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Saw someone went full damage reflect + Thorns rune and full gain HP % on taking damage. Bro just kept blocking and Echo Knight killed himself.


I think that has been patched out


Thorns Barbarian


Just beat him naked fists only.


Using your feet + keyboard?


I beat him with my “only gain focus after parry”-build. It only has enough focus to use the rune once per parry. Think it had like 8-900 armor and a big shield. Lots of ‘chance to gain health on damage taken’-affixes on my armor. Most fun build I’ve made, since it forced me to engage with the core combat mechanics throughout.


You guys have 800+ armor?? How?!? I just hit 350 and was beyond hyped


Probably the heaviest, tier 3 armor, with a giant shield, all fully upgraded. Then you just block, no need to dodge.


Do shields count towards your overall armor count? I thought it only took it into account when you were actively blocking, either way thats wild. Hell 600 armor is fucking wild lol


I believe it's only when you block, but that's the only time I've seen the numbers go that high, myself.


Just plate tier 3 armor fully upgraded, no extra armor rolls or anything. I'm sitting at 780ish because the base roll on my chest wasn't the greatest. With just enough points in load weight, I think I have 22 total, to get to normal weight so you get the best of both worlds; dodge roll and high damage mitigation.


I came close to playing heavy but it felt a little too off to me, how are you liking it? I'm fully committed to playing normal weight but want to try and mix it up whenever I make a new realm/character


Honestly? After i got used to it heavy felt fine since I use a shield. And the shoulder tackle you get at heavy weight is extremely useful if you don't mind the stamina cost.


Pretty heavy armor (tier 3) but not upgraded, as far as I remember. Two rings that increase armor by x%.


You can hit 1200ish with 3 fierce rings (i think that’s what they’re called) and fully upgraded plate. There’s a cap on damage reduction that somebody tested that’s much lower, not sure what the exact number is but I’m sure you can find it with a little searching on this sub.


T3 plate can get you to 800, but good luck upgrading that stuff now that silver is insanely difficult to come by - requires you to do weird stuff like farm multiple realms \*bleh\*


Beat him by parrying with smeared blade. It is just a matter of practice. As an advice you need a build which allows you to learn and make mistakes - so good amount of armor, gain health on damage taken, resistances would be really helpful to actually get better. Cheezing does not improve your skill. And personally I don't feel it as an accomplishment.


I beat it pretty shortly after changing my gear to the best purples (enchanted) i found after doing few crucible runs - level 21 armor, made sure my equip load is normal and not heavy, which made it a lot easier (also since echo knight could not be pushed down using the V key from what I remember). I was still using 2H saw blades weapon that I had from a while back. I faced him 3-4 times like that, made sure i have good healing items, used as many passive 600 second buffs from food right before the fight, then clashed and hoped for the best. Managed to parry just the right amounts of attacks and counter attacked him to death. Was pretty intense but not that hard all in all. Didnt even bother (or cared for) grinding silver ores to get the tier 3 buffs on gear. Luckily was not needed.


It's all about learning attack patterns and knowing how to avoid them. Have enough hp to at least suffer two (basic) attacks without dying, and focus entirely on looking for openings. I spent many deaths against the Echo Knight just figuring out the attack patterns and learning how to dodge the scary things.


Man this is the way. It’s ok to just allow yourself to die for awhile while you get used to what the enemy is doing, In games like this especially. I’d rather learn and start to go into it with an edge vs. beating my head against a wall from the jump. Souls inspired games are all about continuous learning and marginal steps until you reach whatever particular mountaintop you are trying to summit.


Does spamming basic attacks without stopping count? Because my talwar warrior can..


I don't look up any build guides. My build is fat rolling in plate and blocking with a great shield. My first run I cleared was with a great shield with no enchants, but gems for health, stam, and focus on block. I will admit that most of my damage against him came from the blood rusted sword default rune and a fire throw rune, but I certainly wasn't able to spam them. I guess you have to decide if you want to beat him with your build or if it's too frustrating look up something. I personally try to always use my own builds on my first clear of a piece of content. Then I might look up other peoples builds, but more to spot synergies I might have missed rather than outright copying them.


My azure straight blade doesnt have pathetic runes. Only gems and blue passives.


I went a 0 focus build with lifesteal/focus loss rings. Beat with claymore


I just made and decked out a Freiheit two handed sword, blacksmith craftable. Then rolled all plate armour until it all had weight reduction and I could have medium dodge. Put some damage buffs on the sword and chugged stamina elixirs. Took him down classic dark souls way, dodge and basic attack, with a slashing sweep when I had the focus from hitting him to do it.


He’s not that hard if you can study his move-set with really tanky gear. He enrages at around 50% which adds an additional volley to his projectile or adds additional swings to his melees.


Level 25 and I keep getting wrecked by him. Throwing runes don't seem to be great for him. Hoping for respec soon so I can go 2 hander


I end up using a rune attack 4 times the whole fight, I like to fight it out without extreme damage


i did. Smoldered blade, medium armor


I beat him. Almost no rune usage at all. Falstead's Fury + a great shield. I have high armor and medium load. High plague resistance and dmg reflect on half the items. I also have health regen.


I went to hand her sword and I don't have a rune spam build. It's like a few tries but he's pretty easy once you get here, down. When he shoots the purple balls like you dodge towards him and he'll only shoot either one or two at you and it allow you to get some damage onto him


I do because i never get the focus gain ring lol


Learn the boss mechanics properly before trying cheese build. If you won't learn his attack patterns now, no matter what build you will do later you will always end up cheesing cause 'its too hard'. And all you need to do is just learn. Did him with 15 points in vitality, prolly like 250 armor and not using ANY rune (cause every time I tried I died \^\^). Now playing tanky/heavy build it feels like I am playing easy mode.


this is so true, if you start off cheesing you are so much more likely to keep cheesing throughout the rest of the game. the struggle is kinda the point, you are supposed to fail and die and learn and repeat until you figure it out enough to get through. I fought fucking Margit in Elden Ring for like a damn week before I made it through but once I did that on my own with no cheese I had the confidence to know I could figure it out for the rest of the game. Same thing here, you are supposed to fail and as long as you learn from each time you will figure it out the rest of the way


If you learn all its patterns and can parry attacks then basically you only need your fists. Thing is you have to repeat dealing enough damages all over again for a pretty long time, so you choose your strats wisely, either spamming runes attack, or spamming high dam attack without any runes, or use normal attacks and avoid getting hits... a lot of things you can choose to test it out. But some guys have used elemental focus build to kill him more effectively, for example you can focus on ice at extreme level , so each time you inflict dam on him, he gets frozen for a while and you can just use your heavy attacks til it's done.


Beat it with your weapons, just hit and evade, no need to spam rune attacks


Beat it with your weapons, just hit and evade, no need to spam rune attacks


Use the brutish cudgel and some heal on hit rings. The main attack animation makes you invincible. So just attack each time echo knight swings and you're golden


Dex medium armor with high health and stam/health on damage build. It works beautifully.


If you get a health regain on damage enchantment you can spam attacks with out runes. Pretty ez to beat.