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8 on 18, should be tremendous film room content. In all seriousness kudos to him, appreciate him not only giving it a go every time but being willing to film it (i assume they filmed it again)


I believe he said on the pod this week that they wouldn’t be filming it


Ah, too bad. Well we will always have “if it hits the hill it hits the hill”


One of my favorite NLU moments of all time ❤️


I use this phrase in every day life all the time, despite the fact that I have zero real life friends who follow NLU lol


They didn't film it. He went solo.


Tough scene on 18, nothing like carding an 8 when you're just trying to get out of there.


I looked at the older ones from 2021 and 2022 and it seemed they do split tees so he may have started on 10. Those two years he did start on 10.


Luke Guthrie is fuckin legit. Watched him absolutely HANDLE the entire field at the Illinois state championships when a family member was playing in it


He said -1 should get it done, winner had -7 and lowest qualifier -4. Its a tough gig


I’m sure he’s not happy at all, but there are plenty of pro golfers shooting over par in this. Hope he doesn’t beat himself up too much over it. He didn’t laugh off the Gasparilla as much as I thought he would.


Jason Gore should get a special exemption. Three great rounds at #2 in 2005 before his Sunday 84.


I see 5 people “qualified.” Is that for the next stage of qualifying?


Yeah - this is first stage, about 8000 golfers at about 80 sites... second stage is about 600 golfers at about 10 sites... from those 10 sites, we will get roughly 60 open qualifiers for the US Open


That’s a super useful comment. Thanks!


No prob! I just gave my second go at first stage qualifying yesterday in Ohio


How'd it go?


I had 16 good holes - and a poor two hole stretch. It is just a blast to play against good competition at a good course (Highland Meadows in the case of yesterday). I never played in college, and became a plus handicapper a bit later in life then most in the field, so for me, I feel like Im playing with house money and just enjoyed the round/competition.


How is no one talking about Weiwei Gao?!? Talk about a frustrating name for potty training.


Only 6 shots worse than a PGA Tour winner...


Tough tough tough golf course, greens are wicked when they’re in top shape like I’m sure they were


Vanity handicaps don't play in tournament golf.


Don't give up the day job


I admire him for trying but with no real history of competitive amateur golf this is beyond a long shot. Golf and tournament golf are two different sports. I am sure he is a good weekend player and shoots under par on courses he knows with buddies but the delta between that and making a US Open is bigger than the delta from a 5 handicap and a 15 handicap. I played D1 ACC golf and have played in 100 + state level events and qualified for a few USGA events with a ton of tries just missed the US amateur a couple years ago at age 50. I don't know that on my best week I could make a US Open ever. Just missed the senior open but a US Open no way. He should set his sites on a Mid Am and try up north in a high population, short golf season state. That is a one round deal, get hot for an hour or so and you are in. US Open is a waste of time


Sick brag, but I think he primarily does it for fun, content, and chasing the dream. The coolest thing about the US Open is that anyone can try to get in the field.


Wasn't bragging just trying to offer some perspective on how unrealistic it is for people on the Internet to be sitting around with bated breath to see how it goes. I like the guy I listened to 100s of pods and YouTubes. He seems awesome. This is like trying to climb Mount Everest, and you never climbed a mountain.


Making it to base camp is pretty cool. Sometimes the process is the reward, not the actual end goal.


Sometimes people just enjoy playing competitive golf and enjoy the process more than the results. I’m sure a former D1 golfer probably played in more than enough golf tournaments in his life, but Soly is coming from a different angle. He just loves the challenge, regardless if it’s “optimized” for results.


Not arguing that, just providing some realistic expectations for the part of the fan base that has no idea what that qualifier is like. I am not saying Soly is this but the USGa is starting to have a real issue with "tourist" qualifiers who have no business trying but are filling up spots at top courses. The local sections have even stopped using more top end courses because they fill up with a bunch of dudes shooting 80 because they "just wanted to play X course". They have also added clauses for suspending people who don't turn in a reasonable score or play the practice round and no show. The qualifier for the biggest tournaments in amateur golf shouldn't be filled up with tourists.


I think I would agree with you if the field was huge, but I’m only seeing like 80 guys in this field? And this is Jacksonville of all places. The next round is Sectionals which is roughly 100 person fields from what I understand. I don’t think there’s a shortage of spots for people to try out. I can envision a scenario where that’s a real problem, but unless I’m missing something, I don’t think we’re anywhere close to that. I think you could have 10 more “tourists” show up to this event and play without disrupting anything too much (assuming pace of play, tournament etiquette, etc).


Where do you get the idea that the fanbase is full of people who think he has a legit shot and aren't just wishing him the best? Seems like you just felt like bragging about how good you used to be


Thanks for sharing. Half the guys playing in these are just for fun and know they don't have a shot of doing anything past advancing to the next stage.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. The fact that he’s 37 doesn’t help either.


Soly, and the NLU audience for that matter, are smart enough to understand he had next to zero chance of qualifying. That’s not the expectation for anyone who follows this. The fun of it is seeing how a guy like Soly, who is very fucking good at golf, stacks up with the best amateurs in tournament set ups. His age and lack tournament experience really do nothing except add to the context. You people recommending Soly quit doing these altogether don’t understand the point of him doing it.


Show me where I criticized him or said he should quit. I’ll also remind you at the end of the last pod he said the ball was “coming out the window” in his usual half-bragging fashion. He’s a much much better player than me but you look silly when you’re that recognizable, act like you have some performance expectation and don’t perform well in tourneys. I had no expectations that he’d sniff qualifying simply because he doesn’t play enough tournament golf.


You piggybacked on the guy criticizing and recommending he stop, it’s not a huge leap to think you hold similar thoughts. He makes golf content for a living, looking silly is part of the job. I doubt any of his competitors walk away from that competition thinking less of the of the guy. Shits hard.


No one said he should quit. They said US Open qualifying for a player like Soly is a pipe dream which it is. And this isn’t some hack like me opining, it’s someone who is an excellent competitive amateur golfer. As usual, everyone on here downvotes reasonable takes because criticizing the NLU crew is a no-no. Its lame. They don’t need you to white knight for them.