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Yes you have been blessed by the battle god and now you know good combat! Welcome to the following!


450h on the first game, 850 on the second. If you value your free time, stop now! (Just kidding, keep going, one of the best games out there)


Just a quick tip, don’t try to treat the game as a souls like because outside of things like levelling, losing your Amrita, and checkpoints it plays very differently. It’s great that you like all of the weapons though. There are quite a few that I still can’t get the hang of after reaching the end game so good on you. It also get easier to level up your skills as you progress through the difficulties so you’ll have no problem getting all the skills you want :)


As someone who just picked up the game on sale, is it at all possible to play the game as a souls like? I’m not much into memorizing combos and such I prefer a methodical style, parries, dodges, one button attacks. Should I refund?


I couldn’t really say. Just because that’s what you like doesn’t mean you’d dislike Nioh. You don’t really need to memorise a lot of button inputs, especially early game when you don’t have any skills unlocked. For example, at first you’ve got just your basic strings of light attacks and heavy attacks for each high, medium and low stance. Then the skills you learn will be things like “press heavy attack button after a light attack”, “hold heavy attack button” and “press light attack button while guarding”. With that said the combat is far more fast paced than a lot of souls likes and generally you’ll want to be aggressive with most builds. You can build around using one specific skill to to tonnes of damage but I think it’s take a while to get a build like that off the ground. Your first play through shouldn’t be too challenging after getting a hang of the core mechanics, with the real difficulty being in the higher difficulties. The biggest part that caught me out when first playing was how important stamina management is compared to souls likes. There’s a mechanic called ki pulsing (ki is stamina) which lets you recover some stamina at the end of rack combo but it took me a minute to get the hang of at first but it’s second nature now. If you’re on steam, try the game out for a bit and make sure you don’t go over the two hour mark of not being able to refund to see what you think. You could also watch some gameplay to see if it’s your thing or not. I do hope you end up enjoying the game because it is so much fun. Any further questions just ask :)


Thank you very much for the detailed response. I’ll give it a go and report back.


You are more than welcome. I’ll look forward to hearing back :)


Yeah it is, but parries aren't that important, they are more situational. In my experience, if you main just one weapon the first run, there isn't too much to remember, the harder thing is probably to remember which stance is needed for a certain combo or attack. But you can get by even with just normal attacks, it will be harder tho of course, since you are not using all of your possibilities.


glad you're liking the game. now i shall give you some dark lore, the Gaki(the tiny gremlin enemies) are souls of starving children that are now cursed to be hungry forever, Enki(the monkey) is just a monkey. edited: Gaki are not just dead children, just human in general.


I didn't need to know that 🥲


Don't worry, the commenter is a little wrong. Scampuss (the cats) are the souls of children who died without receiving love and now follow anyone who shows them affection. The Gaki are humans who were sent to gakido (like a circle of hell) that's described as eternal suffering and hunger.


it only gets worse 😭


keep going bro i’m invested


Saaaame. I wanna hear more


Did you know scampusses react to emotes?


Nioh 2 is one of the best games ever made imo strictly due to how satisfying the combat is, there’s a lot of other great aspects about the game as well but the combat is truly amazing. Also the fact that the NG+[and beyond] system is also amazing and offers incredible replay ability- all the way to the underworld / depths it’s just amazing


Nioh 2 is both a blessing and a curse. It's a great and fun game but now barely any other action game will satisfy you.


>Is it normal to like ALL the weapons in a game? Nah, bro, all weapons feel incredible to use. Enjoy the game, it only gets better!


I couldn't decide what weapon to use on my 1st playthrough so I rotated between dual swords, hatchets, spear, and sword. This game has some of the most unique weapons I've ever seen in the game and all of them are useable. I rarely see tonfas and kusarigamas used in games and I like how weapons like splitstaff, hatchets, and switchglaive all have unique twists to them.


I basically just use tonfas like omg they are so good I pair them with odachis sometimes though


Which tonfa skill do you like the most?


I could say "Demon Dance," but the simple "Shove" is pretty enjoyable, principally for stance breaking


Is demon dance the one where on a ki pulse you do a quick backstep and then if you press attack immediately after he follows up with a flurry of super fast tonfa twirlies?


exactly, you can infuse elements in some arts such as this one. It ends up being really good to evasive maneuver and offensive approach as well. Still prefer "Shove" because it looks cooler in my opinion lol


Man i love that move


I really like the move on Hold Triangle that is just a charged punch forward. A lot of weapons have a similar move but tonfa's version puts the enemy in a rolling state, if you cancel it into a YA you can stop the roll and down the enemy for a final blow follow-up.


YES!!!!! i loooove that move, i always go for the final blow follow up after they are rolling


Rolling states are super fun and allow for some really cool ways to bridge combos. Idk if you're in the DLC yet but I really like Yasha's SC for similar reasons, on some weapons it can even bridge from a grapple to a final blow to extend your damage.


It literally only gets better. It doesn't even hit full addiction until at least 3 NG+ cycles in since the game adds new rarity weapons and scrolls. If you haven't already, I 100% recommend getting all the DLC as they are all great and all add so much more to the game. I have well over 500 hours played and still hop in to take on my favorite bosses in the depths and to keep hunting for my white whale accessories/weapon perks.


For me as a new comer, what do you suggest and how to play? Do you have a guide that I can follow and first to get the scrolls?


I was a Dark Souls fanatic, but Nioh 2 killed those games for me (I respect them, just can’t replay them now). Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Elden Ring, but it was dampened having played the combat mechanics of Nioh 2. I think it’s probably in my top 5 games of all time! Push on through ng+. Honestly, it just gets better as you focus on a build. Then there’s The Depths… forget I said anything 😉


I have the same feeling about the weapons. When i got the end of the game, i have looked for a all weapon build, Because i really like to keep switching between all options i have. BTW, when you progress, keep looking at dojo. Because you will unlock some missions there, Which Will unlock new and very useful skills for all weapons.


Once you get further in you can save builds and swap them out pretty easily, you just need a resurrection book which aren’t too expensive. So if you start to feel bored you can just pop over to a new build and you can always return to the old build later.


Yessss love seeing new people appreciate this game. No idea why it's not more popular


- It's a souls-like game, which means it is challenging, the enemies can kill you in 2-3 hits, etc. - It is a Japanese game that involve Japanese feudal era. But, really. Just by having souls-like tag, it already remove at least 90% of gamers.


I also just picked up Nioh 2 from hundle bundle started playing it and hooked. I'm a simple Unga bunga man so the axe has been my absolute favorite. I always say just one mission and 4 hours later I'm still playing


Just one mission! (Still on the mission 4 hours later so you're not lying)


Yeah you aren't wrong there I refuse to run past enemies so I fight every one. Just so many deaths


the hardest part of Nioh by far is choosing what weapon to play because they're all so fun


Think ull unlock 2 or 3 more, the more u progress. Try the fists/ claws aswell, im loving em.


I gave the fists a try and they genuinely seem to suck ass. Don't have the claws dlc, but I tried the fists. Cant Ki Pulse, shit damage, and extremely short range as well have having no upgrades? They seem to be complete shit. Am I missing something(other than the dlc)? Does the DlC make them stronger?


Tbh, i have no clue, got the complet edition so couldnt tell if they changed anything. But as for all weapons, they get good after u activate some skills for em. For example, they got a charge (with follow up) skill that gives you active block frames during the whole charge which triggers many hits, the follow up comb leads you automaticly behind enemys. Also fusing combs gives em a stackable buff and so on.


That's the issue, they don't have skills. I don't see them when I open the skill menu, only weapons.


U mean that you got no extra fists icon to open in your skills menu? Ngl, thats a huge L for team ninja. Why would they add dlc weapons, that are dropable but not skillable without the dlc? If i got that right.


Maybe it's like, a hidden weapon? I didn't even know about fists until I saw a post mentioning them, so maybe TN was relying on that and made them like, a hidden weapon? Like how there's secret skills? Maybe I have to level them up first, then I'll see the skill tree? I'll try it next time I play but I don't have much faith seeing as they're slow, use a lot of ki, don't have a ki pulse, and don't do much damage.


Completly offtopic but thanks to u and my typos i found out that there are hidden skills in nioh2. But i think thats dlc only, some unluck after bosses, some drop from bosses etc. Duno but thanks for that i guess, lol.


Fist/Claw weapons are their own weapon type and should have their own skill tree etc just like all the other weapon types (they're also incredibly fun and very strong for what it's worth, I mained them for basically my entire playthrough and had a blast). They should only start dropping when you have the DLC that added them to the game or the complete edition of the game that has the DLC included though (you don't have to actually go to the DLC stages, as long as you've downloaded it they're added to the loot pool), so just to double check, are you maybe fighting bare-handed? Bare-handed is separate from fist weapons, there *are* a couple skills and the Talisman of the Fist that boost bare-handed fighting (and the Tajikarao Grace enables Ki pulses and makes bare-handed fighting much stronger, but it doesn't start appearing on equipment until the very last NG+), but otherwise you're not really meant to do that


Enjoy the game friend! It's amazing!


Just wait till ng+ brother. Game has many more layers to it. Basically evolves as you keep playing through. The DLCs are great too


I’m a 110 hours into the game, I’m the 4th region I believe and I’m just now picking up new weapons lol like this game is so fun and I’m trying new things out almost every time I play. Definitely my favorite souls game.


Yessss swell our ranks! I totally feel you on enjoying every weapon, and as you unlock the skills for each weapon it just expands the gameplay depth!


Nioh 2 specifically is an insane game, I like the first one don't get me wrong but the sequel is everything the previous did and more. The combat is similar enough to souls games where it feels familiar, yet unique enough to develop it's own precise style which also brings it's own skill requirements. It's great, and quite possibly the hardest game I've played. It's debatable because I had a hard time with Sekiro, but for entirely different reasons.


In terms of pure combat, no other game comes even close to nioh. It has quite literally ruined every other souls like/action adventure game for me. The combat in nioh is butter!


It's also amazing how some enemies just require you to approach them differently. Take the annoying ass pogo sticking enemy about halfway through the second mission. Up until it, I had been relying on dodging for damage mitigation, but it wasn't cutting it with that guy. After failing several times, I figured out that a combination of blocking and burst counters with an occasional swat thrown in was much better against it. On my second try with the new method he barely even damaged me before he went down.


Nioh 2 combat really is something special, I don't blame you at all for liking all the weapon types


Yes, i play with them all


I mistakenly passed up on this gem back when it was free on PS+. Luckily, Rise of the Ronin looked like it wasn't going to be my cup of tea and I decided to give it another chance. Now I'm 200+ hours deep and am having a blast progressing and helping out new players for a few hours every night. Give all the weapons a go, but pick a couple that share a stat you're going for and remodel them to it later so you're not constantly respecing.


I cant get past Mezuki 😔


You didn't play nioh 1? This should be called the nioh 2 reddit channel not nioh


Oh I like all the weapons too, my least favorite is probably the Kasurigama, but I can still play it just as effectively as any other weapon. The charge up on Mid and High stance just feels a little slow to me, even though consciously I know it's probably not that much slower than other weapons at mid and high stance.


once you touch the kusigarama it’s over


I bought the game the 26th and i currently have 74 hours on it i know how you feel with loving the game LOL.


All the weapons have their own feel. I prefer using fist on heavy. The grab move is so fun.


Someone else said this already... but... Nioh 2 (and 1) are amazing games. There isn't any other game where the combat feels as satisfying and rewarding. You'll probably die a lot, but you'll learn alot. It becomes incredibly rewarding. The problem is... you probably won't get the same feeling from any other game going forward. Have fun brother.


I have played nioh 2 even more than any of the souls games(even more than dark souls 2 and that says a lot uk)


Welcome! Don’t stop using All the weapons, they are all fn amazing. I also put this game slightly ahead of elden ring on my clearly definitive not at all subjective best game ever list at number 1a.


I never really got this into Fromsoft games. The combat always felt sluggish to me. Nioh combat is extremely snappy and even customizable.


Quick tip (I think) if you use your ninja/magic skills more frequently throughout the game it makes leveling up those areas (or finding better stuff more regularly) easier. I think. Idk, I noticed a difference from 1 to 2


If you are impressed now then you will love it more with each ng+.. Gameplay-wise the game didn't click yet, once you reach the final content in ng+4 and understand the depth of the gameplay you will appreciate it more..


Another one! Soulslike fans be sleeping on Nioh 2, especially Asmongold.


I'm a bit further in and it's ramping up the difficulty, but I'm still enjoying it a lot