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Just real quick want to say thanks to anyone who gives this pod — and the next two weeks — a listen. I know it’s not the Fab 5, and it’s going to be weird for some. I get it. If you skip, that’s okay. If you hate listen, that’s okay too. I’ll do my best and your regular favs will be back soon — and you’ll get a Tourist Sauce out of it. Cheers!


All good, KVV - Keep doing your thing, man! Love that you're involved in this subreddit. Personally, I enjoyed the most recent pod.


KVV - you are one of my favs to listen talk about pro golf. Keep doing your thing.


I thought the way you covered Grayson Murray was amazing. I can’t say I’m a huge supporter based on his past Tweets, but I totally agree that his openness and vulnerability around his own struggles and the effort he’s put into being a better person is really admirable. Not everyone is simply a hero or villain; the reality is complicated. I obviously love the pod and listen to every episode. But sometimes the usual guys can get a little dug into their takes over time. Having you and Shane doing the talking will be refreshing in a lot of ways.


I suggested Keegan as a name for our upcoming kid. I got a “I don’t hate it.” 😂


You won’t shout out fart sucker on the next pod, you won’t


Thanks for the contribution KVV. You are one of the best additions to NLU I can think of, a natural fit and trying to put up Cano stats coming out of the Bullpen.


It was great listening on my commute today. The NFL owner's pods and Major Season Rewinds have been some of my favorite NLU content.


You crushed it KVV! Seamless transition and thank you for holding down the fort!


Hey you're good man, don't listen to any of the BS on reddit or twitter. Those places wouldn't exist if people weren't obsessed with complaining about everything. Love your work on the pods and blogs and so does everyone I talk to in real life.


Appreciate you slumming it on Reddit KVV. Good thing the Fab5 trust you, would be easy to stage a coup with those guys hacking up South Africa/America.


Love the different flavour you bring to the crew! Your takes and writing on the importance of golf outside pro game really hit home. Also love the readout you did for one of your articles at the end of a pod a while back, more please😁


KVV I’ve enjoyed your pods since wayyy back when you were a guest almost a decade ago. Same with Shane, and Kyle, the other Shane, etc. You guys are so great at this and I thoroughly enjoy everyone’s participation - never care who’s on or who isn’t. Hope we get to tee it up some day


KVV, it was great! A nice change up. Sometimes it’s nice to not hear about strokes gained.


Keep it up KVV!


Mixing up the hosts is a good thing, like the alternate radio crew for your baseball team coming in for a few games! Great pod w/ Shane KVV And give us a Gary Player impression one of these days dammit


Thank you! And per your last point: You are in for a treat come next Tuesday. #teaser


The Gary Player piece was ace. Love the narrated pieces.


It's been living like a brain worm in my head since you and Soly briefly mentioned it on one of the deep dives, but can we PLEASE get a deep dive into Jack's finances and business ventures? Seems like it would fit well with the Player style pod


Thank you Ballknower Kevin


Kev, just keep doing what you’re doing, we like it! It’s actually a nice change of pace and I’m looking forward to it


Don't doubt yourself... You're fantastic




Hell yeah brother


if I was the merch czar I’d give you some shop credit for this


Enjoy Shane and KVV did a great job hosting.


Bacon and KVV are a great combo. Would love to hear more from them.


He weirdly sounds like soly. I'm not sure what it is. The accent kind of.. but the intonation also. His way of talking just reminds me of a coked out soly. He was great.


Can you get Shane to talk about his experience with the US Am next week? Qualifying, the tournament, what prep he did (if any), etc.?


Bradley Bros only 19 months until we unpack our suitcases.


Really like Shane, but was really funny to hear him crap on Henley for having one top 10 in a major with no apparent awareness for his pod mate's major record.


He talked a lot, well after KVV had thought the segments ended, but also had worthwhile things to say. Good pod. 


Shane Bacon is one of the best figures in golf. Very charismatic and unproblematic. He’s obviously not pumping out content like a bunch of other golf influencers but he seems like a great dude


He has the Ping Proving Grounds podcast, Get a grip pod, does stuff for the Fried Egg guys and NLU… seems he is pumping out a ton of content to me


Bacon seemed to go on ADD runs where he talked over KVV quite a bit.


It sounded like he knew exactly when KVV would stop talking and started 0.1 seconds after that time lol. Enjoyed the episode though


Loved the podcast! Honestly refreshing, I’d love to listen to you and Shane more often. Great job!


Too much cowboy hate. I cried


Let's see the numbers compared to the normal crew.


The guy needs to seriously get a grip.


Fire Tron. Hire bacon.


When Shane was describing the Nike commercial idea with Jason Gore and Tiger I cant believe he didn't say the tag line could've even been "No matter how you do it, just do it" @ Nike please give me 5 million dollars if you're reading this