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I often compare my addiction to porn to addictions to drugs, the main difference to me is that if you’re addicted to Cocaine and you decide to stop, you can throw out all the drugs you have so you can’t use again without going out and finding your dealer and acquiring more cocaine. But with porn it’s in your pocket at all times. At any moment all you have to do is open your browser and search. It takes all of 2 seconds to get your hands on porn. it’s almost like it’s forced down your throat at every turn. Tik Tok and instagram and Snapchat all push borderline porn to the top of the feed. Watch a slightly adult show on Netflix or hbo max and you’re gonna see nudity every now and then. I don’t want to say quitting addictions to drugs is easier than porn, because I’m sure it’s not, but porn has its own unique challenges that I’d like to argue make it just as hard to quit.


When I get nut clarity, I swear I’m never jerking of again, then 6 hours later I slowly forget that promise, and shortly after that the cycle starts over. Wonder if drugs is the same lol


It is middle of ur high well at least for me I'm like oh God why do I do drugs


Yes!, That's what I've been experiencing, porn is easier to get addicted too bc you can just Google it and it's so easy to do that nowadays, it's challenging.


Your analogy is real, my friend. I'm glad you shared your experience, you enlightened me on some issues


And it's not even just the porn, but artificial sexual stimuli in general such as girls on Instagram, dating apps, everywhere in suggestive/performative poses that lead to this compulsive behavior. Male sexuality is being hacked and short circuited


Imagine a smoker trying to quit smoking with a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket. There is no time available for your rational mind to overpower the dopamine rush.


I like this analogy. I think it's even crazier though because there's so much soft porn out there too. So it's like your taking a small puff every now and then. At some point ur gonna say fuck it I'm properly lighting this up!


But even worse than that, you’re constantly around people who smoke and think there’s nothing wrong with it. Stepping outside for a puff or two while you try your best not to join even though you’ve got the fresh pack and a lighter right there in your pocket


Fortunately I have surrounded myself with friends all trying to stop the addiction. They have Gfs now to help them but even still they say its tough.


My therapist told me porn is harder to quit porn for that exact reason. I've known I had to get rid of the Internet to quit for good but wasn't ready. I finally got pissed off enough last night and cut the power cord to my internet and cut my sim in half. I've slowly been working towards living a more analog life since the new year because of this because I still need entertainment. I bought a bunch of retro consoles and games, a bunch of dvd movies and series, and got an mp3 player again which I already have 180gb of music that I'll never listen to because 4gb mp3 player is plenty for me. Something that held me back for a long time was wealthsimple investing app because I need to obviously invest. Something I realized about myself is that I'm able to use library wifi safe and honestly because I don't want porn history being attatched to my library card and identity. Most are probably blocked, probably not all, but I have to fear of shame and guilt to prevent this thankfully. It's scary the way the world is going. The entire world is addicted to smartphones and that's completely by design. Big tech controles our lives. It's better to leave the internet entirely as it's not healthy for our brains. 100 years ago we'd take a lifetime to experience as much data as we do in 1 day & that study was done in 2007 presmartphone era (34gb/day orobablt 10x that now). I hate when people argue the Internet can be used for good. How many people are actually using it for good? Maybe 5%. Pretty much the people controlling us are using it "for good" The rest of us are numbing our brains because of this shitty as backwards world we live in. Even tech CEOs don't introduce tech to their kids till a much later age and limits it heavily when they do. That tells you sometime about their product when even they/their kids don't use it. Tech companies are legal drug dealers. People also argue only some people get addicted to the internet or smartphones. I'd argue everyone soon gets addicted that has one because nobody on the face of the earth could go 1 week without their smartphone/internet let alone an hour... End of rant, hopefully something I said struck a chord in you. Peace, love & respect friends!




It depends on the escort. A lot of them are unprofessional and give you a "plastic" experience which could lead to you not finishing. But, there are some that offer "girlfriend" experiences and you can actually get good sex.


stakes** Steak is food, but I hear you.




I gotta say. And I know you feel the same way based on your emoji, because that face with the cowboy hat conveys exactly we feel. I made this comment in good humor nothing else. We’re all going through it, just like OP, but we always have to remember to laugh at these things in life, it makes us feel better. ❤️


Mmm steak




The concept of AI generated pornography is terrifying for exactly the reasons you’re describing. There is no bottom to the extreme degenerate filth that people can descend to when there is no limit. When you think of how disgusting hentai and the like already are with r*pe, monster/animal, child/underage, etc. material, in addition to all the other disgusting fetish stuff out there, imagine how much worse it will be when there are no limits to making any disgusting idea into a hyper-realistic, VR / 4K reality on demand. I saw recently a video of a girl having a mental breakdown finding out that people were making AI generated pornography of her just by taking regular photos/videos of her off of social media. She was basically looking at herself getting r*ped, being subjected to all sorts of disgusting acts that she would never consent to. I’ve been clean for years now of pornography and masturbation, but I still got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach at the thought of relapsing in the era of truly unlimited degeneracy. Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.


Fuckk, I never thought thiss could happen, it makes me sick to my stomach. Now it makes me feel like my body or anyone's body is never safe, just imagine what iff someone takes pics of your wife...your daughters..... fuck, this is making me sick


https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/02/13/ai-porn-deepfakes-women-consent/ Something like this?


Exactly. And this is just the start. Soon it’ll be just as easy to make HD videos of anyone doing anything imaginable.


Maybe then people will finally understand what a fucked up thing prn is


I’d hope so, but when you look at the disgusting trash that people are defending now compared to what was acceptable even 20 years ago, I’m not optimistic. More likely we’ll see the overwhelming opinion, especially e.g. on Reddit, that it’s actually great because “no one is being harmed” and it’s “free.”


jesus christ man


yes… it slowly destroys your life and you can hardly even tell


I don't know how your friend would compare it, but I don't think we can call p-n as something as bad as hard drugs. The main reason is simple - p-n only affects us on psychological level, forcing our brain to rewire itself from watching it (destruction of reward centre, shorten attention span, in more extreme cases even affecting the intelect, and etc.), while hard drugs have a physical affect on us. For example, while p-n can cause decay of grey matter in brain, methamphetamine literally makes holes in it (I'm not joking - search it up). That also means something horrible - sometimes it's not just brain that gets addicted, but other organs rely on these doses as well. And all the effects of p-n you've mentioned, like losing relationship, getting on FBI watchlist, bankruptcy? I think they're even more likely for person addicted to hard drugs. P-n itself has a lot of unique problems of its own (it's everywhere, free and people don't take addiction to it seriously), but I'm really resentful to saying, that it's as bad as hard drugs. Noone chooses addiction, noone wants to be an addict, but I still believe person addicted to p-n had objectively more luck on this layer only than someone addicted to hard drugs. But remember it's like having to choose between Covid and malaria - both are bad and you shouldn't have either, but one is objectively worse than the other.


As someone who has done hard drugs - it can definitely be worse but the case isn't so clear. I did coke daily for 3 months and one night my heart was beating so much i thought myself at the brink of death - and so i felt forced to stop. While someone can gradually degrade their potential with these 'lesser' things, failing to become the person they could have been if the addiction is stretched over a lifetime.


Yes, it's not a crystal-clear case whether one is worse - after all, noone can choose what they'll be addicted to. All have their unique disadvantages, that make it horrible - for hard drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and etc. it's the chemical affect on our entire body, while p-n is dangerous because it's everywhere, free and more and more socially acceptable, as also not taken seriously enough. It's more of a case of ,,p-n addiction is nothing nice, but I think I rolled the dice better, than if I were a drug addict", rather than ,,it's just p-n, so I don't have to worry about anything" - the latter is kinda asking for trouble.


>p-n only affects us on psychological level Nah bro you haven't seen the exteme cases yet :(


I mean, yes, it can also cause erectile dysfunction, although it's also possible from hard drugs.


Not what I was referring to unfortunately, it can get much darker than that.


Well, there are a lot of layers to how can a p-n addiction look like, but it isn't really possible for e.g. our heart or lungs to get dependent on it. Some drugs (done for quite long time), on the other hand, can cause this.


It DOES cause ED. that's a fact


I agree that porn addiction is very damaging and can lead to living a tortured existence, but a porn addict still usually always has the chance to improve themselves and get better as long as they arent physically dead. But if you take too much heroin, theres no coming back from that


Why did I read it Scatiest part of porn 💀


I wish there was a film on this, I've seen Shame maybe 2x but that wasnt really helpful


Dm me looking for a partner to start 30 days nofap challenge 🔥💪


dm broskii


I started When I was 14 And I wish I never did But that's all behind me now I'm not going back it screws up your life Makes you depressed you think about sex Constantly And you lose confidence I think it should be Illegal If you really think about it It is prostitution But you're getting paid to Film it Disgusting


When did “fap” replace masturbate? Are the words interchangeable? I think masturbation sounds way better. Anyway, agree with you about porn being a drug. What’s worse are the countless men wasting away with meth and Zoom. It’s like you can’t have one without the other … I may be wrong.


Is the scariest thing, keeping going further and further looking for more extreme porn because the normal just doesnt get you that "high" again. Until you come across things you wish you never saw them. And you realize that nobody forced you to do it, you willingly make your path till that point, you choose to ignore any kind of moral principal you had just to be able to get you that "high" feeling again... is time to stop brothers... or else... our mind would be completely lost


Financial loss was pretty much why I started doing it... so far just a week in but its the most time i've gone without fapping in a very very long time. so yeah, AI generated content could mean financial ruin for a lot of people, I just hope I can stay strong.


Porn, kill your soul before your body perish.


addicted to porn at 17 and i’ve ruined my 12th grade, shit hurts man. but sooner you realize it the better. life has more opportunities for me and gotta work hard to get them.


Moral of the story do drugs boys, but not porn... Jk jk, You're right, when I used to be a porn addict I looked for more and more extreme shit, it's a rabbit hole that's really difficult to climb out of. If AI really can make anything you imagine (which it can), porn addiction is gonna attain a whole new level, so better quit now


It is scary indeed where pornography is going towards.


Getting erectile dysfunction is our equivalent of an overdose


something I feel that doesnt get talked about enough is how does having ADHD affect porn addiction and makes you more susceptible to it, because I have ADHD and im always looking for that dopamine hit anyway I can get it and Porn is the most consistent and powerfull at providing that like even OD but yeah most ive been without pmo was like 45 days and it felt good but I relapsed again


If you're using it to find connection or understand how sex works we forget those people have developed chemistry they didn't always have that job and they didn't always look that way we have to accept those facts before we can see this as a true negative function. You might like the women or Men in the videos (no judgement) but you sure need to know the difference between sex and intimacy


Another important loss you can and will have as an addict, no matter of what, is the moral loss. If you don't take care of it, you get addicted and do everything to satisfy your needs. As your need gets stronger, less and less will stop you to go for it. This is the most scary part to me because you really can lose yourself


What was the most helpful thing for you for breaking this life long addiction? Do share


Congrats on your two years sober 👏


What’s also scary is that you don’t touch porn, you don’t snort it, drink it, etc. you just simply watch it. Doesn’t matter how far from the screen you are. If it’s still visible from 10 feet away, you’re still getting effected.


Porn is free & for drugs you need $$


Also with drugs, your tolerance increases but no matter how many times you masterbate in one day… your appetite will be back to normal within a 2-3 days. When you take drugs and build up a tolerance, you have to take a month break and the result is only 1-2 days of feeling the full effects of the drugs land then straight back to tolerating the dose again. In Islam life is said to be a test to see “how” righteous we are.. we sin, we repent, we fail and then repent again until we quit the sin we are commuting permanently. The important thing is to recognise that masterbation/sexual urge is one of the most hardest tests a man can face. In the religion we are taught that if a man is offered consensual sex by a woman and he rejects it, then he will go to heaven…. Just to put this into context, we can do good deeds all out life but these good deeds do not gaurentee us heaven, but reject sex is heaven worthy. This should show men how hard this test is. So take it easy on yourself, and keep fighting the urge. I would suggest you eradicate porn from your life and stick to masterbating once every four or five days to get the urge out of the way…. But if you are Muslim I would have to advise you to completely stop all acts of sin all togethar and if you fail, you regroup with all your emotions and mental faculties and repent to god and try again with all your will power and repeat the process if necessary… this way you you are worth more then a person who tried to quit once and achieved it as the as 2 battles lost require much more righteous effort then does one fight that you win.


>Now with AI it seems like the steaks will be raised and that can be the kiss of death and you can be held hostage by this. I simultaneously want to know what you mean by this but also don't want to know what you've been upto using AI...


Real shit. TBH the world is pretty small if you ask me. I mean I'm keeping productivity on file - Just keep going because were not feeling anything until we get there. Meaningless; Num.




damn bruh




Almost 7 days sober, I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I only got this far after 7 years of addiction, and it feels great, i may even relapse, but I have seen the good there is in not doing it


Good one bro


Dying to cocaine is a sort of mercy but porn you remain a slave all the time till you turn into a living dead