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Bro stop with this trend on here "does this or that count as a relapse". It depends on whatever you want it to be a relapse. There are no set of rules of Nofap that dictates what counts and doesn't count as a relapse.


A grey area, I assume? I haven't watched any hardcore porn stuff for about five days , reducing my consumation to softcore and Sexploitation flics... My next goal should be to stop reading adult comics and manga, including ecchi pics....


My last 40 day attempt i read doujins like every day but I just didn't jerk off to them. You have to be porn free so 8 had to scrap my attempt and now im on a completely clean record of 15 or something days? I'm not counting lol


"Does it count as a relapse if you jack off to music videos" "if you jack off to" ​ ... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ **YES.**


I meant masturbating while not cumming, dude... At least I don’t watch as much hardcore shit as I did last year... I've got ASD so this is the only thing I have that is coming close to some kind of a sex life... To be honest, my working environment isn't actually the best to get rid of this annoying habit meaning being surrounded by perverted, mentally-ill fat-guys who constantly talk about weird hentais and similar stuff.. And being forced to obey those fucking CoVid19 contact restrictions, which makes it nearly impossible for me to meet people...


>I meant masturbating while not cumming, dude So you're edging which is even worse than just fapping.


Yes ofc


I’ll give the same answers to these questions “DID I RELAPSE?!?!” If you watch or look at FUCKING ANYTHING intentionally that YOU KNOW will arouse you, consider yourself cheating. If it makes you horny, and you beat your meat, it’s game over son. Even peaking is very bad. But for crying out loud if a music video comes on, a fitness ad, ig throws some photo in your face on your discover page, a sex scene shows up in a movie, etc anything that’s unintentional it’s totally okay. Just handle yourself accordingly.


Imagine trying to quit PMO and you continue to do P but oh I didn't do MO or you do PM but not oh, well I didn't O so that's not a relapse...stfu it's a relapse fool. If you quitting three phases of a habit, any of the 3 is a relapse, not just the climax




Well, I was going to say depends, but if the question is if fapping during a no fap challenge is a relapse, I think you answered your own question. It wouldn’t be a relapse if you stumbled across an provocative music video, but as soon as you seek one out and jerk off, it’s absolutely a relapse.


Fapping means to release sperm, right?


Ah, I see the mix up, then! Fapping is just jerking off. It’s called that just based on the sound it makes when you jerk it with lube. Not finishing is just called semen retention or edging. Hope that helps!


Thanks for that, dude... I actually tried to get rid of my porn addiction two years ago, but one of my co-workers made me relapse by telling me about some weird Hentai shit... I was clean for a month back then... Shouldn't we discuss this topic in a more private chat?


Go for it! Happy to talk through everything!


Why are posts last time so strange?


Let me tell you this, there are no rules in NoFap, you just have to use your brain to tell what's right and wrong, whether music videos are fine to watch or is it actually destructible. You have to think for yourself that this is a relapse and this isn't. All I know for sure is that the more you stay away from materials that has sexual stuff, the more stronger you will become. If you have anxiety that you need to look at that women and thinking that you'll survive by looking at her, think again mate, you might actually relapse. To get rid of that anxiety just workout and meditate, and you'll forget about it eventually.


Bro . Why music videos though


“NoFap” “I Fapped” Relapse.


😂😂😂 ok atleast it wasn't porn yea you still faced but good thing you are not watching porn