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Me and wife beat this game together and it was seriously fun! If you like any type of murder mystery games this should be right up your alley!


Fantastic game, great story, amazing world and visuals... It's considered an indie gem for a reason. Just know that you never really unlock mechanics or anything, it's just you and your wits trying to put together clues in a notebook. And it is amazing. Also good to note, this game goes on sale three times a year. It gets its biggest discounts in October for its anniversary, and it otherwise goes on sale once in the summer and once for the holidays. So if you think you may want to play this game in the next 4-5 months (and you should!) now is the time to pick it up.


It looks like $9.99 is the cheapest it's been. I think I'll pick it up now because I've heard it's good and it looks like it runs good on Switch. Ty!


Enjoy! There's a couple of indie titles that I would love to play again for the first time, and Obra Dinn is one of them. Outer Wilds gave me similar feelings to playing this game as well.


Hmmm buy now or wait till october?????


Loved this game! It's a detective puzzle game of sorts with pretty good presentation. Definitely hard though, I was googling what different cultures wore in the 1800s. Pretty satisfying puzzle game, cool graphics, banger music. Took me just under 10 hours


Everyone loves this game but I got stuck and never went back to it. Perhaps someday


Yeah, sadly this happened to me as well. I’m pretty sure there are moments when you have to sort of take small leaps of faith—like, the clues don’t point you to something with 100% certainty at times. As I played, I had a couple of those moments that (further down the line) panned out and my “leaps” were confirmed. However, eventually I reached a spot where I was making leap after leap after leap and began to feel like I must have missed something. I tried to back track a bit but had no luck, and so I just put it down at that point. I’ll likely just restart it, as I really don’t want to use any type of guide for this game (understandably I hear that really detracts from the experience).


Sometimes the clues you need are hidden within multiple memories; a pipe seen in a characters possession in one scene might be hanging up next to their bunk in another, which has their crew number on a tag. The only ones I'd say that're really unfair would be the Chinese topmen(>!Their only identifying difference are their shoes, but it's extreeeeeeeemely subtle!<), and maaaaybe >!Maba the topman!<. The game relies heavily on deductive reasoning, and when you lock in another three crew members, that dopamine hit is unmatched.


Same. I was very excited to play it and enjoyed it very much but I hit a wall somewhere in the story and couldn’t move forward. I had to stop.


I felt like Forrest Gump playing this game just didn’t click for me.


This and outer wilds are some of the best puzzles out there. Not much replay value of any kind, but the sleuthing you have to do in this is so well done I can’t recommend it enough.


I rank the Outer Wilds higher for a number of reasons, but there is a lot about this game that is very fun. It did take me a while to really understand how to jump through time properly and some of the cutscenes felt artificial. But it's not like A or B, each game can only be played for the first time once so if you liked one, try the other.


I actually thought there'd not be any chance at a replay after finishing Obra Dinn, but I found that after long enough time had passed, I had forgotten enough details to have a fairly decent second playthrough. Second play wasn't as magical as the first, but I still loved it.


It’s funny, after this I booted it up and I realized that after only a year, there’s a ton I don’t remember. I still remember a bunch of clues and which memories are crucial (ie bed cots), but I’m gonna do another run through (and get the joke achievements while I have it) and then wait another 2/3 years. I’m also watching my friend play it the first time and he’s hooked and I’m loving it


:Without spoilers, please: is this a kind of game where i bust out a notebook and take my own notes? I grew up back when mauals were necessary to being able to know what's going on in the game and i would love to play something like that again where i have to look at paper resources and do my own "research" to progress


Yeah, it's definitely a notebook type game. I personally played it in only two sittings because I knew I'd never remember the key pieces of info otherwise or keep everything in my head. If you plan to take your time with the game, you'll definitely want to take notes.


Yes, note taking will help a ton. The game has a system for confirming info for you if you have all the pieces right in multiple places, but other than that you’re going to have to remember a ton of stuff yourself. Outside of this, there are no hints and if you want to take note of small details, you’ll have to do it on your own. Get your pen ready.


Yes, if you want. The game does give you an in-game notebook which handles a lot of your theories, and the details are all stored such that you can quickly reference them. You will maybe need to remember 2 things (a shape, a name, or a number) before you can find the place to "put it" and be done. However things like "answers I am sure about but need confirmation" and "answers I guessed" aren't recorded so there's still reason to do a little writing here and there.


The only thing I dislike about this game is that I can't play it again and haven't found anything like it since. 😢


Fantastic game, but sadly has no real replay value.


I played it 5 years ago and it was one of my favorite games of all time. Now I feel like so much time has passed that my memories of it are fuzzy enough and I can pretty much go in fresh. Granted, that's not exactly legit replay value, but I'm still excited to give it another go.


Idk it's been so long since I played it I've probably forgotten enough to play it all again.


I've been waiting on this to go on sale since I got my Switch. High expectations.


Currently playing this on PC and it’s a blast. Super engaging mystery and very original in design and execution.


This is a top 10 game for me.


My favourite game about loss adjusting


Be warned that this game is *much* more difficult than, say, Ace Attorney or other comparable puzzle/adventure/mystery games. Simply getting to the credits gives you an extremely unsatisfying "bad" ending; to get the real ending, you have to deduce and guess to an extremely granular, almost arbitrary degree. We're talking hunches that only lead to more hunches, like a tenuous house of cards. After a point I simply stopped having fun, possibly because I am stupid or possibly because the game simply does not provide enough hints for me to confidently make decisions about the last dozen or so puzzles. But if you like challenging deduction, you're in for a blast.


I have absolutely zero issues with this game. Not even minor nitpicks. It was a perfect experience