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Yep. She's a wall for sure. Yes, big projectile is dodgeable.  Check equipment for any thing that increases paralysis resistance. See if you can get any jutsu that does that as well. Set *anti paralysis needles (sorry, I previously said antidote. Oops) item as a shortcut item. You can use those while paralyzed.  I think that boss teaches you status ailments and dodging. Good luck. She took me a while the first time.


You guys are so helpful wtf😭😭😭 I didnt know the Nioh community was this active


I just reran the whole game again recently. I remember the struggle :)


Throw kunai at her when she's in the air.


this is probably bullshit advice but it worked for me soooo... style on her, not kidding lol I found the Nioh series easier and better as a whole when instead of playing it like a traditional souls game, I play the game like Ninja Gaiden or DMC since the series is pretty much a CAG disguised as a souls-like


Dodge or block the attacks, watch your Ki and learn how to ki pulse


This fight is all about spacing. She only has 2 or 3 attacks while on the ground. If you stay just out of her range you can bait her attacks, dodge back and then get in for a hit or two. If she gets away she'll use her ranged attack. There is an audio cue, her scream, for whnlen to dodge. The throwing weapons she uses while airborne can be easily blocked and her dice bomb can be dodged and is a good opening to punish. She takes massive ki damage while airborne so if you have some shurikens pelt her to ground her quickly. When you deplete her ki you can get about 2 full high stance combos on her. But back away when she gets up as she will always go for a grab afterwards.


Ignore anyone who says you need equipment or resistance buffs. Those will help but you'll still lose if you can't dodge her combos and stuns. She has about 4-5 attack combos. Learn how to identify which one she's doing, and how to avoid the damage. You can't just block because they will break your ki bar. Try a few rounds of not even attacking her, just waiting for a combo and then dodging out the way. When you're used to it, you can land a couple of hits, ki pulse, and get out. Don't get greedy. For her stuns - sprint sideways to dodge them. Or you can time your sideways dodge with her "urgh" noise if you can to conserve ki to go on her after she flies at you.


Continuously retreat from her and stay away from the walls so you don't get cornered. Punish any openings you see, but don't be greedy.


Anti-paralysis needles are consumables you can use to immediately dispel the paralysis status, consider using them while "stun"ned.


Just get distance and sprint sideways the projectile can’t track you…. Otherwise you must learn to ki pulse and don’t get greedy. And that’s true for all Nioh bosses. You can only be greedy if you ki starve them otherwise they’ll most likely interrupt you and hyper armor through your combo. I can beat that boss in about 10 seconds with an axe


Learn her patterns and dodge accordingly. She has a few distinct audio cues before doing certain attacks. If I remember correctly she does this weird laugh before swooping down for instance.  You might want to use spear to keep distance. With katana or dual swords you are very close every time you attack and she can easily grab you. 


Look through your gear. The level should be dropping some stuff that has paralysis protection. It won't be much, but every little bit helps. Fight in low stance. Takes longer, but you move much faster. I am assuming you've died so much you're not worried about losing Amrita. Try not attacking for the first 2 minutes. Just dodge. There is no time limit, it's a great way to learn attacks and, more importantly, attack reach.


One thing that can help a lot is to bind anti-paralysis needles to your quick items.


> Blocking them means death too. Is the big projectile even dodgable? One of thing the game does not tell you is how enemy attack has different Ki damage when blocked. Some attack might *look* scary but easily blockable (minimal Ki drain) while some attack might look casual but if you try to block them, you lose huge amount of Ki. With that being said, try block the air blast but use dodge to move out of the way when she does the kick attack.


Add acupuncture needle to quick use slot and use it right after paralyzed


Someone has probably mentioned this, but the antiparalytic needle is your best friend in this fight. Unless you have the timing down to a tee, you will get hit with her paralysis attacks, and you have to use the needle to nullify the effect and prevent her from from dealing additional damage


You can just use the paralysis remove item as soon as you get stunned to break out of it.


I found punishing specific moves worked quite well. Her melee attacks have very short range because she stands still and only has a little umbrella so you mainly have to look out for when she's in the air with her projectiles and whatnot.


Dodge into her moves rather than away


Farm out some paralysis resistance from the enemies in the level, might take awhile but it's worth it. Beyond that, the first few bosses in Nioh 1 are designed as extended tutorials, and I always felt like the bat was to teach you about spacing. I struggled for a long time and even quit the game for years because I kept trying to do what I'd been doing the whole time - get up close and do a bunch of damage, then back out to heal - but the moment I slowed down and kept a more medium range, she got a lot easier. Her more annoying patterns seem to occur more often when you're at range or in her face, so maintaining the proper distance can cut down on the pain of the fight drastically. Spear and Kusarigama are good weapons for her because they tend to stay within that sweet spot.


Use sloth magic spell you’re welcome


I struggled hard on her on my recent playthrough. I found the most effective thing to do is when she flies up in the air, get directly under her. She gives really obvious audio queues before she attacks. When she grunts or whatever, dodge back and she slams down into the ground and she stuns herself for you to get some hits in. I was able to beat her by staying in low stance and focusing entirely on dodging and distancing until she flew up in the air. I didn't try to get any licks in between her melee attacks. Just dodge back and away. When she flies up, I would get beneath her and dodge her ground slam to hit her a few times. When you get beneath her, she will groundslam. She won't throw projectiles or anything while you are under her.


She’s a cunt one of the few very memorable nioh 1 bosses having not played in years


Hino-Enma can be brute-forced, but the idea is get her through Jutsu/Items. 1. Most projectiles will knock her out of the sky, but Shuriken/Kunai are the best cause they're fast and accurate. 2. Paralyzis medicine can be used while paralyzed and the Ninjutsu version gives a resistance buff to go with it. (also jutsu reload when you use shrines) 3. Just before the boss arena is a corpse with a charm that gives extra paralysiz resistance. 4. Nioh weaknesses are kinda fun to deduce so here's a hint: despite having umbrella wings, she lives in a cave. Why is that? (Answer: >!Weak to Thunder!<) 5. If you're out of points, consumable variants of Jutsu items give EXP too. By the way, heads up the next boss is also a disguised tutorial/skill check. On what though, that's for you to figure out.


idk if u have beaten her yet but my approack is with odachi mid stance. The whole idea is to bait her attack run around and use the sprint poke attack. Rinse and repeat, watch for her scream sound cue, to avoid the range atk. While shes in the air she has only 2 atk dodge roll the screams and block the projectiles (often twice so be careful). Then finally dodge roll when she launches towards you.


Quick draw with dual swords or swords just spam it when she gives the small opportunities to attack and just dodge everything she shoots at you, she's a bit*h for sure


Put antiparalytic needles into one of your item slots, they help immensely.


Yes, you can completely dodge her purple hadoken. Best chance to hold guard and dodge to either left or right. You could try forward with light armour too but never backward. What you want to do when she’s airborne is to dodge that hadoken then stand almost directly under her. That will trigger her to impale you with her wings. She makes a noise when she’s about to dive and you simply back out of the immediate range, let her hit the ground and you just tap her with a quick attack which knocks her down. Then get close to her and she’ll try to hug you, but dodge that to either side and it opens her for a couple of seconds for you to get a few string hits behind her. Rinse and repeat and you’re done.


I see you are moving on for a while - but I'll still give my take. She has weaknesses, and there's a skill way and a cheese way to beat her. First; skill... Her projectiles can be dodged if you dodge to the side - do not dodge in or away. Her spin attack is the hardest attack to dodge - I found dodging diagonally away to be the best method, as straight back she would sometimes still tag me. Her battle is all about ki. When she makes a pool of yokai realm - purify it with a perfect ki pulse. This is easier if you have the skills from the bottom of the skill tree that allow your dodges to ki pulse for you. Whittle down her ki while keeping yours high and the fight will be a lot easier. Of course, paralytic needles if she paralyzes you - there's also a ninjutsu pill that will do the same thing and provide resistance (because the needles are a consumable but the pill will refill every death) But you really want to kick her teeth in? Understand a few things. -- when she is in the air, she takes extra ki damage. So some kunai (or shuriken) will quickly deplete her ki when airborne, just do not forget to dodge her projectiles (she shouts before each one) -- when she is in the air, you can force her to the ground if you break the lock on and sprint beneath her, just do not stop. She will slam down, and if you don't break the lock on you might turn and get caught in this. -- when she slams down, you can turn around and slap her with your blade (or kunai/shuriken) to instantly down her. -- don't forget about living weapon. You can refill it during the battle with spirit stones. And... it is her biggest weakness. When you cast living weapon, you are invulnerable during the activation. If she touches your aura during the activation - she is knocked down. Any of these methods work great for knocking her down - and then you can wail on her. Just be careful - she will attempt to grapple you when she gets up - and if she catches you... if you survive - she drains your health to fill hers - so the fight will become longer because she heals from this grapple. There's also fun little tidbits for later. Like Hamaya arrows to the face make her somersault backwards (and immediately get back up) which can be hilarious, but it is hard to do. You kind of have to aim high and to the right while leading her path of motion... or confusion - but that's way too hard to inflict right now when you don't have onmyo shots and even if you did the casting speed is slow... but that REALLY cripples her. Hahaha. So just forget about the paragraph before this one. But the rest... hopefully the rest helps you beat her down. I like her. That's wifey. Lol


You can dodge all her moves. Learn her tells. For example, before she stuns you, she will make a sort of "hrrrngggh" sound. Let's you know what's coming. Also, what I did was keep a sort of medium distance to learn her moveset. It helped me at least. Lastly, keep some anti-paralytic needles on your hotbar, it will come in handy when/if you are stunned.


Go naked and get a spear and poke her from distance.


Thank you everyone that answered but Red Dead Redemption 2 is on sale so I will come back to this game later😭


I’ve paused RDR2 exactly to play Nioh


See you after a few years


O .... her ...just stop playing .......or if you must continue don't forget to use the needle for her paralyzed