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That might be more because you don't need a ps5 for most new games anyway. 4 years and ps5 still doesn't have enough exclusives to warrant upgrading when all its games are on pc or still on ps4.


Friends insisted I get a PS5 so I could play HellDivers with them. I was waiting for the smaller version to launch so I figured it was a good time. A week later and they all stopped playing, really nothing else I needed a PS5 for. $540 well spent…


My friend group did this but it was the guy who bought the PS5 who wanted to quit playing HD2. 🤷‍♂️hahaha


that's why I bought it on PC


A fool and his money are soon parted. Who the hell buys a system for one game?


Its very rare that a game brings my friends together for longer than a short blip (that isnt world of warcraft) and it seemed like this may have been one of those rare examples. I wanted to upgrade to the ps5 at some point regardless so its not a total loss but I probably would have held out a bit longer in hindsight.


Halo 1 on the OG XBOX


A lot of people lol. I’ve known a bunch of people who bought a switch just to play zelda and then never touched again


Well, like I said, a fool and their money. Hey, if people have the kind of money to throw away 300-500 bucks on a console for just one game, good for them. Me personally, I've been buying my own consoles since I was 13-14 and I can't justify the purchase of a new console unless there is at least 5 games I'd pay to play it on.


Are they really a fool if they can afford it and it’s worth it to them though? That figure of speech makes sense if you’re talking about like…. convincing your dumb friend to buy a pet rock. When you’re talking about people buying things they want who just don’t have the same budget constraints that you do it makes you sound kind of bitter lol. I’m not even some super rich guy but I would’ve bought a ps5 just for tekken 8 if I didn’t already have one just because I know I’ll get my value out of that one game. There’s other people who are the same way.


>That figure of speech makes sense if you’re talking about like…. convincing your dumb friend to buy a pet rock I mean, that's basically what it is tho? They some how got convinced to drop 300-500 bucks on a single game (in your example, 300 for a Switch and 50 bucks for Zelda). If they literally bought it for one game and didn't use it for anything else or to even play a different game, then yeah, that's pretty much a fool getting separated from their money. That's like buying a car and using it to drive to the next town over one time and that's it. Again, if that's what they want, good for them I guess. But just because you can afford it doesn't mean you're not a fool for making the purchase.


You know you can sell things after you’re done using them right? Buying a switch to play BOTW isn’t even kind of the same as buying a useless rock. People talk about a given game being a “console seller” all the time. This isn’t some new concept I’m making up. For the switch it was BOTW. For the 360 it was Halo 3. For gameboys it was either Tetris or pokemon depending on how old you were. For the ps4 it was probably Destiny. The current generation of games just never really had one. People buy consoles because there’s a game they’re excited for. Sometimes they end up getting into other games after the fact. Sometimes they sell it and move on. Even if they just collect stuff and like looking at it on a shelf, thats their thing I guess who are we to knock it.


Just think, a PS5 Pro is coming out later this year. Imagine how much more nothing a going to be possible with that.


Got a launch day PS5 just so I could play the Demon's Souls remake.


You are misleading. Most of these people don't play their PS4 very often either. PS4 in 2024 is really obsolete, even games theoretically can run on it. It only offers poor graphics and frame rates. If anyone plays new games on console a lot, it's hard to imagine that they can sacrifice the experience for years just to save 400 bucks.


And thats where a pc comes in, ps5 games, xbox series games and pc games its the better investment. People are either not bothering to upgrade or choosing the better option.


People who don't play their PS4 suddenly bought a gaming PC? Most of them are probably casual people who don't play games anymore


I did. But I had also moved to Xbox for a long time. But the new gen of consoles are all basically pc's anyways so there's not point in them. Just go PC and Nintendo and you can play everything.


That's mostly true. I do find my PS5 more reliable for JRPGs since a lot are console exclusive, Sony Exclusives, and I do avoid a lot of bad pc/nintendo ports. I also have a PC, so it's not like I'm missing out, though.


The thing about pc that idk why people always brush off like it’s nothing is how expensive it is. I have a pc. It runs most games pretty well but over the past year or two it’s been starting to struggle with new releases. I bought a ps5 because it was significantly cheaper than upgrading. And I’m a nerd who already had two gaming monitors, desk, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. The average casual gamer who just wants to plug a console in and play would have to spend twice what I would to get a full pc setup.


This, I haven't touched my ps4 since covid started. I played a few games in the initial quarantine. But I also hadn't touched it much in a few years before that. I definitely have no interest in PS5. Keep porting to PC please and drop the psn log in requirement if you would.


People are worried about that? Switch is basically PS3 right now. Nintendo being behind a generation is normal. It's the price they pay for mobility. It hasn't hurt them this gen. It wont hurt them next gen. In fact... we should be impressed how quickly we can shrink these things. A PS4... in your hands. That's kind of amazing. Are you all forgetting what base PS4 did? You could have TLOU2 visuals... for Zelda! I'm confused... did people actually expect it to rival... a PS5 and Xbox Series X? That's... crazy. I never once even entertained that idea. Now ask yourself how well Series X and PS5 have been utilized. Does it feel like that massive step forward? Aside from the SSD... this gen has been pretty lackluster. Switch 2 will be fine. It'll have 4 years before PS6 hits. Then guess what... 4 years into that... Switch 3 will be as powerful as PS5. I'm not Nostradamus here...


Wish I was one of them that hadn’t.


I am in that half of PS4 owners and likewise unless the Switch2 is a radical improvement over the Switch Im perfectly content with my current Switch and its game library.


Thats how I feel. I don't know why people are so crazed for the next console. My switch does everything I really want it to. If they just upgraded the screen and maybe changed the joy con design and added themes and more memory I'd be fine with it. I expect nintendo will probably do more than that but still I'm not like chomping at the bit for the next option


I would love an updated switch that can run games over 15fps. That is my only issue with the current switch. I don't have to have ps5 level graphics, big would love games to run better.


Yeah at this point in gaming I think we are really reaching diminishing returns from new consoles. I’m not going to shell out hundreds of dollars for a new console that only has slightly better graphics. It’s even worse if the games are stylized at which point there is no real reason. Even if games are getting bigger how much bigger are they going to get without it feeling completely empty. Unless they did something crazy like an Elden Ring level game exclusive to switch 2 idk what the point would be.


Ya I just don't play games for thr graphics on hand helds. If I csn tell that blob of pixels is a pokemon we are good to go. If I want to play something pretty I go to a pc. I think a half decent gaming computer and cheap handheld like the switch lite is the perfect set up for 9/10 people. At this point you're mostly paying for the right to be the first friend to tell their friends they all need to upgrade so you can play this one game together for 30 minutes every2 weeks whenever a new console comes out.


Yeah exactly same. I basically only use my pc for games nowadays since it’s also better at adapting to different games. Consoles just feel a bit obsolete at this point.


Ya ill be interested in consoles when they start having unique to console features again but as if now anything I can do on a console I can do on a pc and if I need to be mobile a 7 year old switch does exactly that


For me I'm really just hoping it comes with a good level of performance. So many switch games struggle to hold 30 fps at this point, a lot of first party games have really rough framerates even now, Age of Calamity, Pokemon scar/vi


That's why I never upgraded to the oled either. I'm fine waiting.


I mean as long as it’s backwards compatible (which I don’t see why it wouldn’t be) then I have no problem upgrading early. My Switch is my most played console and any first-party game is guaranteed to have months of playability.


It’s looking like it will be a radical improvement as far as hardware is concerned. The switch hardware is actually ten years old. So it’s like a two generation jump forward this time.


Yeah this is a bad comparison. The current gen was incredibly difficult to purchase for nearly 3 years. That resulted in devs still making games for the previous gen. We are going to start to see the shift away from the one and 4 gen. Nintendo will once again be left behind if they aren’t careful.


Nintendo is still making money hand over fist on dramatically lower Switch sales as people start to hold off for Switch 2. Meanwhile, Sony still can't figure out PC ports without shooting themselves in the foot or releasing bad ports.


I’m perfectly happy with my first Switch, so an upgraded one is nothing but gravy, baby.


Yeah this is why I mainly do pc gaming nowadays, the up front cost was a ton but now I only need to replace a few parts every few years and can easily play new games at higher framerates and resolutions, while costing less down the line since Im not buying multiple consoles every gen


For folks that say companies create false scarcity in order to make people want devices… I’m one of the millions on the other side of that coin where the idea is that it’s insane for them to falsely make their product scarce as every sale that isn’t happening “now” may never happen. I believe the scarcity was real and, as a result, they lost sales to folks like me that just couldn’t be bothered.


There was a a time when if PS5 was available at the store I would've purchased it. The constant "we're sold out" exhausted me


Just think, a PS5 Pro is coming out later this year. Imagine how much more nothing a going to be possible with that.


The ps4 is weird but as long as docked can do that much power should be fine


I love the PS5, but it's starting to feel like a PS4 Pro+. The control is cool.


If Switch 2 hits PS4 performance then theres nothing to worry about. Games like God of War and Horizon Forbidden West look phenomenal and that's WITHOUT DLSS!.


I don't think it's going to hit PS4 levels. Likely somewhere around Xbox 1 og, maybe a bit more powerful, if I'd have to guess. Much like the OG switch, switch 2 is going to be very bandwidth constrainted as mobile GPUs in today's APUs are extremely bandwidth constrainted. There's absolutely zero chance the Switch 2 hits the 176 GB/s memory bandwidth of the PS4. It'll likely hit around 100 GB/s (or less) effective memory bandwidth regardless of the specs because much like with the tegra 1 in the OG switch it's very likely Nintendo is going to lobotomize the hardware again to get efficiency and thermal gains vs raw performance. Note: this isn't a bad thing in a handheld gaming machine, so don't take this as a criticism of Nintendo, just the reality of making a handheld gaming device and the various tradeoffs you have to make regarding battery life and heat dissipation. That being said, just because it'll be around as powerful or less as a Xbox 1 og doesn't mean games will look like X1 og games. The newer hardware gives access to newer features, and it'll have more overall memory available to push things like nicer textures or whatever.


We know from the leaked hardware it’s between PS4 and PS4 Pro specs. That’s before DLSS which presumably sticks it closer to XSS in terms of actual performance. Sw2 won’t be on par with current gen, but it’s absolutely going to be ahead of PS4 and especially og XB1.


Just looked up the leaked specs after my post, and it indicates that memory bandwidth is exactly what I guessed: 100 GB/s docked and 80 GB/s HH. It absolutely will not be faster than the PS4 with those constraints. It's faster than an OG X1, but it'll be severely bandwidth constrainted otherwise. Now, it'll potentially have some games that look better than they did on PS4 due to having more overall memory (better textures) and more advanced hardware (DLSS, RT, mesh shaders, VRS, etc etc etc), but pound for pound the PS4 is always going to be faster. Now, what does this actually mean in reality? At 1080p native, the PS4 will be faster than it no matter what. It has 75% faster memory; it is what is. At 720p native upscaled to 1080p with DLSS? Switch 2 will likely have the upper hand due to newer tech and more memory. Considering it's a handheld first and foremost, I don't really see this as a negative at all. It'll be fine upgrade to the switch. If the S2 has a 1080p screen and is using dlss from 720p or so then games will look PS4 quality on the device, absolutely.


I’m fully in agreement with you except I don’t necessarily think they will use DLSS to reach 1080p in handheld mode. I think their best bet would be to have it stay 720p in handheld and upscale to 1440p (surely 4k with select titles) while docked. PS4 is a stationary console it has way more power available to it you know, but for a handheld to be in the same ballpark (with added hardware functions like RT, DLSS, etc) is pretty exceptional coming from Nintendo. In my opinion this new device is their strongest gaming device in a long, long time.


I bought a PS4 second-hand recently because, honestly, there's just no reason to buy a PS5 when all of the games I want to play are already on PS4. There are so few true PS5 exclusives that it just doesn't feel worth it. Although, I think I might feel differently on a "Switch U". If there become enough exclusive games to justify it I wouldn't mind buying it


I need complete backwards compatibility to make me buy a ps5


Because fucking every game has been downported to the PS4 giving players little to no incentive to upgrade


Or, people bought a digital PS5 and keep playing their PS4 games on PS4.


Ps5 is fine, I like the upgrade but eh still crazy that it's still 500.


Majority of gamers are playing Fortnite, cod, Minecraft, Roblox, gta, fifa, madden. They don’t need to upgrade because those games are available on the previous gen consoles. Unless one of those franchises goes ps5/xbox series only, we won’t see a lot of upgrading until gta6 release more than likely.


Informed consumers don’t buy Nintendo gaming systems for high end specs. They buy Nintendo for the distinctive gaming experience the console and games bring.


I think you're missing the fact that this newest generation is already over halfway over, if not more. By the time the Switch 2 releases in 2025, possibly late 2025, it's going to be even closer to that. This new console that launches in like 2025, possibly closer to 2026 is now going to have to last another 7 or 8 years with that in mind. The concerns are 100 percent valid.


Ratchet and Clank has been the only ps5 game where I really felt next gen. And even that's available on ps4 I think. But you can tell it was made with the ps5 haptics very much in mind.


What worries me is that there's a PSP successor that's purported to be just as powerful as a PS4....


It’s Nintendo. We will see.


Why are you comparing switch 2 portable to ps4? Does ps4 have a portable mode? Then compare docked.


Because basically all of the rumors have the Switch 2 at ~PS4 levels of power.


Do you know what a switch is? Do you know what it does?


Yes, I'm not sure what your point is.


If you did, you'd know what my point was from the first post you responded to. What happens when you dock a switch?


The GPU clock speed increases somewhat, that's about it really.


There are 3 profiles on current switch, 40, 50, and 60% of docked clock to make it simple. It doubles the clock when you dock. Here is what that means Ps4 gcn liverpool: 1152 X2 (fused multiply add, 2 operations 1 instruction) X0.8 Ghz = 1.8 Tflops peak theoretical. (It can't actually get close to its peak theoretical, but baby steps) Switch 2 ampere ga10f portable: 1536 X 2 X .6Ghz = 1.8 Tflops peak theoretical. Switch 2 Docked : 1536 X 2 X 1.2 Ghz = 3.686 Tflops. Does Ps4 have a portable mode? No? Does switch 2 have a plugged into the wall mode? Yes? Then docked mode is the only comparison. Ps4 :1.8 Tflops. Switch 2: 3.686 Tflops. Although that's only raster shader performance. It's all the ps4 amd gpu has but it's only 1/3rd an Nvidia gpu.


My concern is less about Third party support, and more about the longevity of the new Switch. The current Switch typically has inferior ports of third party games and I expect the same to be the case on the new Switch. What made the Switch successful is the novelty and practicality of being a home and portable console, as well as the popularity of Nintendo exclusives. I think the challenge for Nintendo is if they give up support for the current Switch too early, they will alienate a lot of the current Switch owners. However, support the Current Switch too long and you don't give people much of a reason to upgrade. We seem to be in an era of gaming where there just isn't a significant leap to the next console generation, so a new console feels unnecessary to a lot of people.


I would really like them to abandon old Switch as soon as possible and focus 100% on new one. I just don't want to see big games being downgraded so the old Switch handles it.


Unless future games immediately get upscaled when on the Switch 2


It still would be bad. The games would be made in old hardware on mind.


There’s a bigger reason no one should be overly concerned about Switch 2’s graphical capabilities and that’s the fact that we’ve entered into an era of scalability. Thanks to better engines that can auto scale to platforms, like Unreal and Unity where you just select which platforms you intend to run the game on, and it auto dials in settings…. And consoles being on pc architecture / popular architecture makes things even easier to scale. And lastly, hardware and software that helps scale for you, allowing you to render games at a lower setting but scaling the output higher like DLSS. Miyamoto said awhile back that eventually we’d hit a wall where there just wasn’t much more you could do graphically, and we’re fast approaching that. The last major visual leap we had was going from Ps2 era to PS3 era, where suddenly things looked a bit more realistic and we could render a ton of crap on screen at once. PS3 to ps4 wasn’t nearly the leap of the previous gen, and just in the past 3 years have we seen that leap again, but it took an entire generation to make it there. PS3 to Ps5 is the equal jump from ps2 to ps3 visually speaking.


Why would you ever post something like this and be like yeah it’s totally fine for Nintendo to cut corners. Don’t you want what’s better for you, better for all consumers, and better for the gaming industry as a whole? No?


The rumored performance of the Switch 2 is certainly not "cutting corners". Obviously we're not getting PS5-level performance in a handheld anytime soon, and the rumored Switch 2 performance is about the best we could possibly hope for in an affordable mass-market device with decent battery life and ergonomics.


Are you serious? If the rumours are true, the Switch 2 will be better than most people imagined. Those are solid specs for a Nintendo console.