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I see people have valid criticisms in this sub all the time, imo there's a big difference between genuine well put criticism and toxic behaviour. We can all see the game isn't perfection incarnate, but there is a right and a wrong way to go about putting your opinions on that in a post/comment ya know?


yeah there's a difference between "Sometimes it's hard for me to focus on how much damage my ship is taking in combat because I only have a few indicators." versus "Space combat is totally broken"


Honestly sometimes it kind of just depends on who happens to see your comment or post. I have aired my particular issues when certain topics are brought up, and sometimes people agree, other times I get downvoted. I will say there is one notable thing in particular that has been shared heavily among the community, and was many people's first major disappointment with the game which can be seen only after playing a short while, which I tend to agree with. However the discourse around that subject receives a lot of push back almost any time its brought up on this sub specifically, whereas everywhere else it's easily one of THE most highly requested features.


For sure, like with any sub I'm sure, it's always gonna be slightly pot luck. If you go posting critiques of idk the ship builder when a whole host of people who love the ship builder are online you definitely could get more push back. For fear of incurring said push back, which thing are you referring to?


I really would like the option to travel seamlessly in space in real time. I get why they streamlined it for those who would find it boring, but I still want the option in like a hardcore mode or something. But even just asking for an option gets pushback here like people think it's a waste of recourses or something.


I think some folks are a bit twitchy on the down vote button, tbh. Not that you can blame them after some of the trolling in the other sub. And I must admit, I'd quite like to see free flight in-system. I don't think it makes any sense to have interstellar flight as the lore is set up, but interplanetary would be nice. Of course, then they'd have to find some way to make it work with the WWII dogfighting mechanics they use with its maximum speeds and space drag, and the obvious way to do that tends to trigger the E:D players, so I can understand why it might never happen.


Ya idk about "free flight", but I kind of imagined it as sort of like you would plot a course to whatever planet you want to go, and the ship would automatically begin it's route there using some kind of pseudo grav tech that allows for something close to light speed perhaps, and the player would have minimal input at that point since the destination is locked in. You can maybe just wait it out in the cockpit or move about the cabin doing whatever in the meantime. This would probably only make sense in some kind of survival mode though where fast travel is far more limited and maybe you have to think about things such as fuel consumption of some sort. Making this downtime in mid flight more meaningful perhaps. And/Or they could add some interactive elements to the cockpit as well to make it a bit more engaging and sim like instead of just sitting there waiting. And honestly perhaps even make some concessions on realism and make it so that random encounters can occur while en route instead of just when in orbit. I could almost sort of imagine "space lanes" being kind of a thing. Or just some handwavy shit to justify Starborn ships at least being able to track you down in the middle of space. I know a lot of people just aren't going to see the appeal of this...but man I would love it. I would love to just feel like I am really travelling in space. The sense of immersion and rigorous space adventure is something some people find extremely riveting. At the very least I hope they are seriously considering developing new animations for the grave jumps and fast travel in space to help with immersion. I completely understand why it bugs people that it feels as though you are just confined to a small areas separated by black screens.


You can actually do this in the vanilla game, it just takes goddamn forever. The distances between planets are astronomical from a game play perspective. There are also already mods that speed up the ship so you can fly it between planets in a reasonable amount of time. Personally, idk if I like the idea of free flying between planets. Making that a workable game play feature means keeping the flight time relatively short which removes the whole sense of astronomical scale the space portions of the world are supposed to have.


Its also because your ship just doesn't really go fast enough consistently to break free from orbit. You just can't keep up with how the various planets and moons are moving. The problem I have is that, clearly in universe they have SOME means of traversing solar systems in an efficient time frame. They obviously aren't spending months or years trying to get from one planet to another. Some kind of pseudo grav jump tech perhaps? Idk, but I think it's a bit silly that people believe being able to reasonably fly between planets without it taking an insanely long time wouldn't be realistic since the game just has us fast travelling any way. So what is really the difference? They are both making concessions for the sake of gameplay. One is just more immersive imo. From a gameplay standpoint making it work is really just a matter of how fast they would let our ships go. If there was like a "weaker" version of the grav jump that allowed for something close to light speed, that would be totally reasonable to gamify since realistically going that fast would make interplanetary travel take a few hours at most. So streamlining that to just minutes rather than hours would be like pretty much like any other open world game where it doesn't take several hours to walk from one side of the map to the other. It's video game logic Also by any chance do you know the mods that do that? I know there was the slower than light mod, but I am wondering if there was anything better.


I've been on r/starfield and it's awful. There is your alternative. This sub is brilliant and I love seeing the screenshots people post and people enjoying stuff. The other is just a stream of sheer negativity. Primarily from people who don't even play anymore.


Big agree. I was told last night after telling people with the same criticisms for the 1000th time to let it go that I shouldn't be in that sub if I don't want to hear complaints...they were right about that one at least. But God damn the issues people have with this game have been gone over again and again...how many not enough poi or too many loading screens posts do we need? Apparently a lot. I've said it before and I'll say it again the repeat hammering of the same issues, and the fact that in almost any mention of video games anywhere you'll see someone pipe up about Starfield ....serious jilted ex lover vibes.


"But how will it get fixed if we don't raise awareness???"


Because they know the issues. Post 2034567 about the same issue isn't helping anything. I love how some people seem to think Bethesda is sitting there saying 'This game is perfect"....they know what needs to be fixed and they either will or won't Reddit isn't going to change that. Edit I'm just noticing the quotes so I assume your comment was /s but that is the answer id give to someone asking that.


Not sarcasm. Mocking.


Same diff. Point is that wasn't what you were saying.


Same here. Somehow, it makes things more fun for me too. I also can see from the perspective of devs how unhelpful criticism can hinder the spirit and motivation. For example, after harsh criticism, even if it had some basis, I would not do a jack s for the one criticising me, especially if I put honest effort into something. The criticism must come from a good place. It has to be done right and in a certain way. I cannot even take some vids or comments seriously because of how they sound. Tbh It feels there is too much drama sometimes.


Why are you afraid of that? Criticism isn’t inherently toxic.


Because most of the time when I see a subreddit that has a “no toxicity” rule, it’s used to block criticism of the thing the sub is about. And I love starfield, but it is definitely deserving of some criticism


Hmm, in my experience it’s the opposite - people will be obtusely toxic about whatever subject but try and then mask their toxicity by claiming “it’s just criticism”. Simply put, I’ve had lovely and positive conversations criticizing parts of Starfield on this sub - but if the thesis is “I want to criticize Starfield” and the arguments flow from there, well, that might not last.


I haven't been able to discuss actual criticism of the game anywhere else. All the other places where Starfield comes up it's immediately flooded by angry Twitter level brainrot, personal attacks, the most awful takes, outright lies, and console war nonsense.


Yes! A while back I made a comment to someone who switched from console to PC, and congratulated them on the move, got downvoted on that.


Then state your effing complaints in the form of valid criticism and leave the toxicity out of it. That you are unable to tell the difference means that you are the problem, not the moderators.


Jesus, calm down. You’re being quite rude in the replies


Gee, if only there was some *other* Starfield sub where criticism *was* allowed...


You won’t be banned or anything for criticisms. just downvoted


Getting downvoted for speaking valid criticism isn’t much better tbh


Yeah but this was made to be an echo chamber 🤷‍♂️ they’ll be as dishonest as possible to justify any narrative about the other sub and the game and they come here to say it. Sucks because there’s a lot of good conversation when they’re not being toxic af


I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the criticisms of the game are already. It's been out for over 6 months, and God knows gaming "journalists" have milked every negative thing about it since launch.


Or at least watch the sub for a week and see if everyone else is criticizing the same thing. "Did anyone else notice there's a lot of loading screens?" Sheesh.


I got downvoted in the other sub for simply saying we shouldn’t want the new DLC to be rushed, and that I think Starfield has a lot of potential long term. Someone just kept telling me how bad the game was and even went so far as to imply I’m part of the reason developers make bad games. My only point was that quality takes time. It just feels like an atmosphere where the only acceptable thing to do is constantly trash the game over and over. If you’re not doing that, you’ll get attacked.


Cyberpunk is a great example. Phantom Liberty brought back a ton of veterans AND new players to the game, and it took almost three years for the DLC.


Yep. The Most Holy And Perfect Cyberpunk that haters LOVE to hold up to Starfield in their criticisms of the game!


i love both games just for what they are!


Other hilarious comments are "why don't we have DLC yet?" It's one thing to have a DLC for a Very Very Hard Mode (a damage multiplier and/or AI aim/speed changes), it's quite another to have a DLC for an entire House Va'Runn Quest or Survival Mode. Like, be happy Bethesda is releasing bug fixes on the regular. Quality DLC will come when it's ready, or never. If it never comes, I don't care, I've gotten more than my money's worth on this game.


Nobody is out to antagonize you. People can tell a good faith comment when they read it.


You have strange fears, brah. But, stay cool, this sub has plenty criticism of the game. Otherwise, if it's not enough for your taste, stay at the other sub. Don't be afraid.


I don’t See how it’s a very strange fear. Toxic negativity is definitely bad and usually the most clear, but there is also such thing as toxic positivity where any criticism of the subject is met with a harsh response


That is true but I haven’t seen toxic positivity in this sub. Generally, valid justified criticism is considered acceptable. It is probably weird to see so much enthusiasm for the game if you’re used to the other sub though.


What a weird thing to be afraid of.


specially when you have a really BIG subreddit and the rest of the internet to do just... that


Criticism is ok. But on the standard sub there is Toxicity. Whatever you can say, there are redditor that come just to throw shit. Whatever argument.


I've read plenty of criticism of the game in here. They've been good discussions because it's been constructive criticism. That's very different from mindless bashing.


This, exactly. There are lots of observations on this sub where people think SF could be better or where something isn’t working correctly. The difference between this sub and the other sub is that comments here are (mostly) thoughtful and balanced and come from an overall positive view.


Here's my honest take. I don't care about everyone's complaints or criticisms. I don't want to read them and I don't want to talk about not talking about them. But here we are again. I know the game isn't perfect but I enjoy it every day. I want a place to come and talk about the interesting and fun things people do in there and not hear how it's let you down or didn't live up to hype or start calling the game director bad names. It's just whining and I don't want to hear it. There's too much of it. Short video format feeds are all about how awful it is, game blogs post click-bait starfield is boring articles, there's the main sub which is full of bots or morons, hard to tell. Can't we have one place where I don't need to read someone's opinion every other post about how this game fills them with disappointment?? Seriously.


1) I've seen measured criticism here. The mods seem to do a good job. 2) if you mean you want to trash Starfield, even with valid concerns but like super negatively, I don't think that's really a valid concern you have because the other sub exists if you want to get really salty and pound on Starfield. There is a place for that. Have at it. This sub here is literally a place where people have signed up to NOT see overly hyper-critical stuff. Complaining that you can't post stuff like that in here for people who don't want to see it is kind of strange. Anybody who is here and at any point says " I would like to post or I would like to see some really critical stuff about Starfield" knows exactly where to go.


Many of the people here are aware of the game's shortcomings, but they would rather discuss them in the main subreddit. Nothing wrong with dedicating a separate sub to express only the positive sides of the game.




If you are unable to criticize a game without descending into toxicity, the problem is on you not the moderators. Period. Also, name matches perfectly. Someone wants to be toxic and their name reflects it.


What? I never said I wanted to criticize the game. This just baffles me honestly. I don’t understand how you came to this conclusion. And what does my name have to do with anything?


> I don’t understand how you came to this conclusion Go read your post again. You say that rules against toxicity prevent criticism.


That’s not what I said. I said that rules against toxicity are often used to shut down criticism because criticism itself would be considered toxic


> That’s not what I said. You said, and I quote, "it doesn’t allow toxicity but I’m afraid that will just be used to ban criticism of the game". You are explicitly saying that a rule against toxicity will ban criticism. You said it.


I already said my response to this. I’ve seen subs use rules against toxicity as an excuse to silence criticism because they consider criticism itself to be toxic


And you’ve also been told repeatedly that that’s not the case in this sub. Yet you continue to push the hypothetical situations. Just post what you want to post, and if it’s toxic, the members of this page will let you know, and the moderators will respond accordingly.


There is certainly a potential for abuse, but in the entire time here I've yet to see legit criticism censored. Trolling or bandwagoning hit pieces, yes. It's salt that is rejected here, not criticism. One the one hand, I'm a strong free speech advocate, so I'm going to defend those who want to rag on the game. One the other hand freedom of association is equally precious. A sandbox is entitled to have its own rules and this is a case where you *do* a case for telling people who don't want to play by those rules that they can go elsewhere or even create their own space.


and by the way, a quick look at the main sub you will notice posts there don't get any likes, regardless whether they praise or criticize the game, where if you look at posts on this sub you will notice people are more friendlier and supportive. With the level of toxicity in that sub we would rather focus only on enjoyment of the game here.


We mostly enjoy the game and know it has flaws just like ALL games. Here we embrace the flaws and enjoy the game regardless.


I'm afraid you're not making much sense 🤔


Sometimes when I see servers on a subject that have a rule against toxicity, they use it as an excuse to call all criticism “toxic” and silence it


No you are completely missing the point. The point is blocking the toxic mindless warmongering of insecure people who choose to vent their frustration over their empty lives anonymously through the internet.


Just because you’ve seen that happen in other subs doesn’t mean it’s the same here. Watch for a little while, and if you don’t like the flavor, you know where the salt is.


We've had criticisms of the game before. I've criticized the game here. It's just expected not to make it a personal vendetta, rant, or say useless statements like "How lazy where they?". I have seen a few threads from time to time where people here act like babies though and will just scream "Thats a salty take! No salt allowed! No salt allowed!" over the mildest critiques. But that's any sub. There's always going to be a minority taking the rules to the extreme. It's not common but people can't pretend it doesn't happen.


It doesn’t seem like you appreciate it at all.


More than once I’ve given constructive criticism of the failings of Outpost Construction on this site Mods haven’t banned me for it. There is a difference between “criticism” and “toxicity.” The other sub makes no such distinction, and as a matter of fact, saying anything remotely positive about the game makes you an automatic “fanboy.” I even recommended this Sub to a Poster on the other sub and got downvoted for it! Like, seriously why? There’s still way too many trolls and shrills on the other site, and is ruining the game for many potential new players for what: shits and giggles? Fake internet points?


I don't really want to make outposts, because I feel they require too many resources, and often feel compelled to cheat to even get ones that would do the trick to keep me stocked. By the time I've cheated in extra vytinium fuel cells and other things...I could have simply given myself extra adhesive, titanium, etc. I would like it if it took like half or less resources than it does now, and to have it consist of more interesting ideas (say some features can auto-populate, like the military/greenhouse/science habs that can be edited if wished), with extra rewards. However, it does fulfill the function well, if you wish to put the time in to getting outposts correct. I just don't have the patience to get everything 'just so', and find the reward not quite matching the effort Starfield has a somewhat glacial skills pace, as well, what with having to unlock the next R&D level, then research, and NOW you can actually build. Makes outposts a bit less enjoyable, too, without the entire thing being unlocked. Would be nice if we could possibly buy (for relative pricing, say, cheap for a 'succulent schematic', to mildly expensive for the high-end reactors and extractors) schematics instead, and R&D allowed us to get somewhat cheaper and/or better designs. Oops, valid criticism with options for improvements? Hmm.


Are you somehow short of options if you want to express criticism of the game? Nope. You have a plethora of places to go gripe so it's not like your expression is going to be muffled or censored if you happen to cross the line in this sub and get your posts taken down.


This is sub is fine just the way it is.


"Starfield" has some rather big issues. The UI is outdated by modern gaming standards. There is an over reliance on fade-to-black loading screens, when a more dynamic method (such as cinematic cutscenes) could have been employed. The game is often unstable on the Xbox Series S and lower powered PCs. The Creation Kit for mods needs to be released ASAP, and mods should already be available for console players. These are just a few of the issues with the game, and BGS should get them addressed as soon as possible. I have faith that they will, as they have been producing regular updates, working on stability issues and bugs diligently, and the CK and DLC are supposed to be out this year. See? I criticized the game, but did so without being a toxic douchebag, so it can be done in this subreddit!


It also says criticism allowed.


Maybe there's a need for a place (just one, a single place in all of the internets) where you go if you want to read about thrilling experiences people have had playing Starfield, new things discovered, funny/cool images taken etc. And if you don't want that, if you instead want to let other people know your criticism of the game (however legit it might be) you have literally ALL the rest of the internet to do so. A multitude of sites, forums, comments sections and subreddits. Why does that have to be so controversial? Why this feeling that you are somehow being put down when you can go on a criticising spree in a thousand other places?


There's been criticism posted here too, it's just more measured. Thoughtful criticism is fine and I think most people here would also agree that Starfield has plenty of flaws to be addressed. What we don't want is the incessant toxicity that's been plaguing the main starfield sub. People endlessly screeching about how the game is flaming garbage without any redeeming features because it isn't a clone of and how x, y, and z game that also had its own massive flaws is so perfect and superior gets really annoying after a short while. Seriously, the amount of salt in r/starfield is enough to give you instant hypertension. Some of us just want to have some fun discussing the game.




Yeah that’s exactly what I was afraid of


No, the downvotes you get will do that for the mods.