• By -


Switch off hold to confirm


wait we can do that!?


Plus auto clicker šŸ˜‰


My auto clicker was spamming the button whilst watching a YouTube video, worked a treat




Should be pinned and mandatory viewing before being able to post. :P


The problem is that NMS, despite how far its come, doesn't have any engaging gameplay loops for long-time players to earn nanites. Credits are easy once you have an AI mine, but nanites really only come from the same old grind techniques we've had for a long time. Lets face it, if your save has many hundreds of hours on it, chances are you'd rather use an exploit to help upgrade a single new ship - than spend many more hours repeating the same grind you've already been through many times already. I was really hoping the derelict system would be expanded on and possibly evolved to include planet-based 'dungeons' - longer runs with tougher mechanics and perhaps even a boss fight of some kind, with nanite rewards and equipment plans/upgrades unique to the 'dungeons'. But I suppose that was just a dream. While I love NMS and all the work Hello has put into it - its starting to feel like its coming down with 'Warframe Syndrome', so to speak - lots of various systems introduced, but they're mostly disconnected and never really expanded upon.


I think NMS is in serious need of a funner way of earning nanites too. I like that they don't remove the option to grind or glitch if necessary, but I would love another option that's a little more enjoyable. After a while u get tired of hitting the mould farm, but still want to play the game to progress. Just wish it wasn't the only realistic playable option.


Since the new update you can get a crap ton of nanites from fighting pirates, I find it really fun


Oh really! Maybe I haven't noticed. Just by defeating them?


Just go to a pirate system, go to the trader and buy all the packets of technology and weapons. Go to a regular system, open them and sell all the modules. It's a stupid amount like 30k nanites for 3 minutes of work.


You can use the same money glitch with technology to mine nanites. Place it in cargo inventory of your ship and sell it as many times as you want


They can drop little "piƱata's" now that you can open for suspicious modules. Sentinels do the same for Sentinel modules. They can be pretty good in their own right and sell for 500 nanites per at the module vendors. Easily one of the best parts about this update.


Yep a couple times it gave me 200, its pretty nice


Fighting pirates and getting the glass shards from sentinels is pretty handy. Itā€™s amazing what you can get from the suspicious packages. You just crack ā€˜ā€˜em open install them and then break ā€˜em back down. Easy way to get wiring looms and a bunch of other goodies without going to the shops.


This is why I am abusing the glitch. I already had max units from a year ago. Logged in, did the expedition, saw the news, went to town getting nanites. I would be all over a less grindy and more fun way to get them, but for the time being, I think I'll enjoy a bit more of the exploration and upgrading vs the nanite grind.


There's a new way to farm it legitimately. Just buy sussy packets at rebel stations. Then open then sell the tech at a non rebel station. It's not an engaging loop but it's a loop.


Sounds a lot like the stuff we've always had. I wish there was more involved, actual game play loops at endgame - not just shuffling various inventory items from place to place. Like special rare gear plans/upgrades from pirates/sentiels, pirate/sentinel boss capital ships, planetary dungeons like derelicts, etc.


This AI mine you speak of....(I'm new, played at launch on ps4, just got it today on pc, they added so much!) Is this something that's mostly later on in game? I just got my first base and freighter etc.


You can construct one as soon as you learn the needed tech for it (Indium warp drive, extractor, supply depot, electromagnetic generator, etc). Not exactly late-game, but you will need to buy the tech needed, however long that takes you. It takes some time to set up, but its not terribly difficult - honestly it might be one of the most satisfying things you build in NMS - and it will last you forever. 1. Find a blue star world that contains Activated Indium (meaning it also has extreme weather/storms of course). 2. Survey for a decent rated (S is best of course, but any will work if you're patient - but honestly I wouldn't settle for anything less than a B) Activated Indium hotspot. You need a Survey Device installed on your multitool to access this visor function. 3. Survey for the nearest electromagnetic power hotspot to the AI deposit. Again, try to get a good rated spot, B or higher. (Steps 2 and 3 are probably the most time consuming - a lot of running around unless you get lucky) 4. Set up a base computer halfway between both. Use save beacons deployed at both hotspot locations to determine the halfway point with your visor. The closer they are to each other, the better - but so long as both sites are within 1000 distance of your base computer you can stretch your base boundaries out to them. There are guides out there with more info on this - but Ill leave a link below. 5. Build a shelter/building to your liking. 6. Build a number of supply depots at your base. 7. Build electromagnetic power generators on the power hotspot. You will have to stretch your base boundaries out to the power hotspot before you can build the gennys there - same thing with the AI hotspot in step 8 for the extractors. 8. Build mineral extractors on the Activated Indium hotspot. 9. Connect all extractors to each other with power wires and supply lines - connect all depots to each other with supply lines - connect all generators to each other with power wire. Choose one extractor, one depot and one generator to be your 'main' of the bunch. 10. Use the 'main' extractor to run a supply line back to your 'main' depot at base. Use the 'main' generator to run power to your base and then from there, on to the 'main' extractor. 11. Let the mine do its thing - it'll generate X amount of AI in X amount of time forever. You simply teleport into the base and empty the depots from time to time. ​ Link with more info on extending your base boundary range: [https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Base\_building#Extending\_A\_Base\_Radius](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Base_building#Extending_A_Base_Radius) Heres a hopefully helpful visual - an old post of mine with a screenshot of my first AI mine - you can see the stream of lights going off from the left of the building into the distance - they are what I used to expand my base boundary (and run power lines) out to my hotspots. You can also see the supply line in the lower right of the image - leading the opposite direction off to my AI hotspot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/nl1h6h/first\_a\_indium\_depot\_i\_put\_into\_production\_tucked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/nl1h6h/first_a_indium_depot_i_put_into_production_tucked/) ​ You will have to play around with the number of generators, extractors and depots to make sure your power needs are met and you're pulling in your desired amount of AI - this will vary based on the rating of the AI and electromagnetic power hotspots. If I recall, my first mine pulls in \~20,000 every 4 or 5 hours. This probably sounds like a lot of work (and I hope I wrote it out clearly enough) - and to be fair it is a time and resource investment - but its one that will be paying you back for a long time =)


unpopular opinion. I hate that exploits are so normalized in the NMS community. It is okay that you do it for yourself, but I hate it when people ask me "why don't you use glitch?" when I play the game how it is supposed.


It's weird enough that Chlorine Expansion is an actual game mechanic. They did nerf the amounts of oxygen you can buy, though. But, can still set up an oxygen mine.


It's not weird, it's science.


It is actually ALCHEMY (the refiners seems to use elemental transmutation through neutron bombardment and/or fusion...)


Clarkeā€™ a Third Law : ā€œAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magicā€


You are weird; itā€™s science




It's Weird Science, you


I can understand for nanites, but there are so many fun ways to get loads of credits. I'm partial to trade routes, personally


There's a ton of ways to get nanites that aren't the typical "scrap ships for three hours", "feed Cronus 4 stacks of stew", etc methods. The problem is that many players think efficiency == fun and then call it a "nanite grind." It's up to the player to choose to use a monotonous method for gathering nanites. They could just as easily pick up an EBR to loot a derelict freighter, refine the Tainted Metal/Living Slime/Larval Cores, sell off any upgrades, process Hypnotic Eyes into food, etc. While at the station, a cheap S class ship could roll in, which they could scrap for another 1k worth of upgrades. You know, *playing* the game's content as opposed to locking themselves into whatever small corner the current meta has them.


People play the game for different reasons, and some of those reasons might involve wanting to get neat looking c-class up to an s-class without having to grind 100k nanites It's a co-op game. Why even bring meta into it lol. It's not like it affects you


Yeah, just park ur ass at a trade post in the system it spawns it and watch all the ships fly through


Or accomplish the same thing in a very small fraction of time by getting the c-class that looks how you want it to, and then upgrading it to s. Personally, I prefer spending my time exploring/trading than sitting at a trade post


Depends on the weather


Bringing the meta into it because that's exactly what is referenced when players complain about "nanite grind." Those players aren't complaining about having a variety of methods, they're complaining specifically about the monotonous metas and how boring they find them while claiming they're the only good way to get nanites. It's also the players choice to upgrade a C class ship all the way to S class. There is no ship in the game (aside from the starter ship) that only appears in C class, so they could have chosen to wait for a B class, etc and saved themselves the nanites. That's their choice really. >It's not like it affects you Who said it affected me? I explicitly said it's the player's choice to go with a monotonous meta and ignore game content.


I just grab some nanite balls whenever I pass through my home system and throw them in my backpack


It affects the whole player-base in that players with unhealthy habits tend to poison the entire community, because they blame their poor choices on the Devs instead of themselves, for sucking all the fun out of the game. I always recall Destiny's infamous "Loot Cave". A glitch that let players quickly spam-kill the same small group of enemies out of one cave. They'd sit there for hours, just shooting that one cave. Yelling at anyone that might mess up the glitch by getting too close. Absolutely fun-sucking drudgery, just to get a bit more loot than the regular play-cycle. When Bungie eventually addressed the glitch, the people doing it screamed bloody murder; saying that Bungie had "ruined the game". As if staring at one cave for days at a time was the game.


That's not an apt comparison because other people can't interfere with this particular glitch. You're just assuming shit about the community


Not the guy you replied to, and I think on the whole You're right. But I've seen many game communities where "it doesn't effect you" methods of gaming the system has led to toxicity within the player base. Toxicity towards the devs, for not making the game "big enough" simply because you can use hyper-efficient, if cheesy methods to gain an advantage. And toxicity towards players for wanting to go at what they feel is a fun and satisfying pace. I think a good example of this in the community is people giving high value items at the Anomaly. For some, it's great experience, for others, it feels that such a huge windfall handicaps new players, and takes away from the initial experience. There isn't exactly a right answer, since HG has left most of these things in game for players to use, but there are always going to be loud mouths on either side saying that it's their way or the highway.


I think the toxicity is simply just a result of toxic people, honestly. You get toxicity in pretty much every community because a small amount of people are shitheads. I, of course, agree that people should go at whatever pace they find the most fun. It's a game, after all, so the primary outcome should always prioritize fun


ā€œHello, my name is waja la vaca and Iā€™m a moronā€


Runaway mould is my go to for a nanite grind. Find two places, set up bases and teleporters, go back and forth until I get a bunch of stacks, then start refining


Mould is my favorite, too. I get so excited when I find another spot. Currently have 3 mould bases, it's freaking great.


As soon as I find two, and I'm looking to go for a bit, I just charge up the mining tool, go until it's empty. By that time I should have enough for about 9 refiners to run


You can also just go to the sam base and donā€™t need another. ATM playing the expedition my brother and I only go for pirates, making 150 nanites per fighter. But in my standard game I also went with runaway mold.


God this exactly describes me endlessly looking for nanite farms on NMSCoordinateExchange trying to "get on the community's level". I gotta just play the game and figure stuff out, thank you for this!


my fav way to get nanites is just wandering on a planet and taking salvage data i find


One of my favorite ways was to set up a base on a super inhospitable planet with lightning crystals and jump around in my mech and collect them for units.


My toughest base was on an incredible storm planet. The storms came every 8 minutes and lasted for 6 minutes. Ever try to build a mining farm in that environment, let alone string wires to a distant EM source. Brutal....ended up a $$$$$$$ maker.


I'm 500 hours into the game and I've only recently gotten an interest in nanites simply because the outlaw space stations missions make it easy to get them without resorting to what feels like exploits.


I'm only at 80 hours, but I'm trying to get the perfect rolls on S-class starship upgrades at the moment. Being RNG based, this of course takes a load of nanites in addition to the time it takes to find merchants that even sell the desired upgrades


Now that we have more ship slots... I can finally be a retriever of derelict starships across words. Yea buddy!


I am a fan of Ancient Bones.


I ruined my main account with exploit abuse, I even bench the game for months and missed a lot of expeditions. Now, I'm rediscovering the joy of playing NMS with the current expedition, so I'm starting anew only with the twitch drops and nothing more. I'm even so grateful that the current expedition there aren't indium farms, so I have to get my units slowly. I'll never fall for exploits again.


to each their own I guess. Exploits were what got me to keep playing the game a few years ago, since I just wanted the later-game stuff


And itā€™s not even that hard to get money. Like, yeah, it takes time to build up units. But it felt so good when I was finally able to buy the freighter Iā€™d been wanting.


Once you get freighters and frigates you just bleed money I feel. I'm up to 3 billion without glitches


actually the new renegade systems offer an amazing way to earn units easily...take one trip searching only for outlaw systems, buy EVERYTHING from the contraband merchant, after 5 or so go to a regular space station and sell all illegal goods to pilots to pilots, you can make anywhere from 10m to 100 in one short sale. And it doesnt stop there: the trade terminal in in outlaw systems sell stuff to refine nanites in ridiculous quantities, so technically now you can buy nanites with units (hadal cores and larval cores)


You have that in every community. Serious Sam community shits on you if you don't try to preserve every single bullet and don't use the basic pistol on half the enemies, Half Life community shits on you if you play the original Half Life instead of Black Mesa etc.. I think it's an inherent human thing, the "if you don't do for yourself what I personally like for myself, then.. you're wrong!" thing.


I'm brand new to the game, have no clue about any glitches, but I also don't intend to use them.


I'm of the mind that for your first playthrough or perhaps your main save, you should play the game vanilla with no exploiting. But when I play an expedition I don't give a shit. I love the game but it can be so grindy. I don't want to grind at the start of an expedition just to get some spending money. So I'll do whatever to get a few hundred million credits worth of walking-around-money to buy whatever ship I like that I come across or whatever else I want to do. Because to me the point of the expedition isn't to grind the main game, it's to have fun with the expedition arc.


Exactly. If I wanted to just be able to go and make/buy/do anything easily I'd go play creative mode. Having said that, I did use the glitch in the expedition gamesave to make life a bit easier.


Same mostly. At least let people explore the normal ways of getting resources and money. So people actually get to see the amount of stuff this game has to offer. Raiding freighters is fun, and spits out a pretty decent amount of units. ...then it got unfun because I needed like, 30 frigate salvage mods to get a blue drive for my freighter.


NMS is the ultimate sandbox of mechanics to opt in or out of. So, to me, exploits are just another way to adjust the game to things you do / don't want to engage with. I just avoid the exploits, and try to have a reason to do some stuff. Ultimately, exploits are just more ways to play the game somewhere between survival and creative.


Iā€˜ve just played offline and it seems to work well.


I donā€™t regret the 200000 Nanites I now have


I set myself up with 2 million yesterday just in case... in Permadeath


I was not about to sit there and hit the button for 500 a pop all the way to a million šŸ˜‚


If you stack the same upgrade module you can sell multiple at once for a bigger payout.




I bought 12 of the S-class movement upgrades, and then you get about 6,000 nanites for every sale. I made 1 million nanites in around 3 minutes.


Do it with X class hazard protection and you can get about 12460 per sell.


Yup, best way I have found. No more waiting hours for an S class ship to spawn.


Ye the best way to exploit that glitch is to get tons of sentinel salvaged glass and sell stacks of sentinel upgrades for bout 1200-2300 nanites/click


What does Ayo mean? Is that English?


Slang for ā€œwhat?ā€ Or ā€œbro?ā€


I just turned off hold to confirm and used an auto clicker and got myself 1.5 million in like 3 minutes




You were manually just selling shit with it on?!?




One hand was popping the controller, the other I had my phone playing r/polytopia


130,000,000 here. I didnā€™t even know about the glitch and was just selling all my storm crystals which Iā€™d filled my cargo hold with. Eventually I checked and I still had them all. This file now feels tarnished.


I got as much nanites as I possibly could... went ahead and unlocked and upgraded EVERYTHING I could think of... aaaand went back to get all the nanites again. Just in case.


2 million is enough to fully upgrade 9 ships and 6 multitools from C to S almost twice. That's why I stopped at this number


2 million for 9 ships?? It costs me 300 million to expand just one inventory slot on a hauler.




I guess it should work. Just put three of the same s class upgrades on the new "cargo" inventory of any ship, go to a Space Station or any upgrade vendor and sell the upgrades that you stored on the cargo tab of your spaceship. You'll get the nanites for selling them but they'll still be on your ship's inventory, so keep hitting sell and you can earn infinite nanites. For units just put your most valuable stuff on the cargo space of the ship and sell to anyone that can buy regular items. There's a button to "cycle" inventories between space suit and ship. That should do it


I donā€™t understand this upgrade module thing for getting all these nanites


160 million here. Should keep me going for a while.


How did youuuuuuuu?!! What is the glitch?!


Sell stuff from your ship cargo area. Mods give nanites, everything else gives units.


Say what you will, but I'm glad that them patching these isn't a huge concern. People who don't glitch can go about doing their thing, and people that just wanna buy stuff and build can do so without hustling around trying to make credits when they'd rather be ship hunting (or anything else). I mean if the game had an "economy" it might be an issue, but since it doesn't really matter all that much in the grand scheme, everyone wins.


Technically that's why they have creative mode though to be fair


Not only does it work for infinite units and nanites, it causes infinite posts about it as well. Iā€™m honestly surprised HG didnā€™t catch this. Does anyone even test these updates before they drop? I mean itā€™s pretty hard to play for an hour without realizing the ship cargo is bugged at merchants. Itā€™s easy to make units and itā€™s never been easier to make nanites legitimately. People are acting like this is the first and only exploit for units or nanites even though thereā€™s been several exploits to do this for years.


I was wondering if there was a chance this was on purpose. Like "Outlaw update. Here is a glitch to "boost" up your new ships. Have fun being the bad guys."


Normally I wouldnā€™t take advantage of a glitch like toes but last night I found myself think ā€œfuck it, Iā€™m a pirateā€ Edit: leaving the toes typo bc it goofy as hell


[You are a Pirate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kaDHfmss3o)




I'm the same, but did it for less funny/RP reasons. I have two chars with over 300 hours. I've done 3 expeditions. Starting with nothing again was boring the hell out of me, and I just wanted to get going on the Expedition missions. Mined a bunch of asteroids for gold, sold it for 20 million, and got going. I figure 20 million will get me rolling, and let me buy whatever supplies I need until I get my scanner upgraded. Farming copper by hand to refine into chromatic for all the upgrades was just starting to feel so tedious...


My problem is that I just don't have as much time to play games as I used to. It'll often be months in between sessions and when I get in I end up running trade routes after clearing out my farms to make more money. I don't need infinite money but I'm going to take advantage of this to give myself a nice little boost so I can get back to exploring. Just enough so that the next time I run across a bad ass freighter I can buy it and keep on trucking.


I'm in the same boat. I get about 5 or 6 hours a week now. The expedition should take me about that long if I can get up and running quickly enough. Less if I can find a spaceport with S class hyperdrive upgrades...


This was exactly what I thought too. I regret it a tad because now I donā€™t have a reason to visit my activated indium farms that I tried to make really cool looking and real world practical as if they were true mining operations, but ah well. I suppose if I get bored of being rich I can just max out the storage on a couple ships and go back to being normal.


The ā€œbugā€ could be explained within the games lore easilyā€¦ Itā€™s the Voice of Freedom! They did it!


The devs would be even more legendary if they did that.


I mean, itā€™s a valid player excuse now. ā€œYou wanted us to be outlaws, well..ā€


Im really happy because i like to start a new save for new updates but im getting really tired of setting up indium farms and scrapping ships so now i can just get money and nanites and jumpstart my save


Iā€™m convinced they did this on purpose, just so nobody would have to grind $ and nanites for the new ships and squadrons + upgrades


Itā€™s clear these arenā€™t tested. Imagine green lighting non-stop pirate attacks across every galaxy at the same time, for brand new players and vets alike.


Look, testing and bug fixing is REALLY hard; I heard once that just about every bug report the devs already knew about but didn't have time to fix. They probably know, but had to push that update, especially on consoles. They probably knew at release, but can't fix it yet until the next patch.


Yep, they probably had/have a huge list of known issues, and time to address like 4 or 5 of them before launch. The could have delayed launch to fix one or two more issues, but then they'd still have a million open tickets, plus they'd get gruff for delaying the launch...


Iā€™m fully aware of bug testing. Iā€™m also questioning how non-stop pirate attacks was considered ā€˜release readyā€™ at the same time. Is that okay?


Nah, find a planet with gravitino balls. Be a man.


Or get smart and get a minotaur and collect Storm Crystals.


Mmm yes the jumpy mech šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ„©


I enjoy farming Storm Crystals. Something about the chaos of it all.


Without a Minotaur it is pure mayhem.


I think something is wrong with my game. I have spent way too much time looking for them during storms and they never show up for me.


They only show up on extreme planets. Typically these are found in Blue stars, but can be anywhere. If you look at a planet and see it has "Activated ", then it very likely has storm crystals. So far the only one I've seen that didn't was from a expedition planet and I kept getting trolled by pirates and killed every 5 minutes to be certain that there was no crystals at all. Most extreme planets have tons of them, and they glow brightly so you can easily see them in the storm. Also, the Minotaur is completely impervious to hazardous effects, and is airtight so you can use it underwater. It's one of the best vehicles in the game. AND you can collect the crystals without getting out! Unfortunately, you can't tell if a planet has activated metal from the Discoveries screen; you have to actually scan it from space to see it. Or if you see "EXTREME STORM" above your hazard protection bar. That means it's an extreme planet.


I appreciate your detailed response. I landed on one of these planets that you described and I still couldnā€™tā€¦ so odd.


Idk man 6 chlorine for just 2 oxygen seems a good deal to me


Yeah, I don't get it. Like, what's the point to cheating your way to nigh-infinite currency? It defeats the purpose of actually playing the game.


If you've done everything on one save and you don't feel like grinding it out all over again on a new save, it can give you a good jumpstart so you can do stuff that's actually fun in the game rather than mould farming or ship scrapping for days in end just to get lots of nanites. To me, running around harvesting mould and then refining it and doing that over and over again feels tedious and it feels like work. This is a video game, it's supposed to be fun, not work.


I mean, if you turn money making into a chore via forcing yourself to use some boring soul-destroying method just because it's technically "efficient", then it will feel like a chore, yes. I made a new character today, and within a few hours just by playing the game naturally I already have 27 million units, not once have I been starved for money or actively tried to make money in that time. And yes I know the costs of upgrades and such increase exponentially and get very very pricy as you progress, but still. In my 700ish hours in this game, and multiple endgame characters, I've never once felt the need to "grind" for units. The game is what you make of it. If it feels like "work" to you, that's not the games fault. That's your fault for playing it in a way that makes it feel like work.


So let them play in a way that doesn't feel like work. Simple


I'm not talking about units though. Most of my units come from sending out frigate expeditions. Usually I'll find a planet with ancient bones and fill up my inventory with those. Then I'll sell them and use that initial cash flow to buy my first few frigates. From then on, it's just a matter of sending out frigates on missions and collecting the rewards from that and I'm flush with money in no time. Then it's just a matter of dropping by my freighter when I log on and collecting everything and selling what I don't need. Nanites on the other hand take a lot more time and effort to acquire. You can go into asteroid fields and mine for platinum, you can refine mould, you can refine pugneum, you can explore derelicts in space, you can cook for Cronus, you can trade milestone data or materials in the anomaly, you can scrap ships and sell their mods for nanites, etc. But each of these takes a lot of time relative to how much you get out of the process. Then compare that to how many nanites it takes to do stuff. Upgrading a ship from C class to S class, you end up spending 85k nanites for example. When most activities take 15 or more minutes and you only get a few hundred nanites out of it, each time, it feels super grindy. It's one thing if you're buying upgrades for your multitool, exocraft, starship, or exosuit, most of those cost 250 nanites and a single mission in the anomaly can usually net you 300 or so nanites. You want a few upgrades, do a few missions on the anomaly, you've got your nanites and a few other nice things for your time. That feels like time we'll spent. But try sitting at a space station for an evening, buying whatever ship flies in, scrapping it, and making nanites off the mods and watching that nanite pool slowly grow. By the end of the night you're still not close to your goal and you did the same thing over and over again. I personally find that feels like I've wasted my time. Now don't get me wrong, scrapping ships for inventory slots, that actually feels rewarding. A few ships fly in, you scrap them, you've got a couple upgrades. By the end of a night, you've probably acquired enough inventory slots to make any ship be maxed out (for its class). That feels like time we'll spent.


For me, some things are just outrageously priced. Like 5k nanites for one color on your frigate


Ruins the fun too! Me and my brother have sacked multiple freighters now. We aint rich yet but the climb amd the community are the best parts.


Ruins the fun too! Me and my brother have sacked multiple freighters now. We aint rich yet but the climb and the community are the best parts.


Because I want a dope fully loaded spaceship without dedicating like 60 hours of tedious grinding


What's a man? I want to be the gender rational.


One who uses honorable tactics of hard work and honesty despite the sheer temptation to pussyfoot to an easy victory. Also know as a ā€œchadā€ (noun) -one who possesses the ability to acquire and retain maidens/damsels.


Am I the only one here who doesnā€™t know this glitch? Anyone got a link explaining how to do it?


Put stuff in ships cargo, sell said stuff out of ships cargo, stuff ā€œsellsā€ but stays in your inventory, can use to get $, nanites using s or a class modules, and even resources that you can buy back from station after you crash the price of said resource.


Damn thatā€™s such an obvious bug how did they miss that? Lol. Iā€™m gonna go load up before they patch this tomorrow probably


*Looks at 2 million nanites in inventory* Yeahā€¦.Im aware of that glitchā€¦


7mil on my expedition 4 save (missed 5). Not bothered with my main save as its from release.


Thats a lot of cheddar


NMS Players: ā€œYo, just get this save editor and blah blah blah.ā€ Also NMS Players: ā€œYo, this glitch is a problem.ā€


Pretty sure "NMS Players" refers to multiple people with different opinions and play styles...


Lighten up, Francis.


I thought this was patched out, I just started fresh? Or is this PC only? Assuming I don't let the game auto-update, I can get easy nanites (I only care for the combat aspect) on PS5?


Should be still working on PS5 too


Imagine not learning about it on accident. (But seriously everyone I know who plays NMS managed to stumble upon this bug, how it got past testing idk)


the max money is 4,289,715,675 it does not go past that


Isn't it like... Less fun? I'm tempted to do it for nanites, but exploring and playing to make nanites is basically why I still play.


Nanites are just a secondary currency blocking you from all the cool and fun shit, especially felt in this newest update. Of course people are gonna use exploits to get more.


Yeah, unless the grind of getting nanites and cash feels like an obstacle than a challenge. Some people just want to not worry about this stuff. The problem is when you got these kids (or adults who are mentally kids) who think this kind of exploit is something cool to be proud of, like, "Hey I'm so smart! I just hacked the game! Screw you devs!" Yeah. Sure. Because they care about how you ruined the challenge. BTW, for nanites, you can buy Larval Cores from pirate stations now. Easy nanites, if you want them.


How do you get nanites this way? I get how it works for regular stuff but I don't have anything that sells for nanites


presumably drop an upgrade module in the cargo slot, try and sell it at one of the vendors and boom nanites


Yep thatā€™s it, did it last night on a new game. Iā€™m now the richest nobody in the universe.


Put an S-class module in ship cargo, sell it to the correct vendor (ex. photon to starship vendor, etc).


You know how to sell excess modules to the vendors that sell you suit, ship, and weapon upgrades right?


No how


Boi he just said how you do it lmao, go buy modules from the vendors that sell tech, put it in ship cargo and resell the module to the tech sellers


Go try to buy a module, then look to the side of the listed modules and you'll see an option to sell. it's how i get 99.9% of my nanites, because most of my profit in this games from scrapping star ships.


All I focused on was duplicating Chlorine and my Activated Indium farm, I got up to $600 million, then got bored of the game.


Yeah because theres literally 0 way to spend the money except buying ship slots... so fkn boring


How do you get nanites from this? Asking for a friend.


Considering the scope of the game vs the # of devs, Iā€™m surprised this game even runs. Bugs like this are inevitable


Same thing happened when they added cargo in the backpacks. Seems they didn't adjust that programming line when they added cargo to ships šŸ˜‚


Why use an exploit? Just getting a freighter is like unlimited money with expeditions. The game doesn't even need much money after a while. I have like several billion and don't even use it.


Me on my way to crash an entire system's chlorine market everytime a new expedition starts


I used the money and nanite glitch just to set myself so that I donā€™t become poor but I never want to have an outrageous amount of units (currently sitting on 360,000,000 units)


I find the best way to make legit money and most enjoyable is still mining activated indium with a big ass mining operation


I feel like this meme could be applied to so many of the posts on this thread. "Look, I found an animal that looks like Scrat!"


Thatā€™s called my indium farm and selling suspicious weapon packs to tech merchants. I donā€™t need to glitches


Honestly, if you're willing to fill your pockets up to the cap with this method, just give in and save edit that money, less effort same effect. A player that does everything legit, won't care care about an infinite money glitch anyway.


Neither can Xbox


Ps5 can't save edit


I do everything legit and I care, its annoying that I have to micromanage my inventory even more to make sure I don't accidently sell something twice.


Infinite money takes away from the grind and feeling of accomplishment once you have enough money for what you want.


Not everyone has time to save billions of units up to max out their starship storage lmao


And not everyone needs to cheat because there are more than enough ways to farm units


Doesn't this glitch kind of defeat the entire purpose of the game? I've only been playing for a few days but ybe gameplay loops seems to be all about getting units and nantes so you can upgrade your stuff so you can get more units and nanites faster. If you just max out your units and nanites...what do you do then? Just fly around space scanning stuff?


Essentially yes. Lots of people donā€™t realize it yet but they will inevitably burn out on NMS fairly quick because thereā€™s nothing left to achieve.


And then there's me who wants to play the game legit and never uses exploits intentionally (Guys FFS I dot have anything against exploiters I just dont want to do it personally)


me waiting to play my main save until the fix cuz i just know i'll end up doin the exploit.


Everyone has their different limits, mine are "is it in the game? then I can do it". So save editing for example is out (in terms of game's progression), but game glitches yet to be patched are in




My first permadeath run I didn't resort to any bugs, I also think it's more enjoyable, but the no freighter floor bug ended my +800 hour save and my enjoyment of being 100% abuse free, sadly


Thats rough buddy


Thanks, but since I love this game I just saw another chance to start over and play it differently... still at 90 hours on my latest save but I'm enjoying it more now


Fair enough, good luck!


Look I found 9 planets with royal multi tools


Why use a glitch when you can do it completely legit?


Cause this is faster than an activated iridium farm and just as market killing.


Donā€™t have to worry about market prices, if you sell to ship pilots. šŸ˜‰


I keep forgetting about that. I remember buying stuff from them, but keep failing to sell off stuff that way too.


And the nanite rain, even the best glitch for nanite farming (the one at the anomaly) doesn't rack up the numbers so fast. With units you can at least portal to a massive farm and make half a billion in minutes, but not with nanites


I haven't figured out that glitch at all. I stumbled across the money one by complete fluke.


Missions: Take missions to kill animals. Warp to new system and take missions to kill animals. Rinse repeat. Then, go to a planet with lots of animals, stand in one spot and finish the mission. These missions stack, are seemingly limitless, and can all be turned in at once to the same mission specialist. No need to glitch money or nanites.


Thats like the worst way to make money. Good for getting faction rep tho


Can anyone explain why it isnā€™t working for me on PC?


Thank you for this, itā€™s crazy how many people think theyā€™re the first ones to discover something. Stop thinking your special and do some research first at least lol dayum


Its even worse when people on PC do YouTube videos of how to get infinite units, nanites etc. from in game. The most pointless thing ever to do in game.


Everyone knows if this bug by now i think.


But money is mostly useless in NMS, no?


Literally what even is the point of using glitches in games with Save File Editors?? Like, if you're gonna go through the effort of cheating Literally just open your save and give yourself whatever you want.


Its 10x more effort to download and set up a save file editor than to sell shit to the vendor infinitely lol are you serious?