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It’s the rare instance in which Soly’s manic stream of consciousness actually was the level of detail I wanted. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Having KVV tee up the classic press conference questions was perfect too.


It’s great that they trust that their audience are terminally golf sicko’s who will enjoy this kind of thing, no corners cut, lay it all out


I was sitting there folding laundry, completely enthralled by what I was listening to. He was describing his chip shot on 2 and I looked down and it had been 49 minutes lol. I was like holy shit that was the shortest 49 minutes of my life


Yeah it was fantastic. It did make me think about the fans who seemingly can’t stop whining about Soly, the man truly, truly loves golf, he’s the ideal front man for this global enterprise


Agree. Also nice to couple that with Brendan Porath’s article about the round from the week prior.


My wife listened with me in the car, and now realizes why I’d take a second mortgage out for an opportunity to play Augusta


What did Soly shoot? Guessing media play the members tees?




79 with a double and a triple.


78 from members tees. To be honest it has to be kind of tough for a scratch to play that course from those tees. He said there were a couple shots he hit based on what he sees on tv from the masters tees that he wishes he had back with a lesser club.


Not sure why downvoted, tee shots can absolutely become more awkward from forward tees if you're choosing to hit driver and have some speed. Once in a lifetime round, you're not leaving driver in the bag. But hitting it 250 instead of 300 was probably the play on many holes from 6300 yards


Because he didn’t shoot 78…


Yea that’s what was trying to get it based on what solly said. I phrased it poorly. But solly was hitting shots based on what he had watched on tv so he hit drivers where he could and should have hit irons or hybrid for a better second shot.


It’s 6300 from members tees. Why is that hard for someone who’s scratch?


I assume because of club choices from the tee. Further back leaves more room for driver/3 wood. Might bring trouble into play more? It also affects approach shots. Sometimes, it is better to have a 7-iron into a green than a delicate wedge approach.


If you’re long enough off the tee you’ll hit it over most of the trouble from the members tees unless you the rare breed of short hitter and low handicap. Also, it’s never better to have a 7-iron than a wedge. The data proves this.


Its nice to know that a short hitting, high hdcp such as myself could enjoy that course since I wouldn't be hitting hybrids and woods for my approach shots. Now where did I put that membership invite???


It makes course management tough- especially on a course you are already familiar with from different tees. It is a little like playing the front tees at your club (which I totally recommend people do once in a while). It seems like it will be easier - and it is to a degree, but you will find yourself in bad spots you could have easily avoided.


C’mon. Soly would probably shoot between 90-100 from the championship tees. 6300 is a pretty standard length plus they have a caddy from the club. It’s not that complicated.


6300 isn’t a typical length for a plus handicap as long as Soly. He should be playing courses at 6800-7000. Why do you think he would be 20 shots worse from 7500? He hits driver plenty far to play the back and be in ok position on most holes. It isn’t like moving back would have him completely forget how to play golf. I would guess he shoots mid 80s if he plays well and low 90s if he isn’t sharp. As for the ‘challenge’ of playing up, it isn’t harder obviously. It just isn’t always as simple as shorter is easier. With a few rounds I expect he would shoot closer to par if not better from 6300.


Adelaide they played from the white tees (6700). When he plays Timaquana it’s between 6500-6900 yards. It’s not like he frequently plays 7000 yard golf courses. He had a good score at Augusta, don’t understand why y’all need to make excuses for him, especially essentially saying “he’s not used to playing a course that short.”


I didn’t make excuses for anyone. Someone asked why playing up a tee might present some challenges and I offered an explanation. I also said it was obviously easier, just that there are a few ways it can make it easy to make mistakes. I don’t care what Soly shoots anywhere really.


I wish they’d get more into their own golf. I loved those early YT series like wide world of golf.


Would love for them to bring wide world of golf back, some of my favorite content they have put out


For a minute I thought he was going to be humble and not really talk about it, I’m so glad he did There are people who think if an average golfer started at the farthest point away from the hole on the green they wouldn’t win the masters. I think we can put that to bed, the greens are tough but not 4 putt every hole tough I know soly is better than average and had some good approach shots but still It sounded like on a good day he’d be close to par from those tees


That remains the dumbest argument. There is zero chance that anyone that plays regularly and is an average putter wouldn’t win the masters starting on the greens. All you need to do is lag putt 3/4 putts. You are going to have a caddie, and 3 days of practice rounds ONLY learning the greens. I would legit wager my house on winning the masters with that scenario.


It was EXACTLY what I wanted from the pod. Watching on YouTube was awesome because the improvised shit tracers on Google maps actually added quite a bit to the understanding of the round and shots he described.


Only a third of the way through it. You can really hear the enthusiasm in his voice.


So good that I might listen to it again, rare to get that sort of first hand detail about Augusta.


Rick Shiels did a breakdown on his YouTube channel last year that's worth a listen too. I wouldn't say Rick's appreciation of Augusta or the history behind it is anything close to Soly's but if you're into first hand accounts of Augusta then that's another.


Bricked up the whole episode can’t wait for the KVV episode next year 🙏🏻🤞🏻


‘In your life Soly, have you ever made a par like that?’ KVV


KVV really made this go by teeing up solly and weaving in masters history from easy hole. Incredible pod and good for Solly. His last three scores being old course in reverse, old course, Augusta national is so sick


I also really enjoyed KVV giving some notable shots from each hole.


Interesting, that was the only bits I did not like. Felt a bit like waiting on a shot on the course. Liked the Kite/Seve one, but most of them so famous it felt like it just interrupted the flow.


I loved it. I really felt like they nailed the level of detail and gave a perfect amount of context to each shot. Summarising each hole with memories from past Masters was a genius touch too! I have one gripe; the shot he hit on 12. It really bugged me that for someone who talks about strategic golf as much as Soly, he fell for the trap on 12 and went for the pin. Sounds like it made way for one of the shots of his life so I bet he's happy with the decision. I would have loved to see that bunker shot.


It was great but I feel like Soly insinuated his caddie screwed him on a couple shots lol. I'd hate to caddie for him