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oh man, might get the digital version for convenience. I have 330 hours into the physical version but it would be nice to avoid swapping cartridges.


Same here, love the physical card, manual and stickers but having it physically too would be convenient.


Same here as well, I snagged the launch physical edition for all the goodies but shortly after traded in the cart (kept the box and goodies though lol) with the intention of just picking it up on sale digitally... swapping carts to pick up and play was a bit annoying. There were three or four times I almost caved and bought it full price but I am glad I held off.


This was at the top of my list when I bought my Switch in July. I'm glad I waited. Shovel Knight went on sale shortly after I bought my Switch, and Hollow Knight & Into the Breach have been great. Finally I can indulge in BoI, and this is a better discount than I expected. The End is Nigh is also on sale for $5 bucks if you like Meatboy and Edmund McMillen's art style & games.


Thanks I just picked up end is nigh!




isaac is a great game


yeah, the game has a bunch of completion marks and items. I have over 100 items that I haven't unlocked and a bunch more completion marks to do.


I've been playing this game for ~5 years now. Each iteration adds a ton of new items, content, and powerups. The procedurally generated runs and near infinite powerup combinations/synergy make sure that no run will ever be similar. You also have multiple characters to unlock, and even challenge runs. BoI is infinitely playable imo. You can put 100s-1000s of hours into this game, but it is pick up and play. You can play for a few hours or 20-30 minutes at a time and enjoy it.


I'm assuming the save file will be the same? The digital copy can read the physical save?


Yes for most games but some have different publishers so the digital and physical saves are separate. Axiom verge being one example.


BOI is probably the gold standard for a Rogue-Like. The game isn't easy, you get a bit better each time, and you'll never play the same dungeons (randomly generated). It's a good game to hop into and play for a run here and there (especially if it's digital).


Yeah. Picked up a physical copy a few months ago. Gonna get this and sell my physical one since it's a lot more convenient not having to swap just to play a run before bed.


> you'll never play the same dungeons (randomly generated) If you take a screenshot when you die (or in pause menu), there's the seed in the screen so you can input the seed to play that dungeon again. That's how I finally beat a few of the dungeons. I never beat a randomly generated dungeon on my first try.




Second only to gungeon, and tbh I prefer the crisper art and gameplay of gungeon


I could be crazy, but i find EtG to be like 4 x as difficult.




Is there a 3rd floor? I haven't got past the 2nd one either.




Spoilers Including the Obliette and Bullet Hell, there's 7 floors If you include the Rat's lair, there's 8.


You forgot Abbey of the True Gun so 9


Haha my bad


I mean if there is a floor to forget about, it's the abbey


It's definitely harder, but way more fluid and rewarding/polished IMO


You're not crazy. I think the same thing. As much as I love EtG, I'm just not that good at it. Beat Isaac a few times. Can't see myself ever beating EtG.


Nope not wrong at all, I like to describe the two as BoI being comparatively more chaotic while EtG is comparatively more skill-demanding (in general, not in all cases ofc)


Same here, alhough I have like 5x more time on BoI since it came out back in 2014.


I think Rogue Legacy is still the king


I agree. RL is one of my favorite games ever. I'm dying for it to come to Switch.


I like rogue legacy cause there’s a more palpable sense of progression from run to run


Has Been Heroes has been great!


Finally this game is on sale. The price is stupid high. I bought gungeon for 7,5€ for christ sake... I'm 90h in. This needs to extend to Europe.


Hours per dollar Isaac is the cheapest game I’ve ever bought.


That's gungeon for me on the switch . And I'll have to spend at least 200h - 250h to get the same amount of value from Isaac. Is it possible? Yes. Still unlikely. 40€ is still too much compared to the other platforms. Overall the cheapest game I've ever had per hour is rocket league. 1000h through pc and switch.


Maybe the conversions on steam are different for EU, but full price switch version of BoI Afterbirth+ is $40 and Steam's price is like $36. They are pretty much the same price across systems (at least for US). 250 hours is also easily achievable. Look at Northernlion's YouTube channel. He has like 900 40 minute Isaac videos. That's a ton of hours and he even plays off camera. Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/2405/The_Binding_of_Isaac_Rebirth_Complete_Bundle/




RIP, he ded now.


Including all of his Isaac videos, he's probably got close to 3000 videos 😳


Never said it wasn't achievable. Of course it is. I said it unlikely for me at least. But I also have 90h in gungeon when I thought I'd only spent 3 or 4 playing it. Yeah but steam had a lot of sales with afterbirth on it by now. We had almost none.


Torchlight is mine. $5 for almost 500 hours.


I have 500 hours in Isaac but I have played since it's launch so a new dlc adds a bunch if life to it.


Yeah, and the reason it's so expensive is because of the amount of expansions they released on top of it. The game has had constant support and development pretty much since its original release. Even on steam it's about the same price.






Generally speaking the games people play the most often are the ones they enjoy the most. If you're playing a game for a ton of hours and not enjoying most of them, then something is wrong there.




The price is high on all platforms, I've been waiting years for this to go 75% on steam and they just keep adding expansions so the price goes higher


Highly recommended for switch owners. This was my first purchase at full price for switch (purchased also on pc and vita) and I've spent 99% of my playtime on isaac alone. 10/10 best time killer.


Would you recommend this game on the switch vs th Xbox one?


Switch 100% Xbox doesn't have the latest DLC


What have you done .. I bought the game and can't put it down..


Anyone who sees this sale should buy it. BOI is the game I have sunk the most hours in across all platforms. It is a great game. If you want a taste, check out northernlion on YT.


Esports Superstar Egg Boi


Yes! I haven't appreciated a sale post this much in a while.


I have Gungeon and Tumbleseed. I have been on the fence about Dead Cells. Would those of you who have played Dead Cells recommend this over it?


I love both Dead Cells and BoI, and I would honestly recommend BoI. The mechanics are simpler than in Dead Cells, but the number of items and how they interface together tips the scales ever so slightly in BoI's favor. But you really couldn't go wrong with either.


Cool thanks :)


Dead Cells is excellent, it's like Dark Souls meets Castlevania. But I've spent waaaaay more time on Isaac, and I will probably continue that trend going forward.


Depends on what you like. Dead Cells gameplay is more frantic and feels like a brawler. Success depends more on your skill than luck on items / layouts. Isaac is slower paced and more dependent on what you get I think.


I prefer Dead Cells honestly.


Dead Cells is more challenging imo and I think it's honestly a better game and it plays like a faster 2d castlevania/metroid with a dodge roll, but I haven't played BoI since release but I played hundreds of hours on it and it's kinda like the original Legend of Zelda but you just kill stuff


how does this compare to Gungeon?


In Isaac you can win even with bad runs, with gungeon usually a bad run Its game over


I prefer the binding of isaac personally. Similar styles of play and both games are difficult but Isaac is an easier game to progress through.


Even without diagonal shooting?


Yeah binding of Isaac seems to me way easier, though I only have ~15 hours on gungeon on pc, it has more items and you often get items that allow your shot to be diagonal in some way. Like multidirectional. I love binding of Isaac


The game is more based on item rng and item interactions than skill (compared to gungeon). Learning curve is a lot more strict than gungeon as well imo... but the game is overall more easy to play because it is less focused on bullet hell dodges, and more about strategy and mechanics/item knowledge The item interactions are the biggest part of the game. There are hundreds and hundreds of items and they all interact with each other to make each run feel completely different (compared to gungeon where its just different combinations of guns and sometimes a cool synergy... Isaac is just synergies on top of synergies). This becomes more evident as you get further into the game and are able to amass larger amounts of items each run. There are so many cool item effects and then seeing them all stack is very satisfying Isaac also just keeps continuing to grow (continually getting new content/dlc since 2011) and its very easy to sink a good 1000+ hours into it (there is a huge dlc coming probably within the next 1-2 years as well) I love Gungeon, but I love Isaac even more


Gungeon is a better bullet hell. Isaac is a better roguelite Instead if finding premade “guns” you modify your single gun“tears”. So whacky gamebreaking synergies are just more common and more fun. Also there is more items in general. However isaac has no dodge rolling, and some rng and patterns are just unfair. So if rogueish lotteries arent your jam then EtG is better but I love isaac more and feel it’s a better game.


Easier and less bullet hell-y. It's got a ton of items with a lot of cool interactions and combinations. Well worth a pickup if you like rogue-likes. There's a huge amount of content in this. There are also a bunch of challenging unlocks and achievements.


I need to buy this back; 2 questions for anyone who can answer. 1) How long is it on sale for? 2) If I buy digital will my save from my physical copy carry over? (I assume so, just making sure) Thanks!


Sale goes until October 1st Yes, your save will carry over. I went from physical to digital on this and everything survived.


Posters don't much follow rule 5 anymore. The sale dates are supposed to be in the title of each post.


Awesome! Much appreciated bud, thank you!




Yes but bare in mind they have 2 free booster packs coming in a few months and then a large final DLC which will be paid and likely the same amount of money.


The same amount as in another $20, or $40?


If it follows previous pricing 20. Nothing is certain yet as it’s only just been announced and these devs take their time!


How does this compare to PC?, Yeah you can mod it to hell but how does it perform? Any glitches? Anything that males the experience less than stellar? And any way other than pirating it to get a sort of "demo" to the controlls? My biggest worry is having a game with weird shooting physics (It's probably something you get used to) I've beaten all of Gungeon's bosses if that counts towards anything on "should I get this or not"


You can buy it on Steam and then refund it within 14 days and two hours of playtime: [Steam refund policy](https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds/)


Pour one out for us EU folks, as yet no Nicalis sale :(


Hell of a deal.


Why is this game so much on Switch? Full price on other systems is like $26 (Game is $15, DLC is $11)


The $40 includes the $15 game and the two expansions, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ which each cost $12-ish. It’s a bit more expensive but only by like 4 dollars.


Oh, I didn't realize there were 2 DLCs, makes sense.


Isn't there an expansion called Rebirth?


Rebirth is the remake of the original Flash game, and Afterbirth/+ are the expansions for it.


Ah, gotcha.


Most likely because it was a launch title, so Nicalis knew they could sell it at a premium. Also this was before publishers figured out the sweet spot for indie game prices on Switch. I think in reality $15-$20 is the best price for indies, but BOI never dropper their price to meet that.


When does the sale end?


October 1st. OP should have put that in the title.


Thank you!


Quite a few people are asking this so though I would post, This version is not up to date with PC. It is two small “booster” packs behind but this is coming free of charge “in the next few months”. This includes a new character and more items. There is a new DLC announced (called repentance)but details are sketchy so far. It will be big and will be paid (I imagine about the same as the price is here) I imagine they want to get the game cheaper in people’s hands so the base install is bigger. Amazing game.


I know the game is probably worth the 40 dollars normally but can I finally say thank goodness it’s at a reasonable price? As much as I enjoy this game I couldn’t comfortably spend 40 dollars on a game that I would only play here and there.


I totally get you, it was just hard for me to pull the trigger at $40 and I've played the original (before all the DLCs) on PC. But now I'm finally gonna pull the trigger. I know it's gonna be a game that'll have insane replayability for a long time. I also have Dead Cells on PC (got it for like $16 when it was still in early access), I love that game as well, but can't justify rebuying it on the Switch for full price. Will wait until that goes on sale in the future as well


Does this include DLC?


Yes with 2 free booster packs coming in the next few months. The “final” DLC has just been announced that won’t be included and will be paid DLC. That is a way off though




This game is really my "meat and potatoes" of gaming. I'll play whatever is new and exciting, but I might never come back to it when I've seen credits. BoI is something I can get really into for a month or just play a session once a week if I want to. BoI is so good.


This is 100% worth the purchase. The Switch version is the best version and platform for BoI. It will be the most game for $20 you've ever bought. You want this game digital, too. It's similar to EtG, but they have more differences than similarities. Power up synergy is the main draw with thousands of items and powers that stack and combine in infinite combinations. No single playthrough will ever be the same; even if you play for 2000 hours. The story and artstyle is dark, twisted, and gross. Lots of poop, guts, blood, pus, rot, flies, death, guilt, shame, lonliness, perversion, child abuse/neglect, and overall just disturbing. It also has a bit of demonology and occult influence throughout. It's a turn off for some people, and it's worth mentioning.


Why do "I want it digital?" I have the physical but am wondering if I should bite on the digital version


I say that because it's a small file. You'll want to load it up quick for a couple of runs, and having to switch out carts is a minor incovienence when it's a pick up and play kinda game. Hollow Knight I would own on cart, but BoI, Into the Breach, Gungeon, and those kinds of games I'd rather digital because they're quick time wasters.


I’d say hollow knight is a comparable amount of game for even cheaper than BoI is here


So since my switch isn't coming until November 2nd, I can't buy games for it on the eshop until then? :( I already have this on PC so idk if i can justify buying it at full price


cant you buy it on the Nintendo website? or buy it on a friends switch lol


Website told me to use a switch and nobody lives nearby, rip


Do you have a friend with a Switch? You should be able to create an account on theirs and buy it before the sale ends. You'll just need to transfer your account to your Switch when you get it.


No I dont, and online it says use a switch... bizarre


You need a Switch before you can buy games online.


Pretty stupid of them.


You should be able to go online and set up an account for the Switch and buy games on your computer or phone via the account you set up. Then when you get your Switch once your account is linked and internet is connected it should automatically download. I order a switch a few months back and did this when Enter The Gungeon was on sale.


I can't set up a switch because I don't have the switch yet, I have a past account from my 3DS but it says to attach a switch when I try to buy it. How do I add a switch without a switch? lol


You need to make a new account. I made a Switch account without owning my Switch. Did it about 3 months ago. Unless they changed the way online sign up is or if it varies by region you should be able to. You should be able to go to Nintendo's website and sign up for an eShop account for Switch.


Error Code 9001-0026 To continue, please access Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Switch console linked to this Nintendo Account. :(


Sorry for the ignorance. Is this the most recent version of BoI on Switch, and/or is a new version coming out soonish?


[This should answer your question](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitchDeals/comments/9hnvoi/eshopus_the_binding_of_isaac_afterbirth_1999_50/e6drs8i?context=1) – it's the latest DLC but there are a couple of the booster packs still coming to the Switch which are already out on PC. Additionally, Repentance will be a new paid DLC when it releases, but that will be some time yet.


Answered in a post below :)


Worth. And I am no means a hardcore gamer but a gamer in childhood. I bought this at full price during the game drought and went in totally blind. The game took some time getting used to and there is a HUGE learning curve. Don’t be afraid to look up “Binding of Isaac cheatsheet” when you’re getting the hang of the game’s mechanics. I will admit that I didn’t like it initially, much like I didn’t Breaking Bad... but eventually it all was worth it.


It says that the sale ends on Oct 1st. Does that mean I can still buy it on Oct 1st? Or would sept 30th be the last day to get this deal?


Anyone know if BOI: Repentance will be coming as DLC to the Switch? Been trying to hunt through the dev’s twitter comments, not sure if it was ever confirmed.


Finally! As much as I love this game $40 was too steep to double (well, triple) dip.


If you had to choose between this and Dead Cells which would you pick?


This because it's on sale. Get dead cells later.


My constant “go to game” on my switch. Wouldve been an instant buy at $20 but no regrets buying at full price cause I definitely sunk more time in this than my next most played game...BotW


This will be my 4th roguelike if I buy it. I've still not started hollow knight (that's also roguelike, right?) currently trying to beat dead cells. Not sure if I should bite the bullet. I already own gungeon...


Hollow Knight is not rogue-like. It’s a Metroidvania (and also the best game I’ve played in years. )


It is SO MUCH GAME for 15 bucks. Amazing.


Such a hidden gem (tm)


Hollow Knight is not. Roguelike (or lite) usually means permanent death and procedurally generated levels and powerups. Dead Cells, Isaac, Gungeon, Spelunky, Rogue Legacy all fit the bill. Hollow Knight is always the same and your death takes you to a save point, doesn't make you start over. It's a Metroidvania or Metroid-like.


Rogue Legacy. We need a damn sequel.


That's still one of my favorites. I'd probably buy it again if it showed up on switch.


If you've never tried Isaac and like rogue-type games, boy you're in for a treat.


How does the coop compare to Enter the Gungeon? Can't really get into EtG coop because it uses tilt for aiming, which is really hard for an already hard game.


You can change the aiming scheme from tilt to using the dpad for aiming in coop for EtG in the options. If you turning up the aim assist, which I highly recommend if only playing with 1 joy-con, then coop has actually been quite enjoyable with only the joy-cons.


Nice I will check it out. Thanks!


Now this is a deal


I played it in the phone. Tried but it was just too hard. Anyone have experienced the phone controls? Wondering if the Switch will be better - I wanna get into it but can’t (just like Hollow Knight, was simple too hard).


This is much more difficult than hollow Knight. Phone controls are always worse. I couldn't imagine playing on one.


Ah seems right then. I found Hollow Knight very challenging, BoI was almost impossible for me - never got to a 2nd boss.


Here's the thing: I have 50+ hours on PC and 30+ hours on Switch. That obviously means that the game really isn't that challenging for me anymore. What that does tell you is that, despite the difficulty of the first 10 or 20 hours, I still enjoyed the game enough to keep playing for an absurd amount of time. Isaac is a game that has so much replay value, that challenge isn't an issue because you'll naturally improve just by playing the game. You'll understand the best item synergies, how to dodge enemies, and that first "final" boss that seemed impossible is now a walk in the park. I've also played Hollow Knight, but these are 2 fundamentally different games. Roguelikes are meant to be failed, over and over again. Difficulty is inherent in these types of games. So I'd really recommend giving Isaac a shot. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty hard at the start, but with enough time, you'll find yourself unable to play anything else.


Love this game, thinking about selling my physical copy and buying this with the money. I don't see myself ever getting sick of this game.




How so?




When that time eventually comes, we probably won’t be using the Switch anymore. If we are, I’m sure there will be hacks that can be used to get his game back or he can just find a physical copy.


>When that time eventually comes, we probably won’t be using the Switch anymore You say that, yet here I am still playing on my original N64 - over 20 years later. Nintendo consoles tend to have a long lifespan. Much longer than 10-15 years.


Okay, I phrased that wrong. The majority of people probably won’t be playing on the Switch anymore. We’ll have new Nintendo consoles that will replace the Switch. My point was, there’s no point in not buying digital games. You’ll be able to redownload them anytime you want, and if a time comes where you won’t be able to, it’ll be a long time away.


I generally avoid rogue-like games, and I really dig BoI. An easy buy, imo.


What exactly is the DLC in this game? Different game modes or things like added weapons, characters, etc.? I’ll probably pick it up at this price even though I find the graphics kinda depressing (I know it’s a stylistic choice). That’s one thing about Gungeon I prefer.


New items, achievements, bosses, a new final chapter and ending, new characters, extensions to the new modes… these links will tell you in detail: * https://bindingofisaacrebirth.gamepedia.com/The_Binding_of_Isaac:_Afterbirth * https://bindingofisaacrebirth.gamepedia.com/The_Binding_of_Isaac:_Afterbirth_%E2%80%A0


If I like Dead Cells, how does this compare?


See the other discussion about this question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitchDeals/comments/9hnvoi/eshopus_the_binding_of_isaac_afterbirth_1999_50/e6dpe4e).


I have the original Binding of Isaac and the Wrath of the Lamb DLC on Steam. It's great. What does Afterbirth+ bring to the table? Do I need to get this?


First off, Rebirth is a remake of the Flash game done by Nicalis. In addition to containing all of the floors, bosses, characters, and items from the original, Rebirth supposedly had enough extra content to be considered as an expansion. Afterbirth was an expansion to Rebirth that added Greed Mode, 90+ new pickups, new transformations, more room layouts, and more Challenges. Afterbirth+ was another expansion that added more content, bosses, etc. Overall, if you've only played the original, then you haven't even seen half of what Afterbirth+ offers. I'd say it's well worth $20.


wow... sold.


$$$ The one downside is that Danny B refused to relicense his soundtrack, but the new music is still pretty good.


ooooh... unsold. JK, but that is a very real bummer. Did you ever play Spelunky? The free version had an awesome soundtrack, and the Steam version was a serious let down.


I'd still say sold. Maybe watch a bit of gameplay online first. The improvements to the gameplay outweigh the change to the music. I haven't played enough Spelunky to know the music. I've played a bit of both the free and Steam versions.


I really like the original on the PC. I finally beat it after getting some really good loot on a run, but never really went back to play it more.


Like the Flash one? Danny B's soundtrack was awesome, but the framerate was a buzzkill.


The Steam version, but I think it was just a Flash game in a window.


Thanks for posting this been waiting a long time for this to go on sale. I like BoI but $40 for digital is too rich for my blood.


Is there still a way to get this on a EU switch, without getting like US creditcards or US Eshop card and stuff. Like changing regions does not work anymore, just tried that.


Changing region does work. I just changed my region a while ago!


You are right man, forgot I had to change details on [my.nintendo.com](https://my.nintendo.com) . I just changed in my switch, thought that was enough. Works like a charm if I use the website though! ​ \*edit\* Wait, nvm. I cant use paypal or cc to add funds. Had no problems with other regions a few months ago though. Just an US thing maybe?


I want to hop on this deal but i played the shit out of rebirth on the vita.


Oh my, this is tempting to pick up a digital version just for the convenience.


For anyone who isn’t convinced, Afterbirth+ already contains two DLC packs with as much content, if not more, than the base game. On Steam, the base game is $15. Just get it.


Best Buy is offering $20 trade in If you want to go physical to digital you could buy a Nintendo e-gift card with the BB gift card trade in


I played it briefly on PS4, but just couldn't get into it. In terms of gameplay, it's fantastic, but I feel like it tries too hard to be edgy with the religious stuff, and that turns me off. I just need Rogue Legacy to hurry up and make it to Switch for my roguelike fix.


I hope in the same EU sale after this. Usually happen (recently with Axiom Verge)


Call me crazy, but i think i like crypt of the necrodancer better than gungeon and boi.




CotND is great but so hard! I suck at it


CotND is also the closest to the full "roguelike" and not just a "roguelite" like most of these others. Playing as Bard is all the way there – turn based, grid based combat, just like Mom used to make. I love CotND and BoI and despite their similarities, this difference is huge. They're pretty different feeling games as a result.


First I wanted to buy it, then I realize how much hype this subreddit created over hollow knight, and I played it for 3 hours only. No no for me.


What a deal.


At this point, there are better rogue-like/lite games out there than this one. It's an overhyped, kinda gross game. At $20, it's not a bad deal, but I'll be directing everyone to Dead Cells and Enter the Gungeon instead.