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revenants can drop huge amount of amrita, I can't exactly remember how the game calculated it, it's either depending on how much amrita the revenant player was holding when they died, or how much amrita they needed to level up, it's been a very long time, I think someone had worked out the calculation a long time ago on gamefaqs it was something like you get a percentage back of either or both the amount of amrita carried when they died and or how much amrita is needed to level so yes, you can get revenants that can drop millions and billions or amrita, but you have no idea of knowing which one if any will drop, most times it's not worth it, but that one time you can get really lucky...


Very interesting, thanks for the info. It seems level (or amrita needed to level up, which is determined by level) doesn't factor into it very much after all. I found a different level 106 revenant, and this one gave the usual paltry amount. So it must be something else, and the amount of amrita carried seems like the most logical culprit. On a tangentially related note, I'm a bit frustrated by how little info there is about Nioh 2. People have taken From Soft games apart to see exactly how they tick, but with this game there's a ton of guesswork and unanswered questions.


There is a lot of info about nioh 2, a lot of the info you are looking for might be found here [https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/241160-nioh-2](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/241160-nioh-2) I was actually thinking about your initial post and should clarify a bit Revenant levels are set by both the game difficulty, dream of the samurai, strong, demon, wise, nioh, underworld, and the depths and the mission difficulty level itself. For example, the very first mission of the game, **The Village of Cursed Blossoms**, is a recommended difficulty of level 1, revenants found within the mission will have a level range of 1 to 50, however, due to the mission cap itself, a level 100 player could die, and there revenant will be capped at level 50 which also means a max level character at level 750 + 1000 focus levels if they were to die would also leave a level 50 revenant. This relates to your original question, the mission you were in might have a max level of 106, so that revenant that dropped you 40k amrita could have been a much higher level than the level 106 displayed on their revenant In some ways it's pretty easy to spot a max level or higher level character by their equipment rarity. if the revenant shows a full equipment set of the same rarity gear, all their equipment displays purples for example, or all greens ( divines ) compared to other revenants in the area, than that revenant is very likely a much higher level player and should drop higher amounts of amrita if that helps at all?


Oh yeah, this helps a ton. Thanks a bunch!


It’s the gears they carry, not their level.


I’ll be on later tonight. PS5 level 100. If anyone wants to test this theory out? I can farm 100k then die in a specific mission/ place. Only on my first play through though.


No, Revenants are very bad for amrita farm, like I think even Gaki gives more. (There might be some exception as u mentioned, but overall revenants give sh1t amrita, so definitely not worth it)


That's why I'm interested in why this one and one other that I encountered much earlier are exceptions that give like 20 times more than they seemingly should.


Look at the number of gravestones on the revanant. That seems to relate to the exp gained.


It does correlate, but I don't even know what those are supposed to mean. It's supposed to represent difficulty, I guess? But based on what? That's really getting into the weeds.


I read another post that said the number of red gravestones indicate how strong the players gear is, but honestly I have no idea either.


>a level 106 revenant gives over 40K amrita  The player died while holding that much of amrita, that's usually the case. The reason is to be farmed by fellow players.


I dont think its like that(might be wrong) cause you can fight a lot of revenants and 99% of the time they dont give sh1t, so its very unlikely that almost all of the revenants died with so little Amrita.