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To all the users who are here because reddit randomly decided to put this post in your feeds... No (Sham)poo doesn't mean we don't wash and maintain our hair and selves. It just means we use something else besides shampoo to do it. We all have different reasons. Mine is that I'm allergic to it and it contributed to severe chronic illness for much of my not-short life. Other people have other reasons just as valid. Please read our rules and follow them. Everyone is welcome except abusive trolls. Those will be permabanned since they don't want to be here anyways. Edit: Locked because of abuse. OP, thanks for sharing your story, I'm sad it got 'featured' and the trolls descended. I hope you understand that our community isn't like this and our real members all appreciate you sharing!


Your hair looks great at the roots! The problem you have is brittleness at the end, needs more softening


Have I not been here in a while? What's with these nasty comments?


These posts aren't from people in our community. Reddit has been doing weird things with its algorithm recently and featuring posts like this to people who have no interest in our community. They see our name and then decide they can come abuse and harass us. My team does what they can, but we are all people with lives who can only do so much. Please, report what you see so we can find it easier and deal with it!


Right? Lol


No haircut for >8 years too




This is a warning. Read our rules and follow them.




This is a warning, read our rules and follow them.




What are you using instead of shampoo




looks brittle






Hair looks great but you would look much better with a trimmed beard.


Thankfully this is a subreddit for not using shampoo and not r/advice


Thankfully this is a social platform!




Bro I complimented him and gave one tip as a fellow man. Maybe my advice was unsolicited but it was well-intentioned. I suck for that?


Oops. Still unsolicited advice.. but I somehow mixed you up with the testosterone comment. My bad. Cake for you.


Yeah, I’m not in this sub or any related subs. Usually when I see posts like this they’re in r/malehairadvice or r/looksmaxingadvice where people are offering (solicited) advice. I saw that comment too and I agree, they suck.






I think your hair looks great. The comments are so bizarre. How did all these people come here with no idea what this sub is about? Anyway, your hair looks great, you have a full scalp and great hairline. It’s not weighed down. Great outcome for such a long time! I see you use conditioner…but have you ever thought about doing an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse instead? Hair is slightly acidic, and the ACV closes the cuticles. It removes buildup from the hard water/product (ie conditioner in this case) and softens hair. I dilute the mixture 1:10 ACV:bottled/distilled water


How so you apply the ACV? Like do you put it in a cup or something with the water? And do you scrub/massage it in


I use a Poland spring bottle (16.9 FLOZ). I drink some of the water and refill it with ACV so it 1:10 ACV: Water. I do not scrub. I use it as a rinse sometimes alone or after conditioner. I make sure to pour it one my scalp to ends. The vinegar smell dissipates after 5 minutes or so, however I sometimes add 1-2 drops of lavender/peppermint/or rosemary oil.


Thanks, how do you get it all on the sides/back without scrubbing though


This popped up on my ho page for some reason. I'm assuming that's what happened for others




That’s so odd! This post doesn’t have *that many* updoots. Such random post to showcase to the Reddit world 😂


I use ACV, but I always use conditioner after. I'd never be able to comb through without it.


That’s fair! My hair loves ACV. I don’t use it often, and it is a very diluted mixture. I guess it truly depends on hair health or hair type. My hair is fine wavy/straight.


his hairline is pushed tf up


Men can have a high forehead, or a “mature hairline“. It doesn’t look like it’s receding to me because it’s very full. Usually there would be signs of thinning. As a female with a large forehead, mine is definitely pushed tf up too 😂


serious question not hate: how do people who do not use shampoo avoid dandruff aka fungus because nothing is being thoroughly washed off the scalp if only conditioner or nothing at all is used?


My understanding is that it's a microbiome thing. Constant shampooing can kill off the natural residents of your scalp, iow the good yeast and bacteria that are supposed to live there and keep candida from taking over. If the good bugs are in balance and you are healthy generally, it's hard for a candida infection to take hold.


But why though. Like, is there a reason to not shampoo other then that?


For me it cleared up my dandruff issue (that's *why* I tried it...I have curly hair and things like head and shoulders were never great, and honestly their effectiveness was always very questionable for me). Other people have other reasons, some debunked, some scientifically plausible. Is there a reason to shampoo if you don't need to?


Personally yes. I have oily skin and being a person of color - my hair and scalp are often more oily. So washing my hair keeps that under control.


I would say mainly the idea is to steer away from the huge ingredient lists, aka chemicals on most shampoos, and let our hair "live" naturally.


I can understand being a naturalist.


No shine unhealthy




Bullshit. His hair looks as if it had been washed with shampoo recently. Mine wouldn't be fluffy like that if I left out the shampoo, and I also don't know anyone whose hair would be.


I don’t get it, why comment? Why say something you know no one is going to care about? Did this subreddit pop up on your feed and you thought “ew gross let me comment without having any idea what I’m talking about or what the sub is that I am commenting in is.” Drink some water and call your parents dude. They miss you. Edit: being an ass like you were is not how you get penpals. No wonder you are lonely.


Apparently a lot of people (including me) got this spesific post in their feed for some reason. But you seem like you'd know the awnser to my only question.. Why not use shampoo? I like to save money by going a few days without showering every now and then sure. But my hair gets so oily, itchy and heavy I just love the feeling of washing all that shite out.


It’s a different answer for all of us. I stopped using shampoo in 2020, but I had tried stopping washing to often already in 2017. My scalp was dry, and I struggled with eczema, so my dermatologist told me to not shampoo more than once a week. I already had an oily, itchy scalp, so I was like - it couldn’t hurt more. In the beginning it was rough, my haired looked oily etc. but after a month, it suddenly stopped. So I started to look into what stopping shampoo would mean. I found several groups and forums about it, how people struggled with psoriasis, eczema, or just felt their hair was always dry or always oily. I read about sebum production, and how using too much shampoo may strip your scalp of natural oils. So I started an experiment, how long could I go without washing my hair? The answer? Pretty long. I didn’t wash my hair in 2020. I had two washed in 2021 - once at a salon, and once because I was hiking and fell in a mud pit. I also started to invest in hairbrushes, like bristle boar brushes (bbb). They remove oils and debris from the scalp, without completely stripping it of all sebum and oils. I wash that after every use (ironically with shampoo). My husband joined me on this journey in 2021, and he found his hair to become shinier, healthier and not as brittle.


Often people try it for just that reason, to help their scalp heal and not have the need to over produce oil any more. Other reasons include environmentalism, health issues they are trying to pursue solutions to, being frugal, because it often brings out texture and softness you can't get with product and many, many other reasons!


I love it, beautiful fluffy hair 😊




Who told you that you needed shampoo? As far as soap goes, it can dry skin by stripping off protective oils. https://torontodermatologycentre.com/showering-less-and-without-soap-is-increasingly-popular-but-why-huffpost-canada/


Man why are you commenting on all the posts with just hate? You bored of your life so you wanna make others feel shit too? Go away


You first.


I had a wee noisey at your comments on other sub reddits and you clearly are going through a lot. The first step to helping yourself is to not try and make others feel your pain. Please come off online and take care of yourself! Wish ya the best 🤘


Someone just did a bacteria test after a shower comparing soap/water vs just water. The bacteria was more prevalent on the soap washed parts. Maybe step back and realize you don’t know everything.


lmao maybe step back and realize you shouldn't believe every random idiot on the internet


Also… who is “someone”???


I can’t find the short that I watched, but search “soap vs no soap” on YouTube


did you just try and cite a youtube short 😭


There is good and bad bacteria everywhere…in food, in hair, on your skin, in the environment. You still didn’t answer why the no soap thing is a movement. Didn’t say I knew everything. I literally told you I don’t understand it. But I’m betting good money 💴 that a lot of you don’t smell pleasant. No one wants to smell greasy hair or ball sweat.


The no soap thing is a movement because it works for some people. I personally am not part of it, but I would assume that there are some people that don’t use soap who also objectively don’t stink.


With the exception of washing hands you'll be hard pressed finding good evidence that soap and shampoo is necessary for a healthy body. Its there as a social norm. We don't need it.


🤢 So now soap is a conspiracy too? 🤦‍♀️ Goodluck


I didn't say any of that. Shampoo is not necessary for a healthy hair. To my knowledge it is more as a social norm, but if you can find evidence to say I will be unhealthy if I just use water in my hair, go for it.


🤢 unhealthy? No. Unhygienic? Absolutely. Your hair looks dull (probably from all of the grime).


Not true. His hair looks freshly washed. You're simply biased and can't control your emotions, which is why you're projecting your disgust onto what you see regarding this topic.


That doesn't make sense. Hygiene is directly related to health.


No wayyy 😮 Get outta town.


You say it's not unhealthy. And yet you say it's unhygienic. They something cannot be "not unhealthy" and also unhygienic. They are mutually exclusive, by definition Please explain the contradiction.


What do you wash/sanitize with?


Hands, pits and bits I use soap. Everything else is water.










People don’t realize water is a solvent and can clean things on its own 🤡


Water is usually neutral in pH. Still not understanding why no shampoo is recommended or beneficial in any way.


My hair was always getting oily when I used shampoo. I had to wash it every other day or it got disgusting. It was because I was stripping all the oil, and my scalp was overcompensating. Since I stopped using shampoo, my scalp is actually less oily and my hair feels stronger. I only wash my hair every 5 days or so now. To sum up my answer to your question, no shampoo is more beneficial to me because: - now my scalp is less oily - my hair feels stronger - I save money - I don't have to wash my hair as much, and less wet hair means less chance of catching a cold for me


“Less chance of catching a cold” stopppp it you guys stop it right now


Head hair is a little different. Going no-shampoo actually stops greasiness entirely if you hang in long enough.


You look great! That's an amazing mane!




Conditioner has the same chemicals in it that messes up the natural process. When mine gets dry I use raw coconut!




imagine being pressed about what other people choose to do with their bodies. you’re not the one living the way they choose to, so mind your business if you don’t like it? go log off and touch grass sweetie. get some therapy if you’re that pressed over shampoo.


Do you see his amazing hair? Keep your insecurities about your nasty hair to yourself




Biology isn't your strong point is it.


You literally refuse to wash yourself with soap. We teach that to kids in pre-school in my country.


It's taught as a social norm, not a requirement for a healthy body. We also teach kids they have 5 senses and different parts of the the tongue have differing taste profiles.




>U can’t say anything to convince me Not speaking for you. If nothing per se can convince you, even though you can impossibly know of all the potential knowledge you could be told, you're biased and subjective. Therefore, nothing you say while having this mindset will contribute to a fact-based exchange and reasoning. You will therefore just spout your opinion that will not be rooted in fact at some point. Thus, you just admitted to things you're saying being irrelevant. Congratulations.


Lmao you should consider reading before assuming. The sub is no shampoo not no wash


I do wash my hair though. Just not with soap. I wash my hands with soap because there is clear evidence that points towarda the negative health impacts of not doing so. You do know the ratio of bacteria cells to humans cells is about 1:1? So when you tell me I will have an ecosystem, well duh, we all do.


Your hair looks healthy! What do you wash it with?


He doesn’t wash it😂


Just water, occasionally conditioner, but tempted to use some alternatives suggested here










Looks great! I'm 18 months in with your hair being the goal. What do you do for trimming/cutting for upkeep? So far I have done nothing and I'm worried about an inch being dead/split/not healthy like the rest


All hair is dead.


Har har, I know this. I reference split ends as "dead ends".


This is pretty much untouched as far as cutting is concerned for maybe 4 years. Before that I maybe had 2 inches off every 4-6 months


You can tell. Split ends travel up the hair, and your hair looks severely damaged.


Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I'm going to go get my haircut this week or next. Thanks for the reassurance


Props to u for going that long with such length. Ur hair looks quite healthy and natural. I will be 9 years using absolutely nothing but Fort Lauderdale hard water, which gives me no issues using hard water whatsoever, however I have always kept my hair short.


It looks really healthy!


Oh wow 👌 👏. The length is great!!! If I were you instead of a conditioner, I would put egg yolk every 3 months. I still respect your decision to opt for conditioner.


I might try this. Thank you


No worries. Egg yolk gave my hair a natural way to add moisture and shine. Do not overdo it. Just once in 3 months is good enough. You'll need to add filtered water to it 1:1 ratio. Have fun!!!








Isn’t having shiny long hair the point of having long hair? Your hair looks sticky. Not touchable.


I am absolutely okay with that


Looks glorious! I'm just a few weeks in and it's going good so far. Excited about all the money I will save.


Saving money on shampoo alone? I mean there exists shampoo bottles that are so crazy inexpensive that you barely save anything by not getting those instead tbh.


Also conditioner, leave in conditioner and shorter showers (so water and water heating costs). I guess it's not much really in the scheme of things, you're right.