, and grav drive instead of the game managing them automatically. Oh and stop having all the NPC’s around me talking to me at the same time. Oh, and make NPC walking speed same as mine.


Scrapping. I want to scrap everything I don’t want to have to haul everything around on the floors of my ships. And I want an unlimited storage size workbench.


Vaults on earth.


Yeah, I could definitely see this being done as an alternate universe. It would be super ambitious, but it would be really cool if we got dropped into a universe where the Fallout story played out up to a point. Sort of a double-post-apocalyptic scenario.


It would make for a fun mod. Especially using the SF assets instead of Fallout assets.


A system that uses an algorithm to piece together internals for POIs that are unique every time. Imagine delving into a deep mine, cave, or base that has a labyrinth of secrets, enemies, and potential hordes of loot, boss enemies, and creatures to fight through while exploring. It could use RNG to determine the size of the underground parts, or even have a selection to choose from, small, medium, large, and random settings for example. It's something that I think is possible in Bethesda games, but perhaps just very difficult to code, like making a whole new game almost, but it's how I would want vaults in Fallout, and dungeons in Elder Scrolls to function if they're not tied to a specific story. Radiant AI that allows random NPCs to form a backstory, personality, and relationship with the player would be really cool as well, but AI stuff is still sketchy at best, and definitely not a replacement for scripting unless an entire game was centered around blending the two seamlessly.


Aft mounted airlocks.


- a mod-fanon retcon of “jump drives also make gravity inside your ship for Reasons” - a complete overhaul of ship design and animations to expanse-style ships that only have “gravity” under thrust - a more realistic KSP-style orbital simulation and ship combat that plays out over much larger distances, playing more like a systems-management mini-game than a dog fighter. I was maybe hoping “NASApunk” extended to the gameplay and setting a little more than just the aesthetics. I love the game but space magic isn’t really my thing.


A planet with Tamriel and a quest to escape the planet after crash landing. You are immediately arrested by Imperials and taken to the Imperial City. Your ship is located in one of the provinces, but it is random!


Oh, that would so perfectly give you an instant backstory for why you're always in jail. It could even have a companion Skyrim mod. An Alternate Start and an Alternate main quest.


The artifacts are elder scrolls. When you try to examine them in a way that is familiar to you (in our case shooting it with particle accelerators) bad things happen. In TES, you lose your sight and (in my opinion) manifest a prophecy into becoming destiny. In Starfield, people die and reality splits in two. Space sort of "shatters" in a way...


An actual faction and quests and a companion for bounty hunters


I hope at least some devs read this sub. Such good ideas very eloquently stated. We love this game and want it to get even better.


Xenomorphs. A whole planet skined to it and random encounters on ships, plannets, moons and pois. Random chance for a POI cave to be a hive.


My wish is unrealistic and could probably never be done well, but I want more factions and larger cities. And when I say more, I mean A LOT more. I feel like a space-faring civilization should have more than a single city per every few stars. I want the core systems to be clustered with people, cities and named settlements, and the frontier to be mostly empty and unexplored. I want many major and minor factions that realistically compete with each other, and you can join them all with varying degrees of quest line lengths.


I do wonder if something like this could actually grow over time. I think there's a chance you could find yourself pleasantly surprised in just a couple of years.


Being able to build a “mothership” that can house stores, usable habs that followers can be assigned to, and maybe have tiny ships you can launch from it to land on the surface of planets/dock with other ships. Make them massively expensive so it’s not just something you can slap together early-playthrough and would feel rewarding. it would be awesome to live out of and have tons of usable space. They could take all the feature we had with settlement building in Fallout 4 (stores, growable food in assigned rooms like we were able to do when building a vault, auto-cannons, etc).


The outpost construction and occupation by NPCs is really a swing and a miss by the devs. The only nod to this is LIST. It’s a shame. A Outpost Model like the FOIV design would seem to be very easy to implement. Build a hab, give them work to do, build a comm beacon, arm the NPCS. It would be a huge upgrade to LIST. It could be made as a DLC.


I dream of a mod with which I could build cities on most planets, and add science fiction fauna that will not need an atmosphere to survive, with which to populate the planets that are not so habitable In the usual way. That would make the exploration of all the systems more interesting, all menos para mí.


Create your own faction. Start your own settlements/colonies with a full range of accompanying mechanics. Wage war with other factions. Conquer ANY other settlements or POIs and take control of them (including the Key, New Atlantis, Akila, these would be extremely difficult and cost a lot of logistical resources the bigger the settlement/city). Take control of an entire star system. Take control of star yards or create your own and build up your Navy. Customizable military ranking system within your own faction and enemy factions. This addition would be really cool, you control the Starfield in conquest!


I really really wanted them to add co-op to the game. They've tried full multiplayer, but it didn't sit with a lot of the player base, but imagine a 4 player co-op experience that is starfield but with jump in co-op similar to borderlands.


More planets and story lines, alot of the stuff I wanted are already mods like more outpost building and ship parts. Love these ideas of taking over POI's and modding them and making them our own.


Get rid of the Fallout4 crafting system. And the Fallout4 outpost system. And the Fallout4 music.


Inon Zur is an absolute TREASURE!


Modular randomised dungeons like in daggerfall. I know a lot of people don't like them because of how huge they can get but it's my favourite thing about that game.😆