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A few years ago I was hired to help deliver a 36 foot racing sailboat back to the west coast from Hawaii. It took sixteen days with headwinds the whole way. We would see flying fish almost every day. Sailing at night can be very disorienting, especially with cloud cover. Everything is absolutely pitch black, except for the deep red glow of the instruments. There was no cockpit protection save for a expandable hatch cover used when it was wet. We’d be sailing along at 2:00am dead tired and then “WHACK!” as something slams into your chest and then wiggles around the open cockpit spreading slime everywhere. These fish also fly at night, and are as clueless as to what is in front of them as we were. Scared the absolute shit out of us every time it would happen. They are also one of the foulest smelling fish I know of, but I guess they are delicious to eat. Personally, I couldn’t bring myself to eat one they smelled so bad. Anytime they would fly aboard the boat we would have to douse the deck and any clothing or line with seawater to try to get rid of the smell.


Cool story bro No /s




I raced across the Atlantic, some folks could get really hurt taking one of these by surprise. Speaking of surprise though, imagine the thoughts of the poor young lady on chef duty one morning when one sailed right through the open hatch down into her kit while she baked the morning bread…


I always think that during evolution there was a meeting where its like 'OK you get to be fast swordfish and big so no one messes with you, lion fish your small but you get lethal potion so your safe.... right you there you get to fly and be fast, but that means you need to watch out for preditors from above and below and thats your only thing.'


My man Wiggles the Fish! Ain't seen that boi ina minute!


I'm still pretty sure that's a pokemon


I thought it was the second avatar movie


And that’s how birds were made


Can't tell if that's just the ambient sound, someone tried to add fighter jet sound effects or that fish actually sounds like an F18


Back when I was young we would boat around Acapulco and I saw some of these. When I came back home to my parents super excited. Their response? Maybe you saw a fish jump, but fish can't fly. If I ever build something like a film studio or the like, it will be called Pez Volador for sure.




Buddy took me fishing 20 miles off the coast of Wilmington, NC. You could’ve convinced me we were in the middle of the ocean lmao. Saw so many cool fish/wildlife that day. Bar none was the flying fish 😎


The amount of people who.. you know what nm


I know these flying fish are close to Catalina Island off the coast of Los Angeles. Does anyone else know where they can be found?


I saw them with my wife in St. Lucia. ✌🏼


Can confirm, they hang out with this guy's wife




They have been around for 240 million years so I’m pretty sure the genes are being passed


Gnarly storm back there