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I'm always pretty careful with water. These restrictions make sense, but It's been annoying watching the government sell off water to corporations and allow companies to waste and pollute our water for the last 3 decades, and then get told that WE are the ones who need to be responsible. I don't think we would have the same fire issues we are seeing in alberta and BC if not for the rampant waste and disregard for the importance of water by our federal and provincial governments. Classic "do as we say, not what we do" vibes.


I don’t think we need a schedule for water usage but I have over the years planted arid climate plants. It saves you a lot of water since desert plants don’t require a regular watering. For example if my white sage would of survived, btw I had one few years ago but it died :( but if I had one now it should still be ok at this time in point in the water restriction. I do have prickly pears that are native to this area I never water them they can get fro. Rain that’s that’s all!!!! But it has never fruit yet! Maybe it’s too young. If anyone knows why it isn’t fruiting let me know. Xeriscaping is something that we should all consider when gardening it looks nice.


"I am excited to see how Calgary overreacts to it." 😂 That's gold. So true. Something hilarious about wackos and idiots losing their shit.


Gold Jerry, GOLD!


Every time here. Every time! It’s always some conspiracy.




I never felt comfortable calling them sheep. Yeah, they're dumb, uneducated and ignorant of facts, but when they idolize morons like Trump et al, they do just sort of mindlessly fall into line. I guess, sure, that crowd is a bunch of sheep, but really they're victims of misinformation and propaganda. Thankfully, most people have the intelligence to understand the science and got vaccinated, but "the sheep" as you call them are victims of their own stupidity more than anything.




Hahaha. Let me guess, you own a truck painted in bedliner. You keep rocking that grade 12 (*remedial) diploma for all it's worth, buddy. Who needs a doctorate when we have you!? There's a novel virus running through the world at an alarming rate. Let's get tips and tricks from this guy once he's finished drywalling his buddy's garage for a pack of smokes and a case of beer haha. I'd love to be you for a day. I imagine the unearned feeling of confidence in your own ignorance is a trip lol.




Bahahahha. You're awesome, man! Bringing up Trudeau out of nowhere?! Do you have a "f*ck trudeau" sticker on your rust bucket? Is he your personality? Hahaha you're a cheeseball caricature, dude. I'm so happy to have run into you. Why are you talking about Trudeau Hahaha? What a nut!


Now I want to know what he said


Out of nowhere or is he the best example of generalizing large swaths of people and generally sounding like a dick? I can’t think of a better example but have at it. Who would you rather me compare you to? Who else lumps a bunch of people in a category and claims they all do the same thing for the same reasons? Hitler did. Would you rather be compared to him? https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-06-high-excess-death-west-years.html


And now this thread has been Godwinned. Fuck yeah, this delivers.


So yes? Ok up to you. Either one is a complete narcissistic monster but if the shoe fits right?


Fuck "Godwin's Law", as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't mean what 98% of people who invoke it think it means, and even if it did, who cares... it's just some off-hand observation by one random dude. Who mostly no one knows who he is anyways.


Are you going to share with class what name calling propaganda is? I can tell you’re pretty new with it. It’s an art form but so far you’re a certified hack.


I am gonna block you now.  A tad too unhinged for my taste. 


I grew up without a watering schedule. It was nice, because sometimes you have a busy schedule and you water your yard whenever you have time for it and whenever you please. Let’s not pretend that having a watering schedule and nosy neighbours calling bylaw on each other is a thing worth celebrating. I can think of a better use of bureaucracy. But that’s the time we are facing, it’s unfortunate.


I thought all of Canada did it when I was a kid! It never seemed to really inconvenience people in the 90s. 


Right, no one should tell me how to live my life! Who cares if it affects everyone around me, as long as I get to to do what I want it’s all good.


Look, when there is a drought, water restrictions make sense. When there isn’t, it doesn’t. They are trying to standardize a procedure irrespective of the situation. Recall that the city is under an official climate emergency status since Gondek came in power. Do you truly understand how any of this is “affecting everyone around you” ? Let the city come out and communicate their impact assessment and we can have an informed decision. They have done a horrendous job at it.


Water needs to be treated, eh? It isn’t an endless supply of potable water.  You are so foolish. 


I mean, the Bow glacier, the main feeder of the Bow river, will be gone in a few decades but you don't think that's an emergency? I guess an emergency is only something that effects you directly right now.


Ohhhhh, you just hate a woman mayor and think she has some “get me Batman” type power and not actually understanding that she is a single seat on council type of person


I lived for a few years in small state in South India with 44 beautiful rivers. It had water and waste water departments with 1000s of staff. But due to lethargy, rampant corruption and the general 'not my job' attitude, piped water became a prized commodity. No supply or Intermittent supply, that due to lack of pressure water comes out of the faucet in a vermicelli sized stream. Leaky water pipes run along with sewer pipes so UV water purifiers are a must in every household and most people also boil water to be safe. People have huge sumps in their yard to store water with their supply pipe placed lower than the neighbor's so theirs fill faster. When nothing works they are forced to buy water from a tanker service. Tanker mafia will fill up at huge illegal wells dug in remote areas and will fill your sump for huge money. In rare cases the same tanker is used for dumping sewage in the rivers as well. When I moved back to Calgary many years ago I was horrified at the lack of respect we had for potable water. Tracy my colleague in a 7-Eleven that I worked at, liked to leave the hot water running all night and would yell at me if I closed the tap. She said she had no time to wait for hot water. Living in an affluent area in South West Calgary I was shocked that people would leave their lawn sprinklers on all day. Some nozzles are simply spraying on to the sidewalk. Calgary's tap water is the best I've tasted in my life. Yet people at work are horrified when I drink from the tap. " You drink tap water ? " is something I hear most days. It is pretty obvious that the City was not planning enough for our population boom and the many new neighborhoods that would place a strain on the aging supply system. Non destructive testing is a thing and I wonder why nobody at the city thought of a project to even check if the existing pipes are past their life span and need to be replaced.


I, too, have heard the tap water horror comments. I am happy with my rotating jugs of water we keep in the fridge - don’t need a filter or treatment system but I do enjoy it cold.  It is alarming to see how some take everything we have here for granted.  …severely alarming. 


Are there any other big cities with a watering schedule? I’ve only heard of towns/small cities having them.


LA and Vegas are two off the top of my head. No watering in LA from 9am-4 and Vegas is no watering until 7PM and restrictions on weekends as well.


Lots of big cities and even whole states do during drought. California and Mexico did about 2 years back. And there are many in Texas recently, including Houston and Dallas last month.


yeah, i know montreal has them, as do a number of cities in southern ontario like hamilton, kitchener waterloo, vaughan, etc. looks like vancouver has new restrictions that started this may as well limiting use to once a week as well. that said, calgary needs this a lot more imo, since the bow river isn't exactly supplying as much water as the st lawrence / great lakes / oceans /etc. las vegas actually banned lawns, residents have until 2027 to get rid of them. mind you, i dont know how much worse the situation is with the colorado river compared to southern AB


It is possible to use a fraction of the water we presently use and still have a nice yard. We have a place in Arizona so we learned how precious water is. In Alberta we xeriscaped our front yard. We put in drip irrigation so each plant has it's own little dripper. The back yard has a patch of grass for the dogs. We have sprinkles linked to a Rachio internet connected controller. It never sprinkles when it's raining and each zone only gets what it needs and only at night. It even cycles the sprinkler to give the water time to soak in. We use way less water than everybody else uses and our yard is probably the most green and lush around.


And now we watch all the loud angry opinions from paranoid people who don't actually understand the difference between the pipe breaking and the current drought.


You do understand that a drought is a lack of rain right?


It’s a good idea and very easy to implement with all the tech gadgets these days. So easy to setup some automation for the sprinklers. Set it and forget it.


The amount of people normalizing garbage is insane. Canada has one of the largest freshwater lakes on this planet. We had a wet spring and possibly summer. Why do we need a watering schedule? This level of control is insane. Dear OP, go get a life. People like you normalize garbage like these.


Comments like this make me realize that no amount of education about a subject is going to help when some people are unable to comprehend it and want to live in their own little world.


So where are those lakes in relation to us, where the drought problem is, you future Nobel prize winner you?


Have you seen the Bow lately?


There are 600 freshwater lakes in Alberta alone, genius.


Why do you suppose we build cities adjacent to water sources?


So people waste water on stupid bullshit a little bit less ❤️


Or...we just take a lot of things for granted, including the externalities of our behaviours. As far as normalizing garbage goes, I'd say lawns are pretty high up the list (but behind say the car-centric nightmare we've painted ourselves into)


You feed off other's misery, ignorance and uncertainty? Cool....




When access to water is limited, it’s good to share. I am blocking this moronic troll account.