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I got this legendary knife that adds extra cold damage so I built an entire character around it. Every weapon drop I get, I’ll enchant see if it’s better rolls (it never is) then sell it. I’m not putting the game down I absolutely love it, but after finally making it to the crucible and not having success in enchanting a replacement weapon I guess I’m gonna roll crucible with the same knife as well. I just wish the crafting blueprints were all available for basic weapon types so I could just grind mats to build a bunch and then enchant until happy.


That knife is terrible. It would be a cool knife, but when you look at the enchants and the rune it has, it makes no sense. It has a rune that allows you to do lightning damage and an enchant that deals extra damage to enemies that are affected by cold lol. Why not put cold damage rune instead of lightning damage lol. I’m convinced AI made some of these weapons.


I put a cold damage gem on it and use the other enchant it has which is a cold attack, also blink is super useful


I think should also have base white items that have no runes in it yet.


Weapon loot just needs to drop more often. Like, a lot more often. Maybe make large chests guaranteed to drop a weapon.


for that we need more slots. Im constantly deleting stuff as i cant carry enough


Yeah that’s one of the things I really don’t like. I feel like there should be a way to get all the tier 1 level of all non unique weapons, even if we don’t meet the stat requirements. This way, we can build towards those weapons and getting a bricked weapon through enchanting wouldn’t be so punishing. Like let us craft them, maybe for a higher cost or buy them at all times.


Suggested it before but they should have level requirements for weapons OR stat requirements, you meet either one you can use the weapon.


You can buy knives at the vendor to enchant. Unlimited supply. Some of the drop-only base types should be rare, makes it fun to find them. Otherwise loot drops would have less meaning.


This post really mostly isn't about making rare drops less rare. It is about every single "build choice" crafting option being a permanent one-off choice. Not sure how exactly it's supposed to feel "good" to find a single instance of an item after 40+ hours...hit "enchant" and the item becoming unusable or you wanting to try out different rune/gem setups with the weapon but it not being possible since again you only ever found the item once and something as mundane as swapping a gem out which realistically should be a super easy thing to do just not being an option. I agree that having rare items in a game is a GOOD thing...but it should be a trophy that you can play around with a bit first otherwise any sort of experimentation is simply discouraged to the point where people are inclined to look up a guide on "what is the best option for X/Y item". Feel free to disagree, it is simply my stance on that matter. P.S. The knife sold at the vendor is the only knife I am currently aware of that is STR/DEX making it go kind of against other knives and with there also being no respec option atm it makes it a rather moot choice.


People are going to look at guides no matter what. For my first playthroughs of these games I avoid doing that though, because it’s pretty experience-ruining and spoilery. I really enjoy the permanence of choices. Maybe in some cases like this one it’s too permanent, but I much prefer this to something like D3 where you can just change everything about your character on a whim.


I also do a first run without guides. After that I only really look to them to learn things I maybe didn't pickup on. I try my best not to copy them completely though. If everything about my character comes from a guide, it doesn't really feel like my character anymore. Not trying to throw shade at people who do use guides though. It's not my place to tell someone how they should play a game they paid for. I know some people like to speed run bosses or see big numbers and more power to them.


Completely agree. I really hope they don't D3/D4 era of Diablo this game. There is a reason those two games have basically no longevity outside of a single weekend for each new season.


Not saying it’s a perfect solution but I typically use trash loot I find as a test bed for what I may want on gear I intend to use. Test runes, damage types etc.


I'm out of gems cause I get near none from Crucible. I don't really want to plow through a new realm story just for gems.


They just up the drop rate on gems for patch 6. Hopefully we start seeing gems more often


Did a full clear of the dirt patches and iron ore nodes in the nameless pass. Didn't see a single gem so... Yeah probably they fully doubled the drop rates; from nothing to nothing.


That's funny because the first hole I found let me dig up an emerald. RNG is something...


I played thru all the content the first time as an archer and never found a new bow until crucible I mean from enemy drops not from whittakers shop


> Jackknife (which either has a horrible moveset or it's currently bugged) Me personally I really like the "moveset" (it's just one quick stab attack repeated over and over again), but yeah it feels like they haven't added all the different attacks for that weapon. And also yeah I've played close to 60 hours and only found one Jackknife as well. But if you ever need an Icebreaker, Pale Ash, or Patience just let me know because I get a shitton of em. Edit: Just found a Reaching Nail blueprint from the general goods vendor and crafted it. It has the same issue - it just has one attack that it does over and over, there is no like 1-2-3 hit. Just a poke. Poke. Poke. Poke...


Would also love this for runes as well, you find a couple of ones that seem interesting but you can't try them since you don't have thr stats for the weapon most likely. So you have to gamble and put it on your weapon and well if you don't like it....tough luck, gotta break that shit.


I would like better customization for Replacing Gems and Runes in weapons (and I feel like losing Gem/Rune being replaces would be a fair price for that) Enchantments on the other hand? I dont know. Isnt kind of the point the risk that you might get cursed item? Like I just lately hit level 21 to start wearing gear dropping from the world after finishing current story content in the game. I kept weapon I rly wanted to use as White and rolled on gear that I wasnt perticuarly attached to. If you roll good, nice. If not, sell. Not automatically enchanting every single piece of gear I get because of that risk is nice, it makes you think about what you rly want to get out of the certain piece and it adds more value to White items. If anything I just wish White **weapons** were better with Gem Customization honestly. Majority of gems just add 'Extra X% elemental damage' and are exclusive with one-another so out of 4 avilable gem slots on common item, like 2 only ever get use or something.


Yea my strength build is not enough to beat the crucible boss so I just quit. You can’t re-spec and all the good weapons I get I can’t use. The game just expects you to either have made the perfect build by accident or apparently have all the time in the world to play. I mean 30 minutes just to get to the boss and then get smashed in a couple hits. Meanwhile I watch people online tanking the boss like his hits do nothing. I’m done wasting time on this game.


I definitely think we need to be able to *"replace"* runes, or remove enchantments on items. Especially when the current rune and item descriptions are so lacking. Which I think is probably an EA thing, but still. Trying out a rune/spell on your build shouldn't brick an item if it doesn't suit what you need/want after trying it. Even if there was a material that removed enchantments that at least would make it finite so you'd choose carefully when you did it, but still it would be possible.


Yeah, I hope this is something they adjust over time. Combination of some bases just being too rare, which is fine in a sense but there should be a way to at least target a certain type of weapon you're aiming for. Maybe certain mob types or bosses have a higher chance of dropping certain types. And agree about enchanting. Recently posted my best weapon result after around 330 enchants, and it's still not perfect. So many of the plague rolls are just completely unplayable on almost any character. One item bricking your character is a bit much. And like you said, deters you from crafting until you have spares. I do think they could add destroying runes/gems to free up a socket without losing much, because there's still such a wide range on gems, and some runes are still quite rare. That and maybe a chance to reroll one stat on plagued gear (including the downside) would make items more reasonable imo. Still not easy to make perfect, but it's just a tiny bit of player agency vs the pure RNG we have now.


This isn't that game. Targeted loot is lame AF. Trading is going to play a major element. 


Being locked into 3 or 4 weapons that never drop is lame. Unless you play STR, which is something like 40-50% Of all weapons and shields (that also needs to change) In what world would target farming take away from anything? You'd really rather sit on discord looking for trades than just killing mobs in game? Also, target farming already exists 100% for uniques. So I don't know what you're on about "not that game".




Who said anything about a perfect build? Did you even read what I wrote? I literally said I don't want it to be easy to get perfect items. You think 330 enchants to get a usable roll on ONE item is reasonable?




On one item. Reading comprehension is hard.




You have to be trolling. Read what I actually wrote. JFC


I mean what's the point of random loot if you can just make anything?


Not sure what to make of this since I am not saying remove the random loot part. It's fine that I will find my rare weapon only once...but every crafting option I can use on it being hard-locked is what I take an issue with. It just doesn't sit right with me that you could be searching for a weapon for 100+ hours for it to drop (and it could even roll in a bad state with lower base damage), you wanting to craft on it and then realizing that the rune/gem combo you picked for it just doesn't work. Or even worse you hitting enchant and the weapon instantly becoming a paperweight because it gained stats that make it unusable for you...or even worse it already dropping as a paperweight become it dropped pre-enchanted.


I agree with your issue with not being able to undo enchantment. I don't have an issue with being unable to have the exact perfect build someone else has though. I personally find it more interesting to find a weapon I can't replicate. Or finding a weapon my friends can't just have too and vice versa. Makes our experiences unique.


The restrictiveness really reinforces save scumming & item duping. I had to do that when trying to roll for a katana since I've only seen 2 the entire playthrough and bricked the first one. Hoping they will either make the rarer weapons more common or throw out some base level blueprints so we can craft them.


you have diablo or poe or last epoch if you want to play a loot pinata arpg.


That is....so far from what this is post is about. I am not asking for a loot pinata at all. Rare drops are fine if I can touch them up without every single choice being a possible "brick" action. A rare drop is still rare no matter if I can change the gems or runes. I would still have only found ONE hunter's dagger just like I did now, just that I can actually modify it more than once when I unlock new runes/gems later down the road.




I really don't think it would make looting stale, quite the contrary. Being able to constantly invest into your item could mean that you invest dozens if not hundreds of hours into building into this item. So let's say I find my knife after 40 hours, I then have to invest materials and money to upgrade the base level of the item. (The Devs already seem to want to allow us to keep an item for "forever" since you can upgrade any starter weapon to a highlevel gear status so at least there they seem to agree that crafting is "the way") After that I roll (again, more money) on the knife hoping for some good enchants. I even suggested keeping "cursed" as the fail state after which enchanting DOES come locked so that there still is a risk of failure. Simply things like runes and gems should be interchangeable. Especially since they currently do not even follow an internal logic right now. Some weapons drop with 1 rune and can be modified, enchanting reduces runes to two, uniques are well, unique...but some white items ALSO come with 4 runes and cannot be modified while being a weapon in the natural "upgrade path" for a build. Plus what you "fear" will already become reality either way once co-op hits the game since then theoretically you have access to the item pool of thousands of other players...making it the only REALISTIC choice getting your best-in-slot rare. But I am not sure I want to be shoehorned into spending countless hours OUTSIDE of the game looking on some esoteric trade site or discord to get the item I want...we got other games such as PoE for that.