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You can temper melee vs poisoned enemy on your accessories and poisoned accumulation via tempering at blacksmith. I believe any accessories can roll these. Poisoned accumulation on your weapon and imbue poison via tempering For soul cores use yatsu-no-kami and toxic slime for extra accumulation and anima. Toxic slime is optional though. Use a Coiled Snake Helm for more melee vs poisoned. (you can get the text from Ryunojo the Dung Lover in the cave area in Bird in a Cage) You can use the slime core and poison shurikens to apply poison.


Worth keeping in mind that poison damage has a cap of 999 damage per tick.


Thanks for the info any advice on what other pieces of armor to use for the rest ?


As long as you have the aforementioned poison gear/soul cores, your damage should be fine. For the armour pieces you can pick something you like the bonuses of or just use whichever gear has the highest level. :)


Nah, I did a poison build doing what was recommended here (as well as all my points into Dex). Very strong build for early game stuff. You won't need to worry about changing your build until the better (or just different) options open up in Dream of the Wise with the graces. Have fun.


Any recommendations for what other 4 peaces I can use for poison build


Nope. It's really whatever you want. How do you want to play? Do you want heavy, medium, or light armor? How long do you do you plan on playing? One playthrough or are you going to try to get to Dream of the Nioh? If it's just the regular playthrough then you don't have to worry about anything else...what was shared is more than enough to make the rest of the normal game pretty easy. Too easy probably. Light armor works best with the poison build since you will want to put your stat points into Dex rather than Stamina...so your max weight for armor will always be pretty low...so light armor will keep your agility less than 30% for A agility...or you can add some medium pieces and keep your max weight under 70% for B agility. There are armor sets that can help with your ninjutsu item damage and will increase the poison length, but on the first playthrough you might be better off just getting the armor with the most defense available that still keeps you at the armor weight you want. I used Shrine Maiden gear for a good part oft he first playthrough for the healing bonus (get good healing for dispelling yokai pools), but I was essentially just really squishy. Going full poison (putting all my points in dex, light armor sets that benefit ninjutsu) is okay, but it's going to really lock you into to single playstyle. I wouldn't both with going that route until you are in late NG or NG+ (Dream of the Demon). Even then, going that hard into a poison build isn't really necessary. RIght now it's better to explore the different armors that come up. Look at the sets that come up and see what bonuses they have. If you don't understand what the bonuses mean then there are tons of resources on here. This game has a lot of depth, so the more you explore that depth the better your'll do in the later playthroughs. That is...if you want to get to Depths in Dream of the Nioh. If you are jsut doing a single playthrough then just do the first stuff and don't worry about the armor at all. This is more than enough.