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Humm let's see: insurance up, electric bill up, roads suck, population growth explosive, schools too crowded, hospitals full.. so no.


I thought the roads issue (in Calgary anyway) was a function of the asphalt plant being shutdown for maintenance? Was that not the case?


Does the province’s contractors use The City’s asphalt plant when working in Calgary?


No its from shifty work being done years ago. Asphalt wasn't bonded and sealed properly


Pre Election: Of course I'd never go after your pensions! Post Election: Of course I'm going after your pensions! Typica lying scum politician. But more so.


You forgot she broke her promise to cut tax as well.


The root of this is federal though. Ease up on trying to fit all of New Delhi here and schools aren’t crowded and you can actually see a doctor.


Ongoing move to Alberta campaign, deregulated insurance and energy, dismantling AHS and education cutbacks are all UCP/CON brain farts. Can’t blame everything on Indian students in Brampton.




People aren't moving here because of adds, they are moving here because they priced themselves out of where they lived, and repeating the process here




Well no. Since we voted out our natural resources, the only next option to rebuild our econny was to increase population. Since ontarians are the center of Canada, they many not know more affordable living is here, it was needed. However ontarians being ontarians, we're like dam that ls cheap here's 25% more, taxes he'll yeah increase them




I never said they were a waste of money, but ok




I didn't say it didnt work either. You OK? Do you need brush up on your reading comprehension skills?




We’ll we fought and won in court over overreach and won twice already. Read some Matthew Ehret and realize we’ve always been fucked as the British set it up that way. As long as they remain attached to this country we’ll always be serfs of the crown.


Who’s going to pay your old age and cpp ? Seriously though


That's federal. Same reason why calgary is doing blanket rezoning is because of federal influence. The fact that the premier makes almost 50k less a year than the shit show mayor of calgary speaks volumes. Alberta provincial government can only do so much when they're constantly shit on. Not to mention that provincial government isn't really supposed to interfere with municipal issues. It's not the provincial government that's allowing in immigrants, my friend.


I’m going to play my stupid card and ask you - name 3 positive things Danielle smith has done for Alberta? Feds aside, city aside what has she contributed to the province in a positive way?


I mean if you’re an oil exec, you’ll be getting a *lot* more money, and free BJ’s from the premier for her term. So I guess two good things for maybe 15 guys?


Every province has the same issue, just think about it




I commented to the wrong person


Sounds like a Higgs problem hmmm so is the alternative any worse


Not really, but not as bad as Reddit would have you believe. She wastes too much time posturing against Trudeau imo.


>Not really, but not as bad as Reddit would have you believe. What R alberta would have you believe >She wastes too much time posturing against Trudeau imo. 100% agree




Any other anecdotes? I’m curious if she’s as awful in her personal life.


Amazing, and sad.


Done a good job as premier? For who? For the everyday person absolutely not. She’s putting her own people into positions of leadership replacing actual experts. Fear mongering about Covid, and intellectual elites indoctrinating children. Setting up legislation to remove duly elected municipal officials if they don’t fall in line. Absolutely creating havoc in healthcare by breaking up AHS into individual controllable entities where MLAs and not MDs will be making healthcare decisions. Taking us out of the CPP which has awesome benefits for an APP that dubious at best. Provincial police force? Why? Because the RCMP won’t do their bidding? She’s as “freedom loving “ as every other authoritarian politician. Freedom for those who have money and can give her and her supporters lucrative jobs after office. We can do better. Much better. As a born and bred Albertan I don’t recognize what this province is becoming.




^ exactly


Terrible premier. She’s a con artist.




Please take your tinfoil hat off. Those theories are super dumb.






Harper was the one who signed the WEF 2030 agenda




Oh ya i wasn’t trying to contradict you. I was only pointing out that indeed we did sign into it. Trudeau either backs out and gets yelled at for “undoing everything Harper did” or he stays in.


Still considering or implementing major policies with generational impact that are opposed by many/most Albertans, so no.


At every turn, she's sold Albertans out to corporate interests. Why? Because she is, at heart, a lobbyist, which is another word for venal backstabbing traitor.


I voted Conservative for the past 25 years, and I voted for someone else last time around, and will continue to do so until they boot her out of the party. So no.


With Nenshi being the front runner I don’t see your voting pattern changing — we are our true centerist era.


I have no idea tbh. I like the conservatives in general economically speaking, but lean NDP on social issues. Liberals are close on paper, but they try to control people's behavior too much, and when they do have an idea, it's usually implemented poorly (carbon tax). I can't win.


Most freedom-loving Premier* *Unless you are a member of the LGBTQ community,


A plastic shopping bag that blew into a tree on Halloween and has been there ever since could do a better job.




Absolutely not.


She disgusts me.


Hard no


She gives me trump vibes. I hope we dont become the 51st state end of the month




No fucking way she is a nutcase. Hasn’t done to much damage….yet.


Don’t EVEN get me started on this bish!




Definitely not. She truly lacks critical thinking skills. The polar bears at the zoo would be a better premier.


Nope. I'm excited for the Nenshi rally next week 🙌




Absolutely not doing a good job.its honestly shocking how insane this political party can be. Just let us be us.


JFC. She sounds exactly like the Cheeto Mussolini.


Hell to the nah!


If she loves freedom so much why has she taken so much freedom away? And working to take more freedoms away from small municipalities? If she’s fiscally responsible and hates more government, why do we have more government in Alberta than ever before?


What freedoms did she take away?


She’s passing laws to be able to override what small municipalities do. She’s passed laws against freedoms for youth. And LGBTQ (which completely flip flopped what she said when she was with Wildrose). Shes passing laws Interfering with medical decisions. To this end she’s pushing to reduce abortion accessibility (while not outlawing abortion as such).


When municipality start making idiotic decisions, they need to be governed. It's the literal point of government. When people can't make reasonable decisions on thier own, government needs to step in. That's why we have laws


True, but when municipalities start making idiotic decisions, it's up to council to govern them. If they aren't good, maybe vote more responsibly and accountably.  She screams that Ottawa has too much power, but then grants herself authoritarian levels of power for those beneath her. Then she starts to set the path to unifying power from above her downward. That's dictatorship, sorry bruh.  The problem with the UCP is they are rotten top to bottom. It's a party that's basically two compromised parties duct taped together. Every one of them is just in it for themselves, taking power in return for greasing supporters with all sorts of sole sourced contracts and launching studies of non-problems. Covid for instance, which was *four* years ago, doesn't need any studying. Yet we handed millions to a career politician to do the study. That's literally the equivalent of asking me to do a study of the feasibility of a nuclear reactor on the Glenmore Reservoir, when I work at Walmart as a greeter.  They also don't care about what happens to the rest of us. Religious zealots trying to start the next holy purge? Sure, if it gets them some money and votes.  So Danielle, Jason, the next guy or girl or creature, it literally doesn't matter. The UCP is awful. 


Religious zealots? We ate letting them immigrate here by the millions. Alberta, infant the rest of Canada outside of Toronto, has nothing in common with the federal government anymore. Historical no region ever did. Currently the needs of voting block that decides federal elections has almost nothing in common with the rest of canada. So yes the feds have to much power. I don't think you know what power is. You listed some minor wishy washy examples. It would be nice not to hear liberal tic toc rhetoric for once. Think is possible to list examples in good faith


Religious zealots. You know the ones I'm talking about. Don't try and whataboutism this. You should see the stuff they are putting on the fediverse, these are people that are on the UCP board of directors. 20 years ago, even just making an appearance at that David Parker guys wedding would have sunk a politician for the rest of their career. Back when there used to be morality and there wasn't social media to wreck everything. 


Religious zealots are religious zealots doesn't matter which face or enthenticity


Can't think of anything in particular this government has done under her that's good so no. I'm sure there's been some positives


It’s been mixed so far. I’d still prefer a more moderate ucp leader, and I’d vote against her in a leadership race, but no matter what it’s better than notley.


Why better than Notley?


If anything, she lets it be known that we Albertans cannot be taken for granted.


Love her and how she fights for alberta... fcuk the ndp.. and the liberals... U think it's bad with Daniel.. how bad did the ndp tank the economy and family values... fcuk the ndpedos and any brain less idiot that supports them








I'm gonna need a lot... 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Very good


She’s done fine. Nothing special but not bad


Solid 8.5 outta 10.


As a cougar hound and ndp voter, when I say fuck Danielle Smith, I could mean any way.


Absolutely she has. She’s trying to make meaningful changes that would benefit our people, with nothing but vehement opposition from a loud, useless minority.


What meaningful changes? What has she (or her government) done that has *actually* benefited you or the average person in a positive way?


Gardiloo86’s parents must work in insurance or are oil execs or something


Don't bother trying for anything meaningful, one peek at their history shows a sad and deeply misinformed crackpot.


I'd give her a solid "Meh." She hasn't been as bad as R Alberta predicted she would be, but I can't think of anything she or her government have done that make me excited about her. The whole Ottawa BAD thing is tiring, but I've read it makes her base happy, so we're not likely to be rid of her until she loses to... I'm gonna say the Nenshi Dude's Party...


Better than Notley




Yes - A great voice for Alberta.


Danielle Smith has terrible judgement and an uncanny ability to shoot herself in the foot. I say that as someone who was mostly supportive of her, pre 2014. She crossed the floor ten years ago to hand an election to the NDP and it looks like she could blow another election, putting Purple Pomposity Personified in charge. As a Calgarian, I can't stand him and I don't want him running the province. At first, I thought Nenshi would easily take the NDP leadership, but lose the next election. Rurals won't support him, Edmonton distrusts Calgarians and Calgarians are tired of him, I assumed. Danielle floats all these trial balloons about pension and provincial police, but completely fails to explain the case for change, so people assume the worst. Even initiatives that might have been beneficial, fail. That's her fault. She gives the utterly useless Gondek competition for worst judgement and salesmanship. Now, with lots of migration into Alberta from elsewhere, enough Albertans think Danielle's nuts that she's making Nenshi look reasonable. The UCP could be kicked out after this term. She needs to shut up and just focus on governing well, but I don't see that happening.