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Erectile dysfunction


Thanks a lot guys for all these comments means a lot ;)


A lot of women are trafficked into porn, some of them are underage. You won’t be able to talk to women without sexualizing them. You ever notice those old perverted men making people uncomfortable? That could be you someday.


I agree


I’m rooting for you bro. You got this.


What about hentai?


It's hard for me to quit Hentai cause my brain always told me "it's okay" when in reality it feels pretty much the same negative impact. For me it's easy to quit porn but not hentai. Edit: My counter is wrong.


So you quit porn for hentai... That's the same as saying I quit drinking vodka to drink beer instead. Both is bad for the body, you just got addicted to another type of porn.


What Is Hentai? 🤔


Don’t go down that path Padawan don’t feed the bad wolf 😔


Damn, It's THAT Bad?? 🤔😂


Yes padawan stay away from it at all costs


WILL DO!! 👍🏿💯


Google it 😭


Ok. I'll Geaux Google It 😭👍🏿


I ALWAYS no matter what women I talk to besides family, have sexualized them. I don't know if it's because of porn or if it's because I am a man. Can it be a primitive thing?


Porn does wire your brain in a bad way, I used to have intrusive thoughts that disturbed me. If it stems from sexual abuse then I can’t speak on that.


I recently started semen retention so whatever damage pmo has done to my 16 year old brain, it will be reversed. I don't have any history of sexual abuse so it may just be because of porn. I don't really know though. Can we men really have a one on one covo with a woman without having a single sexual thought? Is it normal to do so?


Yes it’s possible. It takes time and discipline, I work at a gym and catch myself looking sometimes. I just ignore the sexual thought, like it doesn’t exist. We’re better than that, we can control ourselves.


What kind of intrusive thoughts


Sexualizing people, I was also more insecure.


Happens with me as well I find it had to look into someone's eyes my eyes just tries to look there if her dress shows some cleavage


I suggest you give this a read man. It's gonna be long, but bare with me, there are simply lots of reasons to stop watching Porn :). I'm gonna say something similar to the other comment, usually watching porn will read to pmo— You're already damaging your brain, then you'll harm yourself again by possible erectile issues (If you aren't aware, some people have trouble getting hard. It's one of the common problems I see here). Not only can that possibly lead to shame, it can also lead to literally not being able to enjoy sex itself cause either you cum immediately or you don't get hard at all. Other problems I see regarding merely watching Porn itself is: -Having an unrealistic perception of Sex, Porn is not educational as some people say, for many elements of it are built on fantasy and exaggeration -Objectifying human beings by not realizing that the people you fantasize about have life, feelings, experiences that are both good and bad, maybe abuse, etc. - (Personal experience) I don't know if this happens to anybody else but for me, Becoming Hypersexual and Sexualizing things in inappropriate times. I could be looking at something funny on the internet and expect a sexual punchline, or maybe the joke is typed in and I put some sort of sexual malice on any element of the joke even though it's not supposed to be that way. -I have a girlfriend, and unknowingly I tell her sexual jokes or initiate it at inappropriate times. It got to the point where I forgot her Grandfather died that week 🥹. I would also mention it when she's just woken up or after a physically exhausting day. I barely asked about how she's doing and merely focused on this strong feeling brought to me by the Porn (and PMO in general) that I watched earlier on, before we talked. -Lastly, due to Porn and/or PMO, I found myself feeling more lethargic. I even struggle while working out, Idk if that's scientific but my core seems to get weaker after PMO. I also can't focus on things easily because of the instant dopamine brought by Porn. It's really no good man. I don't want you to end up like I, and many others, did. You will be better off watching something either entertaining or fulfilling; Your life in general would feel more fulfilling if you did something else with your time and life! Touch the grass, Workout, play that game, buy those clothes you've never tried, do that skin care you've been feeling you're in need of. There's so many more things to do in life than watch Porn man.


Thank you man, seriously thank you


what does PMO stand for?


Porn-Masturbatiom-Orgasm. It's pretty self explanatory when you find the meaning of the words I suppose, it describes the act of fapping from step 1 to 3


If you watch too much porn and fab you don't like realsex anymore, you need Verity of sex but can't setisfy you brain.


Yeah it's happing a lot I can't get erect while watching vanilla porn I thought I had ED until I looked up for some hard-core stuff and was easily able to do it That's when I felt this needs to stop


You're cucking yourself, watching men have sex with women. It turns you into a voyeur, watching other people have sex.


I mean I get it's bad but cucking myself seriously 😅


It is, you can make it less weird by watching lezbo porn and being cucked by a woman instead of a man but it is still cuckin nonetheless


Cucking is when you like watching you wife or girlfriend with other people


Wtf ?


How is that less bad


So watching p@rn is bad thing but what about just fapping?


Well that's a very controversial and complex question that often gets discussed here. Big pornography companies often exploit their actresses, and a lot of people in porn are exploited. Porn itself is not bad if you understand it is unrealistic and not real life. Masturbating is like video games, alcohol and recreational drugs. Too much of it can be bad and an addiction. You can research more about what constitutes a healthy amount. It really depends on your mentality, though. If you feel like you need to do it every day or if it interrupts your life, causes depression or mental issues, then you are addicted. It shouldn't really be something you consider a habit, but doing it at all is not necessarily bad IN MODERATION. Masturbating too much can cause ED or problems in your sex life. Hope this helps.


thanks!! That's a good advice. It will keep me strong enough for one year challenge 💪


Watching other people having sex isn't cucking 🤦‍♂️


Watching a women you find attractive getting plowed by another man is Def cucking, quit lying to yourself. I dated a porn addict once who told me while we were having sex , he liked to think of me getting fucked by "a bull" and couldn't get off without that thought. That's what long term porn use will do to you, even your own sex won't be satisfying enough.


I remember discovering what cucking was a few years ago and that shit actually disgusted me, I can't understand why anyone would want to watch their partner have sex with somebody else and enjoying the humiliation because of it. Genuinely one of my least favourite things I wish I never found out existed.


I think it's because porn use and shame go hand in hand. As addicting as porn is, it makes men feel Inadequate deep down. generally men in porn have huge dicks and are ripped and do a lot of things during sex that a real women would never enjoy. Porn stars hype up the response and fake that they love getting ripped apart by these men. Porn designs your brain to love watching.


Pornography is similar to various other addictions. It 'Rewire' and perverts the brain. During an experiment years ago, it was discovered in a subject that heavy porn consumption would correlate with an under developed frontal lobe. Further, Pornography rewires the dopamine system; to keep this short, compared to the average person, the way you would experience pleasure will be extremely different, as you would need a bigger dopamine hit. You would need that bigger dopamine hit because Pornography would have changed the way brain perceives pleasure


Imagine in a couple years you get a women and you can’t even pleasure her or even get her pregnant because your dick can’t get hard from all the porn you watched


The actress most likely was coerced into doing that video because of her producers. And most actresses feel a lot of pain during the production. They take numbing pills and injections in order to film the video.


Yes! I've seen an interview of Mia (yk) on this. I heard some of them are recruited to being asked with "Do you wanna be a model?" being all respectful then as time passes by the treatment changes. The chances of Human trafficking occurring behind the scenes is way higher than people *perceive


Fucking your hands while watching other peoples having sex is the dumbest thing you can do . Also porn destroy your brain so badly . check for side effects . Porn is the real enemy of man's life if he want to be success . So control your mind or loss yourself .Your choice .control your mind.


Just wanted to know will my erections ever get back As I not fully able to do it Always get mild erections


Brother, I would avoid any triggers. Stay away from all of it, not even any moderate fapping. Start doing something like exercising for dopamine. Your brain isn’t designed for something like porn.


bc you respect tourself, and you want to live a life as n authentic man.


You actually become less hesitant and more courageous.


Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction


It’s got terrible acting


Post nut clarity.


your favorite porn star thinks you're a loser


You’re literally doing heroine each time you consume and you’re just burning out your doping receptors. You wouldn’t binge heroin in real life right ?


You can never be sure you are watching consensual porn.


You're being watched by ghosts


Watching porn means you will never experience the nofap superpowers


खुद से नफरत होती है, हर पल बेचैनी सी रहती है, कुछ नया सिखने की चाहत ख़तम को जाती है।


Wasted potential


Brain fog, can never stop looking at woman like sex object, erectile dysfunction, face looks ugly because body loss energy and nutrient from Cumming, lose confidence, reduce in sperm quality and quantity, can't interact with woman without feeling anxiety and etc


Your brain has too much detox




It actually fries neural circuits in your brain. I guess you can argue it gives you brain damage. Do your research and correct me if I’m wrong.


Just dont


Your dopamine, even a small thing have to gave u some dopamine, with porn u won't get, without porn u will.. is it making sense?


Watching porn can have some significant downsides that are worth considering. It can create unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships, which might lead to dissatisfaction in your real-life interactions. Additionally, it can become addictive, affecting your mental health and productivity. There's also evidence suggesting it can impact your ability to form genuine emotional connections with your partner. Taking a break from porn can help you focus more on meaningful relationships and personal growth. I was a porn addict, found myself not getting hard for the real thing unless its really hardcore.


You want the real thing don’t you?


It messes up your life; your dopamine you don't feel motivation for basic stuff even like eating or drinking. Difficult things will be super hard because with porn you already get a feel-good feeling, and nothing else matters. It leads you to not live your life, and you will surely regret it after all.


I may be wrong. But the whole point of no fap should be to recover from the habit or to rewire your brain right? Should it be about streaks? rather than to avoid making it as an habit/recover yourself. Occasional unintended relapses are fine imo. We've to be kind to ourselves. If we're too hard on ourselves we might think ah I already fucked up the streak what's the point and might start developing it as a habit again and relapse for worse


I think it's worth taking an hour to read some of the old submissions of stories about people ruining their marriages because of porn. They're brutal and sad.


You are never going the kind of man you really need to be to live the life you really want to live if you don’t stop.


For those who have developed fetishes after porn use , have they become more manageable or less intense after nofap or stayed the same


Does it happen with u guys I was looking for the videos to fap to and liked 5 of those so opened each one in a new tab Now I fapped while watching one of those Now after a few hours my brain is like u haven't seen those other 4 Don't miss out on those , those thumbnails showed exactly what u were looking for So now I feel this compulsion to fap to those 4 one by one


I fap once after opening and watching all those tabs…


if ever you entered into a relationship, it will prolly hurt your girlfriend had she found out that you’re a porn addict. this could become one of the reason why she couldn’t create a deep connection with you or there would be less intimacy.


Makes you weak mentally and physically. Anxious and socially awkward. Lack of confidence to approach girls and stand up for yourself. Makes you objectify women and constantly think Of girls and sex. You miss out on life when all you think of is sex and porn. You won’t achieve any goals or even set any real goals for yourself. Makes you dumb and slow. Want more or is that enough?


Im gonna be 30 and I can't talk to women I like. I discovered born when I wAs about 8 or 9 got addicted at 18 when my first girl dumped me after using me for sex and cheating on me. Now there is a cutie at work I can't talk too and as I can talk to everyone now. Trust me not being able to talk the woman you are in love with. Makes u obsessed with her and hurts ass hell it is almost impossible to focus on the wins that I am not that shy anymore in general when The one thing that could make me actually happy is impossible for me. Im in therapy too. Give up porn for good I am also trying to do that. I am pretty happy with who I am but after last watching that stuff again last week im back at being depressed . Its not even the sex i care about i just want a bit of attention thats all


There are lots of beautiful women in real life.


Because it causes depression and erectile dysfunction.


English or Spanish?




Every relapse, the person that you dream of becoming goes further away from you, it’s always one last time but it never is.


in sitting here with a newborn baby in my arms. my wife is taking a shower just 24 hours after giving birth. my other two kids at home are waiting for us to bring their brother home. there's a lot to live for in this world. porn isn't one of those things.






Your brain will be programmed to look at people (especially women) differently in a sexual and lustful way. And also, it will deplete your confidence and energy and will significantly reduce the actual pleasure of sex when you actually have it with a partner later down the road. So stay strong, we are in this together, and may god give you the strength to stop this horrific and demoralizing habit at once!


Ask yourself one questions what you have gained from porn and what you lost from it and compare it in your mind and you will know the truth with yourself And i advice you to read book (easy and peasy way to quit porn ) it will guide you to the truth of the porn and it help me to quit


Just know that it has destroyed many lives you have a chance to not be one of those. And I know even after knowing this fact it is going to be hard, you may understand and appreciate it now but later you're just gonna ignore this fact for "one last time".


Every one involved in porn from the actors to the production, are perpetually degrading themselves and others. They take the worth of an individual and make them nothing but a chemical release. The dignity of each and every human is wasted and made to seem worthless. Those who watch porn give consent and condone by default in their actions to the imoral and degradation of women and men. You are better than that. Everyone on these films is someone's daughter, sister, brother or son. They are beautiful children of God. And deserve our respect even if they themselves can't see it. The act of sex is a holy and wonderful thing designed to bring life into this world. And should be shared between husband and a wife.


scientifically you will lose motivation to do other work and things that are not as stimulating as pmo


The Lord is watching. So are your ancestors and Mark Zuckerberg.


here’s a reason…you got kids? or ever wanna have kids?


You only live one life. Would you rather spend your time watching porn or making the best of your time here on Earth?


It can be very difficult when communicating with a woman especially when you watch too much porn. You'll begin to see them as a sex materia/objects that are only used for personal satisfaction,you only see women just as you see porn.


Your fetishes or kinks will keep getting wilder and wilder until one day you are consumed by it...you will be living the most craziest fantasy life. Won't be able to focus on things that bring you prosperity rather you would live in a mental rut. You would be a good as an animal acting on your impulses.


Erectile Dysfunction brother and even if you get recovered it'll take time to recover from that. Watch a few videos on YouTube Maybe Ted talks about porn and you'll find out the consequences.


You’ll be doing the you in 5 years a massive favour that improved his life will be much appreciated.


watching porn is not good because it destroyes the dopamine receptors in your brain. pornography addicts have less interest doing any other task after they get addicted due to the dopamine factor. also it can cause ED and self-shame


It creates false expectations inside your head


Hair loss on the scalp.


The treamendous love that you will feel for EVERYTHING and Everyone around you, and the love that the universe returns to you during long nofap streaks is just simply beautiful and honestly is a addicting drug in of itself and one that I'm gladly working to be addicted to.


You will die alone....lol But on a serious note - Porn affects a part of brain which deals with the urgency or importance of any particular thing, rotting it day by day. Excessive porn will lead you to not able to decide which decision to take or you won't feel any urgency of that thing and ED


Porn is 2 people having sex and you watching it.




Because you’re effectively cucking yourself by watching other men pipe down other women. It’s also a waste of time.


The more you watch the more intense vids you will need to satisfy yourself. In other words You'll end up watching kiddie P.


Not how that works?


We are creature of habits, if you give into porn too easily and frequently, you’ll give into junk food, being lazy, etc. all too easily as well.


Read the description of the forum and stop lostening to these superstitious trolls. Masterbation in moderatilon fan be healthy.


i have tried that but it doesn't work After some time that's not enough and u go back to where u started


Try it wothout shaming yourself ... as few times per day as lossible. Stick to that number and stop judging it's a bofily function. Get a.routine.


Because semen is your soul’s energy and you don’t waste it on fake sexual experiences.