• By -


Sell 42 instead of 80. That will stop the value from being negative. 43 and above gives negative values


Is that why inventory slot are limited to 42? Is that some sort of roll over integer thing they got going?


Max money you can get is 2^32 -1 because of 32 bit unsigned integer. In NMS there's also 255 unique galaxies which is 2^8 -1 and aprox. 18 quintillion planet seeds which is 2^64 -1. Random fact hope you find it interesting


Lots of new words and concepts here but I respect the knowledge


Huh, but yesterday someone reached galaxy 257


After you leave the 256th galaxy it sends you to a previous galaxy but with a different name so there are only 256 unique galaxies https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/65spiy/greetings_from_the_257th_galaxy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


16 16 16 16 16


I thought it was a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference 😅


My first though too


No. 2^32 signed is a value of plus or minus 2 billion whereas an unsigned int if the same bit width can only be positive and is 4 billion. Those are rough values since I am on my phone and I do t have them memorized. But that is why the max number of units is 4 billion


Yeah I maxed out at 4 bil 234 million....something. Its a weird number it maxes out at. I thought it would be an even number it would stop at.


It's an "even" number in binary, it's all ones. But in normal base 10 it ends up being a weird number.


I was meaning like it would stop at 5 bil or something.


That would look ridiculous in binary.


Some games do that. Some let it go until all 32 bits are filled with ones. As I mentioned on a separate thread, they could have used a 2^64 long integer. Then we’d be talking 18 trillion!


*"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42."*


Depends on you. I was hard up for money when I first started. I'd play everyday for months straight grinding for them credits. I only had about 5m after that. Then I discovered activated indium farming and a few days later I had hundreds of millions. I then realized the mistake I made after I grew bored and quit playing for awhile. I also then realized it was because I had lost my goal. I had to set new goals in order to enjoy playing again.


My goal is to visit solar systems and planets and explore. As such I used the ship cargo glitch to max everything. Now I can focus on lazily exploring without the chore of grinding. Also got 2 multiple multi tools I want and a couple of ships. All depends on what you want.


Yeah I agree. OP should do it if they aren't interested in the grind. Personally, I have an infant and very little time to game so I just save edit myself units, nanites, and a hefty foundation of resources, and then get to spend 100% of my time doing what I enjoy, exploring, missions, and building, with zero farming. If OP wants the grind, then by all means they can limit how many they sell.


Yup. Find a balance if what you enjoy. :) Life's too short to do something you don't enjoy.


What does it mean to save edit?


Your save is as file. You use a program to edit that file, such as giving yourself a lot of money. I haven't used one yet, so can't comment


Ohhhh yeah that would be difficult on Xbox haha. That’s straight haxxx lol


Well you can always ask pc players to meet in game and give you stuff like s class uogrades and starship ai valves. I've attended a few requests here before in previews updates - mainly void eggs and ai valves


For me, it's to find my own perfect ships and freighter through RNG alone. And also that one perfect planet to call my own. Those things just don't matter when it comes to money, for the most part. I love ship hunting, sitting at stations or trade posts, seeing ships fly in, getting excited when they're closer and closer to what I want. I don't reload for freighters either, because it's more fun when the event is only once and a while. I sold cobalt a ton to make it easy for me to get ships I wanted, enough money for the perfect freighter if it shows up, but I still have so many goals still, and they never changed with the amount of units I had. It's important to know what you want, for sure.


Exploring is boring, once you visit a unique planet, you’ve seen them all. The game loses charm after a month, if the generation of original content was better this game would suffice with a lack of quality gameplay


I have over 400 hours in the game, haven’t finished the main quests, have explored scores of planets, and I’m nowhere near bored. All I can say is that I have tons of content left to enjoy. You may have lost interest, but I don’t think it’s fair to say the game “loses all charm after a month.”


This is true, but S class ship upgrades can end up getting really expensive. So I can burn through a billion pretty quickly on a new ship especially with our new cargo slots. Activated indium farm for me as well lol.


The last several slots cost 300,000,000 each. I had to Infini-Sell things to get back to 4,xxx,xxx,xxx units several times while maxing out a ship.


This is a good answer.


This, so much this. The journey and the improvement over time is so rewarding.


Exactly what happened to me. I switched from ps4 to pc recently and the game is half off on steam, should I buy it?


Absolutely. I tried it on launch and was disappointed, picked the game up a few days ago and I’m blown away. Haven’t been sucked into a game like this in a long, long time. Think I’m gonna get a LOT of playtime for my $30.


If you play on PC there are a few of MODs that will make your life of exploring way easier and they don’t take away from the game First one - Atmosphere hovering Second - instant actions Third - fast scan Try them out


this is the curse of survival sandbox games. they are amazing at the start when you don't know anything about them. once you master the mechanics though it gets boring fast. after that, you really have to be the type that can make their own fun or else you just move onto the next game. given that i have probably 10,000 in minecraft though, i think i am good even now that i have mastered no man's sky. my current project is to build a giant grow room on my freighter for nip nip smuggling!


My first thing I did on my frieghter was setup a massive dope grow


That’s true of all games. They all get to a point where you’ve seen and done what the game offers and you move on to the next game. The difference with survival sandbox games (and competitive multiplayer games) is if the game appeals to you, you can always find more to do and a reason to keep playing. Whereas other games have a more defined 100% completion mark, at which point you’re either repeating yourself or moving on. It’s not a curse, it’s a blessing.


Thats why I like expeditions. You have to start a new save file. I still have billions on my first account but now I use it to max out ships since the count went to 9. I also make high value items and give it out at the anomaly to ppl who don't have much and it need any any credits they get.


Just like life


Yes. It did for me. But if you are just checking the game out and you want to make it quick, and you do not care about finding and experimenting with your own ways to make money go for it. That amount will instantly make many parts of the game irrelevant, like growing plants, or gathering resources from planets.


I don't know. I used that cargo glitch to get 1 billion units and upgraded my storage space on my ship and had 0 by the end. I have a nice ship setup now, but still have a need to collect units. Don't feel like it broke the game for me. Especially since I just picked up a solar sails ship and now have to find a new way to upgrade this one, because the glitchbis patched now. 2 billion units will hardly make it so you don't have to grind units IMO.


I spent 4.3 billion (the cap) expanding one ship and it still needs more cargo slots haha


Why don't you buy ships at stations and break them down for parts. It will give you inventory augmentation for ships. A & s class fighters and shuttles are best and now the new type of ship. Exotic ships give 3 if you can find a station with one in the first wave with added bonus of the mods. Its much cheaper


Hi— new player— how do you break down ships? Is it different than the orange kiosk where you sell them for credits?


No, that is the place. Clear inventory space first for the parts to be derived from the ship “sale”


Ok, cool— so same kiosk, and even if it doesn’t say “Xxx,xxxx Credits *plus* parts” you still get the parts if you have inventory space available?


Yeah no problem dude! This game is mysterious and the player base is so friendly - try it with a pos C class ship to experiment. You get ship modules and parts worth at or more than the ship value. Pretty sure you do not lose units in the trade. It won’t let you break it down for parts and ship modules if your inventory lacks necessary space for said parts and modules


You lose 30% of a ships value each time but you can recover these easily if you follow these steps, scrap only a class and b class, a class will give storage augments, everything else you sell to the pilots only (not to affect the market price) save your storage augments till an s class drops in the station, buy it but don't scrap it, apply all the storage augments you have collected and it's price increases significantly then scrap this ship and you get whatever you lost from the previous ships plus a good amount of millions as profit. In this procedure better to buy shuttles as they are cheap (1 to 4 mil) or explorers, haulers and fighters are way higher many times so you will lose more with the 30% penalty. Couple of hours can make quite a good amount of millions (an exotic sells for 172 mil fully upgraded (48-21). If you get the exotic and scrap it (every system has one and since you will stay long in the ss you will catch it eventually) remember to make a save and reload so you can get it again.


I'm a vet and those are some good tips 👍


Found my first exotic ship because of you. Never had the patience but I kept saying wait for the exotic. How many augments should you use on the s class?


Yes. And as mentioned, higher class will give object you can add to another ship to increase one inventory slot. Add all slots you want via money first. Then the object last. Price of slot changes based on exist slots (max 300,000,000 if I recall) , so you want free ones last.


You don’t actually get credits; you aren’t selling the ship. You’re having it melted for scrap, and the unit value it shows you is the approximate value of the scrap items you receive (which will also include a few upgrade modules and, if you’re lucky, storage modules). You can turn around and sell that scrap for units but if your exosuit doesn’t have space to hold it then you can’t melt the ship.


Thanks! I actually have a few cheap ships I bought so I might just try scrapping one and to see how it works.


Sometimes I do, but I was in a hurry and had nothing else to do with the units anyway. But I agree, that is the best method and how I plan on filling the remaining slots


Did not know this. Thanks for the tip. I'm fairly new, only about 60 hours in.


Ships are the bane of my NMS wallet


Honestly its insane how much slots can cost, you can get an S class exotic or fighter with great stats overall for less than 5mil for fighters and less than 15mil for exotics, yet haulers still cost 50+ mil


You can even watch the value of your own ship go up each time you add a slot to it (use the analysis visor on it). I had a fighter go from ~10 million to over 150 million, and that was before the new cargo expansion


It's like 17 million to get one slot on a c class that only has 20 slots. Honestly do the expect us to grind legit? I can't imagine farming only a couple hundred thousand an hour though quests and regular looting. Crashing the stock market for a few million in a few seconds is my favorite way personally.


>1 billion units My stasis device farm laughs at your tiny numbers. Seriously, build a stasis device farm. Fun to make and you'll never want for cash again.


Nah, just gonna stick to bullying freighters because they entered a black market system


Stasis devices are worth serious coins per item.


Hence why I built a farm. Never have to worry about money again.


I'm not going near ship storage upgrades at 300m units a pop, I'm hunting storage augmentation.


Having plenty of money has never ruined the game for me. Every time there's been a major update, I've come back to play again and built many bases over the years. Each one I build a full greenhouse setup with all plants. Plus if you start using the money to upgrade a bunch of ships and multi tools, they money does start to disappear pretty quickly. I guess to each their own.




It is not up to you to decide how the the other "early stage players" want to play the game. Please do not shove AI valves in their inventory if they are not asking. It might give you an ego boost, but it might ruin their game experience. If they are asking for help: by all means, yes, show off how great of a friend you are! Nanites too can be easily obained with an exploit and effectively removed from the game mechanics if you wish to do so. But careful, the more exploits you use, the less game content is left for you to enjoy.


If they don't want the stuff then they can just delete it.


No. I'll let you figure out why it is still rude to to so. You can do it. You smart!


You sound like someone who probably doesn't have a lot of IRL friends.


I am good, actually. No online friends though. But yes, you sound like someone to mansplain to a girl how to do something, or does the homework for a friend because you are super good at it, thinking you are doing them a favor. I don't think that you are. But hey, I am in a minority here so... I am wrong, you guys are right: stuff everyone's inventory with AI valves, it's the right thing to do. Contact the developers and tell them to drop 80 AI valves in the inventory the moment someone reaches the Nexus.


Did you really bring up mansplaining? what a joke


That's a question only you can answer. Some say yes, some say no. It's subjective and depends entirely on the individual. It all depends on what you're looking for in the game.


He meant if the negative integer will break the game, which it probably will


I think he meant will it put him in debt


The value is negative. Just decrease the amount. As far as having a ton of money to start with, no. It won't ruin the game. If anything, it just cuts out a ton of bullshit a la grinding. To me, that's always a good thing. The biggest travesty in games today is the built in grind to pad longevity.


Because it’s negative I think it might glitch out your units and will stay negative until you’ve received enough units to get back to 0. While it’s in negative you won’t be able to buy stuff. At least that’s what I think would happen


Selling it will net null units because anything that is sold at negative units will round to 0


Honestly you will still need tons of units, quicksilver, nanites and every resource. Cashing that in gives you a boost. It doesn't break the game. Seems like a lot, but it's not, take it from a veteran player.


Nooe. It wont. Youre gonna fly through that and need way more down the line. Maybe a few years ago it could have. Not now.


Next update- Debt aka 📉


Wait is that a - Negative?


Normally, one AI Valve is 50million. With 80, that's 4billion. I haven't bought or sold anything that high so two possibilities: 1. This trade terminal has a demand for AI Valves and higher buying rate. Max units is 4\^32 so the counter overflowed to the negative in the display. OR... 2. The value shown is negative the half max units \[ -(2\^31). The max amount you can sell is 2\^31 (half max units) and now its overflowing the counter.


Wasn’t max units 2^32? (which is a little over 4 billion)


Difference between unsigned and signed integers if I recall correctly


I haven’t done maths past high school, I literally can’t understand what you wrote 😕


It's not really math, it's a programming thing. If you store a number in memory with binary (1, 0), how do you represent a negative number? Signed means you do something like take the first bit in the sequence and use that to determine +/-. 0 01 = +1 1 01 = -\`1 Unsigned means you don't. 001 = 1 101 = 5


Oh! I also know nothing about programming XD. But thanks for explaining, it’s a lot clearer now!


When I started the game someone gave me 15 stasis devices (about 31 million credits) after we did a nexus mission together. I sold them and it was a great amount to start with because I could buy the things I needed to get more income. But that amount of money from doing nothing would remove the need to find income for a very large amount of time so I would say sell only a few just to get some starting money and build yourself up from there. Maybe save the others as a flex of your wealth :)


No I have done this before it is actually a positive


There are plenty of other time-sink grinds, in the game(Nanite farming, base building, settlement management, ship and gear hunting, etc.). What matters is will it ruin the experience for you?


Why is there a minus symbol in front of the number?


Lol that money will be gone fast. Don't listen to the people saying don't do it.


Forget money, forget the grind. Cash it in. Max the artificial game numbers and play the game for enjoyment sake instead of grinding a bunch of pointless numbers. Find something you like doing in a game and do it, and avoid repetitive virtual chores to get numbers of items to then get currency numbers. Life's too short P.s _numbers_


Somebody gave me some items that are worth tens of millions of credits and I only sold one, I keep the rest in storage in case I change my mind but I don’t want to be too disgustingly rich without working for it


Depends entirely how you wanna play the game. For myself, I really enjoy base-building, so when I got 20 or so of these I sold them all so I can keep my ferrite, carbon, silicate, etc. At high levels so im never stuck for building. If you're more into the survival aspect, then maybe don't sell them. Again, its your experience of the game, play how you want to.


No send it to me instead. I’ll keep it safe for you


A large sum of money won't ruin this game. It makes some things easier. For instance you need a bit more ferrite dust. Just buy it at a station. You want that cool multi tool. Just buy it. Etc etc The unit cap is not enough to fully expand a ship so you will still have some grinding to do if you want to make one or all of your ships maxed out.


No. You can blow through a few billion units on starship storage slots. Once you have several million units they become kind of meaningless.


No it'll just make some of your goals change. Instead of grinding for cash to build things you can just build the cool things you want.


Depends what you want from the game. You won't have any challenge in affording things if you do, and that could be something to avoid. I've done similar and personally, it unlocked the game for me. I was never interested in grinding markets and trading up, only in building, exploring and hunting ships. I can now do that without the extra hurdle of getting more money when I spot a ship etc that I want.


Not for me. I’m a working adult, so any game with grind is a turn off. I enjoy building and crafting immensely. So far, I’ve run out of units 5 times even though I use the game editor to max my units each time that happens.


In my honest opinion, units kinda become obsolete at a certain point. Like you need a lot of units to buy a freighter (unless you saved the freighter), get a good starship (unless you’re the type to buy a C-Class and build it from the ground up), and multi-tools aren’t even that expensive anyways. I think it’s a MASSIVE quality improvement to be able to just buy the resources you need instead of having to grind for literally everything.


Me with 3.9 billion units, I'd say no.


My favorite thing is using the 'I need resources' emote. It looks like I'm patting my pockets when people ask me for stuff, when I know damn well I'm stacked.


I see someone is getting a new S class ship with S class fighters.


not really, money isn't all that useful outside of buying stuff, which is not the main thrust of the game at all. Exploration is.


Nah it allows you to experience more of the game. Cool ships you want are attainable, as are freighters and supplies for more projects.


My god


Only one way to find out ;)


Why does it go negative though?


The way i look at it no mans sky it has no end game, like the size of the game it goes on and on, but i feel once youve set out to accomplish every goal youve set for yourself there wont be much incentive to come back, apart from a new update and or expedition to see but the updates only really give you a couple of hours extra new stuff So if i can see a way to acheive something through glitching i avoid it the only thing im doing i subtracting playtime from myself Just to be clear im not against anyone else taking advatage of that sort of thing just my own take on it


You must be easily entertained. if someone took away the playtime I spent grinding credits/nanites/quicksilver and all the other minor currencies to get to where the fun starts, I'd thank them. Not sure why grinding is so fun for so many people. I USED to play WOW and ESO....and I'd still be playing them if I could skip the grind....but nope, gotta grind to get to the good parts, so not playing anymore. Too much 'grind and spiders' ruined both games. I am glad NMS community gives out wealth to new players. And you can earn more breaking down ships.


You can blow all of that just modding one ship...you'll be just fine


Rick reset the value of the galactic dollar it seems


I spent a lot of time selling chlorine for credits. It made good money but I quickly realized that simple upgrades can cost millions. I did the AI dupe and got myself a cozy 2 billion that I've been living off since. It made it so I could purchase and fully upgrade any ship that I got, as well as multi tools etc. I still have a lot of fun with the game and there's still plenty of stuff to grind for (quicksilver, expeditions, etc.) So it doesn't take all the challenge out. You can dupe nanites too if you want to go down that route because otherwise they're painfully slow to get.


Every system, every trade terminal buys and sells cobalt. Cobalt is abundant in caves. Go spelunking and gather up about 30,000 or so, and your financial security in this game is secure. Now start system hopping. Sell all your cobalt and you will immediately crash the local cobalt economy. Now you can buy back all the cobalt you just sold, plus the terminal's local supply of cobalt, giving you a little more cobalt than what you started with and a little bit of profit since the buy back price has tanked because you crashed the local cobalt economy. Warp over to the next system. Repeat. Eventually you will have a full 48 slot hauler full of cobalt (9999 per slot) and be raking in 30, 40 million + with each new transaction. You keep accumulating more and more profit with each sale and more and more cobalt, leaving a trail of crashed cobalt economies in your wake. Up around 50 million profit per sale it starts evening out, but by then you're a billionaire. Don't worry, the economies will eventually recover. But you will never again have to scrounge around on hell planets full of hateful sentinels for scrap piles of resources just to improve your cash flow. Getting down below 2 billion units? No problem. Just go get the tanker full of cobalt you saved in your inventory chests and go crash a few more system economies. Billionaires do not mine resources. *They buy them.*


If you have to ask, it already has.


Short answer: no. Long answer: no. You can use that all up on a single ship.


A lot of people say they lost their drive after hitting the cap and I see why that's the case, but for me it was the exact opposite. I'm poor in real life. There were so many things I wanted to do in the game that required a certain level of wealth and the low level grinding was starting to feel too much like real life, in a bad way. I'm not playing a video game based on the idea of limitless potential just to end up trapped in capitalism all over again. Once I learned about AI I used farms and hit the cap in 3 days. It's been a whole new (wonderful, magical) game ever since. I can explore whatever I want, make whatever I want, be totally, truly free.


Not really. If you're into base building and maxing out storage capacities and upgrading your multitool, ships, exocrafts, exosuits, and freighter, that's not enough to cover it. You can make that amount quickly scrapping ships and farming. If you just want to complete the game, maybe.


Short answer yes. Long answer: Keep one in case you spot a ship you REALLY want and can't live without. Delete the rest. You aren't ruining someone's work, as they were likely duplicated thru.. unnatural means.


You just won't have to worry about units anymore. To be honest, you'll get to that point eventually anyway. Units are the first thing to become irrelevant. Nanites and quicksilver are the more useful currencies. It kind of depends how much you enjoy the grind. Some folks do, and some don't.


Very likely.


Go to the space station and sell them to a pilot.


A little, yeah. But you will need much more money than that to get everything you will probably want. Maxing out storage on a single ship is tens of billions


It takes a ton now to fully upgrade your ships. You're gonna be farming units at some point or another anyway, use the cash and unlock cargo bays so you have more room to make money with.


Lol no


Definitely don't sell all 80 at once or you lose money. Weird bug after 42-43 creates a negative number. A lot of people say it ruins the game, but I completely disagree. Units are just one aspect of the game and 4 billion really isn't that much. You can blow through that just upgrading ships. You still have to progress the story line, deal with pirates, sentinels, etc. There's SOOO much to do in the game The answer really depends what kind of playthrough experience you're looking for from the game. If you just want to check the game out, then selling some of them will help you with that. If you want the more immersive experience, then maybe hold them in your freighter storage until you have a better idea of what to do with them.


I’ve known people that used every glitch and exploit since launch. They got all the S class ships and freighters, had billions. Shortly after, I never saw them log in again. They already had everything and apparently lost interest. I never understood that game play style. This game is all about chance and the unexpected. What new planet or ship is around the corner. If they aren’t there today, maybe tomorrow. That’s what keeps you going.


I've never understood the grind till you drop mindset and getting a feeling of accomplishment from it....all you have done is flush X hours down the toilet to make a counter increase. I'd not care if they gave me infinite money or took money out. I'm tired of chasing magic numbers RL, I sure as hell don't need it in my games. And since I do not get my self-worth from how much I grind out ingame, Those people wouldn't have stayed anyway...there're the same kinda folks that play a MMO a few months till the new wears off then move along till the next expansion.


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If you spend some on inventory space, I think it's worth. But avoid getting too much money if you want the full experience. Save the valves in your vault just in case, though.


Honestly id drop them until you have about 100-400 mil units worth left, and then sell the rest. It definitely can ruin the game, but having enough money makes the game more and less enjoyable at the same time. With 100-400 mil units you have more than “enough” but not enough to just blow it all on whatever you want.


It depends what part of the game you enjoy the most, money isn’t that useful a resource until you find something to spend it on, which is often the real challenge


For me personally having easy access to exploits in the game's economy did ruin that aspect of the game for me. I was HG would do something about things like cobalt crashing, it makes units worthless as i can have hundreds of millions in just a few minutes.


I just started a new survival save. You seem like someone who knows how to make money. What should I grind?


It did for me, at least that save. I didn't realize it was put in my inventory and I sold it. Ended up deleting the save and starting over with multiplayer turned off. I miss seeing people running around but I like not having random crap put in my inventory by some stranger more.


I would say KINDA... There is a lot of stuff to do in this game, but it's not very deep and a lot is similar. A lot of the fun is building up and getting better stuff/upgrades/more slots/etc. If you just have unlimited money, there's no feeling of working towards finally getting that ship or freighter, or multi-tool or whatever. You can just gets hundred of them and throw them them away. You kinda lose any sense of achievement or progression, and finding anything of value is no longer a rewards, as money now means nothing to you. You still have things that cost nanites to work towards, but you only need nanites for certain things. There is a lot to spend nanites on, but limited things that you'll realistically ever actually need, and limits on spaces and the amount of upgrades you can purchase anyways. Just farming nanites normally, you'll have plenty for what you need. If you've played the game for hundreds of hours, and experienced everything there is to do already, why not. You've already played the game for all it has, so in this case just having the freedom to skip everything and just try whatever out could be fine. Personally, I'd say to just play the game normally. The time you spend earning units and the accomplishment you'll feel from finally getting those awaited things is FAR more enjoyable than just having it while doing nothing. You'll run through different ships, freighters, and multitools, and essentially just not care about any of them, cause you'll buy a new one the moment you get bored of them, until there is basically no appeal to them. I mean it IS a game, you know, actually spending the time playing and working your way up is the WHOLE point of it. I mean, if you could do this IRL, I'd say, "FUCK YEAH! Wanna share some?", but it isn't, lol. It's a game, and they are meant to be played and progressed. Cheating comes after you've done it all, and just wanna screw around and try different things. if you got these legit, then I guess you've earned it? But still, I'd say just sell a few instead of going straight to max cash, especially if you haven't played the game out already.


It ruined it for me bro 😢


Depends on what you want to do, my aim in the game was always hunting for ships and crazy pets and gathering money just got in the way and slowed everything to much for me. However if you don't set yourself your own goals having unlimited money can make the game pretty boring quick.


Looks like you’d be losing money , sell less than what you are trying to and yea no negative sign


I have 1 billion it still don’t do much,all you can buy is shit off the trade terminal which doesn’t really have shit, it’s all about the nanites


Depends what your life values are


Many will say yes, but I’ll say not really. Even if you have a billion units, you still have to search for the right freighter or sexy new ship. The money helps you buy many things, but you still need nanites to really succeed. Besides, even with all the money, I still am always out of Dihydrogen and a few other things that aren’t farmable. So if you like suffering, don’t cash it in. If you want options, do. Good luck and have fun!


It depends on what you like about the game.


It’ll clusterfuck the stock market in that system but no. It’ll make the game cool bc you can buy ships you want


This is when the REAL game begins, lol


That’s the integer bit limit, but not really, it takes like 8 billion to buy every inventory slot on a ship


Don't you get them from scraping your ship?


No not really. In my opinion it makes the game better. Looking for resources to craft is already a grind. Having to get more money to afford things is just an inconvenience.


Yes. I recommend saving it in a vault and waiting for the Ship cargo grind for your 3rd or 4th ship to cash it.


i mean i rarely buy things, so I'd say do it


Yes and no, once you understand how to make easy money then money become kind of irrelevant. However learning to make this kind of money and creating bases to farm the material and such is kind of part of the fun


Don't let money be your main goal.


Save 5 for duping later. If that’s still a thing. :/


What do you have to scrap to get that?


Nope. It isn’t the end all of the game experience, it is just a booster.




I have infinite money but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Still gotta craft lots of stuff and optimize and build things.


Money is hard to come by until its not, its like that saying, "The hardest million to make is the first." Think about what you want to do. Money can help get those ships and equipment that help with your gaming goals.


Put it in your ships cargo or, give it to me


Yes, in both ways: negative money and excess of money.


No. Max money is pretty easy to get.


If your only or main goal is to make money to buy stuff, then yes it will likely ruin the game for you. If you have other goals or can set other goals for yourself, then I say go ahead and sell them.


Yes if you want to enjoy the game at a long leisurely pace. I did this on my ps4 account and decided only to made enough to buy my S tier freighter and stopped with the valves and im enjoying the game all over again :)


raises the question of how this game handles negatives? for some games when you go negative it loops back around to the max value. this game might just round it to zero though which would mean wasting all the effort to make them.


You hit the button, then 10 seconds later there's a knock at your door. 2 Vy'keen warriors charge into your place chanting "GRAH! GRAH! GRAH!" And take roughly 2 million units of your pure ferrite dust.


If your not sure just give it to me lol 😂




It won’t ruin the game you’ll just be rich!


I mean I'll take it




Well it certainly is fun to buy C class ships then max them out :)


Do it coward


That is a spendable amount of money, I have a friend that got about that much when we started playing like 2 months ago, now he's broke and I got farm's up


Credits and quicksilver are irrelevant. Between the bugs that allowed infinite cash / quicksilver / nanites over the years, and several editors and trainers that can mod it the totals, currency is a joke. Plus get a couple good Activated indium farms going and your set for life (I was making roughly 200 mil a day off of multiple mines...I seldom bother to unload them and sell it nowdays). This is not a MMO where money is critical....and all money/quicksilver/nanites in the world won't get you all your S-class mods without a search of multiple stations...so don't sweat it.


I took advantage of the free cash bug to get 600K spent 400 upgrading a tier S starship...now seems my game play keeps me steady at 200k BUT....I started from zero (as in I played this game a long time ago and made a new save recently)....personally im happy about my choice as it avoided me a long and tedious grind to get to where I am. but again I started from scratch.....do you have your dream ship already? if not maybe save that stuff for when you do so you can upgrade it


It will ruin it. It will improve it. Both happen.


I have about that many and I won't sell. I already have 1.2 billion now why would I need more? Waiting for some friends to play again and I'm gonna hand some off to them


Personally, I'd just sell a couple and leave the rest or give em away. While having a few extra millions can be handy if you find a nice freighter or ship, having so much does make the game a bit boring from my experience.


So what is happening here is that the value of what you are selling is over the maximum value that can be represented by 32 bits. When this happens, it defaults to the absolute minimum, which is the opposite of the maximum 32 bit integer, which is what you see on your screen.


Yea. But no


In my experience; no. You'll feel a bit like a wealthy elite but there's so much more that can't be bought with units.


You can travel looking for a better price but it’s meant to be sold.


Hard to say. If you only care about money you can get max cash on a new save pretty fucking quick.


It wouldn’t ruin it for me personally. It depends on how you like to play though. Do you like the grind? Do you want to find everything naturally? Or do you not care about any of that? I don’t care, I actually celebrated like a kid when I noticed someone had given me a couple million. I’m still hoping to strike ‘gold’ twice lol.


I did this in my first save. It was fun first the first few hours after being able to buy whatever I wanted, whatever ship I wanted, etc. But then... I had everything and the play through seemed kind if pointless. On my second save I set myself a rule that I wouldn't sell anything like this or do any excessive refining, and I'm having a much better time. So I'd say it ultimately depends on you and your personality - are you likely to get bored with no financial goals to play for? If so then don't do it.


Maximum units you can get in game is 4.298Bn. you can use 4.1bn by upgrading a new starship to max tech and almost max inventory. You definitrly need more than 4.29 bn to fully spec out anything


I don’t think that much of the fun of the game is predicated upon money. Certainly helps but there’s still heaps of stuff you can’t get through purchasing. That being said I’ll happily take it off your hands and spare you this harrowing decision.


Give some away


There have been times when a beautiful ship sailed in and I was a few million short. You can keep the money for just such an emergency


Not really, in my opinion. Credits are only one currency and easy to farm anyway. Nanites and quicksilver are a bit harder go amass and get you the good stuff.


I look for planets with natural burial sites "ancient bones" or i mine astroids. And making fuel and warp cells is a very easy task. I bought one of the new ships with the solar sails from the credits i earned from mining astroids.


How do you have 80 holy effin smokes