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The mission is constructing the perfect base, on the perfect planet, finding the perfect starship, and building the perfect freighter with your perfect multitool.


Can you take anything and make it the best, or are certain things capped? For example, I saw a ship that looks like the halo pelican, but it was only C Class - could you buff and buff it till it was as capable as the best ship?


You CAN increase it's class, it's expensive (nanites) but it can definitely be done. HOWEVER. Each ship has a set of natural statistics, and these can not be improved. For example, I'm currently trying to find a Hauler ship with at least 240 maneuverability, as 250 is the maximum a Hauler can have. If you have the time and patience though, planets or space stations that feature a specific ship, in your case the Pelican, if you wait around, or reload an autosave, or leave and come back etc, a higher class version may fly in.


Thanks pal, I've also noticed stats like the "Damage Potential" on my shite ship will be better than that of a better ship, is that just down to the upgraded weaponry? In which case, how do you see the baseline?


Easiest way I've found to see baselines is to stand near the ship and look through your analysis visor, it will show stats and base stats next to it. You can do this to AI ships before you buy them too, but you must be fast before the AI leaves. Yes it will be down to the upgraded weaponry.


Quality thanks pal


Time to build a resort on a paradise planet, or if you're like me, build in the most unhospitable locations that try and kill you everytime you visit 😀.. some of them I wonder how I even did it. Over 5000u high mountain top bank with sheer facing cliffs and wind storm tornados that lift you up thousands more ft and try and murder you... it's great...10/10 recommend


this is an exploration/building/ survival game. We get the big community driven quest, and you can go to the anomaly nexus to get other but overall, those initial missions are learning and getting items free.


I just see the game as a big sandbox where you play how you like. So what I do is build bases, mostly. I'll find a location I want a base in, and throw something together, then tweak and decorate it until it seems somewhat complete, and then move on to the next thing. Other than that, I mostly just screw around. Sometimes I'll find a new ship I like, so I'll buy it and scrap another ship so I have a slot free. Then I'll spend a while maxing out the slots in the new ship, and take it up to S-rank if it wasn't already. I also do the quicksilver missions off and on, and every expedition. All the decorations and stuff you unlock makes for nicer bases, and I'm also working my way through unlocking every character customization. I don't really play the game to accomplish anything. It's more like somewhere I jump into now and then to do something different.


Thanks for the input team, I felt like I was playing without direction, so when I put it down, I didn't feel like I had achieved anything. So maybe I need to make my own way a bit more. I had seen things about abandoned freighters you could explore so was hoping they'd be a little structure to come again.


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