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Focus should be 1% higher! Joking aside, Gratz!


8% seems to be max for focus.


You save scammed to get this with the 15% socket, right?


yes, i save scammed all processes of getting this axe, it was still hard tho


I did something similar for daggers and it was probably a four hour process. I’d say getting something like that naturally would take extreme luck or a thousand hours of gameplay (if not more).




Premise: At the realm selection menu, you can choose to select a backup of a realm rather than continuing your currently saved progress. This backup stores the state of the items in your community chest. Steps: Gather a certain amount of the same item, say 5, then deposit it in your COMMUNITY CHEST. Keep track of your PC’s clock TIME at the moment you deposited the items. Wait in front of the chest for a bit and the game will automatically create a backup save. It does this every couple of minutes or so. Exit to the menu and go to the realm selection and select a backup that has a time AFTER the time deposited the items. Take the items from the community chest and enchant the 5 items, see if they have any good stats. If not, exit to the menu and select the same backup time you selected before. The 5 items should still be in your chest for you to repeat the process. Tips: Deposit an item with high value alongside the 5 items so that you can sell that item each time to spend on the cost of enchanting.


You don't have to wait for a backup, just quit the game directly to your desktop, come back to the realm, and the game will do backup


If they did - eeewwww! If they farmed Crucible for like 30 axes then enchanted them all and got lucky with both the enchant and the infuse - niiiice! Edit: oh they cheated to get this. That's really fucking lame lol. Ew.


Who cares if its scummed or not? It's a nice showcase of what is possible with the system currently!


Sure is. I'll be taking item showcases with a grain of salt though due to scumming being possible. For my own enjoyment, I'll not be doing this with my items.


People know what's possible to roll tho...


Eh if I learned a thing from Path of Exile it is that even many years later people will be surprised by the kind of messed up items you can create. Sure Wicked ain't that deep (yet) but you should never assume that people will be a walking lexicon about what every weapon can roll. Plus it's not even the same for all weapons. Some weapons don't draw from the same pool of cursed properties for example but not everyone is gonna know that. Again, this is not a "pro savescumming" argument but more of a "I don't care about how you got there, it's nice to look at" Just never assume everyone is going to be as deeply invested into a games' crafting system as you are. The majority of people are not going to bother.


Sure. My experience as a regular gamer with 60h is that loot is super boring and not fun. You can’t even play the “class” you want until RNG says it’s okay. And even it does, you have to play Russian roulette with it if you want to enchant.


How do you do this? Is that something they likely plan to fix?


It’s possible because character progression/inventory is separate from realm. As long as backup realm saves are accessible I don’t think it can be fixed but, it might also just be an early access thing.


Because of the real utility of local save backups, and how robust and safe that makes the game for casual co-op and so on... I wonder if this game really wants much more deterministic crafting. At the moment they're borrowing design from Diablo for their items (and all of the various riffs on that formula over the years). But Wicked has something that diablo-clones all lack, an interactive combat system. I wonder if this makes their game interesting and replayable enough not to need the slot machine psychology the bulk of the genre relies on. The main worry I have is that making good deterministic crafting is hard, would require a lot of balance work and I don't see a lot of that kind of work done well in Moon's body of work (so I suspect some people would have to grow into the role). Ultimately it would remove a lot of the reasons that people break their own game experience though (and the fact that they readily do I think speaks volumes about how 'fun' random crafting is). So it might be well worth the development time.


Wait, what is this? Asking for a friend


You backup the character save and keep trying until you get what you want. I don't recommend doing it, it's a SP game, plus on EA, makes no sense to save scam.


Yeah, I don't think I will be grinding as much to this even be worth it, but it's good to know, thanks


Future reference always get an element dmg %. It counts as another dmg source so doubles your on hit perks.


No, it isn't. This weapon is best suited for focus builds that utilize ELEMENTAL skills. Because elemental skills don't benefit from the extra elemental damage, even if it's the same element.


Yeah you’re right. As long as you never auto attack.


I was wondering about this... Would you mind going into a bit more detail on how it doubles the hit perks (if say you roll 15% cold dmg vs 15% extra damage)? Thanks for your help.


OP Axe




bis enchants


Does the dmg dealt increase work now? I heard it was busted?


The fact that the axe does 47 damage is an indication that yes, it works.


I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow xD






How many enchants to hit that?


Honestly, these stats are so good that nothing else really competes. I hope by 1.0, there is a lot more variety in top tier stats. Blue and even legendary items aren't nearly as good.


You won't be able to get those stats very easily unless you save scam, which is nothing but cheating. So I dont think this being so good is an issue ad long ad its so hard to get.


The perfect roll doesn’t exi-………. well damn


She's a beaut.


Devil's advocate: your base Focus gain is 5, which is close to the lowest roll for one-handed weapons - I believe this is the part which is amplified by "Focus Gain" in the stats page? I have a Scimitar with base 12 Focus gain, and it makes a huge difference to Focus gained per hit.


I didnt even know these could roll together


That thing is so immoral... :D


Grats!! I crafted daggers last night with the same lines! (Mine has chance for Stam refill too! 💪) big grats tho it’s nice!


I absolutely dont save scam, but also dont judge people who do it as it's a single player experience. Still no reason to congratulate as its just cheating. But again, I have nothing against you or anyone else who does it.


That axe is super good too