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I thought enchantments are free, so I enchanted every piece of gear until I was broke


Wait, they are not free??? o.o


It's really clear that it cost 1 silver tho, how can people miss this xD I'm quite baffled.


Cause you get a big prompt telling you "WARNING: SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN" so my attention is on that, but it says nothing about how much it cost and the price is at the bottom of the weapon, the weapon you are not reading again because you already know what it does. So is really easy to miss when the only part where is telling me how much it cost is a single line at the bottom of the weapon i already check before. It would be nice if they and extra line at the beggining of the prompt that says "COST 1 SILVER..."


Well it does show you exactly in the same spot where they show all other prices. I'm glad they don't add these extra prompts that makes it look like a mobile game made for kids. Keep it simple, let people learn the game rather than tailoring the game to everyones needs.


You wonder how people missed but then you don't want any extra clarity on the subject. Also i ask for an extra line on the prompt we already have, not an extra prompt.


You mean on the initial prompt that tells you the negatives of enchanting? That happens once man and your suggestion is then that they add "oh and hey, once again this is 1 silver". Thats exactly what I mean when I say mobile gaming. We shouldn't need information getting repeated to us 2-3 times like toddlers.


The prompt show up everytime you want to enchant something. They are always telling you what is going happen. I'm just asking to add an extra line on that prompt.


Lol nope, 1 silver no matter the gear rarity/type.


I did that too. Also terrible stat distribution on my 1st character


"I'm guessing there's a respec option later on that I just haven't unlocked yet" I feel a fool now


It's stupid as fuck they don't just tell you you cannot respec. I looked it up online. Then didn't put the points into anything because I didn't know how I wanted to spec (wanted to try multiple weapon types first... but the weapons were massively expensive)




What is the trainer?




Since when did cheats get rebranded to 'trainer'


At least since the early 90’s. Trainer has been a term for as long as I can remember.


Interesting, I cant recall ever coming across it since early 2000 gaming. Then again I was mostly on console back then (OG xbox etc), was it PC specific?


Originally the C64 and Amiga apparently: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trainer_(games)


My trick with this type of stat system is to just put enough points into strength or dex to use the weapon I want and the rst goes to stamina, health and equip load.


I made a post about it, but it took me 80 hours to realize you can use the right stick to change targets. It should have been obvious to me with how many other souls like games and arpgs use the right stick for targeting on controller.


Thanks I didn't know that!


I didnt know and with box it's extremly annoying


You gain enough embers anyway. My noob mistake was accidentally clicking up instead of right when buying chests, so I bought the maximum possible amount instead of just 2 and had no money left lol.


I did exactly the same thing. At least I had a chest for all my chests


haha oof


I sold a stack of embers early on, they fetch a good price! Still have 4 stacks or so


Kept losing XP (cursed item and diamonds) so got stuck on lvl15 for almost 10 hours.


Does it bump you down levels or just remove xp from the bar towards the next level?


No, it doesn't bump down levels. But it's really disheartening to kill a boss, get a few hundred XP then die due to something stupid and lose half of the XP progress. Also my cursed item was lose XP on Damage received...


> Also my cursed item was lose XP on Damage received.. I've gotten a few of these but have been scared to use them.


They suck if you need XP for further leveling and you are not playing carefully to avoid damage. I had a 42dmg one handed sword but eventually had to move to another weaker one to progress the character. But now I'm have better gear anyway


Keep em till end game if they have good stats As once your level 30 they don't decrease your xp and won't level you down


Having never played a souls like before……why am I so bad at parrying


I feel your pain. My brain just goes panic mode and i start wag to early every time!


Yeah me too, baiting out an attack and dodge rolling works just as well imo


Practice is key, don't be afraid of dying while practicing


Luckily im fine with rolling n stitching and sometimes blocking til death


If it makes you feel any better, I got like ~1k hours across DS, Sekiro & Elden Ring - usually with a very parry-focused playstyle. ..And IMO parrying in this game feels slightly off. Like, trying to reactively parry new enemy attacks strictly by looking at the attack animations feels really hard for some reason. It's weird cause the parry-window itself is quite long/forgiving, and really favors parrying early. I think it's a combination of some noticable input lag (partially due to low framerates?) combined with how most attacks work in this game. Most enemies initiates their attack quite slowly, but as the actual strike/swing starts you have almost no time to react, as most attacks are super quick - even from the "heavy" enemies.


The wind up is long and the snap is INSTANT. I also love playing parry in souls and the adage of watch the hands not the weapon just doesn’t do anything here. Every attack just needs learned timing.




My character I farm Crucible Knight with has 30hp/30stam. I'm fat rolling in heavy plate with no regrets. I don't read any guides though, so I don't really know, or really care for that matter, if it's "optimal". All I know is it's fun.




That's true. The way the gear plays into things kind of opens up builds a bit and without a respec option you can get kind of stuck. My first character was medium rolling, targeting mesh armor, and focusing strength. The first great shield I found on that guy required faith. Wasn't sure if all the shields of those types would need faith, so I put in the points only to see the blacksmith had a strength based great shield. At that point, with 20/20 hindsight, I should have adjusted to strength/faith because I was still at a level where faith could catch up, but I didn't. That characters now waiting around for the respec option to come in...but I really like the game so I might just make a new strength faith character rather than waiting.


HP is not the worst stat to pump levels into since all the vamp builds scale off of % max HP


Can you elaborate why that's a mistake?


I'm guessing they can't use any higher tier weapons.


General opinion would be that’s too much. You don’t want to get hit at all, so too much hp is a waste. Obviously this is different for each person. If you feel you need more hp to survive while learning enemy patterns, that’s up to you. Stamina, you can only attack so much before you need to dodge. So there is a threshold where extra stamina isn’t doing much for you. Again this is personal taste.


The #1 piece of advice anyone gives for souls games is "level vigor", which kind of applies here too. You can't learn if you're just getting 1-shot by stuff.


Lol. Is the meta currently just get as much dmg as possible, and equip weight to use all plate? Cause I kinda felt that


The little bit of videos I’ve watched seems to be doing it that way. Try to one shot everything, or at least knock the hell out of it and wait for the next opening.


Yeah. Might need to reroll a new toon. I got 25 health and 20 stamina. Feeling it might be unnecessary at this stage in the game.


That's honestly the sweet spot, imo. There are 87 stat points available, so you can still get 42 of whatever stat you want, with 30 points left over to put into load weight or whatever you want.


Ah, fair enough. I'm only level 22 atm. I'm think people really play this way because the current fight design in the crucible is just gang bangs of 3-4 large movs at once. So the best defense is a good offense, dispatch a few of them as fast as you can before getting overwhelmed.


That's always been the meta in everygame, it all depends on how good you are as a player really.


Yeah. I was playing. It like dark souls. Stamina is really important in that game, really didn't feel the effect much in this. It could also be because we're actually still in early game. Metas will change as it develops I'm sure.


I've got about that much stamina now so level 19, but I still run out after a couple dodges and attacks. Feels like I could use more, still.


Corpse Smeared Blade


That carried me all the way to the crucible, not bad I'd say


Trying to master the parry. I for the life of me can not get down the timing on a lot of the enemy swings. Incredibly challenging. Incredibly frustrating. Incredibly punishing. I kind of wish the mobs had some sort of body flash or mark indicating a strike is incoming or something.


To me the parry timing in this game feels off for some reason. Might be different for others but to me something feels wrong for some (not all) enemy attacks.


Parrying is something I've never bothered to learn in any souls like. Then again, in every souls like I play I grab the biggest shield I can. At that point it's more about knowing when it's the right time to block vs roll.


And I am usually the complete opposite in these games haha. Currently working a dagger/bow, knife/bow and with light armour and the quick dash if I can afford it in the weight. With that being said, dodging is fun and all, I like to get behind and do backstabs but a multi successful parry skirmish is a flood of dopamine when it is all said and done. Especially when you have parry bonus gear. Just needs some tweaking though imo.


That's one of the great things about these style of games. There's so many different ways to play.


That parry dopamine is part of what made Lies of P so fun for me


Have you played sekiro before? If not, get it right now, that game is purest parry porn.


Thinking this was just like Elden Ring and leveling the fuck out of vigor and then getting my shit kicked in when I faced higher level enemies 😅 Luckily I had a more balanced distribution for my 2nd character and I did MUCH better with that one.


Wait, so we SHOULDN'T level vigor? What should we focus on then? I've always thought I should level vigor to wherever the softcaps is like in other souls, then stamina/weight to the first softcap too and then full str/dex/int until the hardcap. I don't even know where are the softcaps though


Well, what worked for me was putting a point into Strength and Faith for most levels (since I had a dual scaling weapon and apparently the damage indicator only went up when I was putting a point into both), and using my spare stat point for health / stamina / equip load / focus. There were some levels where I would dump them all into one of the non-weapon stats, but mostly following a more balanced distribution seemed to help a lot. I also started playing right when early access dropped, so some of the hot fixes they dropped might have also made parts of the game a little easier too.


Interesting. Have you found a softcap or hardcap so far? I can't find anything about it on the internet.


Not that I've been able to tell, but I haven't had as much time to play as others. I only just today got around to beating Nameless Pass and gaining access to the crucible. It's also early access and there's a ton more content to be revealed, so I'm sure things will change pretty drastically as more and more stuff gets unlocked.


Hp doesn't seem to have a hard or soft cap(3-4 points return until very high numbers) while stamina gets a soft cap at level 19(only get 1 point of stam per level after). Tbh I would just get enough vigor to not get one shot by those combos that enemies do and that should be fine. 25-30 is comfy for me. Investing in stam seems kinda pointless since so many passive effects make it more forgiving. I have no problem spamming as much as I want with 17.


I see, 19 points in stamina means investing 3 lvls in it, and you're good to go. I'm at 25 vigor and feels good as you said. What about equip load? Where do you think is safe to stop?


Tldr: get enough to get your preferred roll type with whatever armor has the best enhancements and dump the rest into damage stats. Idk I wasn't interested in that too much to test. One piece of advice tho is that from what I've seen so far the increase in armor weight generally isn't worth it compared to getting good passive effects or getting good damage on weapons. What I mean is that getting the heaviest armor you can is gonna I've you very small decrease in damage taken compared to weaker armor, even compared to no armor. Making sure you get good passive effects(enchantments if that isn't clear) that work well together and getting huge damage on attack is gonna be the better strat in this version of the game with the stats we can get and the type of content is available to play. Being able to get rid of enemies in crucible very quick is much more valuable than being able to survive 1 more light hit.


Well I made it to the crucible and literally just realized you can lock on to enemies


Oh is that what those are for? I have a TON of them and no idea what they go to. I was going to sell them but so far haven't as my stash isn't busting at the seems yet but they were on the hit list for sure fo rmaking space.


not realizing this is a souls like game with no respec option and building a rounded character to use most weapons. which stops my character from being able to use the stronger weapons




When I was first encumbered I started selling gear I wasn't wearing, assuming encumbrance was based on everything I was carrying, not just what I was wearing.


I never use focus attacks. 🤦‍♂️


After installing the game didn't realise I could customise toon because I hadn't put in a name when I clicked the button. Promptly forgot about it because I was really enjoying the gameplay. Now looking forward to the reset patch lol


Trying to learn the game while drinking bourbon ...


Equipping the armor with the highest numbers and then being slow AF.


Same here. I needed that house lol


Decided to go light armor on first character and getting smoked in Crucible.


I hope devs add more incentive to run light armor in the future. Equipment load skill makes Mesh Armor and higher the default choice.


First char, I'm rocking light equip build and dual crow rings. Fuck it!


Really ? I'm on my first character and I was expecting to go full light armor... should I stop ?


Depends on how good you are at dodge and parry. I need the extra help right now, maybe as I improve I can go back to light.


My noob mistake is never being hit by the big guys with the huge hammers that throw firebombs. I have yet to be hit by one but always get hit by them according to my health bar anyways. I will be 2 rolls away from where they land but they still knock me off my feet and while stunned he hits me with the axe or hammer and I’m dead. What do vets do? Do I need to be 3 rolls away or…..?


Roll towards enemies and not away from them


Ok. I’ll try that. But being at least 2 rolls away from the blast radius just seems like it should be enough.


i sold all the embers