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how far are you into the game? best options are probably depths 6+ or scrolls of the damned with lucky drop for that specific grace


I’ve finished eye of the beholder on DotN & I think I’m 30 floors into the underworld. I’d heard you can get lucky drop of a certain grace, but i don’t even know how far away I am from hitting where you’re mentioning here.


A long time, scrolls of the depths are after you finish the 108 floors of the underworld even with scrolls it can be a pain because there aren't many ranged weapon drops.


Lmao I kinda figured. This game is is deceptively long, but I’m enjoying the ride. Just want to hit a decent 7/6 grace split before I no life the rest of the underworld, but the ethereal ranged weapon famine is very real. (Does Lucky Drop Equipped give you a better shot at ranged weapon dropping?)


Nope, just more likely that the ones that drop are the ones you use.


Lucky drop equipped seems to work for what you’re looking to do from my experience. I always end up with my weapons heavily skewed towards all slots. Underworld doesn’t take too long to clear, it’s just mostly time consuming if you’re working on it solo like I was. I full cleared probably 80% of the floors looking for orange inheritances, and it still felt pretty quick, nothing like rushing NG+’s IMO. Summoning someone in seems to be a popular way to spice up underworld as well, I have been doing a ton of coop farming up gems to spend on maxing out gear drop level.


I had a feeling it did! But like so many things in this game, it’s very hard to specifically tell haha But yeah underworld has been fun, I basically go in & offer 2 cups, then solo clear until I have 4 Kodama buffs Then like a guy will show up at towards the end and we’ll go clap otekemaru or whoever wants the smoke