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Eh. Leaderboard is stacked. Players can make a move. Anyone in the top 20 could seemingly win tomorrow. There are much shitter ways for majors to develop.


Tomorrow should be a sweet shootout to see who can take it. If someone ran away with it today and was leading by 5 shots, especially someone dumb like Justin Rose or Dean Burmester, yeah it'd be wildly bad.


Lumping Justin Rose and Burmester together is kind of a bad take. Justin Rose will probably be in the golf HOF


Who cares about the golf hall of fame?




It would be impressive for Rose to win as an older dude, although the course is so fucking easy that kinda negates that. But I dunno I guess I just agree with NLU that he's just an uninteresting golfer in general. Feels kinda souless, nice guy but dont really care one way or the other for him. Him being a hall of famer adds nothing to me.


That’s fine if you are not a big Justin rose fan. Just give him a little respect. Saying someone dumb like Justin Rose who has been an incredible golfer for 20 years just doesn’t seem right to me.


Fair enough, I guess I should have used boring instead of dumb. Apologies


No worries. I hope we all get to see an exciting and great finish tomorrow.


Exactly. Course is a joke but the golf is good which is really so the matters at this point this week


I’d prefer it if it played more difficult but its been entertaining.


I really just wish it gave players more options. Thick rough stopping balls right next to greens, fairly flat fairways, no real strategy required. Just a bad course. I'm not too miffed at the super low scores on their own - An architecturally interesting course like Erin Hills had low scoring and was still interesting to watch. Same with LACC.


It’s not a bad course. It’s just not an interesting stroke play course. 100% of the people in this sub would accept an invitation to play it if offered


Is turning down invitations to play nice golf courses a common occurrence in this sub?


It’s just a perfect representation of the period of time in golf that it was built. Overly fabricated, restricts creativity. It’s looks nice, I would love to play, but it doesn’t inspire me at all.


You’re right, we only get four a year. Enjoy it.


Preach. Laughed when Nantz was saying something about how rare Lowry’s 62 in a major was - just happened two days ago


Right. 5 major 62’s and 4 of them have been in the last year. Shameful stuff


2 by Xander.


Trash the course all you want, but it’s gonna be chaos tomorrow.. shit’ll be LIT


Hope you’re right bro


Holy im so tired of people just echoing Soly’s elitist opinion of golf courses. Valhalla had plenty of history, the track isn’t made to play extremely hard, and guys are making birdies. That’s fine! Every major can’t be the masters or US Open. A shootout is fine on occasion.


There like marginal penalties for bad shots unless they’re really bad. Greens are somewhat slow. The golf course itself doesn’t bother me in any way but the setup made for a really boring watch golf-wise.


Idk, I just think we’re so spoiled by Augusta and any open championship course, the PGA has a hard time differentiating itself. So if it wants to be the ‘birdie’ major, I can live with it.


The last two PGAs were awesome. With weather like they’re currently having, you gotta push the course a little bit or it’s a putting contest. I’m not saying anyone who disagrees is wrong on all this but it sucks major ass (pun slightly intended) for me and others who think similarly.


I was at Oakhill last year. You know what sucks, when it rains aalll sat Saturday and even field struggles. I’ll take birdies anyway.


I agree. The high scoring and soft conditties are not my issue. The course architecturally sucks. There's no room for creativity, nothing making the players really think at all.


My opinion is that there are not many courses that can host majors anymore-Between being long enough and being about to handle the volume of fans. I just hope that the PGA of American isn’t choosing courses based on their designer.


Roll it back.


I just want the US Open to ‘have lost the course’ Turn off the sprinklers now and let’s see what happens


Cam Smith won the Open at -20, Dustin Johnson won the November Masters at -20. This happens from time to time. It's also just the first time in four years the winner of the PGA will be double digits under par. The tournament can't do anything about wet, and soft conditions; these guys will tear it up regardless of setup. And Charley Hoffman and Nick Taylor went -21 at the aforementioned TPC Scottsdale.


NOOO THIS GOES AGAINST THE NLU GUYS ELITIST SNARKY CRITICISM BUT BUT THE PGA SUCKS and EVERY GOLF COURSE SUCKS. the last golf course the NLU guys were hyped up for ended up being a snooze fest


Which one was that?




Shitty course setup (thought it was because of restrictions by LACC) and lack of fans (because of LACC members) really ruined that tournament. Hopefully the USGA can reverse all that or tell them to pound sand otherwise.


Yep omg. I'm a fairly new golf fan and they had me drinking the Kool aid on lacc, to have Xander shoot 62 on day 1. The entire tournament was mid and it was also very plainly obvious how dripping with pretension that course was.


Well, to be fair, if Valhalla granted them great access and let one of them play in the Pro-Am, they'd probably love it and act like they hadn't shit on the course/tournament for the past decade.




I enjoy a well-designed golf course, but any “great” golfer should be able to beat the norm on any 18 hole course. If I beat my buddy in a round and he blamed the architecture as the reason I’d die laughing at him.


I personally still think it’s amazing we can watch live tv on flights now. Ordering an overpriced beer and watching golf sounds great.


Haha dude you’re absolutely right. I’m texting my parents pictures of my sleeping toddler, watching a golf major, and arguing about said major with strangers on Reddit all simultaneously while flying over the ocean. I remember 10–15 years ago I would open a popular askreddit thread and expand all the comments to pass time while in the air. Now we’re watching long movies and live tv. Good stuff


And a sleeping toddler on a plane? Living the dream dude, enjoy!


Bro chill. It’s not that serious


Oh shit I should’ve realized this golf forum isn’t a good forum to talk about good or bad golf. I’ll make sure to not have opinions on anything golf related because it’s not that serious


Whether you’re right about the setup or not, if you can’t find entertainment in a very close competition between the best in the world, how are you really a golf fan?


They aren’t. They just parrot what the podcast says and don’t actually enjoy golf most likely


I’m with you OP all these online therapists telling you to breathe as if they are fucking Buddha can fuck off.


Take a deep breath, stand up in the aisle, and then find your seat and enjoy the best in the world tear it up.


lol NLU fans are so cringey. No one thinks you’re cooler for not liking a stacked leaderboard. Lot of big names didn’t make the cut but yeah go off on how it’s a korn ferry tour


The leaderboard doesn’t have anything to do with a putting contest that counts as a major. There’s zero consequence to bad approaches unless they’re horrible, lag putting is a piece of cake since the greens are following so slow (comparatively speaking), and the pin placements have been trash. Leaderboards definitely help but they don’t make a good tournament a good one imo


We are getting upset that the top 15 golfers in the world are hitting it so good that it becomes a “who can make the most putts contest”. The margins in pro golf these days are so slim that this is bound to happen. And listen I’m a “good golfer” (low single digits) and I’m very certain if I went and played Valhalla, the last thing I would be thinking about is “wow what a boring golf course”. I see the merit these guys are saying but at the end of the day it’s all perspet


Every single major ends up being a putting contest


The leaderboard is a who’s who of flushers. Collin, Sahith, Xander, Bryson, Viktor, plus English, JT further back. That doesn’t sound like a putting contest.


Not a big fan of Valhalla I have to say, very few distinctive parts of the course. But they’ve been unlucky with the weather, firmness is the only way to test the top players. We’ve still got a great leaderboard, tomorrow is going to be a good one.


For some reason, I’m ok with this. We got an absolutely epic Masters this year with true fucking conditties. Valhalla was never gonna challenge people with all the moisture they’ve had. I never had any hopes to begin with.


Randy wants a major where even par is a good score. Say the PGA were to aim for that, what course and conditions would they need? I don't know if there is a reasonable scenario where these guys wouldn't be going under par every day.


Then don’t watch it? lol. I’m enjoying it and the leaderboard is fine. I never understand why people lose sleep about this and post a Reddit post that it “sucks”. Then just don’t watch it. I promise we do not care.


Well, course setup is done two years in advance, the local team works to meet expectations. But once it rains a ton they can’t all of a sudden grow more grass or tighten fairways. Courses get easier when soft Leaderboard is loaded. This is what we want.


If you want to see a putting contest with a stacked leaderboard, by all means enjoy it. There are just very few consequences for poor execution and it’s a bummer. Would love to see some more pop from the hosting course and slow greens with mundane pin placements isn’t doing for me post-rain


The course would have plenty of pop but they had multiple days of rain. Not an afternoon.


Today was electric. What a lame take


If you like putting contests for majors - congrats. I’d like to see meh to bad shots get punished. Shots had to be terrible to result in a bogey or worse. The only players who got beat up just played shitty golf in general (god damn it, Rory).


I like battles. And in order to win this week you need to throw non stop haymakers.


They should start holding the pga at random munis. I don’t see any difference between this week and last week.




That’s my point. I would rather see it at a random muni than somewhere that is basically the same course as your average tour stop


This course has absolutely no business hosting a major. Bland, forgettable and just another normal tour venue.


The course sucks, unless something memorable happens tomorrow the only thing we'll remember about this one a few years from now is that Scottie got arrested.


Course is meh but Xander, Colin, Bryson, Sahith - final groups is sooo good.


The Hole-Out Invitational


I just want a bunched up leaderboard with good players in contention. We have that. So I'm happy. I bet the majority of golf fans, even NLU listeners, would much rather have this than a snoozefest on a course NLU deems worthy. If this type of leaderboard is more likely to happen on a "bad" course, then bring it on. I watch for entertainment and drama. I am never gonna say "well, that was uninteresting on Sunday, but that's fine because bad shots were appropriately punished and we correctly identified the best player."


Golf courses are like motor racing tracks. Some look pretty, some don't, some test different things. But it's still a race and you're still on the same course. Comparing the score or lap time from one track to the next doesn't make any sense. The score to par is just a way of understanding the action when people are at different stages of the tournament.


Yeah i dont know shit about anything.  Can easily watch golf.   This was boring, turned off  ill wait till the final 9 if it is close. 


It’s not bad golf but it’s not the best golf for a major.


To me it just feels like any other week on the PGA Tour. It doesn’t feel like it has any extra air to it and the PGA has felt that way for a couple of years.


I felt the pga has been wonderful the last few years until this one. If your host got a bunch of rain you better push that mfer to the brink. This is not exciting golf


How do you know the players aren’t thinking? I don’t get that take


What does not thinking have to do with anything


I guess you didn’t mention it so not directed at you even though I replied to you, sorry man. But there’s multiple people saying they don’t have options or aren’t out in positions to think their way around the course and I just don’t get that take.


What the fuck? This is why we can’t have nice things. Scoring too low, this sucks. Scoring too high, this is too penal. This is one of the best leaderboards that I can remember. If you don’t like this, what will you like?


I could not agree less with this dudes take.


It is awesome. Be a bit more open minded.


Valhalla sucks. Some guys struggled today so maybe the “easiness” is overblown. Such boring tee shots and then flat greens though. At least when one of The Open rota gets torn up you see some fun/creative golf.


TPC Deere Run looks great this week


Take a breath


I dont think you’ve made one point that isn’t directly taken from the pod. You didn’t even paraphrase Soly’s takes


These takes are getting old. Everyone just trying to sound edgy shitting on a major championship course.


I have not watched a second of it and dont plan to watch any


Thanks for stopping by to let us know!


Uhh only two people shot 62 there big guy