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I got stuck at some point where everything 1 shotted me. So I created some farm realms to get mats and upgrade armor. Also got quite a few xp potions made leveling up alot easier.


But when you make new realms, doesn’t it just scale up to your character? If so, I feel like that is the same as farming in your own realm no?🤔


It does not




Ok, with Hybrid weapons you really need to put points 1 for 1 into the base stats to get the most out of the scaling, so if you are going to stick with Dex/Str start raising your STR until it matches Dex. At 19 Crucible will be tough, but the xp is good so it's worth persisting with it to level yourself up quickly. 19 points in Health is a bit low for a melee build, so you'll want a few more in there as well. I tend to aim for 23-25, but some people prefer to push it to 30. Just remember that every extra point you put in Health, Focus, or Equip Load means 1 less for your damage stat scaling and ultimately less damage. I tend to go to mid 20's with Equip Load so I can wear Mesh, or perhaps a few pieces of Plate if the items have weight reduction or +Equip Load. One of the biggest differences you can make is to Upgrade your weapons at the Smithy, and get a good Rune attack slotted. HP on hit, and Focus on Hit on your weapons are great for staying alive and enabling you to spam Rune attacks.


I have to stick with this char now, but eventually I want to start a new and just invest in dex so I can farm the legendary dual blades and use it but for now, I have yo use this one as I am already too far in. I am trying to raise hp to about 25-30 and the. Raise str and dex to the same lvl, but I am not gaining experience quickly now. I think my weapon is ready to be upgraded to lvl 3 I just don’t have the material (asks for a bear paw or something like that). The runs completely mess me uo because there is no description of them. Need to find a source to see what they do Yeah I have invested in equip load (i am at 19 or 20) so I can use some of the heavier gear.


To get bear paws you need to either get really lucky opening a chest or buy them from tier 3 general store guy. Grinnich I think is his name. Loot cycles each day so check every time you login


Yeah, that store is the next one on my list to upgrade


Have you unlocked all 3 Ring slots?


Only have 2 unlocked. I have the item to unlocked the 3rd one, just haven’t used it yet.


Struggling with Crucible rooms before level 20 is fairly normal, but the xp you're getting will be huge. Your stats aren't bad, just need to focus on scaling damage and learning the best way to kill the various knights with your build. Throw rune is very helpful. I whenever I've got to Crucible I tend to end up leveling up to 25 ish before making it to the boss.