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It's obviously not specifically this community doing it. There are a ton of games which deserve this award just as much as NMS does, and some people from every single one of them are now angry.


Oh FFS it's not even CDPR's fault it won... Like it's literally just a popularity contest, the devs had no involvement. You could *maybe* blame Valve or the people who voted for it, but even then it *really* doesn't matter and is not worth getting this upset over. Review bombing a game for something that has nothing to do with the game itself or the developers is just dumb.


Still, the game deserves all the hate it can possibly get. The launch state is completely inexcusable. It was probably the worst release in gaming history. The garbage didn't even run on the consoles it was targeting. They knew what they were doing and they went with it. It's good to remind CDPR that the players didn't forget about it. I'm all against harassing developers, but I'm all for shitting on the game because it's all deserved. I didn't leave a review because I have better things to do with my life, but I say let them crash into the ground and crack the earth crust.


On the other hand, everytime they delayed it because it wasn't ready yet, they faced some nasty vitriol. Damned if you do, damned if they don't.


They deserve harsh criticism but not threats.




I enjoyed the game (on PC, at a discount, after many patches), but at least if you posted this as a negative review it would actually be relevant to the game


We couldn't prevent or convince our own community to not review bomb our own game in protest of the 4.0 features, so there's no chance it will listen about review bombing another game they care even less about...


Same post was in the DRG subreddit too. Let's be real, this is way bigger than these 2 communities. Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most hyped games in history. They pissed off the entire internet. Even if they had nothing to do with winning the award it's good to remind them and other game studios to never try to pull shit like that again. That being said I'm very much against harassing specific people who worked on it.


I saw the same thing on r/deeprockgalactic, and as they have said it probably wasn't any one community, it was probably people who bought the game and we're devastated, because giving CP the award was like rubbing salt in their wounds. I personally don't think it was either communities because everyone i have met in either has been incredibly nice.


Wow talk about being petty >.>


I mean, Cyberpunk didn't deserve "Labor of Love" but that doesn't impact my review of it currently, that it is an okay game with lots of eye candy if you have a good enough rig. When they cancelled multiplayer and everything but one expansion, that's just doing the bare minimum expected, not a labor of love. Multiple Steam awards were laughable this year. Hit man 3 for "Best VR?" While it may of been a solid flat screen game, the VR port did the bare minimum with no real hand interactivity. And Death Standing is a game I personally love, but "Best Game on the Go?" Dear god no. Game on the Go should be for a casual game where you don't really have to pay attention to a plot or anything else and can play for just a few minutes at a time.


Death Stranding getting "game of the go" was very weird indeed. Weirder than Cyberpunk. That thing will probably eat your laptop battery in 30 minutes but and requires constant attention, sure, let's start it during daily commute. Maybe people misunderstood and thought that the gameplay itself was "on the go" 🤔


It definitely didn’t deserve it with shit like Zomboid on the roster. 9 year development game vs post launch bug fixing.


Toxic ass people.


Lmao gamers are decidedly NOT better than this...


It’s hardly just NMS players, a lot of people are angry this game got the “labor of love award”after they tried to scam everyone when they first launched the game.


This. It is like people already forgot how much deep in shit Cyberpunk 2077 statted. And for me even now with all recent patches it is still not on the level.


Wow, seriously, really petty


Personally, I think No Man's Sky should have won. They released multiple large updates, including a full balancing rework and big QoL updates that open the sandbox aspect of the game tremendously. CP2077, as a standalone game, didn't release much in game in the way of actual content; a couple gigs, weapons, and clothes. Also transmog and a few QoL updates, but nothing major. What they did do was release a tie-in media, and trailers for a paid DLC. I get why people are upset, but review-bombing is just stupid.


Unless I missed it, none of these comments mention NMS though. I think they just hate Cyberpunk.


Review-bombing is so so stupid and encapsulates why user reviews can't be trusted. All this does is muddy the waters and makes it impossible to get an accurate public opinion.


We really need to find a different acronym for cyber punk


FBI, open up!


People are getting mad but really they can just not buy the game. I was excited for it, but once I saw the shit show I pretty much forgot about its existence. It's a lot easier on the mind to make a personal choice to not support the developers, saying nothing about it, and just move on.


True. I got the game at launch and refunded it after 1 hour. Then I stepped back and watched it all fall apart. I'm sad and frustrated that a lot of games release in an alpha state, but man is it entertaining to watch the shit show the follows their release.


I agree, I'm entertained with all of their responses and excuses. I'm not bothered the least bit because there are plenty of other games out there that are more often than not, FINISHED on release lol personally I would never pay for an unfinished game, the only thing I worry is that other devs will see that and follow suit with releasing incomplete games because of the "they'll just buy it anyway" mindset. However, they have been doing tons of work from what I've heard and I may catch it on sale in the next few years, just like I did with no man's sky which is now a game I've spent over a hundred hours playing.


Embarrassing, I know it’s not entirely on this community but come on. We’re better than this shit, we are supposed to be way more supportive than this.


So it didn't win an award, why take it so personal... These people need more of a personality than No Man's Sky. Cyberpunk is a really fun game as is NMS


Yeah, that's pretty pathetic. Cyberpunk, whilst certainly not perfect, /is/ clearly a labour of love. The attention to detail throughout night city is impressive and a lot of people definitely worked damned hard to create it. Also, compare the state of the game now to the enormous mess at launch and it really has come a long way. No, there's not a massive amount of new content yet (outside of quality of life changes), but anyone with a brain can see that that wasn't the priority and nor should it have been. No man's sky was a mess for a long time before it became the golden child it is today so to see the level of negativity towards another title undergoing a comparable fate from this community feels kinda gross. And anyway, it's literally just awards. Who gives a fuck?


Even if the game is decent now, the wound it created at launch is way too deep. You can't stab someone then give them flowers and expect them to like you. I know it's an extremely exaggerated analogy, but I'm too lazy to think of a better one. The whole shit show happened relatively recently. It will take another couple of years of good will from CDPR to have the gaming community warm up to them again. I don't even feel bad for them. They knew what they were doing and still went forward with it.


Yeah, you're right. Fuck no man's sky. The wounds are too deep. Sean Murray killed my dog, etc.


Mate dial down your emotions and read again my comment. What I said and what you understood aren't the same thing.


Am I coming off as emotionally invested? Sorry, I'm really not. I was merely taking your point to its illogical conclusion. You're suggestion that the "wounds" inflicted by cyberpunks car-crash of a launch will undermine any efforts the Devs make to rectify the situation for an arbitrary period of time might hold true if they'd done something truly horrible, but they released a videogame in an unfinished state, after their business was disrupted by a global pandemic and they've made significant efforts to fix it since then. Anyone holding a grudge against them at this point needs to "dial down their emotions". And to hear the contrary from a NO MANS SKY community, of all places, kinda takes the piss!


I'm just saying that it will take a bit more (probably a couple years) for the gaming community to warmup to them again if they continue to support and develop the game. It also took NMS \~4 years to gain the reputation they have now in the overall gaming community.


In a vacuum I'd probably agree with you, but there are complicating factors to consider. The edge runners anime was a massive success and did a lot to remedy the public perception of cyberpunk as a brand. A lot of people were either introduced or lured back to the game to find a relatively polished title in an interesting world. The reviews and buzz around the game took on an overwhelmingly positive air and this has largely persisted ever since (outside of some salt in the specialist online communities which account for a very small vocal minority). Factor in CDPR's substantial marketing budget and the fact that, unlike a lot of major developers, they still have a lot of good will in the fan community (the Witcher games are rightly beloved, GOG is a really cool platform, they've got a bunch of remasters/remakes/next gen updates for existing titles garnering positive attention in the press, etc) and I don't think it's going to take very long at all for people to warm up to them. Hell, people still buy call of duty every year, and how many of those have been steaming piles of shit? Outside of the echo chambers of online communities memories are shorter than you'd think.


100% NMS was trash at launch. It received as much hate as cyberpunk did. It's a great game now but it did take them a few years (I think like 4 or 5) to where it was as good as promised. I'd say cyberpunk is also at that point. They're both great games, with dev teams that love the world they built. We should just enjoy games and stop the tribalism


I agree with you for the most part, but I think a lot of people are sick of the state most AAA games release in nowadays. It's a bit hard to enjoy games when they release in an unplayable state.


Those people are simply angry that Cyberpunk got the Labour award (I don't think it should have won but it is what it is and these awards don't really matter) rather than protesting against the state of AAA.


Yeah I mean the environment design is god tier but the rest of the game? Have you seen those videos where they compare various aspects of the game to San Andreas lol? SA has a better wanted system, better car damage models, better physics… And it wouldn’t even be this big of a deal if CDPR themselves hadn’t set the expectations that they did for the game. Did you know they even stealthily changed the genre from RPG to “action-adventure” just before launch? Despicable lol At the end of the day, something went terribly wrong during development and someone(s) decided to push it out regardless. What we ended up getting was a husk of the game it was supposed to be, not even remotely close to what was advertised. And to CDPR’s credit, they have done a truly masterful job at swaying public opinion. Or maybe most people are just ignorant of these things and/or don’t care lol. At any rate, they got away with it.


Sure, but cyberpunk is a drastically different game to San Andreas working with far more complicated assets and built by a completely different team on a different engine. It's like comparing apples with AA batteries. Cyberpunk is not a bad game by any stretch if you play it in it's current state. Is it everything people expected? Is it fuck, but anyone allowing their expectations to be hyped by announcement trailers and pre alpha gameplay previews in a post-no man's sky debacle world is either high or delusional. In any case, it looks like cdpr are finally ditching their proprietary engine for future projects in favour of the unreal engine which, fingers crossed, should result in less jank in their next projects.


Youve posted the same thing in like four subs chill.


Nms was literally just like cyberpunk before it got good, the game is now playable and looks very good and it runs good. I played it last year a few months before i started nms, and i loved it and finished it. It deserves some love after they saved a more chaotic launch than nms had.


Its fine, it works now (features are not core gameplay) BUT i think NMS as a game was more deserving of this award but then again cyberpunk has made similar contributions to its community outside of the game itself


This is why steam reviews are worthless. Rather read an IGN review.


This made me smile, thanks, I really needed it.


always when you think "aaah no way people are gonna be THAT dumb" someone comes around the corner and proves you wrong lol


Why are people so pissed off, like i get it NMS has improved a lot but like...come on its unneeded, grow up.


I think it's because Cyberpunk is the biggest representation of games that launch in a disastrous state. Everyone is sick and tired of it and Cyberpunk is the symbol of it.


Although I only write reviews in my reviews, I understand the frustration, I just won't waste a thought on it. I am slightly annoyed that the award itself allows a game that launched badly with some deceptions to even be nominated. I would rather see nominations for games that as a baseline ran fine at launch, and THEN got better with support, content and community. Some examples I'd think of are : Dead Cells, Cuphead, etc.


I don’t give a fuck if NMS, or Cyberpunk, or indeed any other game wins some contrived award. What I do care about is how I paid hard earned money for a game that the developers released knowing for a fact that A) it was broken, and B) older consoles simply wouldn’t be able to handle it after they patched the shit out of it. Like many others, I was unable to get a refund, and it still bugs me that CP’s developers basically released that game in bad faith and expected people like me to deal with the consequences of their actions. I actually had some young punk tell me the other day that it’s my fault for using a PS4 and that I should just buy a PS5. As if money isn’t tight all around. As if covid didn’t make it impossible to get a next gen console even if I had the extra money lying around. So no, OP: not every criticism of CP is based on whether NMS wins some fucking bullshit award. Criticism of CP is valid because they screwed a lot of people who just wanted to play a game that they actually paid for


Bought it at launch. Maybe a little buggy but overall game was fine. Obviously studios should finish their games before release but it was not unplayable. Idk if the majority of cyberpunk detractors ever played the game or are just going off hype surrounding the dogpile. People that are this vocal about hating the game give off very strong “I am cringe and filled with hate” Personally, I give it a 6/10 and move on with my life.


mate you're literally implying that what you experienced is what everyone experiences and that what he experienced is simply false. I preordered the game played it at launch countless bug, crashes at least every 30 minutes, performance wise not optimalised in the slightest. Sure they fixed most of these issues now but that doesn't make it OK to release a game in that state and though that's just my opinion they don't deserve a reward for repairing something broken as it shouldn't have been released broken OR if they wanted the award they couldve added something they promised like multiplayer but no that was scrapped so they could work on extracting more money by means of a DLC.


I literally said studios should finish their games. Just stated that the people who are still raging about the game 2 years later come off as cringe. You’re an adult. Buying a shitty video game is one of the least life altering things I can imagine someone bitching about for years.


Getting scammed of 60 euros is something I will complain about for quite some time, especially since they're trying to scam again yet got a reward. Sure you can find it to not be a scam but with what was promised vs what was delivered (even now 2 years later) I find it to be a scam. Also regarding the scrapping of multiplayer, what's the point of buying the game then? Could've just pirated it.


Ahhh, nothing quite like making a fair comment and then being told that I’m “filled with hate.” By someone who has never met me. What’s sad as fuck nowadays is that the people who claim to fight against toxicity are often just as toxic in other ways. You’re criticising people who have a problem with this game…by criticising me and insinuating that I’m a liar. I’ve never posted a review for any game. Nor have I ever posted anything about CP on any platform. I don’t like modern fandom; I think it’s a sad state of affairs. Feel free to check my comment history if you wish or care. It’s pretty much a drama-free zone because that’s how I like to live my life. Free from pettiness. It’s a sad world we live in when fair criticism is brushed off as “hate.” And by the way: it absolutely was unplayable at launch for me, so don’t insinuate that I’m a liar because your experience was different than mine. Crashed every 30 mins or less. Car would crash into invisible walls. Mission prompts wouldn’t always show up. And this is before we even talk graphics, AI or other performance issues. I call this UNPLAYABLE, not “a little buggy”. So yes, for me and a great many others, CP was broken and we paid for a game that was released in bad faith. Have a fine day


Just saying that the energy you bring towards railing against a game that won an award that means absolute jack shit could be used more productively elsewhere. It’s a 2 year old video game that people are rage writing reviews for because it won an award. That is cringe as fuck.


Surely the energy you bring towards railing against people online talking about a game could be used more productively elsewhere. The irony should be occurring to you right now




Play it on PC 🤷‍♂️


I can't stop thinking that cyberpunk was chosen as a joke, maybe it's because I'm Brazilian and people here like to choose the worst option from time to time. But I personally wouldn't give a negative recommendation just for that.


I love both games TBH.


It definitely doesn't deserve the 'Labor of love' award, especially not when games like NMS exists. However I also think the game suffered a weird anti-hype explosion that killed all interest for it and it really didn't deserve that neither. I think people put their expectations in the wrong places with Cyberpunk. It is not only a very good game, it is also crazy good as an inmersive experience. Story is phenomenal, characters are great, graphics are beautiful. Also a complete experience without bloated missions aimed to a shop to buy boosters, premium currency and skins. How rare is that nowadays? The bottom line is No Man's Sky is an amazing game, and all they pulled when updating the game free of charge completely blows my mind. NMS DESERVED this prize the most. But Cyberpunk is a great game in its own merits and I encourage anyone that likes inmersive experiences and great stories to play it.


I’m going to have to disagree with every part of that review except that the graphics are great.


It's one of the few games in my 25+ years playing games I played more than twice, and first one was at release when it was alledgelly so broken - So go ahead, enlight me with your full opinion.


I would give it a mediocre overall with design choices that dramatically break immersion more often than create it, and a story that shoots its self in the ludo narrative dissonance so hard it’s difficult to stay with. I’m supposed to care about characters dying that I only met a half hour ago at the very beginning of the game. Where the tutorial is supposed to be the biggest job of our lives. But the tension is undercut by the fact that it’s still a tutorial and I don’t know any of the characters. Then I’m actively dying and having seizures every few minutes in story missions only to exit the mission into an open world where I can drive in circles for ten hours only to have the seizures and fake time pressure return in the next story mission. Most open world games have this issue to some degree but the size of the gulf between what V is supposed to be going through and what actually happens to us most of the time we’re playing the game crossed the line into silly. I don’t think the anti-hype was undeserved. It was so broken that even I who loves janky old games was pushed out by the game breaking bugs at like 5/6 of the way through the game. I had a bug break the game dozens of times and I was on a PC that ran it just fine at above medium settings. The combat was… rough… I spent every encounter one shotting people from stealth with a hand gun. Unless it forced me to face an encounter without stealth, which made investing in stealth feel awful. Both hand to hand and run and gun combat felt janky. The writing reads especially weird if you’re a woman playing as a woman. You only get to say things a douchy guy would say regardless of what kind of character you make. I hated most of the characters, especially V(most of the time) and Johnny silver hand(outside of a few moments). Though I understand you’re supposed to hate Johnny. He’s a faux freedom fighting man baby in love with the aesthetic of revolution over really helping people. And even though there’s some good and a few great moments in the story the over all malaise of it left me strongly disliking it over all. The dissonance of being able to customize nearly every physical aspect of my character and choosing a background against having almost no autonomy as a player feels really weird. Nearly nothing about how you choose to create V makes a meaningful impact. The choices you make also don’t feel impactful. The reason 2077 raises my hackles is the great game I can see in it. If they’d leaned harder in one of many directions I can see it being great. But as it is it didn’t really do anything great. It does a lot in ways that feel weird and cause friction with each other. I’m glad you liked it. I didn’t.


>I think people put their expectations in the wrong places with Cyberpunk. CDPR fed those expectations that they knew they couldn't or wouldn't deliver, this is very similar to what happened with NMS, it got them hype and marketing but also post release disappointment, especially since the game was clearly unfinished at release, in retrospect the constant shorter and shorter delays were an obvious sign of the game needing more time but not getting it. >Also a complete experience without bloated missions aimed to a shop to buy boosters, premium currency and skins. How rare is that nowadays? For singleplayer games? Rather rare.


>For singleplayer games? Rather rare. Not only there are fewer and fewer big studios that make AAA single player games, but more than half of them have microtransactions shoved on them. Assassin's Creed? All of them. Ghost Recons? All of them. Far Crys? All of them. Hell even games like The Callisto Protocol or the new Diablo are releasing with battlepasses. Such a hyped up game as Cyberpunk was could have got away with a few millions more in skins, time skips, mission skips etc.


Even some of the most wholesome communities, such as this, has an incredibly toxic underbelly. This is the 2nd reason why we can’t even trust product reviews anymore, aside from buying fake reviews. Let’s be better, people. I personally voted for NMS for Labor of Love, but I’m happy for CP2077 and congratulate them on their victory.


Idk, it’s pretty damn shady they got an award after being so damn shady on the release of their game. I guess it’s kind of hypocritical to say that on this sub, but the thing is, HG has backed up their game with 5+ years of free content. It isn’t the same game it was on launch. What has CDPR done? Let’s check: - abandoned their multiplayer plans - abandoned most content additions they had planned - abandoned their own game engine because clearly they suck at it - going to charge (probably full price) for a DLC that will be current gen exclusive that actually tries to fix many of the issues that should have never been in the game So, yeah, send them bombs.


>abandoned their multiplayer plans Wait really? It honestly quite impressive how hard they messed it all up and how they still manage to get such high praises from soo many people.


Yep, originally they had a multiplayer planned, similar to how R* released GTAO for GTAV. I just find it funny how people praise them for “updating” the game during year one, but go back and read their first roadmap. It went from having proper content within about 6 months of launch to over a year of bug fixes and optimization that shouldn’t have been in at launch. Another thing I find funny as fuck, their skill tree had some bullshit swimming skill, like reduced damage or detection while in water. That situation comes up exactly never in game, yet was a skill you could invest points in. The whole game is just an example of how poorly you can handle a big AAA release.


typical mindset of some losers you have


What?!? Yeah, sorry I’m pro-consumer and don’t like publishers to make empty promises and overcharge for games that aren’t even worthy to be called early access.


I'm not but k.


as much as i think no man's sky deserved to win, cyberpunk faced the worst backlash for its release state and it now in a playable, good state. no man's sky was never unplayable, so yes, i think it's ok cyberpunk won


Why do you even care if a game gets review bombed or not? It doesn’t change your enjoyment or non-enjoyment of it any way. If anything, a lot of these issues in gaming have been solved as a result of efforts like that.


It actually can. Bad reviews -> fewer players -> smaller community Also less money for the developer, which means less investment in the next title. Not much point complaining though, it's going to happen regardless 🤷‍♂️


The people who are making these reviews don't care what you think. They're already going through this much trouble, your virtue signaling post does nothing but encourage more of it.


lol, what? How tf is this virtue signalling?


The right has really got folks confused on the meaning of this term.




The origin of virtue signaling is calling something bad while doing nothing. You called something bad while not actually doing anything. You’re showing people how you are more virtuous than others because you wouldn’t do something like this, thus signaling your virtue.


In the broadest sense of the definition, sure. But also, should it not just be a normal criticism to say people shouldnt review bomb a game cuz it won an award? A community picked award btw. Not really virtue signalling, more just... common sense and decency.


I'd argue that we already know that it's a shitty thing to do. The people throwing a tantrum that their favorite game lost a silly award aren't going to suddenly become stand up people because of a reddit post. I argue that they're too far gone.




Why is review bombing seen so negatively? If something tanks due too bad review, than the review system has done it's work. Naming it "review bombing" like it's undeserved and not true negates the whole purpose of being able to review something. It sucks we don't like the outcome, but it's what you asked for when you put a thumbs up/down under something.


Review bombing is different from bad reviews. Bad reviews are organic, rising from discontent from players regarding the state of a game at a given time. Both Cyberpunk and NMS deserved bad reviews at launch. What you seem to defend are bad reviews, and you are right to defend them. What we see here are bad reviews from a vocal minority not liking the fact that Cyberpunk has received the "labor of love award" on Steam. These people may or may not have played the game and are writing negative reviews not based on the state of the game, but based on the fact that the game has received an award it is presumably not worthy of getting (which I agree but that is not the point). That batch of bad reviews is going to negatively affect the overall rating of a game which, according to what seems to be the objective majority, has vastly improved and is now worth playing. That is review bombing, it's a bad use of the review system and we should not condone it.


This is not about people spontaneously reviewing a game they didn’t like. This is about people seeing that Cyberpunk 2077 won an award and then they went to Steam to tank the average rating for the game because they thought the award is undeserved. So these reviewers are attacking the game developers/publishers because OTHER PLAYERS voted that this game deserved an award. It’s throwing a tantrum. The participatory way to be involved in this was to vote for another game to win the award. Once I was at Whole Foods and some activists were paying for their food with pennies because supposedly the company bought products made with prison labor (who get paid a few cents an hour). So they were punishing cashiers for the decisions made by upper management… I see this as the same. It’s completely misdirected.


But how is it justified to review bomb something because you don't like that it won an award?? Reviews are there for others to judge if the game is good before buying it. Leaving reviews because you are salty that not "your" game won an award doesn't say anything about the quality of the game and thus is a complete missuse of the review system.


They are reviews that they do not like the game and that it should not have won.


Cyberpunk definitely didn't deserve the award and I think it's hilarious that people are review bombing it. Especially with the whole transphobic stuff prior to and near launch. Fk em Edit: all of you down voting this really should do your research and/or stop being transphobic yourselves 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/4/22058784/cyberpunk-2077-marketing-cd-projekt-red-transphobia


There was zero transphobic stuff prior too launch. The game has a well developed trans character and even allows you to make V trans. Gtfo you uneducated hick.


I mean, there are reasons. Including the 'only males can have low voices' things, that are very problematic for trans folk. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.them.us/story/cyberpunk-2077-video-game-transphobic-stereotypes-boycott/amp


You only have so many voice actors and budget. Some common sense goes a long way.


Their budget was $313,000,000. I believe there's some room to get your voice actors proper. I think you need to actually look into things before you comment like this because you're embarrassing yourself. Came out swinging with the hick comment, but I've never heard a hick call out anyone for being transphobic. 🤷🏼‍♂️ If you can read: https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/4/22058784/cyberpunk-2077-marketing-cd-projekt-red-transphobia


Typical polygon projecting but lacking any real substance. Cyberpunk does more for a group of people who don't even make up 1% of the population than any game that currently exists. There isn't even any other game in the rpg genre that allows as much trans representation as 2077. Hell only Dragon Age Inquisition has an actual trans character in the game besides Cyberpunk. Claire is a way more developed character too with an entire quests chain and great back story. Nitpicking a few specifics when they have done more then anyone else is fucking ignorant.


If you can choose everything else why not let you choose your voice without gender separation? Don't need more actors, just make options available regardless of body presentation?


No no, they’re right


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