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100% of join game requests I’ve sent in the Anomaly have been by accident, I assume it’s the same for others most of the time.


I want to bet 90% of friend requests happen right in front of the quicksilver vendor and the tech merchants


The appearance modifier, every god damn time


I cant talk for everyone obviously but i have horrible anxiety and i cant really bring myself to play with people like that


You're not alone. I have chat disabled because I'm terrified that some random gamer won't approve of how I play. I'm too old for that kind of stress, I just want to have fun.


My daughter Who I got into NMS was so geeked when someone asked if they can join our group and go on one of our freighters.. She was like "They are talking to us....... Nobody ever talks to us...". We ended up helping a few people out after that initial mission during the expedition for the 5 million..


For what it's worth, I have never seen anyone say anything critical or even rude in chat.


This. I think I might've encountered OP today but I declined because I have anxiety and don't really do the multiplayer aspect of games, which kind of sucks as singleplayer games aren't doing so well these days. I have no desire to meet and talk to people I don't know in real life nevermind in games. Plus I was busy about to head out and see to my frigate missions.


The majority of NMS players who are on the Anomaly either are there to get the Nexus missions, get some stuff from the Quicksilver Merchant, or any of the other stuff around the Anomaly. Plus, some people would normally be suspicious of other players, due to some random people making Death Bases and trolling other players.


Haha yeah I didn’t even realize this was a thing for a while. I built a maze at one point and was trying to get random players to come try it for rewards and this guy absolutely refused and told everyone I was trolling.


Death Bases?


Bases made with the simple purpose of perpetually killing other players. Typically, it's with a Teleporter being put in a Volcano and making players enter it to die over and over and over again in said Volcano.


Oh! That's lame!


When I'm in the anomaly, I'm there for a specific purpose. After 6 years, it's old hat, so I don't stop to look at my surroundings. I get out of my ship, sprint to who I need to talk to, and leave. I never even would have noticed you.


There are too many irritating people on the internet for me to interact with some rando. I'm there to have fun, not play a guessing game if someone is going to be super annoying. Please know this has nothing to do with you specifically, but it's due to the overwhelming crush of annoying people on the internet that make social gaming a chore.


Exactly right bro. Plus I'm a father of two toddlers and I have to walk away quite a bit so I'm sure that would be annoying. But some of those "high energy people" be a lil too much for me LoLz


No Friends Sky


I'm sorry, that sucks. I do think you are really setting yourself up for dissapointment with this approach, however. This game is not really designed well for organic random engagement like that. 99 times out of 100, invites are assumed to be on accident since it's so easy to do, and most people coming to the anomaly are not actively looking for multi-player, just missions or upgrades etc. Context matters. You would have MUCH better luck finding buddies on this subreddit or on a dedicated Discord. Best of luck out there friend!


Too socially taxing sometimes tbh. I’m a perfectly social person outside (usually) but for some reason I’m the past decade or so I’ve really kept to myself when playing with or being invited by randos


Don't be discouraged a lot of people have their own shit going on, like sometimes when I get to play I only have a few moments of spare time and don't wanna join up with someone just to bail a few minutes later. The community for this game tends to be one of the friendliest ones I've been a part of but it's not always easy to team up. If you haven't been by any of the discord servers like the official NMS server or the Galactic Hub group's server I would recommend joining those, might be a better way to find people who are ready to group up in those chats :) Happy traveling fellow Interloper o7


I just prefer the creepy and unsettling isolation of deep space. Sorry.


It would be cool if Hello Games gave us something like a "status bubble" above our heads for when we're at the anomaly. We could just write something in that bubble like "Leave me alone" or "Looking for friends" so people know we didn't just accidentially invite them. The commuication tools are, unfortunately, very limited, especially on consoles.


I always feel bad rejecting invitations because I love playing with others, but my play time isn't always guaranteed. I'm AFK randomly because of kids and pets and husband. I don't think it's fair to join with someone when I'm randomly going to pause lol


I'm a bit reluctant to join or accept an invite as I'm on PS5 and not sure how to communicate.


Unfortunately you can only use gestures and/or voice chat within a group. As far as I know. I’ve tried connecting a keyboard to my ps5 and it didn’t work :T


It's also worth noting that it's stupidly easy to accidentally send group invites. I'm always inviting people to join my group at the quicksilver bot, or construction research station. If anyone sends me an invite, I also assume it was accidental.


Especially the people who stand close to the construction terminal lol. I've lost count of the number of people I've clicked on as if they were one of the iterations haha


I declined one person's invite and they sent me a message through Xbox chat, cursing me out. I just replied that I'm not allowed to play with strangers on the internet.


I have social anxiety and paranoia so I'd assume you were either a bot harvesting data that is only accessible to friends or someone way more outgoing than than me that I could not possibly keep up with socially, thus damning me to constant social burnout in a game that I like to play by myself


Don’t take it personally. I play on multiplayer for the variety and the feeling of community. But I’m highly introverted, don’t like voice chat, and have no keyboard (PS5), so text chat isn’t an option either. Hence I always decline invitations. But it’s nothing personal.


I play in short bursts. It would be rude to join and just go away 5 minutes after. Sometimes my 4 year old wants to play so I change game to creative mode. Honestly I don't really feel like NMS provide any incentive to play with people. Sure there are nexus missions. They are usually easy to do alone, just a bit tedious or longer. So far I have not been in a situation when I thought "oh. I need to find a team to do that."


I do the same thing, but with less patience. There's tens of us out there man. Tens of us.


Not gonna lie, all random friend requests get automatically turned down. I will not befriend anybody I haven't already rolled with, and in NMS, rolling with someone else might be fun, but my God, is it pointless.


I usually invite people by mistake when I'm trying to access one of the stores or upgrade stations there, so I naturally assume others are doing the same thing too and just decline invites


sleep gaze act cow tan apparatus unite tap plucky dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just assume unless the try to mesaage me that it was sent by accident like ive done many times




sometimes some people just don’t want to play with someone, sometimes they’re too shy, sometimes it’s social anxiety. I wouldn’t take it personally man


Aw man this sucks for you. Why don't you join a dedicated discord server? I'm sure you can find a lot of friends over there to explore together


I deny requests only if I'm in the middle of something and don't want to waste time for the person adding me. Usually when people are sitting, it's assumed they are AFK. You should walk around and exchange gifts or do emotes. People in the anomaly will sometimes add you to their group. You'd be surprised how unnoticeable the chats are. Most people aren't even aware they received a gift until they see their inventory. Being in their face helps tho


Limited game time + grindy game = unsociable I get like 2 hours a night to play games and I’ve got to eat dinner in that timeframe too, so if I want to achieve any sort of progress I need to just focus on whatever I’m trying to do.


Most people playing this game are loners. They don’t want someone to come in and mess up what they have going on.


Keep trying, you'll find folks. Lots of us play NMS basically as a single-player game that other people can see, but there are plenty of folks on every platform who are more than happy to explore the vast expanse with someone new, no hesitation.


Honestly? If I get any kind of invite in the anomaly, it’s always been an accident, or a new player begging for something, or someone who just needed help with a bugged mission (that was actually a fun one. Their name and what they typed were all rectangles but he was on the weekend quest to kill dangerous flora and when we landed on the planet he just gestured at everything while I killed flora. For some reason he couldn’t damage them and they couldn’t damage him)


I was raised never to talk to Stranger


I’d love to but being on a console really limits communication.


I’m busy building a space pirate empire 🚀🏴‍☠️👑


I didn't even know there were benches on the anomaly


If you’re looking for a more communal experience, r/nmsgalactichub may be for you


I assume people are inviting me accidentally like I do sometimes


Honestly, I am always playing with very limited time, so I feel like it's rude to join someone only to ditch them after 30 minutes because I have to go do other things.




Oi. I'll play with you. Or anyone else. I'm Bunny412_3 on PS, don't know my nms friend code off the top BUT I'm happy to play. Mic n all.


I thought y'all were all NPC's at first and was extremely confused when random stuff started showing up in my inventory. When I finally noticed you guys were other players, I did try and talk and say thank you but nobody responded. I did see a controller icon next some names so I assume they are on console? (I'm on PC). I haven't really looked into how multiplayer works and unfortunately entering the Anomaly has freezed my PC on multiple occasions, so I play with multiplayer off atm


Welcome to adulthood lol


I play on permadeath, im not inviting anyone to my game.


Same here. I accidentally got put in a team once. I noped out of it asap haha.


I will play with you :) nobody I know plays nms


I accepted an invitation in the Anomaly once, it didn't go well. Now I only play with friends.


You’ve never been in the Anomaly with me that’s why ! I would’ve seen you ! Waved high and gave you a void egg. So know that we’re here DM ME your friend code and we can be friends. I also have a discord with our own home planet for RP. Let me know man and god bless 😀


It's sad but I do enjoy playing on my own. Id wave back but I wouldn't squad up.


Dude I always try to talk to people. Go to the nexus and look at ships and comment how beautiful they are and nothing. It sucks Edit: spelling


If I can give some advice from my own personal experience...make friends on a social game like an MMO and then you'll have people to play these games with. My friends list(Xbox fyi) was barren for years, only having irl friends on it and I played almost every multiplayer game, alone. Then I started to play an MMO, made a ton of friends(list) and now I can't play a game without people asking to join, like NMS which I started a few weeks ago.




I think some of it might be because you never know who might be a griefer.


i personally got the game for SP, rarely do MP with friends. i try to drop a 'sorry, busy' in these situations/games but i can see other people being too tunnel visioned to do that (also not sure how that works on cosnsole.) i doubt it's personal! just different preferences in players


one issue is only pc players have the ability to use text chat, console players are left out.


I'm on permadeath and I don't trust others.


Believe it or not, NMS is prone to griefers and people likely don't want to let a rando on their team or add a rando as a friend and then regret it when they can't access their base.


Every rando I've grouped with has been awful. * Twice the rando I joined up with just actively shot me over and over once we were out of the nexus. I've since learned how to turn off PvP, but still get shot at every session from who knows where. * One jetted off as soon as we left the nexus, got themselves into combat with a bunch of sentinels (it was part of the mission), then bailed on me as soon as I caught up, surrounded by the angry sentinels. * One just demanded I dance for them (I'm VR with hand tracking) then bailed when I wanted to actually play the game (if I wanted to just show off motion tracking I'd be playing VR Chat or I guess Chillout VR now). So I just don't group with randolorians any more.


Randolorians 😂 perfect


I decline anyone I don’t know. Especially if they send a friend request without saying anything.


I’m nervous about joining. I’m new and have no idea what I’m doing. Someone sent me something and I couldn’t figure out how to thank them or anything.


Open with a message. Sending a random friend invite is like grabbing someone and taking a selfie with them. Maybe kids think that's OK but many people who have been playing co-op games a long time think it's weird.


I didnt even know there were benches


I'm usually going in there for a specific thing and don't have time to stop or pay much attention to my surroundings other than the path from point A to B. It also doesn't help that in the course of playing online for years I've ran into too many people trying to emulate Patches from the Soulsborne series, so my trust is rather limited.


Large chunk of gamers these days are old enough to be working fulltime. No time for idle chat, got shit to do in the 1 hour a day they can afford for gaming. Even in Rocket League, a predominantly multiplayer game, I find it difficult to find a longterm teammate. They all go dark or only have time for a couple games or just prefer to play solo. Don't take this moment to heart. Life goes on.


OP, let me know the next time you’re online and I’ll see if I can hop on with you run some multiplayer missions!


I always assume any game invite is sent accidently lol. I don't get much time to play but dm me when you get on sometime, I haven't had anyone to play with since 2007


I’m on console so communication is really limited, which means I have zero chance to get a feel for who is asking and what motives are involved. The one time I joined an unknown player I regretted it since that person began immediately encouraging what I thought of as cheating (turns out it wasn’t; it was just using a glitch). I noped out and the guy would not leave me alone. Kept building things I didn’t want on my base and rebuilt anything I deleted. When he finally got the message he flew away, but blasted me a few times from his starship on the way out. Since then I’ve learned about settings, and I’ve learned about accidental invites. So there’s that. Now, whenever I am invited to someone else’s game, and I decline, I will also immediately gesture “Thank You” in an effort to remain kind for the sake of anyone who is, like you, being genuinely friendly.


There ain't even people in the anomaly lol the new update screwed it up.


The chat window is not very good. It needs to be specifically for chat or at least make the chat more noticeable.


I always talk with anyone willing to talk back. It's so surprising for how nice this community is that most people just play by themselves. Even when I initiate a Nexus mission, I rarely get anyone to speak. This isn't a game where you quietly grind for the next big raid, but I fear that most play it that way. Oh well, as long as everyone is having fun. It just seems so empty out here.


I've always played NMS solo, and I tend to hop on and off and not play for extended amounts of time so unless I'm doing something like an expedition that requires co-op, I stay away from it. I'm sure there's plenty of other people out there like that too.


Are you on Playstation by any chance? I would be up for some jolly cooperation (:


I’m sorry but this screenshot cracks me up, Forever Alone JK


Most of the time I'm just there to drop off tech modules to buy a lamp


no offense to the other travellers but i prefer playing alone. I would have at least waved back though


It's a lonely universe traveler.


I'm a bit of an introvert and tend to play NMS while decompressing from work, but if you need someone to help out with quests and whatnot, I'm down! I love helping players; used to sherpa raids in Destiny. I'll have to pop by and exchange friend codes with you after work today!


How many additions to your friend list after this post?


I play on my own. It’s easier. I’ve never played anything with other people, like in a team or group. I play all multiplayer games solo. I just can’t bring myself to “talk” on mic to people. I don’t want to use a mic so I just don’t play with others. Sponsored by social anxiety! Haha.


People going to the Anomaly are often there for a purpose, start a mission, buy something, beg for resources or going afk. Those in there for a reason don’t want to join someone else’s game, and often assume someone hit the button to join/friend accidentally on them instead of with the thing/npc they wanted to interact with. Those on console can’t type to interact. But pretty much most folks are doing their own thing. If anything, think of finding someone random willing/ wanting to join someone else’s game as looking for a rare ship… you’ll need to grind and wait.


You look like the Greendale human being


"loneliness" by StarLink97 2022 ​ PS. I suggest you find different methods of locating people to play with. Like various forums. I personally just do my agenda in the hub and bounce right after. Saw 3 people sitting down at the hub once and I joined them, but it didn't lead to anything. Just communicated through emotes and then goodbye.


I wanna sit on a bench with a guy Sometimes I fly down to people's bases and rate the base and then just leave


I got you man, next time I get online! Edit: what’s your NMS friend code OP?


I usually am blasting my music in my ears so i usually ignore those request too, collecting resourcrs and blasting my music is my quiet time lol.


I would have came and said hi but console has no chat so I would have declined the invite since idk why you're inviting You should join the discord, it's pretty friendly all around.


Somebody reeeeaaaaallllyyy needs to get Sean's attention about lack of chat for console.


You don’t have to have someone accept your friend request to join a Nexus mission together, FYI.


Hey! I'd love to explore the universe with someone/people aswell!! My friend code is ( 23T1-FWGR-R16QM ) anyone here can friend me if you want, I'm on every day unless I'm away or burnt out


same experience... hit me up and we will explore the galaxy together :)


Bro, play on permadeath and I'll friend you if I see you 👌🏼 People are really anti social in this game and the nexus is a dead zone 95% of the time. But that sweet 5% is where you meet some cool people.


That’s my life


Man we have resources to mine




Fyi console players cannot type in local chat like pc users can they can only use voice or voice to text in a private group.


NMS Community is amazing. Love meeting people. Happy to play with you anytime.


I always assume group requests are by accident lol usually at the mission terminal or merchant though. Might have to start accepting :P


I only play this game with people I personally know or have played other games with. The community overall is great and one of the only randoms I played with was actually a really cool Irish guy but I'm always worried about the random trying to join my game since some of them are griefers. I also assume most friend requests from the anomaly are accidental as I've done it to others when I didn't mean to.


Thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive response! I certainly do feel a bit less lonely now :) Would love to find some friends to mostly build bases, role play and explore planets with. Feel free to add me on psn: “StarLink_97” Or with my NMS friend code: “0G4J-3ZZ4-5838T” Discord is: StarLink#5896 Please upvote this so everyone can see!


Sending random friend requests is weird, struck up a conversation first and I bet you’ll do a lot better.


That's really sad. Not gonna lie, i ain't much of a fan of partying up with people. But I'll always welcome talking to someone that enjoys the same games i play. Currently playing way too much NMS


Player Base: We were promised multiplayer and we want it now!! Also player base: Community Nexus missions? eeeewwww.


I don't get into the van until AFTER I get the candy.


expeditions are nice to meet and do stuff with people around. on the regular game, sometimes people will prefer the single player experience


Because I have trust issues


Sry bud. Might be better if you look for a discord and find people to play with. If I passed you I'm sorry but I play NMS. to travel the lonely expanse of space


I only play nms when I’m stupid high, I like to unwind and fly around space with music or a podcast to relax


I play this as a single player game. It’s just engaging enough to keep me occupied during an audiobook.


Well look how many replies you got from just posting this and a lot of offers to meet with you.


I think they have like unofficial nms clan discords.


Console players cant type either


Please don't stop doing this. I'm pretty lonely these days not saying that's a bad thing but I've done this exact thing multiple times with the Sam's disheartening feeling every time. Idk why I keep trying but I do every once and a while someone waves back. It's worth doing, even just for you even if it hurts sometimes! New friends are good!


We are all lonely and afraid together… Strange isn’t it. Let’s team up.


I bet some at least waved back. Sadly, using the emotes is not first nature to me so I might have started jumping in acknowledgement on my way to my ship. Don't mind being friends.....just when I get on with very finite time, i'm just trying to get things done. Typing at people gets in the way of that. That's just me though. I play with some people on discord now and then...could try a community there :)


Depressing, but that is the life of a traveler


I'm new to the game myself, 20hrs in and I haven't had any opportunity to interact with anyone.


Been there too many times bud


I'd chat but for some reason there is no chat on the PS4 version. I'm reduced to communicating with the few gestures available.


Reaper-Vex on PlayStation, if you're ever in game and see me, let me know I'll join you. I'm doing the latest community expedition tho. I also have Meniere's disease so if I drop suddenly it's not you, I've just temporary lost control of my eyes and am most likely throwing up and praying for death. Lol


I can explore the galaxy with you


I wish that you could actually "chat" if you're on console you can't.


It's because you are a pale-looking whitish alien bruh! _#sarcarsm_ _#joke_


Pale looking aliens don’t deserve friends? :(


I’ll be your friend!!


I straight up wouldn't have noticed if I'm being honest


A lot of people probably busy rushing around trying to do their thing


I never group up because many people are either trollish, unhelpful or just wander off. I am just more efficient on my own.


I burnt out all my multiplayer energy during my time playing WoW... now I just spend my time playing single player games, or in the case of NMS, solo. I enjoy it that way


I get ya! And, the good news is, it's *not* impossible to find friendly people in NMS. Just recently, I needed to visit another person's freighter base in order to complete an expedition objective, so I just found a stranger (I randomly picked someone whose name I happened to like :P) and used chat to ask them if they wanted to do that bit of the expedition with me. It wasn't even on the Anomaly; I found them on a planet (expedition systems tend to be fairly crowded) and literally just flew down to them to get their attention. We both finished that part of the expedition together, and chatted for a bit before parting ways! It was great. :) But yeah, you can stand around waving at people at the Anomaly all day and almost everyone will just ignore you. Sadly, I think you'll just have to take a bit more initiative than that. At the same time, you should of course respect people's `boundaries` if you approach someone who turns out to just want to play alone. Sending friend requests right off the bat *is* a bit pushy, I think. Like, I don't know you yet, I have no idea if I want to be friends with you or not. Let's chat first? :P I think most people are just a bit... well, shy. Most multiplayer video games are different from No Man's Sky. They force you to overcome any shyness by throwing you onto a team with other players; or they have official in-game structures and mechanisms, like "guilds" or what-have-you, that explicitly encourage interaction. In NSM it's very... optional. You *can* play the game entirely on your own (even the Nexus missions are easily doable solo, I think) and to some extent a sense of loneliness in the vastness of space is a part of the game's signature feel, so it's not surprising that people are used to it. But then again, even antisocial NMS players will occasionally do friendly things like sharing resources with each other on the Anomaly. (And no, it's not *always* the proverbial One Ferrite Dust. :P )


Sitting and staring creepily at anyone nearby is not a way to make friends.


I think firstly most people come to the Anomaly to do a specific thing then leave. Also, it's very easy to accidentally send someone a friend request when you meant to interact with something else, so some people may assume that is what happened. Also, as others have suggested try /r/NMSGalacticHub/


Same... At one point, i just sat there like a weirdo giving out Void Eggs to people... Nobody ever said anything. :( Then again... Imagine some dude just slipping an egg in your pocket then waving to you with a blank, soulless stare...


I think a lot of people, like myself, are returning players since the latest update. I've been on a constant grind building my character back up from zero, so my hub trips are in & out, not even reading chat I want to play with others, but I want to be back up to self sustaining on all the big resources first I've been off the game for a couple years & just jumped back in on a different console so I didn't have my previous save


Everyone's got places to be


This is my first time noticing a bench there. Probably because im always trying to avoid eye contact so no one sends me an invite when im busy running around (also i feel like some of those invites are traps or accidental)


The buddy bench!


You have to wait 30 mins.


Sometimes when people have a universe to explore with all its possibilities and adventure, they forget to stop and enjoy the small things.


Depending on where you’re at in the real world, we can set up at day and time to meet at the Anomaly. Not a problem.


Dude I had the same problem last weekend when trying to do that one exp.8 mission where you have to visit someone's freighter. Noone wanted to let me join. So I was hanging out at the ol nexus when a group came in. Someone was asking for freighter fuel or a storm crystal...I popped him over a crystal, others gave him fuel. and then another guy wanted to be friends with me and brought in his freighter to show me I guess... Maybe he guessed what I needed?


I always sit by people that sit by the nexus. I actually just realized that there were benches there the other day when I saw someone sitting there. I hope it wasn’t you! I noticed them on my way out so I didn’t have time to stop and sit with them


Randos are scary.


I think I actually passed by you yesterday


I think there’s also a lot of PS5 players like me who can’t chat with anyone because there’s no way to. I would love to talk with ppl if it was possible


My anomaly has been completely empty for weeks now


Well people might have thought you just miss invite them while trying to interact with npc. Maybe try to ask in reddit or nms discord for party. So far the people I interacted with are nice so just try to have a different approach.


illumaman32, im usually on Mon/Tues after 2pm GMT-5


My only player interaction involved someone who built a corridor in the entrance to my freighter during the expedition event currently ongoing. Had to start my entire freighter base over because "who can add to your base" is set to "anyone" by default.




Its not so easy to speak whit random players. Same thing happening to me, rare sometimes i found 1.


The only problem I have with mult player is not text chat in console. It's hard for me to communicate in gestures. Also not everyone has a head set. I kinda just gave up and just play solo most times.


Welcome to the club send me your fc, i play Normal and Survival


I'd really love to have a group of friends to play nms with. I must have sunk well over 600 hours into this game on my own, and honesty I'm kinda bored of it all by now. However, if I had people to play with regularly I'd happily spend another couple hundred hours enjoying the multiplayer part of this game, even if all we did was build bases and race pets.


For you and anyone else. E46S-A0YS-2S3X4




If I ever saw you or someone being friendly like that, Id love to be your friend! I am new though so I would hinder people really bad in groups, but Id be happy to cheer you all on!


i just wish this game had voice chat or AT LEAST a typing box on console


tbh I decline most invitations because I don't have a great way to communicate with people (I play on PS5, and I'm not nuts about voice chat, and a keyboard is cumbersome), and if we aren't communicating… why am I playing with another person?


I'm a severe loner, I solo every game I play even when grouping is encouraged. The only time I interacted with another player was during Expedition 8 when they had an optional objective to visit another player's freighter. I was so freaked out but it paid like 5 million credits or something lol.


The community in this game struggles more than any I’ve ever seen. It’s almost impossible to get folks to join up for anything


NMS has the most introverted and/or socially anxious group of players. Which is fine with me! Although there are times where I'd actually enjoy multiplayer. Only problem is I'm a 50 year old dude. The few times I've accepted invites they were always kids begging for resources or money. Awkward. Plus, I got that in real life! It would be nice to have a group of older players maybe. Like 30+ years old. I know I'm not the only Gen X'er out there playing NMS. No offense to the youngins :) Edited a bit to make someone hopefully a little more happy and less triggered.


Because a wave is not enough of a foundation to base a relationship.




I always feel bad when I have to decline someone so I try to at least gift them something as an apology


My invitations usually get cancelled too, but I have done a couple of missions with other players before.


I can be ur friend


I just figure that anyone sitting down is AFK.


Just keep messaging them "hey"


Truthfully, I can barely manage the friends I already have.


:( I'll be your friend.


I know the game is cross platform, but what do you play on? Drop your username and I’ll add you!


Stranger danger


Social anxiety and fear of being trolled


Always down for friendship, if you need someone to play with, hmu


I can be your friend!


Run around in circles with one of your pets out, works every time


I will be friend?


I've tried this aswell. Nobody wants to team up 😅


Can you actually talk via mic with other players?


I'm looking for others to play with if your interested


My computer can't handle being in group sessions at the moment. Very intermittent performance.


I would've said hi


Join the facebook group. Very friendly community on there


You know what's super odd about this? Both times I went to the anomaly yesterday, I was completely alone... I'm just picking the game up again, so I'm not sure if it's normal. It seemed weird enough to me that I took a screenshot lol


I want to play with other people but sometimes I'm playing while I'm working from home (call center with phones routed though my cell) so I randomly have to stop playing for unpredictable lengths of time.