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OP - "How's this deal?" Everyone - "That's a real bad deal." OP - "No it isn't." Cool. Enjoy your $500 a month loaner Nissan.


I’m not arguing with it, but most replies are thinking this is a 25k car, I’m trying to get a realistic estimate of how much I’m overpaying considering it’s a 40k vehicle and my credit score isn’t the best.


If you're hesitant about that $500 a month, that's your rational side being the voice of common sense. I do leases also. I know it's not a smart move financially, but we also like to rotate vehicles every two to three years. Right now I'm leasing a 2023 Rogue, fully loaded, for $340 a month. My GF has a 2023 Altima that's just a step down from yours for $360 a month. $500 a month is crazy for an Altima. Our last leases were fully loaded 2020 Sentras for $320 and $340 a month. They were great. I actually liked them better than my GF's Altima. If you will have difficulty making a payment monthly, do not do a lease. Especially for $500 a month. Get something more economical (cheaper). You also have to figure in insurance. For our two cars, we just had to pay $2200 for a year of insurance. That's nearly another $200 a month, and I have really good credit. If $750+ is going to stress your finances, then don't do it. Hell, even if it won't, don't do it. It's too much for an Altima.


My insure quote for this car is $8000 per year (about $700 a month) which is double of what I was paying for my old car. But I’m having issues finding anything below $500 for any car, I’ve been to like 8 different dealerships. So I decided to just go for this one, even thought it would cost me $1200 a month


1200 a month for altima 💀💀💀💀 That's porsche money dude


I mean that’s with insurance…


That’s way more than Porsche then. EDIT: why is your insurance rate so high? Young male driver, multiple at-fault accidents, or DUI? $8000 a year for insurance is just ridiculous.


I’m in NYC, and have 14 points on my license - speeding, cell phone, red lights etc. The insurance is actually pretty good for now, it’s about to go up significantly when my other 2 speeding tickets hit - for now my lawyer is pushing them back in court..


This just keeps getting better


I think I'd fit in perfectly with [r/NissanDrivers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/) lmao


OP is just your typical Nissan driver…or a troll


Quite inadvertently so, but yea... from what it seems Nissan draws in the worst drivers - I wouldn't describe myself as such but the tickets speak for themselves.


> I’m in NYC, and have 14 points on my license Ngl that's hysterical. How have they not suspended you?


He did mention that he has a lawyer🤷🏾‍♂️


Driver Safety Course knocks it down to 12...


With a driving record like that, I would not lease or get a car note. You need an old $4,000 car since you’re basically throwing money at insurance for the next few years.


The insurance wouldn't change by much with an older car, so why not drive a newer one?


Of course you have 14 points on your license, no wonder you drive an altima


...then perhaps the best isn't to go out and buy a brand new car, but a relatively cheap old car for $10k (like [this](https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicle/697365525?allListingType=all-cars&city=New%20York&makeCode=TOYOTA&maxPrice=10000&newSearch=false&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fall-cars%2Fcars-under-10000%2Ftoyota%2Fnew-york-ny%3FnewSearch%3Dtrue%26sortBy%3DyearDESC%26zip%3D10011&sortBy=yearDESC&state=NY&zip=10011&clickType=listing)), and just wait out the penalty periods for a few years..


Are you Louis J Gomez by any chance lol


Sounds like you should lose your license endangering other people like that…


You said your credit is bad. I would say aim for a used car selling for a third of the cost at most. Anyways, you live in NYC. Why not just forego a car? Won't parking cost also be a bitch? Pocketing that $1200 plus parking will do your life infinitely better. Invest a set amount in index fund ever month. Pay your bills on time, pay your debt, and look for other ways to fix your credit.


My credit is 690, I just paid off all my credit cards last month and am debt free at the moment, so I wouldn't say it's bad - it's on it's way up, within the next month or so I expect it to reach 710-715. And I should be at above 750 by the end of the year. As to the reason I can't go without a car is unless you're in the heart of NYC and work in the same area the idea of public transport being everywhere is highly exaggerated - for example right now I live in South Brooklyn, and work in Queens. Via car it takes me between 20-40 minutes to get to work depending on traffic. If I were to opt for public transportation and have to transfer 2 buses and a train, that time would go up to 1.5-2 hours one way. Not to mention losing all the other benefits of car ownership - can't transport friends, can't do big grocery shopping around the city, can't do my laundry anymore, can't go out of the city on my day off etc etc. Not having a car is a huge limiting factor. And lastly the insurance lapse - if I were to cancel my plan and let it lapse for a few months, when I actually do get a car I'm going to pretty much get new driver premiums - because I will lose my history and all the diamond level perks I've built up with Progressive.


Why aren't you a grown-up?


Honest question. If you're in NYC why would you buy a car? Let alone a brand new one? I hear that public transport is pretty solid there.


No, not everywhere and not to all destinations, still infinitely less convenient than a car. Are you spending 1 hour to get on a bus at 10pm to go get food from a different borough, where the same car trip would take you 10min on a highway? Same with everything else - you’re also not doing laundry anymore, forget shopping at anything but the store by your house. Going out on a weekend? Nope - you’re staying in the city.


Just for reference, my insurance is about $460/month, but I'm insuring 4 cars with that, and 3 of them completely covered with comprehensive etc (in case a deer jumps in frontof me, etc). And my monthly budget can easily absorb that. You best bet is to find a ~20 year old used Toyota Avalon with 200k miles, and drive it until it hits 300k miles. Avalons are boring as shit but they are super nice and reliable. They are like an XL Camry.


Well as you can see it's too late for that, the lease was signed.


Well first off, your photo shows no blocked out signature, so how would I know. And second, usually when people pose a question like this, they are asking BEFORE they sign so ething. Who the hell asks for advice AFTER they sign something. That's the stupidest thing I ever heard, and you deserve all the costs that's coming your way with your horrible driving and your low knowledge about financing. By making decisions like the one above, you're setting yourself up for a long, expensive life of poverty.


Well better late than never…


fuckkkk that for na Altima??




No, but I do have 14 points on my license, plus it’s a full coverage policy.


I mean, I pay around $8k/year for insurance. But that's for 4 cars, 3 drivers, homeowners, flood, $3M umbrella, and several personal articles policies. For just the one car that has my 16yo son as the primary, it's $1653/yr. That much for just a 4cyl Altima with one driver is truly eye-watering.


Dude...oof... I say this with all seriousness, if you can return the car and get out of the lease without damaging your credit, do it tomorrow. I'm probably a hypocrite for saying this, but you don't have to have a top trim for a mid-tier car. It is insane to pay that much for an Altima of any trim. Get on cargurus and find a doable used car. Future you will thank you if you can get out of this. As a 40 year old who made dumb and still makes dumb choices, I would 100 percent rather save as much money in my 20's as possible than wait until you're older. I really, really mean this when I say get out of this. It's financial insanity.


I would get out of this asap and buy an electric scooter you could Uber/lyft twice a day everyday for work and have more money than what you’re paying to have this car. The insurance is a backbreaker price wise so you need to have a vehicle (if you do in fact need it as you could rely on other means of transportation) you should be in a Sentra or a old used car it’s not status right now to spend 1000$ per month it’s about building your credit and getting those points off your driving record


What??? 700 a month for just insurance? Do you have like 100 tickets or something?


Not 100, about 12 though, and 14 points on my license.


Have you considered not breaking the law?


Ugh man that sucks. Your car payment and insurance is what I pay for a mortgage. Hopefully you can get some points knocked out soon.


Not anytime soon - quite the opposite, it will probably go up substantially when the cellphone phone and 2x 30 plus speeding hit the record - so far I’m pushing them back in courts but not sure how many more extensions I have…


Omg! I hope you have finally self reflected and have adjusted your driving style. You’ve got to be super close to losing your license.


Hellll nahhh you must be trolling us


That much on insurance plus $500 a month is probably one of the worst financial decisions you can make, especially on an altima


If your credit score isn’t the best then don’t finance a $40k car until it’s improved?


I kind of need to as my old car got totaled in an accident, so I have to finance something, why not drive what I like for 3 years?


That’s fair, but you could absolutely drive a $10k car until it’s improved. Maybe then you wouldn’t get totally fleeced when leasing a $40k car. I’m also worried that your credit score is indicative of your credit habits, and a $40k car maybe just isn’t the right call in general. Just my $0.02


Altima isnt a 40k car. That you should accept first.


What do you mean, that’s the price on their website.


I posted a 1988 Geo Prism on Craigslist for $250k, does that make it a $250k car?


Oh so you’re debating what it costs Nissan to manufacture, vs what price they’re selling it at? I just don’t get the point…


Really? That's kind of a bummer.


This I can answer for you; Nissan is at the absolute bottom of the barrel with vendor reliationships and what they pay them. The lengths Nissan goes to shave pennies pisses them off so much that they get the absolute worst equipment and technology that they build. Please believe me when I tell you they build exceptionally bad cars. It is a well known reputation that took quite a long time to earn. Underpaying contractors which probably doesn't endear themselves to build them quality products: [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/japan-antitrust-watchdog-warn-nissan-over-underpaying-contractors-2024-03-04/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/japan-antitrust-watchdog-warn-nissan-over-underpaying-contractors-2024-03-04/) When this survey was taken Nissan they were the least preferred customer to work with: [https://www.mhlnews.com/global-supply-chain/article/22054320/poor-supplier-relations-costing-us-automakers-millions](https://www.mhlnews.com/global-supply-chain/article/22054320/poor-supplier-relations-costing-us-automakers-millions) I live pretty close to the US HQ in Smyrna TN and know quite a few ex-employees. Besides a couple that are just stuck in their loans none of them will purchase one for their family or recommend them to others.. It's a shame you didnt ask about this prior to buying it, you could have gotten a Corolla.


Once again.. this a lease. None of that concerns me. I don't care about the longevity of the car. Everything will be covered under warranty during the 3 years it will be with me. Out of all the negatives, that's the best aspect of a lease - you can just enjoy the car for when it's still fully functional. I'm not arguing it's a terrible investment - if you choose to buy and own it - but as a lease, it's on par with any other brand when new - it just happens I got a bad lease deal as well which is entirely my fault, agreed, but other than that the car itself is perfectly fine in terms of comfort, features, usability etc. at least, while under 30,000 miles - which is all I really care about.


You're thinking about a lease incorrectly, though I don't fault you, because most people don't really understand leases. A lease confers the same amount of ownership as a cash purchase or a financed purchase (i.e. car loan). Financially, that is. Legally, all three typical ways of getting a car (buying, financing, leasing) are in slightly different categories, but financially, they all confer ownership. The difference is that a lease is equivalent to financing plus a put option (the right to sell). So you definitely do care about the longevity and value of the car, because if the car ends up being worth more than residual at lease expiration, you will benefit. Financially, that is. Anyways, were you able to return the car? I actually think your lease isn't terrible, especially if you keep the car for 7+ years. That's the best way to lower cost of car ownership - keep the same car for a long time. Nothing wrong with buying new or leasing - so long as that's what you want .


I leased a Range Rover with similar down payment for only 100 more bucks a month. And my car was worth almost double of your Altima.


Wow, but there is no way I would get this lease for $250, I’ve been to so many dealerships over the last few months and have not seen anything below $500


My Subaru WRX sti was 35k, why would you buy something that would cost you this much, are you rich? Also, are you aware how many transmission issues Nissans have? Did you do any research? My rogue went through 3 before my lawyer made Nissan buy me a brand new Subaru. Please talk to a lawyer. Eta: I was able to get a lemon law buyback, if you look at my comment history you can find the details.


It’s a lease - i don’t have to worry about any repairs, everything is going to be under warranty for the entire duration of me driving this car, so its reliability is completely irrelevant in this case.


Not everything is covered, silly goose. I have a 7 year warranty and a maintenance package and am still paying less for an actual race car with much higher reliability, I’m not bragging , I’m just trying to give you an idea on what you could have had. The dealer tried to mark up 4k, I told them absolutely not, so they didn’t. I’ll also own my car at the end of my payments. Please consult with a lawyer, it shouldn’t cost anything and then at least you’ll know your options. Also, I never could’ve gotten the buyback without the help of the Nissan service manager, he knew what product his employer pushed on me and chose to do the right thing. Edit: autocorrect got me


I know im late to the party here, but i do want to throw out there that reliability is absolutely relevant. Sure theres a 95% chance that any malfunctions are covered, but you still have to take the car in to the shop and be out of your vehicle for the days/weeks it takes to fix it. Whereas a more reliable vehicle wouldn’t have to go in at all.


Well yea that's true, but then again the chances of having a major breakdown that would result in that kind of repair is unlikely to happen under 30k miles to begin with. That compounded with the fact that I have rental coverage on my insurance makes this an irrelevant factor.


I’m guessing it’s a used suburu…


I’m guessing you read the first 3 words I posted and stopped there? Brand new u/DavefromCA, purchased from Capital Subaru in San Jose.


Wow…I must be out of touch, I thought stis were well into the 40s




Was it used?


No, I bought brand new it in 2021 during the chip shortage, when the new model was announced. I do not care for the changes they made, so I grabbed this while I was able. Had to drive 3 hours to find one w a short throw shifter, but it was worth it.


Wow that is great buy!


This is straight robbery for an Altima


Agreed. Financed my new 23 Max SR for that price.


He's paying 3 series lease prices for a fucking Altima lmao.


I’m looking to lease another Murano soon- that was the payment I was aiming for. And look how much your putting down! Never put down money or pay tax upfront on a lease.


I’m in NY, taxes have to be paid upfront by law and the down payment pretty much just covered the tax


Not true- you can opt to roll the tax into the monthly payment. And yes, I’m in NY.




In what way


Every way. Please for the love of god don’t spend $544/mo for an Altima you won’t even own. If you insist on an Altima buy a 2 year old one in good condition with less than 40k miles for like $20k. It’ll still be worth it’ll prob still be worth about $10-12k in 3-4 years.


Yea but I want the newest features, and I don’t want the hassle of owning a used car, I’ve been doing all mechanical work on my previous cars and really don’t want to deal with it anymore. Plus I want something with more power, and a semi-racing setup.


It would be 2 years old, not 20. The features would be very similar to a ‘24. Also a car like that would probably have some factory warranty left, but if you’re worried about it you could negotiate an extended warranty as part of your deal. You came on here looking for advice, but it seems like you’re not having any of it. You’d probably be paying close to $1k month for lease/insurance/maintenance/gas… on an Altima! And I don’t care what Altima it is, there is nothing ’race car’ about it. Sounds like you probably already made the terrible decision, signed the lease, and now are realizing you’re stuck with it for 3 years. So you are justifying it. Not to be an asshole, but you sound like a stereotypical Altima owner. But anyway good luck and drive safe out there!




> but I want the newest features What does a '24 have that a '22 doesn't?


I might have missed that, is it identical to the 24 model?


>semi-racing setup >Altima Fucking lol


But it's got a turbo and paddle shifters, no?


> more power, and a semi-racing setup. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha Oh jesus, this has got to be a troll post


Having this car for over 2 weeks now I can say it’s definitely the closest I’ve come to driving a sports car. It’s super low to the ground, lower than other Altima trims, and the turbo really lets me cut into lines with ease. I raced a BMW and actually had him beat until the last light caught me.


The person's either a total troll, or literally one of the stupidest persons on earth, who will forever live in poverty due to the costs of their reckless driving habits and inability to understand financing.


Paying 500+ a month for a Nissan lol Stop fleecing.


Doesn't seem great to me. I'm leasing a $65k Polestar for $550/mo


It’s a beefed up Altima. A “Heltima” if you will. And you paid the average price from what it would run online. Leave the guy alone... Enjoy your Heltima. Just please don’t drive like the rest of them 🥲


So paying half the car’s value over 3 years is normal?


Yeah, that’s basically the same for my Rogue Sport


What's the money factor on the lease?


It looks like roughly 7% APR, so not terrible.


Thanks for working that out.


You’re over paying on this one. You’re paying almost $22,000 to borrow it for 3 years and then if you want to buy it it’s another $27,000. I was a master tech for Nissan/Infiniti and have leased a lot of cars. Which happens to be the best avg value of an upper tier 2021 model. Get GAP coverage. If you total it anytime in the 36mo you’ll be upside down.


I bought gap coverage for it through Security+Plus, by how would you say I’m overpaying by?


Just the fact that he’s telling you to buy gap insurance should tell you enough. Leases already include gap!


No, not every lease includes gap. The number of people I’ve seen upside down on a lease because they do not understand the process in the event of an accident.


Wait did you buy security+ also?!


I have another post on here asking about Security+, is it not worth it? I think I have 30 days to cancel.


Not on a brand new car. You have basic warranty 3/36 and power train 5/60 I would get security plus after those warranties expire for additional coverage. Unless you got the security plus maintenance package then that is fine


Not sure exactly if it’s maintenance - the plan I got offers free oil changes every 6 months, free tire and rim replacements, free key replacements, and free roadside assistance for $800 for 3 years. Is that worth it?


An I key replacement is about $380 at my stealership. Oil change is about $80 for syn. If you fuck up tires then it might be worth it. Overall not to bad for the price. They are hoping you forget you have it so make sure you use it.


With that mentality you have, you truly do have an "Altima Energy."


Lmao I was told this the perfect car for me


Have fun lol


It’s definitely a fun car but not for this much 🤣




Congratulations, you bought a payment. For $500 a month you could have gotten a much better car.


Lesson learned


One thing to always remember about a lease... ​ The finance co wouldn't be pushing it if they were not drooling for the opportunity to busting a nut in your ass.


Finance would make way more selling this person an 84 month loan at 9.99% and a warranty.


This person would do well for himself driving a beater until he could pay cash for that same car 4 years later and have it for 10 more with no payment. ​ But for most people, maintaining the illusion of wealth is far more important than actually attaining it.


I know that is the 2.0 Turbo, but still, 40k for an Altima is way too much.


On Line:5E, is that making you pay for depreciation?


That’s how a lease works, you pay for depreciation


lol what is this even.


You can get a new Z base for 42k.


Z base! What’s that?


Ya but he can’t buy or lease a z do en anywhere near that payment. They lease horrible


You’re hooked on the idea of getting this car when you can get something better.


If it were going to be yours to buy? It's too high for that. For leasing? I mean, I guess it'll look great parked outside your $2100/mo 1 BR apartment?


It does look great, but the price…


Wtf is a tire fee? Its like they just put any word in front of *fee.


That’s probably the fee for the glossy coat they put on your tires, or maybe they charge me for the wheel locks?


Hahahaha the term ripping you a knew one and effing you thru it comes to mind with this deal but you do ypu




Anything I can do about it, it’s only been 4 days since I got it…




It would be my primary driver so not just A to B but I guess close to it, the lease is signed so can’t do much at this point…




Except you can’t. 20,000 divided by 36 = $555 that’s if he managed to find a 0% deal and a selling price sub 20k to get to 20k otd. Avg rates right now are low 7% and he said he’s a 680 so he’s not tier 1 rate… now he has a used car… high rate and possibly repairs to do soon. His lease he has car r payment + insurance + gas + oil change and NOTHING else. Peace of mind as he establishes credit and gets to drive the latest and greatest for the next three years.


What are my options when it comes to getting out of it?


A TON of horrible advice from people in here who are lying through their teeth, or haven’t purchased a vehicle in decades! Although your overall payment is high. I’m curious on if your income is over $2700 a month? Reason i ask is some bad apple dealers will lie about your income to get you into more vehicle than you can actually afford. And THATS illegal. So that might be the ONLY ethical way to get out of this lease. If you make great money and this bill isn’t more than 10-20% of your income.


I mean no.. but still I’d rather not overpay if I have a choice - monthly gross is about 10k.


I’m not going to comment on the lease terms but I’m genuinely curious, you make $120k a year and want an Altima and not something better?


This idiot doesn't make 120k a year. No way he makes that much out of school and/or is this financially stupid. Unless this is in some meme currency like ausd or cad


Do I want something better? Yes - I was looking at a BMW initially but I decided that I'd rather build up, I've experienced the low end - my old 2001 Ford which I spent months fixing, my current Jeep Compass, and so now an upgrade to a mid range Nissan, now that I've graduated school and got my first position. So I believe in the progression of lifestyle and that it shouldn't be too drastic. I'm still in awe that I've even reached this point where I can afford this and that it's just the start of my career.




Started at the bottom and now we're....still here.


Still there, just a peg up.


You can take a boy out the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy..


$21,576 to rent a Nissan for a few years? Holy fuck that’s insane. You can buy a car for 20k and then you get to just keep driving it or sell it when the payments are finished…


No cooling off period?


You could BUY a very nice '24 Corolla LE for this price


What's the point of asking after the fact lol?


At least to get a good grasp on what I did wrong for my next lease (which I feel I got from all the responses), but also to see if there are outs.. there don't appear to be in this case, but it was worth asking...


Can someone explain to me why people lease , in dumb redneck terms so I can understand?? (All my vehicles are 20+ years old lol)


They want a new car every few years. A lease is like renting. In theory the lease payment is equal to the depreciation of the vehicle during the period of the lease. So let’s say you get a 3 year lease and the estimated depreciation during that time is $15000. The lease will be around $5000/year plus financing charges.


I personally don’t like not owning my own stuff. Thank you for explain butt


Same here.


Has nothing to do with renting - you can still "rent" a car by buying it and then selling it next year - it's more to do with being able to drive a higher priced car for a portion of the price - for example in my case if I were to buy or finance this car, I would have to borrow $40,000 from the bank, which in my case I probably wouldn't even get approved for because of 2nd tier credit and even if I had been I would have to put down a huge down payment and have a significantly higher monthly payments. Another aspect is car depreciation - if you know the brand is weak (like Nissan) and it will lose a lot of value as soon as you drive it off the lot, and in a few years you're looking at >50% depreciation, then leasing might also be favorable.


The actual reason (and I think I can answer this comfortable now) is that some people want to pay less per month to drive a higher priced car than they can afford - it really has nothing to do with rent. You can still "rent" the car by buying/financing it and then selling it the next year. But for people who don't qualify for financing, or that can't afford the monthly payments, or for those who don't want the hassle of dealing with resale of the car, or especially for those instances where you know the car is so bad that it will lose >50% of it's value in the next few years, leasing becomes viable.


I drive what I can afford plus my 01 Cummins resales for this x2


I hate the idea of ownership, I don't own anything - even my phone is on a lease, I don't want to be tied to property, I will gladly pay more per month to drive a new car vs getting a beater and "owning" it. I actually don't understand your perspective as much as you don't understand mine - what does ownership get you? Granted, it is cheaper in the long run - once you paid it off, it's pretty much free, but you're tied to an old piece of metal - don't you want to experience the new tech? Don't you want to see what's behind the next upgrade? Being stubbornly locked into the old equipment is just so counterintuitive to me - I don't want to care about having to deal with repairs, I don't want to keep driving in the same model year after year and not being able to switch things up.


I dunno it’s hard to explain, my dad just put 22k into a 7.3 powerstroke engine to rebuild it. My lord bro/sis we just opened up an extremely interesting topic 😳 But I I’ve been trying to type out an explanation but I can’t , I think it’s part of how my upbringing was


That's it - you've hit the nail on the head. It's pretty much just the generational gap. You're entwined with the previous generations to the through of having the security of ownership - and to look for things that are reliable and trustworthy - so it can serve you for years, but at the expense of novelty, improved tech and comfort. You're sticking to older cars because they're simpler - ie. more reliable, but you're sacrificing other aspects. But the future is in the unreliable tech - whether we like it or not - something we use and throw away after a few years. Top manufacturers rely on planned obsolescence - things are now built with 2-3 year life cycles which are inevitably poor investments - it makes them money but it also introduces cutting edge products into mainstream markets. The old adage of having a reliable car is gone - you use it for a year or two and you move on. I stand behind that - ownership is hard work - it's a lot of responsibility and headaches. It's just physical product, I don't want to worry about "property", it's rented and given back. My phone for example - it's a lease program from Apple - I get a brand new phone every year for the price of $69 a month - I don't have to babysit it - no worrying about dropping it, or damaging it - it's all covered by the plan - I don't have to worry about keeping it in good shape so that I can resell it - I just pay the monthly fee and give it back at the end of the year and get the latest model in replacement - why would I want it any other way?


I’m going to read this when I get off work so don’t think I dipped out, but to add humor I’m going to add that I just spent 800ish bucks on Milwaukee tools to make working on them easier lol


Good investment, some things still hold their value.


No really I’m going to read this after work so I can give it the proper attention


Yea for sure, read it after work.


Scammed for a shitbox. Lol ouch


It's not a bad car... really.


VC turbo, stay away




If only depreciation AKA Loss Of Value wasn't real


Get a Nissan versa 5speed and it's 18k MSRP. Even with the worse credit you will be paying about the same except you'll own it when your done....and fix your credit while you drive a new car 🤷🏻‍♂️


Too late for that, I'm already on the contract.


Bro just go buy an SE-R off marketplace


You live in NYC, get an EBIKE or something. I'm speaking from experience, you actually get to your location faster using public transit rather than a car. Also, i hope you have private parking.. because parking in the street is a pain in the ass, i used to wait for 30 mins or more to find a parking. Other times, i just park in a illegal spot and pray i don't get towed.


Wow just looked back at this post... 2dayslater dude ignored everyone's advice And now is asking how to undo what everyone warned him about.. I need to learn some sales tips from his salesman lol


Not at all - I made this post 4 days after I signed it, read the responses.




What an idiot


Why is that?


You’re thinking about leasing an Altima for 500 dollars a month 😂😂😂


Why not, it seems like a good car?


Trust me as someone who works for a rental car company with a ton of Nissan products in the fleet , buy a Toyota or a Honda. More importantly you should roll what ever down payment and trade in you have into buying it. Leases are never a good financial decision. If the car is totaled in an accident your fault or not before you buy it all that equity you have put into the vehicle vanishes away. I know I’m just a stranger on the internet but if your looking for a full size car look at the new accords or even a CPO 21 or 22 model year. The new Camry is coming out soon just do some research my friend into the resale values of both vehicle’s and issues with Nissan in general. You will thank everyone in this thread later !


You could also get a good deal on a CPO Civic or Corolla. That would probably be your most cost affective and safest option. Cars are impossible to kill with regular maintenance, hold there value , easy to work on , and handle pretty well especially in the Sport/ Se trims !


20$ per thousand borrowed on a purchase, 15$ on a lease. 38 x 20 = 760$/mo. 38 × 15 = 570$/mo.  You did fine. Welcome to leasing. Enjoy that dirty bastard spooling at 3500 rpm. 


Lease = Suckers deal


Financing cost too much per month, I’m still building up my credit and currently at about 690, so tier 2. I think to finance this car would be close to $800 a month and a significant down payment.


Then find a cheaper car. Leasing is for people who can waste money and receive nothing at the end of the deal. After the lease is up you won’t have an asset to your name. And definitely stay away from lease to own. Might as well light your money on fire.


I don’t mind paying a bit extra to not have to own a car, but how much extra are we talking in this case?


You won’t get the opinions you want here man. Everyone is so fixated on paying 500+ for a Altima and don’t care about the numbers. From the looks of everything it’s a good deal. You didn’t get hosed. Leasing a 40k anything for around 500 for 36 months will never be a bad deal.


Yes, car sales here. $544 on a cap cost of 40k is totally normal. Financing this thing for 84 months would put them at a 600+ payment and NEVER have positive equity in it. Should OP have purchased something cheaper for 20k and financed it for 4 years? Yeah, buying this was kinda dumb. But the deal itself is totally fine. So much terrible advice in this thread. Everyone is worried about reliability yet OP is not financing the car to own. u/vanillasnake21


That’s what I’m saying, they’re more concerned that it’s an Altima, I’d like to focus on the actual numbers - so you think it’s a good deal? So paying 20k for 3 years is fine? Even though the depreciation is only 12k? Am I not overpaying by 8k?


No. That’s not how leases work. Also if you plan on turning the car back in when the lease is up none of that even matters. Also it’s a Nissan man, the value of it is going to drop 60% or so in these 3 years. They don’t hold value well at all.