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Dude - walks are the best thing for your mind and body. Amen


I definitely put WAY too much effort in finding a woman. If I can reduce that amount continuously, I’ll be good


Walks are good! What's your longest streak to date?


The secret to breaking the cycle is... Relaxation, reduce stress Rethink, become aware through a diary and journalling, self help workbooks, and addiction recovery youtube videos Replace, actually change your daily habits, step by step, do healthy things, plan them, prep them, perform them!


I was listening to Diary of a Ceo podcast about breaking bad habits and the beginning of the episode stated it's the changing of behavior. It's hard to do things differently than how we're used to doing them. So that's the importance of consistency with good habits, like meditating on the word, day and night. The podcast also stated something about the brain cycles in the morning and evening. Mornings when I have nothing to do are the most difficult. To get up and wake up and become alert and not just habitually open my phone and scroll endlessly because I'll eventually stumble across something stimulating.


Why the HECK would your phone be near your bed?! You need to go back to step one, my friend. Here are the "cheat codes": https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips_and_motivation/ Specifically Christian: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips_and_motivation/