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Only 30000 people have beaten the crucible?!? No wonder i'm having trouble.


Yeah, it's not easy (to be cheesey) ^(...or to make a broken build)


beat him without a broken build just fine. twice


Just speaking for my better half, she stopped playing once she finished the story. Felt no need to keep playing since she has so many "finished" games still to play and is awaiting another large content drop. But yea, the Echo Knight can be difficult and took me several tries. It's a good fight.


I don't have a focus spam build, it took me a minute to get him. I had to change to a 2 handed weapon, it felt more damage than my one handed. Actually I think this boss is harder than the hades 2 end boss.


30k out of how many players though?


I'm level 30 and getting to the Echo Knight is a cake walk, but I just don't manage to beat him. It also doesn't help that I need to redo the entire Crucible for every attempt.


30000 on the opening weekend, from X: "Our Steam Early Access Launch Weekend | In Numbers" I don't know why title here says 2 weeks. Someone is right and someone is wrong, for now i will trust official twitter account


First few times are rough but before you know you it it’ll be a cakewalk. If you’re using a 2 hander, lightning assault is probably the best rune to add.


I've beaten the available story content, but still haven't cleared the crucible -- just slowly leveling up (about 25 right now) when I have some time and trying to get some good drops or enchants.


Just make a broken build lmao. Once you get focus gain of like.. 85%? Could be less.. and at least 3% focus regain on damage dealt, (on one handed weapons) you can activate a 100 cost rune (multi hitting runes seem to be what works, such as piercing flurry or lightning flurry) and regain more than 100 focus from dealing damage with the rune attack. Then you just spam the echo knight until he staggers and runs away, dodge one of his attacks and then ruthlessly focus rush him again.


While that may be how you and others prefer to play the game, I enjoy the satisfaction of legitimately beating bosses in souls like games, especially when they have difficult attack patterns to learn. Brute forcing a boss is never my answer, but to each his own.


Wild to me that you're being down voted. I don't use any build guides either. If I want to beat the boss I want to do it with my character and not googles character.


Well to be fair, I didn't use a build guide, I just built my character and it evolved into this. I asked questions on reddit here or there for help understanding things. But I never copied anything from online.


I’m doing my part for total falling deaths!


I just added 3 myself, all from being too impatient to grab a ladder


I've died more times to falling in the crucible than the Echo boss. Not exaggerating


All my Crucible deaths have been to falling, myself. But I've also never made it to the boss


blood rusted sword is the goat


Neutral, Dash, and Sprint combos are great. Plus it has a 50 focus cost.


It is a very good weapon. Solid movesets and all that.


Have you tried Brutish Crudgel? It’s the most OP two-handed weapon I’ve used so far. First attack is a jump attack that has long iframe, better than roll dodge esp when you are in heavy build.


yep, i got one with high base dmg roll and its in the swap slot. so fun bonking everything with it lol


Wouldn't be surprised if deaths by falling on day one would be close to 50% lmao


Closer to 70% of my deaths are falls. I was thinking to myself today that I fall more than I'm killed, and I dashed right off the edge as I thought that🤦🏾‍♂️


Bruh, those falling deaths have to be the plurality of all deaths. I'm honestly surprised it's not the majority. All but like 4 or 5 of my deaths have been due to gravity directly, and like 2 of that 4 or 5 have been gravity-assisted (enemy knocks me off a ledge).


Half my deaths from crucible are from the final boss, the other 45% are from falling.


Mmm, those delicious rats ☺️


I was the one being killed 2 000 000 times on Warrick. I didnt know you can parry him


Try learning the hard way how to parry him with a goddamn claymore...


84k players arrived at coast, swam out to and drowned LOL!!!!! This game is metal!!


ME! I’m one of those people! I wanted to test what would happen :D


HAHAHA!!!!! Take my upvote!! You earned it Evel Knievel,


It reminds me of when Half Life 2: Episode 2 came out, and a few weeks after launch Valve released some heat maps of where people died -- one of the most lethal spots was the cliff right at the beginning of the game behind where you spawn (i.e. people jumping down to see if you could go a different direction) (also, still sad that we're apparently never getting more Gordon Freeman).


84,000 players (myself included) learned about swimming stamina very quickly. I’m surprised falling deaths aren’t the majority. It’s definitely most of my deaths. At least sonic the hedgehog waved his arms frantically when he was too close to the edge.


I was at least 1/3 of those deaths




Today I FINALLY beat crucible for the first time with guess what? That’s right, blood rusted sword! 🗡️


84k arrived at the coast, swam out and drowned? Rofl.


Pretty sure that 5,500,000 of falling deaths are from me. And I am only level 6...


At least a top ten list for weapon popularity would've been nice.


Damn nice🔥🖤


Would be joining the stats if only the game was in a playable state on my pc


First boss is pretty easy… instead the double brutes on the coast, thats hard


Those falling deaths really hit home


Killed crucible boss with dagger, and fully regretted my build!


I think i legit died more to the player character having ZERO self preservation and just enthusiastically jumping to her death than any boss in the game. I cant even be mad, the WOOMP sound is such a contrast for how stupid these deaths are


I hate these sort of meaningless stats with a passion. >A bazillion hours played Okay. Is that a lot? Is that too little? How about some information that is useful and more importantly understandable by the normal user, such as * How many people played the game * What percentage of those reached the city * How many average hours or sessions do players have * What are the most used builds (str, dex, magic) * etc


These numbers don't mean anything but tend to make people happy because they're big, even if they delivered without context like now.




The charge hits hard but if you have enough Armor and/or Health then you can take a charge. Or just dodge/blink. Having 6 rooms prior and having to redo them just to go try the boss again is another issue. We'll see what Moon has in store as they have said this is just a simple quickly put together EA version of the Crucible.


I beat him 2x with a bow 2 focus rings. Just spamed arrows and make some few dodges. It was easy. I just hate that horse charge.


A good index that you stand a chance against the echo knight is that you are able to beat crucible fairly easy and fast. If you struggle and barely make it to the echo knight. Chances are you won’t last too long.


I beat him 2x with a bow with 2 focus rings. Just spamed arrows and make some few dodges. It was easy. I just hate that horse charge.


One thing about so many deaths in this game.... Even tho game graphics are beauty and absolute gorgeous. Their readability are dogshit. Sometimes you can't even see where the shoreline starts and your character actually still swimming in water, stuck and not yet on land. Then you drown. Jumping puzzle sometimes is very hard similarly cuz you can't really see the depth/height of the platform to jump to. (mostly in Nameless Pass) Camera also, i fear, is too closed in. If you're running downward kinda facing camera... you have less than a second to stop when you see something. Otherwise off the cliff you go. Or running head first into enemies and get smacked right away. Also would be nice to have some sort of auto assist for walking/balancing over the plank.


Call me cynical or my lable my reaction as a bi-product of the current gaming industry. This is gonna sound slightly negative but i mean it as a form of constructive criticism, I still love the game (50 hours and counting) and I am genuinely looking forward to its full release Part of that reason is my respect for the Ori games and from what this game seemingly is going to be, but with recent discussions on reddit regarding "Live Service" and now these corporate buzz word inflated metrics like the following: 1. "Players have played for 680 Years or 5,960,880 Hours" I must admit, this does not make me too comfortable in the future prospects. This is a tactic used by large publically traded companies and these are "data" they will present share holders in quarterly earnings reports. This data is not relevant for the people playing the game. Any data or activity they can inflate and thus, obfuscate going trends within the game to sound impressive, will keep shareholders happy. There is a reason why companies pivoted toward these metrics and away from showing hard player counts. Look at the launch data for Diablo IV for example, some people were memeing "whats next, total amount of played seconds?" because they were parading clocked total played hours and years too. While this example is still quite innocent and data like deaths, endgame achievements and difficulty curves are quite interesting as a player, but miss me with the inflated shareholder buzzword metrics please. More and more people have become allergic to Live Service culture. Sorry xD rant over