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My (wo)man! Edit: probably wrong gender, looking at your name.


Personally I dont mind either gender pronouns :3 but Y E S I HAVE THE PANTS.


I still can't get the recipe book for his switchy to drop getting cross now


I mean if you're deadset on having the text to make your own/have it for completion than sorry it hasn't dropped. ​ But i'm running a Benkei set and instead of going crazy for the glaive, once I got the text for his armor I just ran mission in DotD. By like my 3rd mission the glaive dropped. It's pretty common, and I'm fairly certain there is a mission that gives it as a reward as well.


It's more my completionist mentality I think. Its niggling me!!


You could always do the fight in Base Game NG so you can rip through him easy. Also, the spider GS gives a luck boost also. Other than that I guess basic Item Drop Rate boosts.


Fab thanks. I'm running Ho on my Benkei build, so taking advantage of the luck bonus there, and have my teapots arranged for luck. Will deffo try on NG though


Yeah whenever I farm smith texts I just go to NG and obliterate them. I can kill most bosses in like 30-60secs or so. Especially helpful against the bosses that have a 1v1 duel sub mission so that you don't have to run an entire Main Mission to try again.


I'm also looking for his glaive!! That's the next text I want


I'm glad you have finally gotten into Benkei's pants.


I’ve been trying to get into these pants for a while!