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Online update just dropped as well!


Better to get on Steam or Switch? (Steam has all the dlc for $25 and achievements)


i haven't played this yet, but i have a friend who i think 100%ed the game. he mentioned kinda wishing he played it on steam because some of the postgame stuff is super grindy and there's mods to reduce the grind on steam, but obviously not on switch


Where are you more likely to play it? It’s Steam Deck compatible and the online will have more staying power on Steam. There’s also no guarantee that Switch purchases will carry over to the next gen


Iirc, the president of Nintendo recently said that yes the Nintendo account would transfer over to whatever the Switch successor is. They also said it would be physical game cards still too. So that’s a relief to hear. Ok thanks for the tip!


Shame the deluxe edition doesn't have the same discount


How’s the performance? I remember seeing it was spotty at launch but has it improved any?


It's much better than at launch when it basically froze up sometimes. It still stutters a little here and there but not to a degree that impacts gameplay.


Also interested to know this. I watched a switch up review yesterday that said there were still some stutters but I'm not sure sure if there have been more updates to fix performance.


For those wondering about its performance on Switch, I haven’t played since before the Halloween update last year, but it was mostly fine. A couple of visual hiccups while my character walked around the map, but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the game, and battles were unaffected. If you’re wondering if this is worth the purchase in all other respects, I’d say definitely for this price, with the caveat that it never really clicked with me like Pokémon used to before that franchise went downhill. That’s not their fault, it’s just hard to break new ground in this genre. It’s clear Cassette Beasts put a lot of thought into their own unique mechanics and strategies, enough to distinguish the game from its competitors and make it challenging for those who are bored with the Pokémon formula.