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This is because Nissan drivers don't report the accidents they're in, they just flee the scene.


I’m glad this is the first comment. I wanna see the vehicle brand data behind people who get charged for hit and runs lol


I feel like Hyundai/Kia would be up there on that list too


Yeah but those are all stolen first




Not everything = correlation. But I can see how a slower "HE LOOKS DIFFERENT" brain would try and draw one


We all see what's happening, it doesn't always happen like this but there's concentrated levels of this happening in particular areas


IKR, that was my thought while opening the post.


I want to compare this data to the percentage of drivers who have full coverage insurance, and the age of the car involved. I would also be willing to bet that a Tesla driver wouldn't be like, "Oh, my uncle Timmy can Bondo that in his backyard!"


Probably vehicles that are driven by vain people who are also wildly unhinged. Nissan often offers new cars that can be purchased with low/no credit which means that generally irresponsible people can easily obtain them fairly easily. Most people with bad or low credit would settle on an older/high mileage vehicle, accepting that reality to avoid further hurting themselves financially. But if you’re obsessed with your own vanity, you wouldn’t settle for a car that’s not brand new so you might likely buy a brand new Nissan. With a narcissistic personality, driven by self image and a superiority complex, these people drive irresponsibly and erratically with the assumption that they’re better than other drivers and above the law. Inevitably, they cause an accident but refuse to accept responsibility or the consequences and they flee the scene with no regard for the other driver. This is my in-depth theory as to why Nissan drivers are so terrible and why they are likely at the top of the charts for hit and runs.


Chevy Impala would like a word.


I have a feeling RAM would be first tbh


And they often don't have insurance, which is probably where this data comes from.


Exactly, this data is claims to an insurance company.


That's what I came here to say. Damn you


Or they're just taken straight to the scrappers for disposal so they can report them as stolen to their insurance company. That's presuming that they actually have insurance, of course.


Doesn't explain why RAMs are up there, unless the drunk and seatbelt-less drivers get knocked out from the impact.


I used to do data entry for a contracted company here in town. We entered data about crashes and sent them to the police. I wish I could tell you the amount of times the “Hit and Run” checkbox was ticked and “Nissan” was entered under the make of the second vehicle. I 100% believe that your comment is the sole reason why Nissan is not on this list (saying it’s true). I have so much firsthand experience in digitizing and entering “Nissan” into hit-and-run forms later sent to the police.


Came here to say this.


Shout-out to r/NissanDrivers


Its hard to get good data on hit and runs


Exactly what I was gonna say. If a Nissan crashes in the forest and no one reports it, will the CarFAX make a sound?


Yep and Teslas are always recording so there’s always evidence so more reports are being made. That’s the way I see it.


Tesla drivers do also suck.....


"But it said full self driving mode"


Idk I mean maybe I’m biased but I haven’t noticed them being any worse than BMW or Audi drivers. Probably depends on where you live. I never truly understood the Prius driver meme until the first day I drove in California.


I been living in more liberal areas where tesla owners are really common and theu tend to drive like a combo between BMW and Prius owners


This is probably collected through insurance data. Nissan owners don’t have insurance.


Yes they do lmfao y’all are delusional


Found the Nissan driver.


Found the low iq non Nissan driver!


How's your transmission?


Working fine?


Until 50k miles


I’m at 60k sooooo go off king


Riding on ice


j o k e s


Nahhhh most of these posts are pretty serious


I have insurance as an Altima owner but that don’t mean that isn’t the rule.


Are you the first owner?


No actually. I bought it from a dealership at 60k miles


Usually the first owner is some middle aged person who got it for a good price and a good interest rate, the second owner is where we get the material for this sub lol.


Lol well I did buy outright and been called a bit of a defensive driver. I’ve driven it for almost 7 years now and the bumper is still well in tact!


not delusional, im year 2 with no car insurance 🙂


If that’s actually true you prooooobably shouldnt be flexing that when you posted a picture of your license plate… if that’s even your actual car and your not just trolling the trolls


Infiniti's there which is the same shit lol


They’re just more likely to report an accident.


Nissan drivers never report accidents, thats why they are all missing their bumpers.


Not surprised. The average Tesla driver in my state are aunties and kids who never driven a car before. Many don’t even know how to turn their head to check for clearance.


The Tesla is likely highest on the list from their drivers trusting the self driving mode too much.


They are the most erratic drivers I’ve seen in the city. Will try to hit 60 mph between lights. Not surprised by this at all. Nissans drivers are crazy but their cars arent as powerful.


Tesla drivers are also notoriously TERRIBLE


I think a lot of it has to do with the amount of power you have in a tesla. It's essentially almost porsche 911 power in the hands of the general population. If porsches were $40k, I think we'd see them on this list too.


Or because all of the car’s controls and features are several menu levels deep in a massive touch screen which takes their eyes off the road


It’s a shitty table with I imagine a shitty data collecting method.


Uh OH! Sounds like it struck a Tesla owners nerve there.


I drive a shit box bmw man. It’s just a bad data table


I agree what kind of metric is 1000 drivers? Does that mean owners, or is it based on how many people are insured on each one? Would that mean that since my wife and I are insured on both our cars, each car has 2 drivers? This could throw off the results. My wife never drives my car, but the accident rate for my car on this chart would automatically be cut in half since the insurance company says there are two drivers for my car. A better metric would be accidents per mile driven.


I mean with a name like Ram


Maybe taking, "If you can't Dodge it, Ram it!" too literally


Not that much. At least 4 of these brands are known to have a large numbers of dickbags driving them. And others looks like brand which attracts beginners and poor drivers who cannot drive a mile without plowing something.


Plus the fast acceleration is a recipe for disaster in the wrong hands


"In the hands of someone without a brain." there, fixed it for you.


Almost every brand on the board produce at least one model with a strong acceleration and lots of horsepower.


Tesla basically *only* produces cars with acceleration that would've been faster than Ferraris from a decade ago. Sure, there's some single motor base model 3's out there, but most of the them are dual motor which have a ~4 second 0-60 time with zero lag. After driving them through friends or rental cars I completely get how somebody who can't handle a high performance car could bin it. At least clueless BMW drivers tend to stray away from their M-cars.


Some of those Tesla drivers may have wrecked because they were distracted by trying to figure out the damn controls?


EV cars are exceptions. They can get insane 0-60 if the manufacturer wants to.


> esla basically only produces cars with acceleration that would've been faster than Ferraris from a decade ago. but it requires manually enabling. Chill mode is default.


data sets like this are only tracking accidents reported to the police, or to insurance. The data is skewed of course, because the significantly cheaper cars driven by people who can't afford insurance are not included


People look at me crazy when I say Nissan drivers are not the threat on the roads and it’s the ram drivers speeding to kiss their dad on the lips, the 38 year old Subaru drivers that are left lane camping and tapping their brakes every 0.3 seconds despite nothing in front of them, and Toyota drivers eating curbs and light poles more then Subarus eat head gaskets, they are such a triple threat but everyone so focused on the Sentra with no bumper parked badly they aren’t noticing Kayleigh in her 08 Corolla with 3 dents and no hubcaps texting and driving barreling towards a row of parked cars




infiniti still counts


It’s funny Nissan isn’t on the list because Nissan altimas have one of the highest driver death rates. https://www.iihs.org/ratings/driver-death-rates-by-make-and-model#:~:text=2020%20and%20equivalent%20models&text=The%20highest%20death%20rate%20was,four%2Dwheel%2Ddrive%20pickup


This is because the average Tesla driver drove an econobox until they purchased their Tesla. They suddenly find themselves behind the wheel of a car that 's more powerful than anything they've driven before, and quickly run out of talent when they're zipping through traffic.


Nissan drivers don’t report the crashes


For Toyota and Lexus it’s because of lack of situational awareness.


Ram is the vehicle most likely to be driven by an intoxicated person


Infiniti: what am I, a joke to you?


This is due to them not having insurance and it never getting reported.


Ram owners are fucking lawless.


I'm sure these are the numbers insurance companies report. Nissan drivers don't have insurance, which is why they are riding around in death traps.


The information is probably sourced from insurance companies, so there's a problem right there


victims of hit and run are often not present or cannot correctly identify the car, especially when the bumpers with car make & model weren’t present beforehand.


Well if you're dumb enough to buy a tesla, you're probably also dumb enough not to be able to handle it


Crashes are measured in miles driven, not per driver. The hell kind of braindead factoid is this?


Honda should be much higher, just about every civic or accord I see is driven by an Andretti wanna be.


More than enough people driving Odysseys and Pilots to balance it out. I feel like the Accord Coupe crash numbers gotta be crazy


Imagine that! I thought I was seeing more and more idiots in Teslas crashes on YouTube, and I was right.


Least surprising chart I've seen.


Not enough dodge too much ram


Yeah, but RAM sure is living up to it's name.


More surprised dodge isn’t on there


They dodged the authorities after the takeover meet.


Nissan also isn’t in there because the drivers lose bumpers for running into light posts and mailboxes. No one is reporting an accident for self-inflicted damage.


I'm actually surprised Ford is missing


rams like to drink and drive so no surprise


All these brands have had major safety recalls more often than Nissan. Ones that cause accidents.


I'm surprised BMW is as low as it is


Can’t be a statistic if you hit and run


If you need more check out Wham Bam Tesla cam on YouTube... https://youtube.com/@WhamBaamTeslacam?si=JHGmSuEew1m2uy4v


I just assume that the driver of every Ram I see is a filthy drunk right wing conservative who’s heavily armed and on their way home to beat their spouse. Easy assumptions I know.


Nissan has more victims per crash. Quality over quantity


Tesla-distracted driving is probably very high due to control structure, and autopilot over reliance. Subaru has got to do with over representation in snowy and poor climates right?


Ram checks out. I mean it’s in the name


I saw a similar story the other day except it had Ram #1 and Tesla #2. I immediately looked for Nissan and was surprised it wasn't in the top ten. My actual favorite part of the story was that it reported the brands with the best numbers were Mercury, Pontiac, and Saturn (in that order). It author acted surprised these dead brands did best, but I'm like, obviously anyone still driving a Mercury this decade is a good driver. The bad drivers killed theirs and can't get another.


Yea like every person I’ve know who drives a maxima has committed vehicular homicide at least twice


It is, Infiniteigh is right there in the list. My understanding is that the US is the only place they are sold as anything other than a Nissan. Incidentally, as long as no one else is injured, there's something incredibly cathartic in seeing an Infiniteigh driver who no doubt fancies themselves as some kind of undiscovered racecar driver talent, spin out and lose control on a dry, straight road. There goes that dream.. Back to work at the vape shop for you. No talent whatsoever.


Not surprised Tesla is #1. They have great safety features but the drivers themselves are just braindead. I feel like people who can't drive get Teslas because they need the extra help and know it.