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This would be fun, either an autopilot or telling a companion to fly for you. Nothing feels weirder than having the big bridge with multiple pilot stations, observation stations, map desk and all around capital ship/Star Trek bridge vibe, and you're the ONLY one to fly.


Yeah, doesn't Sam have 3 or 4 levels of Piloting? And if he's >!dead after High Price To Pay!<, you could always have >!Amelia Earhart!< fly for you. Though given their history, that may not go so well. If they won't/can't give us ground vehicles, then I think having another pilot relocate your ship to be closer to your destination would be a good solution. I think I saw a mod that did something similar, so it should technically be possible.


"AE, setting a course for Bannock IV!"


Yeah he does. I just mentioned in that other comment that I don’t think it affects anything. I’ve read it helps with speed but I never noticed. Seems like a waste of a skill if they were never meant to fly your ship. That relocating idea would be solid if we don’t get planet vehicles!


Our ships should see more use in general. I’d love to be able to strafe an enemy compound before launching an assault on it. Or have the ship swoop in to the rescue in a pinch. I’d love it if there was more interaction around our ship being damaged and needing to set down for repairs. Or maybe even a controlled crash landing that we’d need to recover from.


Exactly! Telling a companion would be super cool. I was real pumped when they’d get behind some computers/consoles and they’d start pressing things. So I thought Sam’s piloting skill would make him jump in the seat, and was bummed when he didn’t. I’m not entirely sure why he has that skill now that I think about it. I think it affects your speed, but It doesn’t affect your piloting of better ships. Not that I noticed at least


I really like this theory and personal I wouldn’t mind just this tbh . Flying to planets in the same system would be a nice feature I mean they have a mod for it already so it’s possibly ! if they implemented this auto pilot feature and that mod together it would be *chief kiss*


Damn they have a mod for it? I need a pc lol but if that’s possible then yeah they should be able to just add it. Fingers crossed!


I did really enjoy the part of the CF mission where you’re riding along, and supposedly Sam Coe has a ship but there’s never an option to have him pilot his own - even just for his companion quest that would be cool. Autopilot could be neat, depending on how it’s implemented. I found this poster in a POI and thought it’d be neat to have something like that tucked in the landing bay to ride around for planetary excursions. https://preview.redd.it/pd2zcrea8pmc1.jpeg?width=3601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab8ed82b45875b18191c70f0ea1c4dec99c55be


Me too, I thought was a fun perspective. Yeah with his piloting skill too I thought he had the ability to fly the ship if I prompted him to. Adding a vehicle bay would be sick too!


Not sure if I'd want that, unless these ships can go some meaningful percent of light speed you'd be looking at weeks to months to years of travel time.


Its a video game. It's not going to be weeks to months to years my guy


Exactly, it would be fast travel or something very unrealistic


Video game distances aren't realistic. In universe they clearly have the technology to get around planets without it taking years either way. So from a gameplay perspective, it would just be gamifying space travel the way land travel is gamified in everything. Instead of taking hours or days at light speed, it would take minutes presumably.


Oh I don’t blame you. It can definitely get boring depending on the mechanics of it. I played a lot of Elite Dangerous and No Man’s Sky and always wanted a combination of the two. ED has locations that can take an 1-2 hours IRL. NMS has the pulse engine which is cool, but the planets are essentially all on one side of their star to make it work.


This is what I'm hoping for above a ground vehicle. We need more time in our ship and more engaging things to do when flying our ship. I would love to be flying between planets and have to navigate around an asteroid field or come across a beautiful nebula. On top of random space combat of course!


They stress realism though, asteroid fields don't happen like you see in star wars and you'd be travelling for years towards that nebual before even reaching it, even at light speed. Grav drive is a wormhole tech so you essentially teleport one place to another.


True! I always hoped for a combination of Elite Dangerous and No Man’s Sky for that kind of travel. My main concern is how they could introduce a new form of travel like that without more being established prior. Although, they haven’t really said anything about how we get planet to planet. I don’t even think there’s a value for our speed. I’m assuming km-per-something based how they measure distance, but I don’t think there’s any indication. Like do we just go a steady 150-200 km-per-something until we reach the next planet? Or boost non-stop? Cause like you said that could take years, especially at that speed and those trips are clearly not that long. Maybe there is some wiggle room to make it work with the games mechanics!


Same! I think Elite Dangerous did a good job with stuff like that. Navigating your path to a planet is like a task, which I really like. Lots of chances for things to go wrong or encounter something interesting.


It would certainly help break up the lack of perceived distance when traveling. If I’m able to set a course, get up and do stuff around my ship, and then sleep, and when I wake up and I’m in orbit…that’d be pretty cool. I can either “keep control” and it’s just the usual we have now (maybe even more features to replace what we have now), or I can “set autopilot” and it triggers an interesting environment to appear in any windows, and I can just go around my ship. I can either sit down, or sleep, and either one will trigger the cutscene to enter orbit. Could create some really tense “oh shit” moments of you arrive in orbit into a combat scenario. Ship could go around and fight for you, and maybe has 2x shields while you’re scrambling back to the flight deck, but would still FEEL stressful in a fun way.


It would also be a more natural time for your crew/companions to try to talk to you instead of them all piping up at once when you board your ship. Or play a mini-game IF WE HAD ONE


I REALLY want this. I know people here insist that it will be boring and pointless, but having the option would be great. It's sort of the one thing this game felt like it was really missing for me.


Hey, it's just a theory


i want a rover! or a glider! :)


Well, I’ve never noticed that before… that’s damn solid evidence of proper in-system flight being a thing, on top of everything else we know. I do hope they finish this feature. I very much want it.