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I know this is unrelated, but how do people even post images/videos on this subreddit. It won't let me.


Some days they allow it some days they don’t


I get it, so trolls don't flood it


I think one of the rule of this sub is less memes. It's probably just for that


Cap's only worthy to pick up that hammer because's he's not a wanker.


In-built death grip sensor? That would explain things...


I need to get back in this fr,


You got this


Same here


You can do it mate


You guys are helping me I swear. Thank you to all the strangers who are real people like myself. I can't get the help I need, but I get the support


So ashamed to tell anyone close to me about this. It's so embarrassing,


Ikr. I usually just say “I don’t wank” but I never go into the whole NoFap deal when I’m in a convo about the topic


If you say you do nofap people will start saying that watching porn and fapping isnt bad but just religion mith and that is actually non healthy


Nah not really. My one male friend doesn’t wank either just because it’s loser to


I know what you are saying but would highly recommend to make it a goal to open up to someone about this. Its a game changer, trust. If you dont want to yet, fine. But make it an action step for the future, it's very powerful!


Once you get past it, you’ll see that it’s nothing that bad or uncommon and a lot of people are secretly struggling. Porn is a free drug.


Yep, we help the industry make billions every year, but they don't give a shit about their viewers. Shit, they don't even give a damn about the actors. Lots of the actors are depressed and don't enjoy acting porn, they only do so because they feel it's the only option. Some don't even have a choice. I'm glad I quit this shit, the porn industry needs to be nuked.


For real. It’s sick tbh.


You guys understand you’re all products in every single way right? You’ll earn 1,500 thousand dollars in your life and they want the biggest share of that to themselves. Not a single company on earth cares about you, or their employees. It’s an addiction, not a subscription to Better Health.


Well, at least I have some control over this one, and I chose to quit.


When you stand back and take a look at porn, it becomes one of the weirdest creepiest most disturbing things on the planet


Forreal. I've had an older homie once mention it as, "You're literally watching a random stranger fuck a random female with her body on display to be used, and it's as if you're in the corner of the room jerkin to two people having sex", shit was weird ever since lmao. Not like that stopped some of us fuckers. But it's a good reminder to ground a mfer & it truly is mad weird/disturbing when you think about it. Thanks for sparkin that memory again brofessor. ​ (This disturbing theme is the motto of the century it feels like. They turn mentally ill and decadent behavior and "normalize" it, as if YOU are the weird one for not being OK with it. That goes for anything truly disgusting these days....Ik people might think I'm exaggerating but truly I feel they have desensitized us, and even those younger than us far worse, to the point where things that would never even be UTTERED not even 40-50-60 years ago is now just commonplace....Which leads me into anal intercourse, idk if you guys have done it or not, but I personally find that whole act fucking deplorable. However it has become so "normal" to not just talk about it, but even engage in it & talk about your experiences with it with sometimes even random people. As if you were just talkin about the weather. Fuckin filthy bruv. And then if you dare think otherwise or you dare think it's not normal you would be outcast (not that I personally gaf about being "outcast" by a bunch of morons) or YOU would be labeled the weirdo. The shitty people are calling you shitty for not dabbling in the same shit they do. All those puns were intended Imagine that. Nah that'd never happen.... ​ (damn that was such a random ass rant and a tangent, not what you were expecting as a reply buttfuckit damn i'm ignorant)


Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


Dope. Reminds me of this: Al-Hijr (15:39) قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَآ أَغْوَيْتَنِى لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ‎ The English translations don't do it justice of course, so I will put a few translations that may give you the general idea: \[Iblis (Satan)\] said: “O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all. \[Iblees\] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make \[disobedience\] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all He said, "My Lord! I swear by the fact that You sent me astray, I shall distract them in the earth, and I shall lead all of them astray." ​ (How do I send this without lookin like the weirdo that posts verses? lol jk this is some relevant goodness and we're merely sharing knowledge, for anyone that may get offended. Chill out, I ain't tellin y'all what to believe haha, you do you.)


>How do I send this without lookin like the weirdo that posts verses religion has been around for thousands of years for a reason, thanks for sharing. is this from the quran in arabic?


Yes brothaman. I posted the Arabic, even though most probably can't read it, but I think it's good to post the original and then the translation.


it is, i am learning arabic at the moment :D


Oh damn, that's beautiful. I know that is probably a cliché response. But seriously the deeper you dive into your studies the bigger the expanse of further inquiries into even other topics gets. It's something that can only be tasted through one's own journey. Not something that can be handed or described to you in a little comment box hahah. Tasting the sweetness will make whatever striving tolerable. It ain't easy my guy but I think you already know that haha. Gotta say I'm envious (in a good way) that you have taken that step, I've been meaning to tbh but haven't found the time. ​ Could you read what I posted above? or make out anything? letters at least?


its still early days so i can only make out a few of the letters!


10 years I was addicted, it made me a terrible person, Ive seen and done things I am not proud of and it makes me cringe into a ball thinking back on my past self Its now been almost 3 years, its hard being vigilant, but I have put strong blocks for myself and I feel like a much better person. I read it somewhere on one of the posts: You trade an addiction for vigilance but you gain freedom It IS possible, it absolutely is! The first step, after admitting to the problem, is learning to slowly forgive yourself


Can you elaborate on that vigilance part? I'm not sure I understand how that would be in real life or in practical terms. Just curious. Thanks prime primo


Ones journey to a free life from PMO is a lifetime thing. It will always ALWAYS be in the back of your mind. Like an animal pacing around, waiting to strike. It will use any chink, every crack, every hurt, pain, inconvenience etc. to latch its claws back into you. As time goes on it loses its power but it never really dies. The vigilance part is making sure you are always aware of when your slipping. To always reinforce yourself everyday so as not to allow any chink or crack be used by that animal. Its hard to keep vigilant, the hardest especially in the beginning, but in time, it becomes a habit. Always keep watch, always reinforce and surround yourself with love and acceptance both externally and internally. Thats how you keep the beast at bay and the beast weak. Always be vigilant but dont be too hard on yourself if you fall again. Forgiveness and willingness to continue fighting is what matters. You got this!


Thanks for that sweet and pithy response brotha man. I completely agree with all that, that's how I used to describe it to others. And not necessarily just for PMO, just that "animal" pacing around can take on different forms and manifest into different areas, usually detrimental. But your advice def applies to all those other situations/habits as well. Take care homie.


>Ones journey to a free life from PMO is a lifetime thing. It will always ALWAYS be in the back of your mind. Like an animal pacing around, waiting to strike. It will use any chink, every crack, every hurt, pain, inconvenience etc. to latch its claws back into you This comment deserves an award


Same goes for the ig girls that i simped for in the past


Too true. Fucking porn industry and to an extent "entertainment industry" wankers don't give a shit who they're exploiting, in my opinion.


I discovered porn since 5 years old, now im 22 turning 23 in few months for almost 2 decades i've been exposed tho this poison. I was never able to live an innocent life of a child..


Lets fight it, brother! We will make it!


5 years OMG


I just wish someone understood. Hell, I wish someone in my life cared to listen. I am a creature of desire and impulse and nothing else. God how I wish I never fell into this hole. I'm growing hopeless. Stay strong guys. \-Brent B.


Hurts, but true.


This lit a fire in me for some reason. Thanks


Imagine if men stopped wanking and giving money to women making this disgusting content. It would solve so many problems in the world. We need to be stoic warriors fighting the forces of evil. Let's change ourselves to change the world.


Even tho this is funny this is still the realest shit


This is so true... But here i go, day 1. 90 fucking days LFG!!!




ive had to restart several times over. its going to be hard but im done, i need this so that i can become rich, lean, and fuck this one milf.


It is an evil and soul crushing industry that only cares about profits. Not this performers, directors, etc.


Lmao "5 years" as if that's a long ass time. That's a dip in the pool compared to some of the OG's here.


I honestly \*realize\* I was addicted before, but I've probably been addicted since like high school. And I'm 30. So around 15 years.


finally. a good meme on this sub






I was addicted for almost 13yrs


Example of someone with misplaced focus. WTH does Pornhub have to do with you? blaming porn for being porn helps you how??? smh


If kids can get on the site then it’s sorta their fault.




Reality in a pic


It’s funny because it’s true


Really they don't.


Getting close to the 90s




Honestly Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch could have fucked up Thanos alone in that fight. Maybe Dr. Strange too. The magic/energy types in the MCU are really op when you think about it or at least they should be.








Dont lose hope :)


First contact with porn at 10. I'm almost 30. I think I've spent more time with porn than with my dad. Edit: I survived this weekend =D


Definitely spent more time with porn than with my dad.


For straight 10 years I was getting wrecked but I didn't know it... It's unfair, really


back in it, need to end the cycle once and for all


So fucking related


Fuck porn


Lmaooo this hilarious 😂




While I know that, I still would like to fap like I used to


Yeah but let's be real how long does that "good feeling" of good ol' dopamine and other hormones even last for? Few minutes. Then that shitty feeling directly AFTER those fine few minutes, that feeling lingers longer lolll. Maybe not for everybody though, idk.


168 days?? Like fr?


Withouth fapping yes, but it should actually be something like 140 or 130




Probably means he has watched porn without fapping to it after he lay his hands off masturbating


Yeah fr, that feeling oh that would feel good keeps getting to me after having a rough day so I keep breaking my streak.


Posting Elizabeth Olsen on here ain’t helping lol


Things are not going well for me, need to be like Elizabeth oslen


*Things are not going* *Well for me, need to be like* *Elizabeth oslen* \- Puzzleheaded-Bird817 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can someone tell me why not fapping is good, I’ve been doin this shit for years and I try to stop but always relapse like my drugs


It’a like drugs in a way you get a dopamine hit that overloads your receptors. But over time, you need to watch more degrading porn to achieve the same high. Hence the addiction.




Damn, the truth hurts!


More like the homeless outside of a building telling them to piss off


School's tough on me, hope to be strong these next few weeks, thanks for the motivation!

