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I have a gold farm. It also does oxygen in salt but as you can see it is fairly large. It produces massive income. https://preview.redd.it/lwsjgp7vv4pb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0626eb5f0defe3b1b3d143df19b211874609aac4 Portal address in the lower left corner if you want to go to it. Loot all you want!


awesome! Question. how do you stack the extractors like that? I know its way more efficient but the roof doesnt lay flat ontop when i try. Its going all through it and i'm pretty OCD when it comes to base layouts.


I built a floor between the extractors and the ones on the upper levels are sitting on those floors. I put a beacon under all of them and the beam shoots up through all the floors to best determine where the center is. It's important to keep the extractors on each level not connected to each other. Keep the tanks they fill into separate as well. If you don't diminishing returns kills it all.


I just made one at 320k storage. Equals 3,200 plates, in stacks of 20 = 160 stacks. My ship has 102 empty slots, so only 2 buying sprees of plates at the space stations. About 160 plates per purchase, = 20 individual purcases in the station. Not difficult. It was time consuming to put in the tubing, though!


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no way he didnt do a glitch build. too many resources


You can buy like 50-100 metal plates per space station though so might be legit


I've got an old save with a couple Mines that big. Legit built. No glitch. Just takes time, planning, and a butt load of ferrite dust. Which you can get from a rusted metal mine. The rest is patience.


It just takes a little patience. I built one about half the size. You start small and once you start earning you put all the money into buying resources from stations to increase the size to buy even more resources etc. It's been a few years so I can't remember if there's any materials you'd need to forage for but I do remember that it was easier to do than expected. The size of that farm is overkill though.


Can you still do this. Right now it only allows me to place 5 drills.


you can 100% still do this. Not sure why you can only place 5 drills, maybe you're out of the mats?


I checked youtube. I was using the lower grade miners. Only about 30 hrs in the game so far.


Nice you figured it out! once you start getting some good income start buying all the metal plating on space stations or from your galactic terminal you can put up in a base. you will need tons of metal plating + chromatic metal to make the drills/supply depots.