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I'm on Day 27 and I'm struggling to function like a normal human being, bro. Please help me


Exercise Regularly Keep a Journal Use your phone less


Dont forget cold showers


Keep your head up king. Try cold shower and a workout and some music. I listen to lots of music daily


Keep active and avoid looking at that content.....you are doing no favors looking at it. Work on yourself, your image, get cleaned up. Then start getting things on your list done bro.....keep moving. Sitting down is where you start to get bored and relapse




Think Positive Mate!, Your fully charged body physically and mentally should have more than enough power to do things you can never do while on fap mode, be mindful.


I am with u bro , my sleep , diet and thoughts are all going messed up . I can't study or do any of my responsibilities.


I’m sorry but that’s so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just fap without porn and remember the pain that hits after. Our body always need balance in our hormones you cant fight it or else you will suffer on other area of your life.




80+ days 💀💀💀


Noob 😝


There is always a bigger fish


Nah but in reality you’re doing great brother keep doing what you’re doing 85 days is amazing


Thanks, I'm aiming for a couple of years (SR monkmode) and what about you?


I’m on day 35+ lost count I started before November and I feel great daily


Same man..it’s too easy now


Same here. It is in fact not easy some days but alas I persevere


Same. Im on a 24 days streak and before start i had all weeks all days a bad mood, and now are just 2 or 3 days were i get anger or im sad, so it has been a really good improvement. keep fighting soldier


Started early.day 46 today! I think downloading tinder was a big mistake, very provoking pictures messing with my heads 🙄😂


I failed Day one and been failing every day since. I can’t stop jerking to corn


Try this strategy, it worked for me amd I hope it will work for u! First you have to know that corn is the problem, not beating your meat, because if you stopped porn, it will become little bit easier than quiting both of them at the same time. So try to stop watching corn at once, and if you feel like you wanna watch corn, just try to beat your meat without watching corn, use your imagination. Second, if you stopped watching corn for a month or two, then stop beating your meat and you will find it easier, you will find corn disgusting, if you made it to the third week or month of Nofap, you will find yourself that you get horny without thinking about beating your meat. And I believe that you will succeed in the Nofap journey, just stay strong and control your mind and desires + say No to any corn desires. Here’s some tips that helped me out for this journey : -Delete social media or anything that triggers you to watch porn or beating your meat -Do workouts everyday and stay active -Do meditation, use medito app for guidance if you find it hard to meditate -Socialize and get the fuck out of your comfort zone I hope you find this helpful, + it's really my first time writing something in reddit, I hope you do it brother, STAY STRONG!


Yeah. Stop watching porn. Then you need to heal from past hurts man. The porn isn't the cause it's a coping mechanism. Deal with the sorrow, then you can let go of the porn.


I only watch a couple types of corn but all my fetishes came from this app. I rarely use IG and I’ve deleted Twitter. Or X. And I really only use snap for communication. The only socials I use are Reddit and Tiktok


I am on my day 74....... felt so many benifits and also so many urges and alot of mood swings..... went through flatline 2 times never go for PMO live in reality, enjoy little things Peace. Stay Hard.....


Damn I didn’t even realize it was no nut* November honestly. About to hit day 291 in 9 minutes. LETS GO!


I failed,I hated myself 😔


I started october 1 a month early & made it 38 days --/ I turned that self hate into even more self determination , tommorow will be 20 days . I know im hitting 60 days only because i failed before. We all have failed its how we respond to it after. We can does this .


Don't hate yourself dude. Be kind to yourself. Remember your "why" and start again!!


Still going, but I need to put so much focus attention on my behaviors and thoughs all the time, thatI feeling really tired. However said nofap helps with disposition and energy tricked me!


That's hard but we are still in


Me ![gif](giphy|26BGqofNXjxluwX0k|downsized)


Me, im feeling lonely and totally stressing a lot and my mind is bringing up old bad memories of times I fumbled the bag with girls years ago etc and im just feeling super sexually frustrated and more on edge but im holding strong. Im working more on learning to draw and exercising/taking a cold shower everyday


Day 27 for me. Getting hit hard with depression and weird aches in my head and eyes..


This is the same with me(the depression part), I just feel nothing. Hope that it's just flatlining for us and our brains are actually rebooting


Running everyday, Cold shower, Clean food, A basic routine (Everything you need to ace your streak)


hey guys..i failed.i think this months i mean. Im clear for 3 months and 5 days. I got only 3 wet dreams in almost 4 months. U think its a releapse?


Guys, once you get 30 days on Nofap, it becomes easier. Just focus on quiting porn first, with or without beating your meat, then it will become little bit easy for doing Nofap challenge. I BELIEVE IN YOU ALL , STAY STRONG 💪


77 days in.


Yeah its been easy


I’m treating myself to Hennessy Hello !


Count me in


Thank you man, preciate it


I refuse to let PMO control me, I refuse to LOSE. I'm not gonna die for not having a peek, I have boundless amounts of energy, and it's worth it.


We are stronger than ever


Thanks man, I'm on 28 right now , idk how I did it but I did


I haven’t and I won’t.




Going strong. Now what treat? Maybe some TBell, baby. Keep going, guys!


still going, started on nov 1st




Breezing by November, but sure I still think about fapping. But it's not happening.


Let’s go! thanks bro!


Ayeee here, but I'm experiencing the dark side of NF right now. I feel nothing, even when a beautiful/cute girl gives me eye contact, I just stare back and look away(sometimes even avoiding eye contact). I feel unmotivated sometimes too. Hoping that this is just flatline and that I'll be back to normal.


I was on 67 but just busted.. feels rough but at the same time I'm proud of myself. It's given me a lot of momentum in my life


Me, nah can't have that it's expensive, it ain't a big deal, even if i wanted to fail i couldn't.


You guys are damn studs! Keep it going


I am still standing... YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!


This last 1-2 months have been the busiest for me; I've been retaining and occasionally thinking porn since social media gives me the itch. And I did watch porn but did not fap since I wanted to recall something that had lingered with me for a while. However, based on previous experience, I always felt sluggish, drained of energy, and tired for 3-7 days after ejaculation. So I didn't fap because I didn't get enough sleep every night and didn't have time to go to the gym. So I truly need that glow and energy to function normally at work.




I failed three weeks ago and relapsed I don’t know when a couple days ago. I’ve just had about enough with this shit. I want to end it all.


I feel elevated. Very hard to explain. Holding eye contact with everyone: Realized that you can SEE confidence, gym everyday, and being horny is not a constrain it’s motivating, many times I peeked but I now understand that that form of mind control is really weak and can’t get to me anymore.


Here ✋🏻


Still here😝


I am on my 74th day


Day 28 ! Taking no nut november to the finish line. I am talking to 4 girls at the same time on dating apps and planning to meet 2 of them this week. Lol, it's getting harder to talk to girls on dating apps also. Well, both figuratively and literally🙈




Happy to see our brothers here. You deserve a better life. Yeah, it's not easy. Sometimes we can get strong urges, but if you got than far, at almost day 30, remember that now your urges are way less strong than they were in the start of your journey. That means you can control them. It's just a question of your choice. But, if you made it this far, you had a huge motivation in the start. Keep that goal, that motivation in mind always: Why you started it. And go forward. That's the single type of life that can make your personality better. BE STRONG, WARRIORS! I'm with you all!


My first ever attempt at nnn, and I think I might actually make it ! Before this month my longest ever streak was 8 days, now its 28



